"Remove the hammer, I'm not Wu Wei's soft bastard who seeks wealth and wealth, and I'll log off after opening the treasure chest, so what can the monster do to me even if it's revealed?

Done! "

Saying that, the leopard rushed towards the treasure chest.

At the moment when the outline of light on the side of the treasure chest condensed into substance, the leopard came to the treasure chest, casually opened the treasure chest, and directly opened a green magic weapon talisman.

Seeing the green magic weapon talisman, Leopard was overjoyed: "Sure enough, it was right to fire that bastard Wu Wei, if he wants to be here today, no matter what, he won't let me rush over!

Didn't this old man miss this magical weapon talisman? "

When the leopard was speaking, the outline of the light on the side also condensed.

It was the leader of the first-order and 12th-level kobolds. The moment it was refreshed, the leopard could feel the terrifying pressure from it.

But the leopard was not afraid at all, he even showed provocation to the kobold leader.

"What are you looking at? If you have the ability, come and fuck me..."

While speaking, Leopard pressed the logout function.

In the next second, the scene was somewhat bloody...

On the other hand, the situation of other members of 8911 is not much better than Leopard.

They used to rely on the speed of light logout function to attract monsters. When they were caught up by the kobolds and wanted to use the logout function to escape one by one, despair climbed onto their faces... …

The situation of the 8911 team is not an exception.

In fact, after the offline function failed, there were not many teams that encountered the same situation as the 8911 team.

In just a few minutes, I don't know how many students were in danger.

And they were only the first in distress.

Things are going to get even worse in the Little Maze Cavern next.

On this point, Wu Wei has a special right to speak.

When he saw the attributes of the leader of the clay figure, he realized that something was wrong. The title of the leader of the clay figure was actually violent, which Wu Wei had never seen before.

At first, Wu Wei thought that the leader of the clay figures was just an exception, but after the leader of the clay figures used [Leader's Majesty] and surrounded by the surrounding clay figures, Wu Wei realized the seriousness of the situation when he saw the surrounded clay figures.

The so-called seriousness does not refer to the matter of being surrounded. In fact, Wu Wei does not feel too much headache about this matter. He even feels that this is a good opportunity.

What really made Wu Wei feel that the matter was serious was that he saw that the titles of the surrounding clay figures had changed.

From a simple clay figure to a title with various negative emotions of [violent] [chaotic] ​​[bloodthirsty], coupled with the inability to log off, Wu Wei realized that something big happened in the small labyrinth cave...

Chapter 041 Condition Four Satisfied

"The last time the Dryad Forest was said to be the reason for the opening of the secret realm, what is the reason this time?

Why is the offline function disabled?

and also?Why do these rune monsters go berserk? "

At this moment, Wu Wei ran through ten thousand mud horses in his heart!

Even if he came from a major, he couldn't explain this phenomenon. He just entered school not long ago, and the teacher hasn't taught this lesson yet?

Moreover, Wu Wei knew it clearly.

Now it is not of the utmost importance to study how these things happen.

Most importantly, what should he do next?

Now Wu Wei has two choices.

One is to do everything possible to leave the small maze cave as soon as possible!

The second choice is to find a place to hang out and wait for the academy to rescue!

"The former is too reckless, the latter is too passive, it is best to grasp with both hands, both hands must be firm.

Before that though, I need to deal with the problem at hand! "

While speaking, Wu Wei raised his head and looked around him.

I saw that beside Wu Wei, a group of clay figures who looked like crazy demons had already surrounded him at this moment.

There are a lot of them, at least a dozen.

Some of them even exist at the elite level.

It is impossible to run away alive, Wu Wei can imagine how terrifying it would be if more than a dozen clay figurines use ground spikes at the same time.

So Wu Wei ordered immediately.

"Ah Huang, the power of the yellow scarf, then give it to me, this time you don't have to hold back the clay figurine, just kill it with all your strength!

Clay figurines, the clay transformation is fully solidifying the ground under our feet! "

Wu Wei ordered decisively, and the two little guys under his command acted decisively.

As soon as Ah Huang's body turned yellow, his power soared to 3.5. With the blessing of terrifying power, Ah Huang seemed to even speed up a lot.

Coming up is a catapult start, and went straight to the crowd of dirt.

The clay figurine on the opposite side also reacted quickly, stinging one by one.

A single ground thorn Ah Huang can easily dodge, but when the number increases, even Ah Huang can't dodge enough, and accidentally gets hit, and the sole of his foot is pierced.

Fortunately, although Ah Huang was hit a bit, he had already come among the clay figurines.

Ah Huang who killed among the clay figurines was really like a dragon entering the sea, with a power of 3.5 completely bursting out, it was really a god-blocking and killing god, even the elite monster's earth shield Ah Huang could smash through it with a single knife.

