Although that thing ran fast, it was not faster than Wu Wei's golden finger, and Wu Wei still had the attributes of that thing in front of his eyes.


Rune Monsters: Cave Mudmen

Quality: high quality

Level: 10

Skills mastered: ground thorn


"It really is this thing, Ah Huang chased me and caught that thing for me, remember, don't kill it!"

"Thief, here..."

"Shut up, let me go!"

Under Wu Wei's command, Ah Huang's horsepower was fully activated, and he chased after the clay figure.

It may be that the spider boots have a hidden speed-boosting effect. Ah Huang quickly caught up with the clay figure. Because Wu Wei wanted to live, Ah Huang chose to slap the clay figure on the chest with the blade.

With one shot, the clay figure was smashed directly against the wall.

After a while, Wu Wei saw Ah Huang dragging a 1.6-meter-long monster with a khaki body and no facial features, only a human silhouette walking over.

"Go, kill it!"

Wu Wei handed the tree spirit sword to the clay doll.

Under Wu Wei's command, the clay figurine ran over with a knife in hand and chopped up the clay figurine.

Wu Wei was looking forward to seeing a special number in front of him when the clay figure exploded, but to Wu Wei's disappointment, the number he was expecting did not appear.

"Can't killing the clay figure activate condition four? Or is it because you didn't kill it yourself?"

Wu Wei frowned and turned on the spot of light that the clay figure burst out.

[You turn on the white light spot and get a [Mudman Heart]! 】

Wu Wei stared blankly at the heart in his hand, and subconsciously handed it to the clay figurine next to him.

Then Wu Wei saw the heart of the clay figurine melting in the hands of the clay figurine, and at the same time a number appeared in front of Wu Wei's eyes.


Well, condition four is finally activated!

Chapter 038 Mysterious Man

The depths of the small maze cave!

A slender figure appeared out of thin air.

This man looked to be in his twenties, male, wearing a black tights, his face seemed to have heavy makeup, the most eye-catching thing was the purple eye shadow, which looked particularly exaggerated and hideous under heavy brushwork.

However, no matter how ferocious it was, it was not as ferocious as the expression on his face.

"Not enough data, right? Do it again, right? Okay! Then I'll come!

I don't care what it looks like! "

The expression on this guy's face became more and more ferocious.

With this ferocious expression on his face, the man continued to go deep into the cave of the small labyrinth.

Wherever he passed, the rune monsters wailed miserably.


In the southwest corner of the second floor of the Small Labyrinth Cave, above the mudman's chassis.

Well, after experiencing the last stabbing attack, Wu Wei's next steps are really one step at a time.

Every time he took a step, the clay figurine under his feet needed to be remodeled and solidified with mud first, so that he dared not step on it until the thorns could not be stretched out.

There was really nothing he could do.

It's really that the ground thorn is too disrespectful of martial arts.

Not only did the attack go down three ways, but there was no warning when the attack occurred.

It sticks out out of the blue, and it comes to an indescribable place without any preparation. Whoever you say is not afraid of it?

Wu Wei would rather be stabbed ten times with a knife than to be stabbed once by the ground.

However, Wu Wei also knows that there are people who can be a thief for a thousand days, but there are no people who can guard against a thief for a thousand days.

It's not a problem for Wu Wei to do this all the time.

One is that the clay doll's spiritual power won't last long, and the other is that Wu Wei doesn't want to drag it on like this.

And what Wu Wei did now was not just to ensure safety, he just wanted to go deeper into the soil man's territory.

Only by going deeper into the soil man's territory can he achieve what he wants to do next.

"Well, this position should be about the same now."

After some calculation, it was almost 100 meters after he walked in. Wu Wei narrowed his eyes and finally started to act.

"Spider sensor!"

As Wu Wei lightly tapped the ring in his hand, Wu Wei's eyes closed.

In the next second, Wu Wei seemed to have fallen into a black pool, and in an instant, there was a ripple.

Wu Wei captured 5 figures in an instant.

This is the active function of [Spider Sensing].

"I found it, Ah Huang. There is one hidden at the corner 15 meters ahead, another one seven meters ahead, one 16 meters away from the entrance to the left, another one 21 meters away, and another about 9 meters behind us. There is one somewhere!"

Wu Wei quickly reported the location of the five clay figurines.

Don't look at Ah Huang who is usually stupid, but when he enters the fighting state, he still looks very good.

Under Wu Wei's order, Ah Huang directly raised the knife and went up!

And Ah Huang's strength is there, coupled with his equipment, he is very agile when he starts his hands.

Soon, five half-dead clay figures were thrown in front of Wu Wei.

Then the old rule, the clay figurines went up with a knife, crackling and killing all five clay figurines.

