There should be far fewer people in this place than the Montenegro forest. On the one hand, the challenge level of the crocodile swamp is higher than that of the Montenegro forest, which can reach level 15.

On the other hand, it is because of the topography of this place.

This kind of swampy terrain is not liked by rune masters, especially low-level rune masters.

The danger of spawning monsters on other maps is mainly rune monsters, but in this kind of place, the danger of terrain is sometimes more dangerous than monsters.

Even if there are rune mages who are good at earth in the team, they may not be able to take care of the whole team in this kind of terrain, so Wu Wei is sure that there are not many people in this place.

"Then go to this place!"

Wu Wei made up his mind to do what he said, and led the team to the crocodile swamp......

Thanks to [Jiyinghu] [Juesetian] [Broken Gourd] [Wandering to Shanghai] for their support!

Chapter 072 Gathering Technique

To the east of Yuehua City, about 20 miles away, is the Crocodile Swamp.

After coming here, Wu Wei found that, as he had expected, this place was completely different from the Montenegro forest.

There was a sea of ​​people over there, but Wu Wei couldn't see anyone here.

Wu Wei is very satisfied with this!

"very good!"

Afterwards, Wu Wei released Ah Huang Elf.

After Ah Huang came out, he stayed by Wu Wei's side to protect him honestly, while the little elf was as naughty as ever.

Especially after seeing the swamp in front of him, this little guy is crazy like the husky who saw the mud field.

Chirping, flapping its little wings, it flew to the swamp not far away, and went straight into the mud pit with a 'plop'.

However, she just got in and got out crying in less than three seconds.

Wu Wei hadn't figured out what was going on, the next second there was a 'plop', and a huge figure jumped out of the place where the little guy had just slipped in, biting towards it with his bloody mouth open.

At a critical juncture, the little guy cried out and made a sudden leap.

Only then did he avoid that big mouth.

Almost, almost, this little guy was reimbursed!

And after finally escaping from birth, the little guy cried even more fiercely. He wiped his tears and flew to Wu Wei. He didn't care that he was covered in mud, wet and dirty, and hugged Wu Wei's face and cried. That's called heart-piercing.

And Wu Wei here.

Well, although the little guy cried miserably, Wu Wei still couldn't help laughing out loud.

Wu Wei smiled, and the little guy cried even harder.

Wu Wei didn't coax her, he already knew the character of this little guy.

If you ignore her when she starts crying, she will be fine if she cries for a while, how dare you try to coax her?That's over, she can cry all night!

At this time, Wu Wei's eyes fell on the guy who almost gnawed the elf, and when he narrowed his eyes, the attributes of that guy emerged.


Rune Monster: Mud Swamp Crocodile

Quality: high quality

Level: 15


Strength: 3, Constitution: 3, Dexterity: 3

Skills: Camouflage, Death Roll


Looking at its attributes, Wu Wei patted the elf.

"Little guy, do you want to take revenge?"


As soon as Wu Wei said this, the little elf stopped crying, and looked up at Wu Wei, his little face was full of vengeance, and he was crazy!

"Then you do this, you go to lure it over, and once it comes out, you use soil transformation to control it, and Ah Huang will get rid of it!"

Wu Wei told it the specific operation method in the little guy's ear.

When the little guy heard that he wanted to go up again, he immediately hesitated.

And just when Wu Wei was about to continue persuading, the little guy nodded his head heavily!

Well, apparently, it's more vengeful than fearful!

Then, the little guy who was holding Wu Wei and crying just flew towards the swamp again. At first, the little guy was a little scared, but when it came over the swamp, when the mud swamp crocodile flew towards her again When rushing over.

Wu Wei could clearly see the excited expression on the little guy's face.

With a flap of his little wings, he jerked it up a meter or two. While avoiding it, the little guy immediately used [Soil Transformation]!

The binding force of the 1-star soil transformation is still good, and the crocodile in the mud swamp is controlled at that moment.

Ah Huang, who was ready to go, seized the opportunity and rushed forward, grabbing the swamp crocodile's mouth with a burst of 5.9 strength,

Then, this swamp crocodile with particularly balanced attributes was caught by Ah Huang and brought ashore.

The swamp crocodile that came ashore, or the swamp crocodile that got caught in the mouth, what will happen?

With two or three punches, Ah Huang's brain exploded.

The elf next to him was so excited to see that the bad guy who almost bit him was killed, he flapped his little wings and kicked the corpse twice.

After finishing the work, he ran to Wu Wei to show off.

