After understanding this situation, Wu Wei finally understood what happened to those eyes of his classmates.

At this moment, he and all the classmates present are competitors.

But this is what the students think.

Wu Wei's mentality is very peaceful and indifferent!

Seeing Wu Wei's calm appearance after understanding the situation, the students around who were secretly paying attention to him couldn't help but frown, thinking that this big guy is a strong enemy.

Even the bosses who were paying attention to this assessment nodded their heads one after another.

"This kid is good, and his mentality is very stable!"

How did they know that Wu Wei's peace and indifference were due to the different core demands of the two parties participating in the assessment.

They want to be qualified, they want to pass the examination, they even want to be No.1.

Wu Wei is relatively simple, he just thinks that he can survive!

As for failing the test?That's a big deal, come back next time, anyway, Maple Leaf Town seems to be safe, he can go to earn money by farming monsters with peace of mind.

The demands are different, and the mentality is also different.

Shortly thereafter, all 12 squads were assembled.

Then, something happened that made Wu Wei dumbfounded!

The academy began to distribute things to the 12 teams. What they distributed were scrolls, dungeon scrolls!

The college took out 12 cards in one breath, and everyone had one card!

Wu Wei was dumbfounded when he saw this rich and powerful man.

But soon, Wu Wei calmed down, because he saw the attributes of the dungeon scroll.


Name: Enlarged version of the monument of the Dungeon of the Battle of Andri Village

Instance Classification: Small Campaign

Suggested Challenge Level: Level 11

Explanation: There will be a rune monster attack event in Andri village, help Andri village resist this rune monster attack.

ps: Rewards will be awarded for successfully saving the village of Andri.

pss: The degree of saving will be closely related to your rewards.


Looking at this attribute page, Wu Wei finally understood why the academy was so rich.

After working for a long time, there is a copy of the stele!

As a student, Wu Wei knew that the so-called copy stone tablet was a special kind of strange thing.

This kind of strange object can not only permanently enter the dungeon, but also can expand the content on the stone tablet to generate an enlarged copy of the dungeon in Wu Wei's hand.

However, this kind of copy expansion is lower than the original copy in terms of challenge difficulty and rewards.

Of course, it was more than enough to assess Wu Wei and his group of rune masters who were just at the first level.

Wu Wei never thought that the first time he used the dungeon would be during the admission assessment.

He looked at the [Dungeon Scroll] in his hand, and then looked to the side. After making sure that he didn't see the staff member named Li Kai who was in the small labyrinth cave before, Wu Wei felt a lot more at ease.

If the teacher wasn't around, there shouldn't be any problems in the assessment this time.

"Have you got all the shares? If you have all the shares, let's start!"

Following the order from the staff in Hall 7, Wu Wei and the others used the [Dungeon Scroll] at the same time.

In the next second, all five or sixty people in Hall 60 disappeared.

At the same time, in a command room in Hall 12, [-] holographic mirrors lit up.

The 12 mirrors displayed images of Wu Wei and his 12 teams after entering the dungeon.

At the same time, Li Kai, whom Wu Wei didn't see just now, was in the command room, pointing to Wu Wei's mirror and said to the colleague next to him: "Dude, let me tell you, this kid is super powerful, as long as he doesn't If there is an accident, he must be safe, and No.1 might be fine!"

Chapter 058 Mud Transformation 1 Star

The light flashed, and when Wu Wei opened his eyes again, he had come to a village.

The purpose of entering is all kinds of simple houses made of mud.

Not only is the arrangement messy, but the village also raises chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep. Although it looks rich, the taste is really not flattering.

"who are you!"

While Wu Wei was looking at the village in front of him, a curious voice sounded.

Wu Wei looked down and found a group of barefooted, dirty, snotty little dolls standing in front of him, but their eyes were full of sparks!

Immediately afterwards, the adults in the village seemed to notice Wu Wei, a stranger who appeared suddenly.

One by one began to surround them.

As he came over, he yelled at those children: "You guys, don't get close to strangers, get the hell out of here!"

At this time, Wu Wei could clearly see that the adults surrounded by the village looked at him with guarded eyes.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wu Wei was amazed.

It was his first time entering the dungeon, and he didn't expect the dungeon to be so real.

The humble village in front of you, the curious children, and the alert adults.

It made Wu Wei feel that this world seemed to be real.

And at this moment, in the command room of Hall 7.

The examiners who were in charge of this assessment became engrossed.

They knew very well that the next part of this dungeon was the highlight. Facing this group of villagers who were wary of them, what should Wu Wei and his students do to gain their trust and gather their strength?

This will have quite a profound impact on their next mission.

Whether you can pass this copy is very important.

