And Wu Wei knew it was an illusion, because the next second he felt the gaze of the green cloth falling on him.

That sudden light, eyes full of violent murderous intent caused every pore in Wu Wei's body to shrink. At this moment, Wu Wei clearly felt what a threat of death was.

Faced with this kind of death threat, Wu Wei did not choose to escape, but stood up immediately.

Looking directly at the green preacher opposite, he said, "I've kept you waiting for a long time, I can feel your current mentality, so let's start now!

Either you kill me, or I kill you! "

"Attitude is right!"

The green cloth on the opposite side had a ferocious smile on his face, and with a wave of his hand, the huge earthen sword blasted towards Wu Wei!

Wu Wei looked at the earth sword that was thrown at him and didn't move!

He didn't dodge or block, but immediately activated the specialized swordsmanship shards that the elf got when he killed Lu Feng.

[You used the [Specialized Swordsmanship] fragment for your second source [Queen of the Earth Elf], and she entered a state of epiphany! 】

Following the activation of the two specialized swordsmanship shards, the two big eyes of the elf entered a dazed state.

At the same time, the soil sword thrown by the green cloth abruptly stopped in front of Wu Wei.

In the next second, the huge earth sword collapsed, turned into earth swords and attacked the green cloth in reverse!

The little elf's swordsmanship in the epiphany state has been raised to a higher level, and the earth swords all over the sky swim towards the green cloth like small living fish!

Seeing this, Fang Tian's painting halberd lightly tapped in his hand!

All of a sudden, a mysterious force rippled out, hitting those earthen swords like waves.

One wave emptied the soil sword!

Seeing this, Wu Wei shook his head for a while!

He found that the elf's trick never seemed to work!

Everyone can have a big move to clear the wave of earth swords from the elves.

Fortunately, Wu Wei himself did not have any expectations for the elf's earth sword!

"Little five!"

With a soft shout, the Flying Thunder Mouse jumped out from Wu Wei's side, approaching the green cloth while accumulating the power of lightning on his body.

Close to the attack range, it is a million volts up!

The powerful thunder power fell on the green cloth!

With a "snap", the green cloth was hit by a million volts!

Seeing that his attack had successfully hit the enemy, Xiao Wuyi became excited. The lightning on his body kept erupting, and one million volts bombarded Lu Bu's body one after another.

With every [million volts] blasted out, Xiao Wu's skill will be enhanced.

In just 1 minute, Xiao Wu, a skill that had already reached the edge of upgrading in [Land of Thunderstorm], accumulated into a branch again!


Accompanied by Xiao Wu's sharp cry!

The lightning on it turned purple at this moment.

A golden finger reminder appeared in front of Wu Wei's eyes.

[Your fifth origin [Flying Thunder Mouse]'s skill [Millions of Volts] has been upgraded to [Billions of Volts], the skill level has been upgraded to [Specialized] level, and the skill characteristic has been changed to [Crispy Bone Thunder]! 】

[Skill Features [Bone Thunder] Attack coverage has a strong paralyzing effect! 】

The moment the Goldfinger alert sounded, a purple thunderbolt hit Lu Bu's body without reservation.

At the same time, the elf's eyes that lost their highlights instantly regained their highlights!

The earth swords that had been scattered all over the ground gathered together in this one, and in an instant a huge earth sword appeared on the top of the green cloth.

[The skill of your second source [Soil Elf] [Advanced Swordsmanship] has been upgraded to [Specialized Swordsmanship], and the skill characteristic [Sword of Armor Cutting] has been upgraded to [Sword of Broken Armor]! 】

[Skill Features [Broken Armor Sword] The attack can shatter the opponent's limited defense!

ps: The attack power needs to reach a certain level! 】

At the same time, the skills of the two little guys from Wu Wei's family have all been upgraded to the specialization level!

Two specialization-level attacks blasted towards the green cloth at the same time!

However, in the face of these two attacks, there was no panic or tension on Lubu's face, only disappointment!

"I've waited for you for so long, not for this!"

While speaking, the green cloth took a step forward, and swung the Fang Tianhua halberd fiercely in his hand!

Fang Tian swung his halberd, the sky seemed to be torn apart in half, an incredible power erupted, and in an instant, no matter if it was the earth sword dropped by the little elf, or the billions of volts blasted by Xiao Wu, all of them were wiped out. crush!

And this blow seems to have completely pulled the horn of the green cloth's attack.

The next second, the green cloth moved directly, pulling Fang Tian's painted halberd, and rushed towards Wu Wei!

The exploding green cloth covered a distance of thousands of meters and killed Wu Wei in a few seconds. His footsteps stopped suddenly, and his body twisted. At that moment, it seemed that a big dragon turned over on the green cloth.

Let the green cloth burst out the strength of his whole body, and let him smash the Fang Tian painting halberd in his hand at the moment of turning!

And long before he rushed over, Wu Wei's body was already covered with a layer of iron clothes that shone with golden light!

Wearing this golden iron suit, Wu Wei turned on [Sword Heart] and raised the bloodthirsty long knife in his hand.


In the next second, Fang Tian's painted halberd from the green cloth hit Wu Wei's long knife.

Wu Wei's whole body was smashed into the ground under the violence, and the surrounding land more than ten meters away seemed to be in a mess, and the long knife in Wu Wei's hand also had cracks.

This is still in the case of Wu Wei wearing an iron suit.

If it wasn't for the iron clothes attached to the long knife at that time, the long knife in Wu Wei's hand would have been shattered in that blow!

Green Cloth's blow was terrifying!

What's even more frightening is Wu Wei's horizontal training skill [Admiralty Tie Shirt]!

