After a month, the medicine money from the Thunder Warlock will be settled.

It eased the financial pressure on Wu Wei's side a little bit.

If this activity can last for a few months, then Wu Wei will be able to make up for the spiritual stone gap needed to upgrade his own level and to advance to the sixth level of Taoist soldiers, if nothing else.

Wu Wei's financial pressure was finally relieved.

However, Wu Wei just felt that the economic pressure had come down a little bit, and things soon came to him.

A rune master surnamed Bai from the Rune Academy knocked on the door of Wu Wei's training secret realm.

"you are?"

"I'm Bai Bing, a student of the C-level Rune Academy. I'm your senior. I want to discuss something with you!"

When the other party revealed his identity, Wu Wei vaguely knew the purpose of the other party's coming.

"You should have come here for one of my activities, right?"

Since the second round of Wu Wei's event, now only a week has passed, the rune prices in the rune market of Baijia Academy have been affected, and it has dropped by 20.00% so far, and it is still falling.

This situation was told by the fat shopkeeper to Wu Wei.

When Wu Wei knew about this situation, he guessed that someone might come looking for him, no, the person came right away.

As for how to solve this matter, Wu Wei also has a plan.

"The inventory in my hand is almost gone, and that event can only last for two months at most and it will end..."

"What do you mean, that one of your activities will last for another two months?"

Before Wu Wei could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the white soldier opposite.

"No, two months is too long, and it will have too much impact on the market. We hope you can stop your activities immediately!"

As soon as Bai Bing said this, the smile on Wu Wei's face disappeared.

However, he still did not turn his face, but said patiently: "The activity has already started, it is impossible to stop, so at least let me finish this month's activities!"

Wu Wei felt that there was nothing wrong with his attitude, but the other party smiled coldly when he heard the words: "It seems that you don't listen to persuasion. If this is the case, then don't blame us!"

After speaking, the other party turned around and left.

Looking at the back of the other party going away, Wu Wei's eyes narrowed.

His intuition told him, oh no, he was already clearly told that he was going to do something next.

I just don't know what he's going to do.

Soon, Wu Wei will know.

Not a few hours after Bai Bing left his side, Wu Wei's student Ling suddenly buzzed a message, and Wu Wei took it out to see that it was a divine book.

When Wu Wei saw the content of the message, his eyes narrowed instantly.

The Dahan camp launched the same event as him, and still gave out prizes of the same specification.

Three perfect quality runes per day, 1500 spirit stone rewards per day.

And the launch of their activities is a piece of three secret realms. Every day, they take out nine perfect quality runes and 4500 spirit stones, and there are also a lot of rewards for magic weapon talismans.

There is only one requirement for all participating in the Dahan Secret Realm activities, that is, not to participate in the secret realm activities on Wu Wei's side.

Seeing the moment when this event information came out, Wu Wei immediately understood that this was the method of that white soldier.

Or it should be said that this was created by the joint efforts of the white soldiers and the big man camp.

This was obviously aimed at Wu Wei.

Wu Wei can predict that this activity of the big man camp will definitely have an impact on his activities.

Wu Wei's conjecture was verified in the next half month.

As soon as this activity of the big man camp was launched, Wu Wei's original 1000-person daily registration for the secret realm dropped to only a few hundred people, and the income was directly cut in half.

The big man directly slashed at Wu Wei's main artery, so that Wu Wei originally expected to earn about 10 spirit stones in a month, but now it is at most 3500 to [-], which is still [-] earned for half a month. the result of.

This made Wu Wei's liver ache when he got the news.

The big man and the group of Bai Bing were obviously aimed at him this time. You must know that except for Wu Wei, no one can make money from such secret activities.

After all, the drawing of perfect quality runes also requires cost.

If you smash like this, it’s fine if you don’t lose money, it’s impossible to make money.

But he just didn't point to make money, just wanted to stop him.

This wave of actions by the big man camp stunned the others, and even the shopkeepers on the side of Baibaolou clicked their tongues.

At this moment, on Baibaolou's side, Feng Sanniang took the initiative to find the fat shopkeeper who didn't deal with her very much.

"Have you heard about the activities of the big man camp? What do you think the big man camp is doing? Is it to deal with Master Li Ying? How much will they lose?"

The fat shopkeeper glanced at the coquettish Feng Sanniang who came over: "Shouldn't you know this better than me? You have always had a good relationship with the big man camp, right? Tell me how much they have lost this time?"

Feng Sanniang grinned: "No way, I have an ordinary business relationship with the big man camp, but I still know something about their situation.

According to the information I have, they should not lose money this time!

The runes they took out this time were basically stocks from the rune masters of Baijia Academy.

Because of Master Li's recent activities, the price of runes in Baijia Academy has fallen precipitously.

The rune master of the college has a lot of opinions on Master Li, and it is said that they broke up after negotiating some time ago.

So the big man camp seized the opportunity and bought the perfect quality runes from the rune masters at a price of 800 pieces! "

"They also sell 800 sheets?"

"They don't want to make money themselves, but they want to go there in one breath. As long as they don't lose 800 spirit stones, they can accept it!"

Hearing this, the fat shopkeeper snapped his fingers and settled the accounts for the big man camp.