"Jiji" (Wu Wei Wu Wei, the elf killed the bad guy, the elf is amazing!)

"It's amazing, my little guy is the most powerful, and it's all up to the little guy to eliminate this bad guy!"

When Wu Wei boasted so much, the little guy's tail immediately went up to the sky.

He patted his little chest and said, the elf is going to beat the bad guy!

Ah Huang on the side looked at the little elf who had been limped by Wu Wei, and the smile on his silly face became even more silly.

And the little elf saw Ah Huang flying over with flapping wings and touched Ah Huang's head with his little hands.

"Chichi" (The big one is so pitiful and stupid, but it's okay, the little one will protect you, the little one is so smart!

Come on, big guy, little guy will take you to beat the bad guy! )

With that said, the little guy took Ah Huang and continued to reproduce the monster spawning technique just now.

Although many rune monsters have high IQs, swamp crocodiles are not among them, especially ordinary swamp crocodiles.

Therefore, the tactics of elf re-engraving are quite effective.

That was almost one catch, and three more were killed in less than 10 minutes.

Seeing the two summoned beasts that would move without his command, Wu Wei was very satisfied.

"This is the correct way to open a rune summoner.

Now that you have a younger brother, why do you need to do it yourself? "

Wu Wei feels that now he can set up a chair and set a cup of tea, take out a book, drink tea while reading a book, and sit and watch the elves spawn monsters.

Of course, it is impossible for Wu Wei to be so inflated.

Besides, the little elves are in charge of spawning monsters, and Wu Wei has to be in charge of logistics.

Afterwards, Wu Wei drew out the long tree spirit knife and walked towards the corpses of the mud swamp crocodiles.

Wu Wei and the others were not very lucky today. None of the 4 mud swamp crocodiles exploded, but there were still corpses.

Rune monsters before level 11 will explode when they die, and the corpses will be refreshed very quickly. After level 11, it will be relatively slow and will exist for a certain period of time.

During this period of time, the rune master was given room to maneuver.

The academy teaches gathering skills, and Wu Wei has also learned it, but he didn't have the opportunity to practice it before.

Now the opportunity is coming!

"The most valuable material for a mud swamp crocodile should be the heart, then the hide and teeth!"

While recalling the information about the crocodile in the mud swamp, Wu Wei turned over the crocodile in the mud swamp, stabbed at the crocodile's belly, broke the stomach, and took out the heart with great difficulty.

Taking out the heart is only the beginning of the collection, and the next step is the most important.

Next, Wu Wei needs to infuse spiritual energy. Only when the infusion of spiritual energy turns the heart into a talisman can the collection be considered successful.

This is also where the collection technique is really difficult.

Wu Wei cautiously tried to inject his spiritual power into it according to the method taught by the academy.

As a result, within a few seconds, a 'poof' sounded.

The originally bright red heart in Wu Wei's hand exploded instantly, and the corpse of the crocodile in the mud swamp under his feet also turned into nothingness.

Collection failed!

Chapter 073 The pie in the sky

A collection failure did not make Wu Wei depressed.

It is not difficult to see Wu Wei's toughness from his practice of [Yellow Turban Iron Bull Stake].

He can die for several days with an entry-level iron bull pile. Gathering, a skill that has a huge impact on his future income and helps Wu Wei, is even less likely to give up after failing once.

Without blinking, he turned his head and walked towards the second one.

A few minutes later, there was a 'poof', and it failed again!

Wu Wei summed it up a bit and walked towards the third one.

Fail again!

The fourth, the fifth...

Wu Wei failed seven times in a row.

But successive failures are not a blow to Wu Wei, just like the old saying 'failure is the mother of success'.

Every time he failed, Wu Wei had to reflect on himself.

Absorb the lessons and experience, so that his next collection will be closer to success.

Finally, during the eighth collection, Wu Wei successfully completed the collection.


With a dull voice, the heart in Wu Wei's hand turned into a talisman.

At the same time, a group of people appeared in front of Wu Wei's eyes.


Conditional trigger?

Wu Wei didn't expect that he could also trigger the condition, so he was a little surprised.

"What will happen after I meet this one condition? My own quality upgrade? Do I have quality?"

Wu Wei was very curious, but he didn't delve into it: "Whatever, we'll know when the conditions are met."

Afterwards, Wu Wei's eyes fell on the talisman in his hand.


Material Rune: Heart of Broken Mud Swamp Crocodile

Quality: Normal

Level: 15

Explanation: Because of the unskilled technique of the rune master, its quality has dropped a lot compared to the original version.

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