And the background of the Yellow Turban camp is incomparable with the camp of the big guys. There is a huge alliance behind the camp of the big guys, and they have nothing.

So much so that the yellow turban camp of the academy has been under suppression, and it can be regarded as a relatively miserable camp in the academy. "

Listening to Zhang Shan's description, Wu Wei just frowned, but Zhang Niujiao behind Wu Wei couldn't bear it.

"It's too deceitful, boy, you are the registered disciple of the great virtuous teacher, but you must revive the prestige of our Yellow Turban camp."

Wu Wei pretended not to hear this.

On the one hand, it is inconvenient to respond now, and on the other hand, Wu Wei is not stupid, and the situation of the Yellow Turban camp is obviously difficult. At this time, he jumped out and said that he is a member of the Yellow Turban camp and a registered disciple of the great virtuous teacher.

What is this for?

Isn't this just looking for abuse?

Because of Yuehua Academy's education, Wu Wei's sense of belonging to the camp is actually average.

He is just a tool in the camp to improve his own strength.

Wu Wei would not take any big risks for the Yellow Turban camp.

If possible, Wu Wei actually doesn't mind changing camps or anything.

However, Wu Wei also knows that some things are not so easy to obtain, let alone so easy to replace.

Therefore, Wu Wei vaguely felt that even if he didn't want to, one day he might face the big man camp.

Of course, Wu Wei must now hope that the later the day, the better.

After all, he is only a Tier [-] rune master right now, so don't get involved in any faction conflicts with this level of strength.

Zhang Niujiao seemed to be aware of this too, and after a few shouts, he fell silent.

And when both Wu Wei and Zhang Niujiao were thinking about keeping a low profile for a while and not getting involved in any conflicts between camps, a soft sigh suddenly came from the side: "Hey, big man and tiger charm!"

Wu Wei was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously turned his head to look over.

I saw a burly man with a big knife on his waist and a silver-white armor walking towards him.

"Brother, are you also in my big man camp?"

Chapter 024 The Beginning of Cyclone

Baijia Academy, in front of the D-level trading area.

The hulking man came to Wu Wei, clasped his fists together and introduced himself.

"Fifth-rank student, Dong Hu, the Xiliang branch of the Han camp!"

After a short moment of astonishment, Wu Wei also introduced himself: "New student Li Ying, just reported today!"

"I see. Is Brother Li interested in joining our Xiliang branch?"

The other party cut straight to the point.

Wu Wei did not answer immediately.

Although he hung the big Han Tiger Talisman outside, on the one hand, it was because there were too many supplies and the book of runes could not be loaded, on the other hand, he might not be able to beat them, so he temporarily relied on the [frivolous illusion] to sneak in.

But at this time, Wu Wei did not immediately agree: "Well, I just signed up, and I want to get familiar with the environment first!"

"Sure, let's exchange orders first!"

The so-called command book is actually similar to the divine symbol, which can be communicated in Baijia academies. The difference is that it communicates through the [Student Order].

Zhang Shan has already taught Wu Wei about this, and it is very easy for Wu Wei to get started at this time.

Soon, there were two people on Wu Wei's order.

After exchanging the orders, Dong Hu didn't continue to pester: "I still have something to do, I'm leaving first, by the way, if you want to sell the money you got from traveling, you can go to Ding NO.17 store Xiliang groceries, that's our Stores in Xiliang, if you report my name, they will give you a satisfactory price.

See you!

I hope to see Brother Li joining me in Xiliang soon. "

After speaking, Dong Hu strode away.

Watching the back of the other party going away, Wu Weicai heaved a sigh of relief after a while.

In the brief contact just now, the other party brought tremendous pressure to Wu Wei.

Although he didn't see his attributes, his intuition told Wu Wei that the Dong Hu just now was definitely a fifth-level existence.

And the horror of strength is definitely far beyond Wu Wei's imagination.

In fact it is.

When he was here just now, Zhang Niujiao was very careful to restrain his breath to the extreme.

It wasn't until he left that Zhang Niujiao's voice rang in Wu Wei's mind.

"That guy just now."

After pondering for a while, he gave a 'remarkable' evaluation.

At the same time, Zhang Shan only came to his senses, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Wu Wei carefully.

"What's the matter, senior?"

"Um, curious!" Zhang Shan scratched his head: "Just now, Dong Hu's eyes are usually higher than the top, and he might not like ordinary fifth-level students. You are a freshman, and he actually handed you an olive branch in person.

But having said that, you really have to think about it on his side. Although Xiliang can be regarded as a branch of the Han camp, it is not actually the core of the Han camp.

Moreover, Dong Hu's personality commented, uh, forget it, the T-shaped trading area is right in front of you, you can go in by yourself, I will go back first!

If you don't understand anything later, you can contact us through Lingshu! "

After speaking, Zhang Shan turned and left.

"Senior, go slowly!"

Wu Wei watched the back of Zhang Shan leaving, narrowed his eyes slightly, and thought about the information in the mountain dialect. After a while, Wu Wei turned and entered the T-shaped trading area.

After Zhang Shan left, Zhang Niujiao also became active, and the voice began to ring frequently in Wu Wei's head.