"Eight hundred pieces of perfect quality runes, 9 runes per day is 7200 spirit stones, plus 4500 spirit stones, and some other expenses count as 500, the daily spirit stone expenditure of the big man camp is about 13200 spirit stones.

And they can earn about 15000 spirit stones from daily activities, which means that not only did they not lose money, but they also earned one or two thousand spirit stones, right? "

"Not only that, but the people in the Dahan camp will also send invitations to those students who have won prizes, and invite them to join the Dahan camp.

Seventy to eighty percent of the students will join the big man camp! "

Hearing this, the fat shopkeeper couldn't help but sighed softly: "Using the conflict between Master Li and the rune master to buy runes and use runes to hold activities, they made money, and they flicked away.

In the end, the rune masters took revenge, and the big man camp gained both people and money, and Master Li was the only one who suffered! "

"No, it's not just Master Li, but you too!"


"Some time ago, you signed an order with Master Li for 90000 spirit stones. I remember that you used the turnover of that event as a mortgage to pay.

Counting the time, today seems to be the last day.

At present, his income from this activity seems to be less than [-], right? "

Speaking of this, Feng Sanniang couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, he reached out and patted the fat shopkeeper's face lightly: "Do you think he has breached the contract?"

The fat shopkeeper narrowed his eyes: "What do you want to do?"

Feng Sanniang saw with a poor dagger: "Give me his contract."

Feng Sanniang's words made the fat shopkeeper realize that this incident was definitely not accidental, and there must be someone operating behind this incident.

And they will push Wu Wei to a dead end.

The contract between Fat Shopkeeper and Wu Wei is the standard contract of Baibaolou. If the two parties fail to perform according to the contract, they need to pay liquidated damages.

The liquidated damages are 10 times the contract transaction amount.

In other words, if Feng Sanniang gets the contract, she can ask Wu Wei to pay 10 times the liquidated damages due to the insufficient income from Wu Wei's activities.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the fat shopkeeper is willing to hand over the contract.

"Are you so sure I can give it to you?"

Feng Sanniang covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Whether you give it or not, it's up to you!"

At the same time, someone knocked on the door of Wu Wei's private training secret realm again.

"Mr. Li Ying, please see Cao Mengde from the Han camp!"

Chapter 167 Who is the prey?

Grade C trading market, inside Baibao Building.

The fat shopkeeper and Feng Sanniang stood together and looked at each other.

With a kind face on his face, he said Yanyan with a smile.

It seems that they are all smiling, but for some reason it gives people a feeling of tension.

"Feng shopkeeper, according to the rules of Baibaolou, you should have no right to take this contract from me!"

"No, I have!"

As Feng Sanniang said, she took out a contract and handed it to the fat shopkeeper.

The fat shopkeeper took a look, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

Because the contract in front of him is a transaction contract.

To be precise, it is a contract between Baibaolou and the Dahan camp to trade [Soul Yang Pill Contract].

The Dahan camp bought this contract from Baibaolou at a price of 18 Lingshi.

Looking at this contract, the fat shopkeeper's expression darkened.

"When did you complete this transaction, why didn't Master Li Ying and I, the signers of the [Soul Yang Pill Contract], know about it?

You are..."

"We are reasonable, legal and compliant, don't forget that the contract you signed is the standard contract of Baibaolou.

A standard contract that has not been changed word by word.

You should know the nature of this standard contract, there is such a clause in it.

From the date of signing the contract, Baibaolou has the right to dispose of the contract.

The contract can be bought and sold without notifying Party A, and other third parties will obtain the contract and continue the transaction with Party A. "

Hearing this, Fatty's face darkened.

The contract he and Wu Wei used for the transaction was the standard contract of Baibaolou, which was researched by Baibaolou. In order to avoid risks, Baibaolou set up many conditions to guarantee the interests of Baibaolou.

Under normal circumstances, these conditions are used to guard against special circumstances, and these conditions will be crossed out when signing contracts with high-quality customers.

But the contract between Fat Shopkeeper and Wu Wei was very casual because both parties seemed to be very casual, so the contract was not revised at all.

Unexpectedly, Feng Sanniang seized the opportunity, bypassed Wu Wei and Fatty, and directly traded this contract from the treasurer of Baibaolou to the big man camp at twice the price.

In this way, the contract in the hands of the fat shopkeeper could not be kept.

This made the fat man growl: "You are playing with the rules of Baibaolou, taking advantage of the loopholes in the rules, you are trampling on the reputation of Baibaolou for thousands of years..."

"Okay, fat man, don't waste any more words, just give me the contract."

Feng Sanniang interrupted the fat man impatiently, and put her hand in front of the fat man, with a playful smile on her face: "What's the use of your incompetence and rage here?

It's because you guys don't keep things secret. Such an important contract is handled so casually.

You've all put on such a tempting pose, I'm sorry we didn't do it.

My old lady has long been displeased with you, a fat man with a big head, big ears and a full brain, who relied on luck to climb up to the same height as me. This time without Li Ying, I think you can be proud of when you will give the contract to my old lady Hand it over!

quick! "

"The contract is on my cashier's desk, you have to get it yourself!"

With a sullen face, the fat man took out his student order at the same time.

Seeing this, Feng Sanniang's face darkened: "What are you going to do?"

"I have to hand over the contract, but I can still notify Master Li Ying!"

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