And when the examiners were expecting Wu Wei's performance, Wu Wei in the dungeon waved his hand, summoned the book of runes, and released Ah Huang and the elf together!

Seeing this scene, the examiners nodded one after another.

"Not bad, it's a good idea to show strength and establish prestige!"

"If this can calm down the villagers, the subsequent persuasion will go much smoother!"

The examiners were even more looking forward to Wu Wei's next performance.

I want to know how Wu Wei will persuade the villagers next.

Looking forward to Wu Wei's wonderful words!

Then, they saw Wu Wei in the picture shouted loudly.

"Don't move, anyone who dares to make a rash move, I will kill these children!"


At this moment, the examiners in the command room were stunned.

This operation really made the examiners stupid.

At the same time, the villagers of Andri Village were also dumbfounded!

Although they were on guard against Wu Wei, they didn't expect that Wu Wei could really do this, and they were stunned for a moment, not knowing what to do.

After Wu Wei restrained them, he immediately said: "Let your village steward speak out!"

At the same time, he gave the little elf beside him a look.

Although this little guy is very naughty, he is still very smart. As soon as Wu Wei's eyes came over, she directly threw a fireball on the nearby house and collapsed the earthen wall of the house.

This time, the villagers were completely panicked.

After a while, he pushed a little old man in front of Wu Wei, saying that he was the head of their village.

As soon as he came up, Wu Wei asked, "My name is Wu Wei, and I'm a treasure hunter. I found a treasure map not long ago, which shows that there is a treasure in your village. Do you know where it is?"

This question directly confused the old village head?

treasure?Their village?

"I don't even know what you look like!

Just dig and let your people move. The map shows that it should be this location. Let me dig down from here. If I find the treasure, I will not only return the child to you, but also leave a tenth of it for you! "

Afterwards, Wu Wei couldn't help but direct the villagers to let them do it.

On the one hand, it was because Wu Wei detained the group of children;

There are more than 100 people in the entire village of Andli. Apart from children and pregnant women, even the old man Wu Wei let him go to work!

This stunned the examiners in the command room.

persuade?Who convinced you?Threatening and lure them directly to get them to work is over!

Looking at the enthusiasm of the villagers on Wu Wei's side, and looking at the other eleven teams that are still struggling to advance, the examiners discovered for the first time that they can still do this!

However, the chief examiners were amazed by Wu Wei's operation.

But they did not understand what Wu Wei commanded the villagers to do.

Wu Wei didn't let the villagers build fortifications, but really let them dig holes.

Does Wu Wei want to hide underground with the villagers?

It's a good idea, but isn't it a little too passive?

"Maybe he has his own ideas!"

The chief examiner then turned his gaze away from Wu Wei's side, mainly because the moment of digging the hole was too long and boring, and as the chief examiner, they couldn't always focus on Wu Wei's side, could they?

While these examiners were paying attention to other students, Wu Wei's hole dug tricks.

Of course, Wu Wei wouldn't let them dig. Before they dug, Wu Wei asked the elves to use [Soil Transformation] to make the bottom part of the soil extremely soft.

The soil is soft, and there are young and strong villagers.

In two or three hours, they dug a huge space in the ground.

Wu Wei did not waste the excavated soil, let alone the labor force that did not go into the underground to dig holes. Let them make the soil into the shape of bricks, use these mud bricks to build a circle of two-meter-high fence, and a mud brick. house.

Then, the villagers were forced to move all the flour and wheat flour at home to that mud house.

At the same time, Wu Wei also made a lot of small moves in the space below the cave.

In this process, the elf is undoubtedly the absolute main force.

[Reconstruction of soil] and [turning soil into stone] are used interchangeably, um, more of the former.

The main reason is that the latter needs more spiritual power, and Wu Wei has insufficient spiritual power, so he can only let the former replace it.

He did this to rush the work, to finish the fortifications he wanted as soon as possible before the rune monsters attacked, but he didn't expect any unexpected surprises.

Under the urging of Wu Wei's supervisor, the elf's [soil transformation] potential was constantly squeezed by Wu Wei.

After a few hours, the condition [50000/50000] was fulfilled!

What Wu Wei didn't expect was that when this condition was fulfilled, the elf's attribute layout actually changed, and not only did it have an additional skill of [Soil Transformation].

This means that the elf has learned this skill.

What Wu Wei didn't expect was that the elf's skill was 1 star as soon as it came up!

This is definitely a surprise for Wu Wei today, it has greatly accelerated the progress of Wu Wei's project...

Chapter 059 Attack

How the so-called copy was formed has always been an unsolved mystery in the world of rune masters.

Some people say that it is a fragment dropped by the long river of time, transformed by the source of the rune.

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