In about 5 minutes, the lion king has come to a place about 20 meters behind the lightning withering.

Yan Qianxue felt the terror of the Lion King more intuitively, as well as the nervousness of the lightning beneath her.

it's time!

Yan Qianxue pinched the two sixth-order talisman papers and was about to burst out!


The Lion King's roar sounded again.

The terrifying roar cut off her and Lightning Wither's spiritual energy again.

The movements of Yan Qianxue and Lightning Wither froze for an instant, and the Lion King approached at this moment, and with a slap of his claws, Lightning Wither and Yan Qianxue smashed both people and birds down the clouds.

At the same time, the Lion King's body exploded with lightning, and his speed exploded again, falling towards Yan Qianxue and Lightning.

Seeing that Yan Qianxue and Lightning Withered were about to be taken away by the Lion King.

At this moment, the Lion King's movements suddenly stopped in mid-air, his head turned in one direction, and he looked at the thunderstorm clouds in the distance, his eyes burst out with intense hatred.

In the next second, the Lion King ignored Yan Qianxue and Lightning, turned around and killed the thunderstorm clouds!

This sudden scene stunned Yan Qianxue who took out the bottom of the box again and was about to fight to the death.

"What's going on? Then the Lion King just ran away?

Is there anyone over there?

Now that the Lion King is the boss of the trial, he probably won't leave until the battle is over, unless a new and stronger trialer appears!

"Fairy Wood"

In other words, the land of thunderstorms has entered a thunder-attribute summoned beast that is more powerful than my lightning? "

Yan Qianxue who came to this conclusion frowned very uncomfortable.

After all, no one likes to make wedding dresses for others.

But at the same time, Yan Qianxue was also curious: "Who the hell entered the land of thunderstorms? It couldn't be him, could it?"

Suddenly, Yan Qianxue thought of Wu Wei for some reason.

But soon, Yan Qianxue shook her head: "No, it shouldn't be him, and it can't be him, how could his mouse be stronger than my lightning wither!

It must not be him! "

Even though she said so, Yan Qianxue still couldn't help getting up and pulling Lightning to wither: "Come on, let's go over and see who it is, and see if he can take down this lion king!"

Saying that, Yan Qianxue rode the lightning and flew in the direction where the Lion King was flying.

Half an hour ago, Wu Wei's side.

Not long after finishing his training, Wu Wei suddenly felt a huge energy pouring into him.

At that moment, Wu Wei knew very clearly that the evolution of the little mouse was completed.

This is the feedback from the little mouse.

While the little mouse was feeding back, it was also sending a request to Wu Wei, asking Wu Wei to give it back feeding!

The relationship between a rune summoner and a summoned beast is inherently mutual.

While the other party is feeding back to Wu Wei, it is normal to ask Wu Wei to feed back. Wu Wei also knows what the little mouse wants, so he backhandedly gives it the authority.

With a "boom", Wu Wei's mental space opened up.

Wu Wei's [Taipingdao·Thunder Sutra] [Lightning Talisman in the Palm], these two runes that had absorbed natural lightning for several hours lit up, and a large wave of energy was sent to the little mouse.

Let the little mouse's two skills [Super Thunderstorm Form] and [Lightning Five Whip] transform.

At the same time, Wu Wei himself was not idle.

Then the energy fed back by the little mouse continued to practice the two skills of [Golden Bell Cover] and [Iron Cloth Shirt] that were just halfway through.

Their state lasted for half an hour.

Half an hour later, Wu Wei opened his eyes, and at the same time a strong light burst out above the thunder cloud.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Wei flashed a gold finger prompt in front of him...

Chapter 062 The First Summoned Beast of Perfect Quality

[Your horizontal training skill [Golden Bell Cover] has been upgraded to the advanced level! 】

[Your attribute has not been improved, and your defense has been compensated for an increase of 3500 points of defense]

[Your horizontal training skill [Iron Cloth Shirt] has been upgraded to the advanced level! 】

[Your attribute has not been improved, and your defense has been compensated for an increase of 3000 points of defense]


This was the first wave of golden fingers that appeared in front of Wu Wei.

Relying on the back-feeding of the Thunder Mouse's evolution, Wu Wei worked hard, and successfully trained [Golden Bell Cover] and [Iron Cloth Shirt] to the full advanced level.

Although the attribute has not been improved, the defense has increased by 6500 points!

At this moment, Wu Weiguang has 12580 points of defense in passive defense.

With the two skills activated, Wu Wei couldn't even imagine how strong his defensive power could be!

"Perhaps the lion can't break through my defense now?"

The sudden surge made Wu Wei's self-confidence inflated a little bit. He even thought: "If I wait for the fifth evolution to be done, I'll go find the Lion King and destroy it!"

Just as Wu Wei came up with this idea, Zhang Niujiao behind Wu Wei suddenly said: "Well, maybe you don't need to look for it!"


Wu Wei was taken aback for a moment, and then, as if he had sensed something, Wu Wei subconsciously looked up.