Under such a strong attack, Wu Wei's defense was not broken!

"good, very good, excellent!"

Seeing this, Lu Bu's eyes lit up.

If Wu Wei died with one blow, it would be too boring for him.

But even so, Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand was raised again, ready to hit Wu Wei again!

And at the same time it raised Fang Tian's painted halberd.

A huge body bumped into him!

It was a lion with a height of more than two meters, a body length of seven or eight meters, a pair of wings growing on its back, and a thunderous light all over its body!

Under its violent impact, the green cloth was knocked and flew more than ten meters away.

At the same time, a golden finger reminder appeared in front of Wu Wei's eyes.

[Your fifth origin [Flying Thunder Mouse] activates the skill [Lion King's Super Thunderstorm Form]! 】

[In this state, its all attributes have been increased by 3 limits, and it has obtained the special ability Thunder Body!

Can be immune to a certain degree of physical and thunder attribute attacks! 】

Seeing the hint from Goldfinger, and then looking at the lion again, Wu Wei was somewhat dumbfounded.

Although Wu Wei guessed that Xiao Wu's [Super Thunderstorm Form] skills might be upgraded to Specialization, he might obtain [Lion King Form], but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

The power to increase all attributes by 3 limits is even more terrifying than Wu Wei now!

However, Wu Wei's shock was not over yet, with a "poof", an arrow suddenly pierced through the head of the lion in front of Wu Wei's eyes!

This sudden scene confused Wu Wei for a second or two.

After realizing what happened, he was about to care about Xiao Wu, and then something happened that made Wu Wei dumbfounded, and Xiao Wu's brain healed quickly.

When Wu Wei saw this, he realized how it was immune to a certain degree of lightning attribute and physical damage!

On the fifth side, after being attacked shamelessly, he seemed very angry. With a flash of lightning on his body, he killed the green cloth at an incredible speed.


The claw that Xiao Wu just swung was cut off by Fang Tianhua's halberd, and the green cloth slashed at Xiao Wu's head again with a backhand.

Although Xiao Wu immediately used [Electric Light Flash] to distance himself from the green cloth, his head was still cut off.

Fortunately, Xiao Wu's head and paws are not critical!

As long as it doesn't cut its body, those can be recovered quickly!

Green Cloth was obviously aware of this too, he took out a bow and arrow in his hand, and picked up several arrows at the same time as if he was going to take Xiao Wu away in a wave!

At this time, Wu Wei's voice came from behind him!

"Did you forget me!"

While speaking, Wu Wei's flashing long sword of thunder slashed towards Lu Bu's back!

When the long knife fell, a layer of broken Gang Qi appeared on Lu Bu's body. He resisted Wu Wei's knife forcefully, and shot the arrow in his hand at the same time.

That arrow turned into nine stars and went straight to Xiao Wu.

The light on Xiao Wu's body lit up, but he was still shot by seven of the arrows while running for his life. In an instant, the huge lion's body left the chest cavity intact. Fortunately, Xiao Wu's body was hidden in the chest cavity.

Although it consumed a lot of spiritual power in this wave, it didn't have any problems. In terms of spiritual power, the War Treant who came out at some time immediately replenished it!

With the spiritual power in place, Xiao Wu instantly regained his lion king form, turned around and killed Lu Bu.

At this time, the green cloth and Wu Wei are fighting together!

To be exact, it was the green cloth pressing down on Wu Wei to fight!

No matter the opponent's physical fitness or skills, none of them could be compared to Wu Wei.

The only thing Wu Wei can rely on at present is the [Admiralty Iron Cloth Shirt], relying on it, Wu Wei is struggling to bear the beatings of the green cloth, and it seems that he can't resist anymore, Xiao Wu joined the battlefield violence Hit the green cloth again.

At the same time, the green cloth had just been knocked into the air, and a large piece of soil sword drilled out from the ground and bombarded the green cloth one after another.

Apparently, the little elves, who had been cleared by the earth sword one after another, learned how to behave. Instead of letting the earth sword attack from the sky, they chose to attack from the ground!

In this way, the elf brought a lot of trouble to the green cloth.

Wu Wei seized the opportunity, charged up his palm thunder and blasted out!

A palm thunder sent the green cloth flying dozens of meters away, and Xiao Wu also seized this opportunity to make up a [billion volts]!

After suffering a lot of palm thunder, and seeing [billions of volts] hitting, Lu Bu raised his hand and was about to explode, but at this time he found that the spiritual power on his body had disappeared!

It was Cheng Rushan on the side who made the move. She didn't know what props she used to restrain the spiritual power of the green cloth.

But it didn't last long, the face of the green cloth turned green, and the aura on his body exploded again, it was extremely terrifying!

Wu Wei clearly knew that he was serious!

Or ready to go all out!

Wu Wei didn't want the opponent to go all out, so he gritted his teeth and took out the [Small Seal Talisman].

Wu Wei originally planned to use this thing to seal a friend of Lao Zhang, but now Wu Wei had no choice but to use it.

[Small Seal Talisman] was smashed out, and the green cloth that exploded was instantly absorbed into it forcibly.

At the same time, Wu Wei received feedback from the [Small Seal Talisman].

For 10 minutes, this rune that can forcibly seal Tier 6 Mandatory 10 for 10 minutes can only seal the green cloth for [-] minutes.

The other party is simply perverted.

"What should I do? It seems that I can't beat him. Why don't you take advantage of these 10 minutes and run away. He seems to be dying. Wait until he's done blowing up and then come back to kill him?"

As soon as Wu Wei came up with this thought, a golden finger reminder appeared in front of his eyes...

------off topic-----

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