And at the same time that Wu Wei lay down, his cell phone rang.

"Student Wu Wei, are you free now? Please come to Yueming Tower and get the spoils and mission rewards from the small labyrinth cave!"

Chapter 052 Random Transformation Order of Rune Quality

Yuehua Academy, Mingyue Tower!

Mingyue Building is located in the southeast corner of Yuehua College. It is a 7-storey attic with an ancient style.

Wu Wei rushed to Mingyue Tower immediately after receiving the call.

Wu Wei didn't go to the world of talismans these two days, and has been in the training room all the time. On the one hand, he wanted to smash the skill of [Yellow Turban Iron Bull Stake], and on the other hand, he also waited for the follow-up of the small maze cave.

To be precise, it's for loot and rewards!

When he arrived here, he found that many people had already come here.

Most of them are the classmates who were in the small labyrinth cave before.


"Hi Angkor!"

When Wu Weiyi came over, all the former classmates greeted him immediately!

Obviously, Wu Wei's performance in the small labyrinth cave was well recognized by these students.

Of course, apart from Wu Wei's performance, they were able to call him Angkor so sincerely, more than 50.00%, because Wu Wei did not exercise the right of temporary command to distribute the spoils two days ago, and made the elves useless The finished [Spirit Talisman Pill] was handed over.

Otherwise, their Angkor sound today might not be so crisp!

"Student Wu Wei is here, right? If Senior Sister Lou asks you to come over, go directly to her!"

Except for the crisp voice of the former classmates.

The people at Mingyue Building also looked at him as a temporary commander with special regard. As soon as he came, he was invited outside an office first!

"Dong dong" Wu Wei knocked on the door.

"come in!"

After getting a response from the people inside, Wu Wei pushed open the door of the office.

The moment the door was pushed open, Wu Wei immediately saw a girl wearing a moonlight palace dress with an elegant temperament like the moon sitting in this quaint office.

This should be Lou Xiaoyue!

Wu Wei greeted obediently as soon as he entered the door: "Hello, Miss Lou, I'm Wu Wei!"

Lou Xiaoyue also put down her work and looked up at Wu Wei, she was stunned and said with a smile: "Student Wu Wei, right? I heard that you lost weight, but I didn't expect it to be so different from the ID photo!

Well, pretty cool! "

It was the first time for Wu Wei to be praised for being handsome. He scratched his head and didn't know what to say, so he could only respond with a smirk.

Lou Xiaoyue saw that Wu Wei was not that kind of talkative, so she didn't continue to greet Wu Wei and went straight to the point: "That's right, I asked you to come here, there are two main things.

One already told you, is the distribution of loot in the small labyrinth cave, and the rewards of the academy.

Another one is to understand some situations with you, I hope you can cooperate! "

"it is good!"

Wu Wei narrowed his eyes.

I knew in my heart that the main event was coming.

"First of all, it is about your original rune. According to the school file, your first original rune should be [Yellow Turban Soldier], but it seems that the one you summoned in the cave in the small maze is not [Yellow Turban Soldier]!"

"That's [Yellow Turban Warrior], it's our Ah Huang who advanced!

When I was in the Wild Boar Valley, I killed the Boar King BOSS and dropped a [Random Rune Quality Random Transformation Order], which I used on Ah Huang! "

Wu Wei had already thought about this rhetoric.

The so-called [Random Rune Quality Random Transformation Token] is an item that can transform the original rune, but this thing cannot guarantee that the quality will be improved, there is a probability that the quality of the original rune will be reduced, and there is a probability that the original rune will go in a strange direction Variety.

It belongs to that kind of props with extremely low burst rate and strong randomness.

If you use it, you will either fly to the sky, or you will destroy your future!

But it is just right to use it at this moment in front of you. It can perfectly explain the reason why Ah Huang's quality has improved.

At least it is more reliable than Wu Wei being a rune master.

No, Lou Xiaoyue on the opposite side didn't have any doubts about Wu Wei's statement, nor did she go into it.

"You are so lucky!"

As she said that, Lou Xiaoyue wrote on the one in front of her, 'Use [Random Rune Quality Random Transformation Order] First Source Quality Upgrade'.

"By the way, file your second source rune for the record, so you don't have to go to the archives department!"

"Okay! My second origin is clay elves, high-quality products, mastered skills are earth escape, and turning earth into stone!"

Wu Wei simply completed the information change of the first source and the information record of the second source on Lou Xiaoyue's side.

After finishing all this, Lou Xiaoyue suddenly asked again: "Did you find any unusual people and things in the caves of the small labyrinth?"