The moment Wu Wei raised his head, under the black clouds, a blue lightning came straight to this side.

At first, Wu Wei didn't recognize the other party because of his speed.

But after the other party entered Wu Wei's telepathic range, Wu Wei couldn't help being stunned.

What did he see?

Seeing the lion king put on a pair of wings, the level, quality, and attributes have undergone earth-shaking changes, and he came straight to them in a menacing manner.


Rune monster: Thunderstorm Lion King (male lion) (boss) (Thunder will fit)

Quality: (pseudo) perfect

Level: 55


Strength: 999, Constitution: 999, Spirit: 308, Dexterity: 1.1

Defense: 5000

Spirit Power: 50000

master a skill:

Thunderstorm Claw (Advanced) (Full Level), Thunderstorm Form (Specialization), Lion Roar (Specialization)

ps: There must be undetected skills


The moment Wu Wei saw this attribute, he was dumbfounded.

"What's wrong with this lion? How did it suddenly become so strong? No, Lao Zhang, it's going after Thunder Mouse!"

Wu Wei quickly realized that the target of the Lion King at this time seemed to be the Thunder Mouse.

The Lightning Mouse hasn't finished its advancement, Wu Wei can't let it destroy the Lightning Mouse's advancement.


Zhang Niujiao behind Wu Wei immediately understood what Wu Wei meant, digested five spirit stones in his backpack in an instant, and then turned into a robot and rushed up to the sky to stop the Lion King.

As soon as Zhang Niujiao went up, the aggressive Lion King stopped instantly.

A pair of eyes full of hatred brought fear the moment they saw Zhang Niujiao. Obviously, although the Lion King has received a wave of epic enhancements, he still doesn't have the courage to face the one who just used the word "roll" to kill himself. scare the existence.

Seeing this scene, Wu Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he sucked it back just after he exhaled half of it, because at this moment, the lion king's eyes fell on him.

In the next second, the lion king flashed his thunder and came straight to Wu Wei!

Obviously, the Lion King was going to pick Wu Wei, a soft persimmon, to pinch when he didn't dare to make a move against the Thunder Mouse!

Can Wu Wei bear this anger?

The two horizontal exercises he just reached full level!

At the first moment, Wu Wei propped up the [Golden Bell Cover]!

But it seems useless!


The roar of the Lion King sounded, and Wu Wei's [Golden Bell Cover] skill that had just exploded immediately collapsed.

At the same time, he was already in front of Wu Wei!

Its front paws even stretched out in front of Wu Wei.

However, as soon as the claw came over, a layer of lightning gauze suddenly appeared on Wu Wei's body surface, blocking the lion king's claw!

Wu Wei is not stupid, and it's not that he doesn't know that other people's [Lion Roar] can interrupt skills, and it's impossible to have both skills together.

The golden bell hood draws out the Lion King's [Lion King's Roar], and the [Iron Cloth Shirt] is pinched behind it to wait for it!

However, it turns out that in the face of absolute strength, a little cleverness is not enough!

The simple full-level [Iron Cloth Shirt] has strong defense, but it can't withstand the lion king's claws if it is used hastily.

With a "snap", Wu Wei's Thunderbolt [Iron Cloth Shirt] was directly shattered, and Wu Wei was sent flying!

Thanks to Wu Wei's passive defense being pulled to 12580, otherwise this slap would have killed Wu Wei.

But even if Wu Wei's defense power was pulled to 12850, Wu Wei felt as if his whole body was about to fall apart when this slap fell on him.

On the other side, after the lion king gave Wu Wei a paw, he immediately followed up and killed him!

Another paw swiped over, the posture of taking advantage of your illness to kill you was very full.

This scene happened to be seen by Yan Qianxue who came after the Lion King.

Seeing Wu Wei who had been chased by the Lion King in mid-air, Yan Qianxue's expression changed!

Although she didn't have a good sense of Wu Wei, an unscrupulous rune master, she still felt a little pity seeing Wu Wei dying like this.

After all, although Wu Wei is not serious, he is also a genius who can draw perfect quality runes.

Although it is a torch talisman, although it is not serious, its talent is still worthy of recognition.

If possible, Yan Qianxue still wanted to save her, but unfortunately the distance was too far.

She can only mourn for Wu Wei!

However, at the same time when Yan Qianxue was about to mourn for Wu Wei, a thunder light suddenly lit up from Wu Wei's hand, and with a "pop", it landed on one of the eyes of the lion king.

Such a short distance, lightning speed so fast.

The Lion King, who was going to give Wu Wei a claw, couldn't react at all, and one of his eyes was directly blown out.

"That was a rune of perfect quality just now!?"

At a height of thousands of meters, Yan Qianxue's expression changed.

She seemed to have seen something extraordinary just now, but she couldn't believe what she saw was real.

At the same time, the lion king, who was blind in one eye, was furious and slapped Wu Wei.

That powerful and heavy paw made Yan Qianxue's heart tremble.

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