Five clay figurines contribute 30.00% of the experience points of the clay figurine dolls, which means that it only needs a dozen or so more to store up the experience points and prepare for advancement.

How should I put it, the lower-quality rune summoned beasts require less experience points.

In addition, although the five clay figurines all contributed a light point, Wu Wei only gave out three clay figurine hearts.

"Isn't the burst rate of the clay figurines 20%? Looking at it this way, if you want to get [-] hearts, you have to kill at least thirty or forty clay figurines?

This is a big project! "

As he said that, Wu Wei let the clay figurine absorb the three hearts, and at the same time turned on another light spot.

[You turn on the white light spot and get a [Earth Spike Talisman]! 】

[You turn on the white light spot and get a [Mudman Summoning Talisman]! 】

"It's all talisman paper, it's not bad, it's okay, at least one or two hundred talismans can be bought, let's continue!"

Afterwards, Wu Wei used the same tactic again, brushed 6 clay figurines again, and obtained four [clay figurine hearts] and two [earth thorns].

I have to say that this income is really quite high, higher than any wave of monsters Wu Wei fought before.

This clay man really deserves to be a high-quality starting rune monster.

Wu Wei was very satisfied with these two waves.

And when Wu Wei used [Spider Sensing] for the third time, Wu Wei's mood became even better, and his eyes lit up.


The small maze cave, the second floor, the other side, the side of 8911 that just separated from Wu Wei.

While Wu Wei was struggling to kill monsters, they were also busy.

In addition to selling maps, they are also busy harvesting resources on the 2nd floor.

However, in this regard, they are not as relaxed as Wu Wei.

After all, the strength lies there, and the strength of 8911 only dares to harvest some relatively common rune monsters, which are not very strong resources.

After a busy day, the harvest is not as good as Wu Wei brushing a wave of clay figurines.

However, their luck seems to be really good.

It was already 18:[-], and it was close to the time for them to go offline. As the senior worker team of the Rune World, they planned to go offline on time, but they didn't expect to encounter the treasure chest unexpectedly.

"Look at the treasure chest, the wooden treasure chest!"

A member of the 8911 team pointed to a place not far ahead and said in surprise.

"Where is it? Well, I see, it's really a wooden treasure chest. This is the first time I've seen such a treasure chest."

"But there are rune monsters guarding them. I looked at the map. Well, they are cave kobolds, a particularly disgusting type of rune monsters. They are average in strength, but they do live in groups.

With them guarding them, we're afraid it will be difficult for us to get the treasure chest! "

"It's hard, but it doesn't mean it's impossible. If you think about it carefully, we still have a chance!"

Looking at the wooden treasure chest, all members of Team 8911 were moved.

"Actually, we don't need to be tough with this group of kobolds. Don't forget, we have the function of going offline at the speed of light. As long as we can get close to the treasure box and open the treasure box, we can go offline at the speed of light."

Someone made this suggestion, and Zhou Hong and others were all moved.

But still hesitant.

"This time, you won't fail to log off the line like before in the Dryad Forest, will you?"

Speaking of Dryad Forest, Zhou Hong still has lingering fears.

But her three teammates said they were not afraid at all.

"No, the last time I encountered a secret realm in the Dryad Forest, this time I won't encounter a secret realm again here, right? It's such a coincidence that we don't want to fight any monsters, just go back and open the blind box."

Although his teammates said so, Zhou Hong was still a little worried: "Although Wu Wei is annoying, sometimes what he says is quite correct, so it's better to be careful."

"That guy is just timid to make excuses for himself, so let's try the offline function first to make sure there is nothing wrong with the head office, right?"

A teammate said, and directly summoned the book of runes to demonstrate the offline function.

After confirming that there was no problem, the 8911 team made up their minds to do something big!

Chapter 039 Black Iron Treasure Chest

Yuehua Academy, Yueming Building, in Lou Xiaoyue's office.

With a "snap", Li Mingyue, the deputy landlord of Yueming Building in the outer campus of Yuehua College, took a map of [Little Maze Cave] on Lou Xiaoyue's desk.

"Explain, why does this kind of thing spread among students?

Who is selling this stuff? "

"The academy has repeatedly emphasized that everything must not be interfered with except for creating a safe cultivation environment for students in other campuses, and let them explore the world of talismans by themselves?

Don't allow them to get started, give them any help they don't deserve.

Under this kind of program, tell me, how did this thing appear in the hands of students? "

"It's true that I didn't do my job well, and I will investigate this matter immediately."

Lou Xiaoyue's face was pale, she didn't make excuses, but admitted her mistake immediately.

"No, I've sent people to see it."

"As for you? Don't cling to the Dryad Forest, give me more time to focus on the work you should do!"

After Li Mingyue finished speaking, she turned and left.

Leaving Lou Xiaoyue alone with the map lost in thought.

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