Wu Wei was taken aback?

His eyes narrowed subconsciously.

Although Wu Wei has been in the training room for the past two days, he is not deaf to what is going on outside the window. With his mobile phone, Wu Wei can still receive outside information.

It is very clear that the school has already made a conclusion about the small labyrinth cave. Like the previous Dryad Forest, it was caused by the energy overflow of the secret dungeon.

Now that Lou Xiaoyue suddenly asked such a question, Wu Wei suddenly felt that things were not so simple.

"Don't think too much, it's just a matter of routine!

Did you find any unusual people and things in the small maze cave? "

'Uh, does that one staff member count? '

Because of his few words, Wu Wei almost couldn't come out.

Of course, Wu Wei also said this in his heart, and Wu Wei expressed it when it came to his lips.

No, nothing!

"No? If not, forget it, let's proceed to the next link!"

Lou Xiaoyue also seemed to be doing routine work, and didn't go into details: "This is your trophy from the cave in the small labyrinth!"

As Lou Xiaoyue said, she took out some things.

There are 4 dots in total, three green dots and one light blue dot.

Looking at these light spots, Wu Wei couldn't help breathing fast.

And this is not over yet, after Lou Xiaoyue handed the four light spots to Wu Wei, she then took out another thing.

"And this, this is the reward for your school mission."

"This is?"

Wu Wei was taken aback, and reached out to take the thing in Lou Xiaoyue's hand, to be exact, it was a token in her hand.

And just when Wu Wei was at a loss and didn't know what the token in his hand was, Lou Xiaoyue gave him the answer: "This is the entry order for Yuehua City in the Rune World. With it, you can directly enter the city of Yuehua City." The city is online!

Congratulations, starting today, you will have the permission to enter Yuehua City, and at the same time you will be qualified for the examination of the inner court of Yuehua College. As long as you pass the examination, you will be able to become a member of the inner court!

In addition, there are 50 merit points in the token, which are your rewards for this mission! "

You know, the inner courtyard is generally only accessible to sophomores or even juniors.

Wu Wei obtained the permission to enter the inner courtyard just because of a mission.

Lou Xiaoyue felt that Wu Wei must be very excited this time!

Yes, that's right!

Wu Wei, who was holding the token, trembled with excitement, and almost threw the token in Lou Xiaoyue's face.

Are you kidding me?

He is now in danger in Xinshou Village, and she actually wants to change the map for him?

Isn't this purely harmful?

Chapter 053 Earnings

Wu Wei wanted to change the [Yuehua City Token], but unfortunately, he has nothing to say about it.

"If it doesn't count, don't count it. Anyway, I didn't say when it will pass. I'll wait for a while and improve my strength!"

With this in mind, Wu Wei took the things from Lou Xiaoyue, greeted the students outside, and went back to his dormitory.

Along the way, Wu Wei's mood gradually broke away from the unbeautiful feeling of getting the [Moon Blossom City Order], and became very beautiful.

After all, he still held four light spots in his hand and didn't turn them on!

Among them is a light blue light spot, the bright light of these light spots is enough to heal any unhappiness of Wu Wei.

After returning to the dormitory, Wu Wei immediately closed the curtains and summoned the Book of Runes.

By the way, Ah Huang and the elf were also summoned.

"Bye bye first, ask for luck!"

Putting Ah Huang on it and asking him to hold a basin, Wu Wei folded his hands together and bowed sincerely.

Then all four dots of light were poured out.

"Open the green one first!"

As he said that, Wu Wei started to turn on all the green light spots one by one.

[You turned on the green light spot and got the [Magic Armor Talisman Sinking Magician's Robe]! 】

[You turned on the green light spot and got the [Shenwu Talisman Strong Body]! 】

[You turned on the green light spot and got the [Shen Bing Talisman Sinking Magic Cloth Shoes]! 】


They seemed to be pretty good things, so Wu Wei started directly to open the attribute pages of these things to check them.


Magician Talisman: Robe of the Fallen Mage

Quality: boutique

Level: 11

Effect 1: Increase the wearer's spiritual power by [-] point

Effect 50.00: Increase the recovery speed of the wearer's spiritual power by [-]%

Effect [-]: Additional skill [Fireball]

Wearing conditions: legal occupations above level 11


Divine Martial Talisman: Strong Body

Quality: boutique

Level: 11

Burning Conditions: Level 10 Rune Warrior

Conditions of use: melee occupation above level 11

Remaining uses: 3/3


Divine Weapon Talisman: Sinking Magic Cloth Shoes

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