"Boy, you don't really plan to sneak into the big man's camp, do you?"

"I have this idea, but if the situation in the Yellow Turban camp is not too bad, I can also go directly to the Yellow Turban camp.

Let's talk about the specific situation first.

The most important thing for me now is to settle down in the academy.

Clean up these resources in your hands and replace them with resources to improve your strength!

If possible, I don't plan to stay in Tier [-] for too long! "

Just like what Zhang Niujiao said, Wu Wei's background is as terrifying as that of ordinary fifth-order rune masters.

He who has entered the third level can be considered to have entered a stage where his strength has skyrocketed.

He has considerable room for improvement in many areas.

At present, his focus is still on improving his strength. As for those camps, if there is no special need, Wu Wei doesn't want to get involved.

Afterwards, Wu Wei wandered around the trading area.

Learn about conditions and prices in the trade zone.

After some understanding, Wu Wei found that the prices in the trading area were quite different from Yuehua City and Quicksand City.

In the trading area here, the prices of materials, runes, elixirs, and even magic weapon talismans are lower.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand.

This is the trading area of ​​Baijia Academy, and Baijia Academy is the top academy.

Gather here is considered to be the top student in the world of runes, whether they are monster spawning, drawing or alchemy, they all have all kinds of outstanding talents.

With more talents, the supplies will naturally go up.

As the materials go up, the price will naturally come down.

This is understandable.

After Wu Wei got a general idea of ​​the prices, he began to sell the things in his hands.

In Wu Wei's hand, he had the supplies for the entire [Black Swordsman's Castle], as well as the elite supplies for the Tier [-] maps that he had collected along the way.

Things are still very good.

In addition to these, Wu Wei also sold the hundreds of [torch talismans] of rare quality that he had drawn before.

Before Wu Wei drew hundreds of [torch talismans] of rare quality, he planned to use them as his trump card. At that time, he thought that throwing hundreds of torch talismans together could explode an attack of [-], which was considered a good killer move.

As a result, he couldn't find a suitable opportunity to use it all the way in his hands, and his own strength was still growing at this time.

Wu Wei at this time, among other things, just bursting out the 1000 spiritual power of the Thunder Sutra can deal [-] to [-] damage.

The torch talisman is a trump card, [-] damage looks strong, but there are still quite a few restrictions.

And it's expensive, it's really unnecessary, it's better to take it out for money.

But Wu Wei's things are not sold in a single store.

He split things into dozens or hundreds of shares and scattered them throughout the trading area.

The purpose of doing this, on the one hand, is to not attract attention.

As a Tier [-] rune master, he was very eye-catching for taking out so many supplies in one go.

But if you divide it by a hundred, it's not very eye-catching.

Wu Wei can also take this opportunity to learn more about the items traded in the trading area.

It took several hours for Wu Wei to sell everything he had on hand.

In terms of income, a total of 7 spirit stones plus 3 spirit coins.

Among them, a little more than three spirit stones were obtained by selling runes, and the remaining three or four spirit stones were obtained by him harvesting and selling along the way.

This income is much less than Wu Wei's expected 10 spirit stones.

However, considering that the prices in the trading area are relatively cheap, Wu Wei feels that this wave is not a loss.

In addition to Wu Wei's remaining 6 spirit stones, Wu Wei has a total of 13 spirit stones plus 3 spirit coins. If all of them are converted into spirit coins, it is about 53 spirit coins.

Wu Wei's family fortune is unprecedentedly rich.

But this rich family background did not stay in Wu Wei's hands for long.

Except for Wu Wei leaving 2 spirit stones as a backup for Zhang Niujiao's daily operations and ult moves, he spent all the rest.

And most of it was spent on pills.

Level 41 rare quality [Solid Pill] 30000 spirit coins, 6 spirit stones, Wu Wei bought [-]!

Level 41 rare quality [Earth Meditation Pill] 31000 spirit coins, 4 spirit stones, Wu Wei bought [-]!

Level 41 rare quality [Hua Lei Pill] 65000 spirit coins, one spirit stone and one spirit stone Wu Wei bought 2 pieces.

Just like that, Wu Wei had already spent 9 spirit stones.

For the remaining two spirit stones, Wu Wei bought a complete set of materials that can draw 500 fire-attributed excellent-quality runes, and a complete set of materials that can draw 10 rare-quality fire-attributed runes.

And the same level of wood attribute talisman materials.

This cost a little more than 1 spirit stone.

For the last spirit stone, Wu Wei sold a level 41 rare quality [Wood Spirit Liquid] and a level 31 excellent quality earth spirit stone.

This thing can increase the learning efficiency of wood attribute skill runes, and Wu Wei is going to use it to attack the perfect quality [Root Extraction Talisman].

After buying these things, Wu Wei went back to before liberation in a wave.

Except for two spirit stones, there was no money left in his pocket.

Originally, Wu Wei wanted to replace Ah Huang and the others with magic weapon talismans, but in the end he had to cancel this plan as a last resort.

But Wu Wei didn't feel bad about spending the money.

He was even very happy.

Although the money was spent, it will return to Wu Wei in another form soon after.

Moreover, the money spent is also temporary.

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