In less than a minute, more than a dozen clay figurines were completely beheaded.

"Pick up the things and go!"

After Wu Wei picked up the things, he ran away without saying a word.

Fortunately, Wu Wei ran early before, and he had already run 300 meters when the leader of the clay figure was refreshed.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy for him to run now.

Well now, after the dozen or so clay figurines are dealt with, Wu Wei can leave.

With a dozen light spots, Wu Wei and his party quickly left the clay man's territory.

After leaving, Wu Wei originally wanted to run to the first floor.

But not long after he came out, he encountered two or three waves of rune monsters one after another.

All rune monsters carry various negative titles.

"No, you can't rush to the first floor, it's too dangerous, you'll get cold if you're not careful!

There must be a way to hide. "

Speaking of this, Wu Wei subconsciously looked at the clay figurine next to him and suddenly had an idea.

Afterwards, Wu Wei found a relatively secluded place to hide.

Immediately afterwards, he commanded the clay figurine to transform it with clay. First, he turned the earth wall into clay and took out a space, then hid in it, and then used clay transformation to solidify the wall and hid in the wall!


After hiding in, Wu Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There is a little sense of security, but Wu Wei knows that it is not particularly safe now.

Although he looks good now, there is still a risk of being trapped in a cocoon.

However, in the current environment outside, he has no choice but to leave it like this for the time being.

Hide first, then think about what to do next!

"In the current situation, it is definitely not advisable to break through blindly. If you really want to retreat, you can only hide in the wall and withdraw slowly.

However, before withdrawing, I need to improve my strength first!

Since you can't go offline, Ah Huang should be at the first rank!

Also, the clay figurine side, plus the dozen or so clay figurines before, should be enough to improve its quality this time, right? "

As Wu Wei said, he first summoned the book of runes and poured out all the light spots inside.

Not to mention, there are quite a few, Wu Wei counted, there are two light green ones and 13 white ones.

Wu Wei turned on these light spots one by one.

[You turn on the light green light spot and get a [Elite Mudman Heart]! 】

[You turn on the light green light spot and get a [Elite Mudman Heart]! 】

[You turn on the white light spot and get a [Mudman Heart]! 】


After opening all of them, you will get 8 ordinary [Muddigo Hearts] and [-] [Elite Mudman Hearts].

3 ground thorns, 2 [earth shields].

The income is quite good, especially the [Earth Shield Talisman], which can give people a sense of security.

But Wu Wei's attention is more on the [Mudman Heart].

"Clay figurine, give it to grandpa to eat!"

After feeding 8 ordinary [Mudman Hearts] to the clay doll, the condition four of this little guy came to [16/20].

Only two more!

Wu Wei took out the [Elite Mudman Heart].

At this time, Wu Wei was a little nervous, he didn't know if this thing could be used.

If it can't be used, there is no way for him to give the clay figurine a normal [clay figurine heart] now.

Thankfully, this thing still works.

After getting the light green heart, it began to melt gradually, and the conditions of the clay figurine were also changing rapidly.

It will soon reach [20/20] Condition [-] is met.

Wu Weizheng was pleasantly surprised, and was about to advance the clay figurine doll, when he suddenly saw that condition four jumped to [21/20].

"Can it continue to increase?"

Wu Wei found this situation and quickly stopped, watching the clay figurine doll absorb one [Elite Clay Figure Heart], condition four finally reached [22/20].

One elite mudman heart equals 6 ordinary mudman hearts.

Wu Wei counted silently, and at the same time handed the heart of the remaining elite clay figurine to the clay figurine doll.

When the clay figurine absorbs the heart of the last elite clay figurine, condition four reaches [28/20].

Wu Wei didn't hesitate anymore, and directly chose to confirm the upgrade!

Although Wu Wei did want to try the limit of condition four, but after thinking about it, his life is still important.

And as Wu Wei clicked to confirm the upgrade.

The clay figurine returned to Wu Wei's Rune Book with a 'whoosh'.

At the same time, an option appeared in front of Wu Wei.

[Your second source meets the upgrade requirements, currently it has two upgrade routes, please choose one of them.

1. The leader of the clay people

2. Clay Elf]

Chapter 042 Mud Fairy

Wu Wei doesn't dislike doing multiple-choice questions, but when it comes to multiple-choice questions that he doesn't know very well, he is a little bit, uh, I can't say it's disgusting, it can only be said that it is a headache.

To be a clayman leader or a clay elf, that is a question!

The biggest problem is that Wu Wei doesn't know what a dirt elf is.

Well, the leader of the clay figures knows that he just met one.

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