Moreover, even if there is, Wu Wei feels that there is no need to be afraid, because Wu Wei observed carefully, the space inside is basically surrounded by stones, and only a small area is soil. !

"Yes, this place, this place can not only be used to spawn monsters, but also can be used as a camp!

Well, note the place down! "

Wu Wei was very satisfied when he found this place, but he didn't stop there. He continued to lead the yellow scarf soldier Ah Huang, carefully avoiding the wild boars in the wild boar valley, and finished observing the environment of the entire valley.

This valley is not too big or too small. After Wu Wei observed it, it was almost twelve o'clock.

Wu Wei, who was tired all day, finally summoned the [Book of Runes], with a light touch, the space in front of Wu Wei's eyes rippled like flowers in a mirror and the moon in water.

Then, Wu Wei returned to his dormitory.

Although I don't know how many times it is, but for the book of runes, a world-changing ability, Wu Wei feels incredible every time he experiences it.

After taking a break in the dormitory, Wu Wei, who had been busy all day, decided to go out and find something to eat before going to bed.

Not far from his dormitory is the cafeteria.

In order to make it easier for students to come back from the world of runes to eat, the school deliberately placed the canteen not far from the dormitory building, and it is open 24 hours a day.

Come to the cafeteria.

Wu Wei found that although it was midnight, there were still quite a lot of people.

Most of them were four or five people gathered together, some with excited faces, and some with ashen faces, obviously they were all teams from the world of runes.

It is relatively rare for a person like Wu Wei to go out to eat alone. After all, the rune masters who enter the world of runes are all active in small groups.

Wu Wei sighed softly, swiped his card and asked for a bowl of beef noodles. He was holding the noodles and was looking around to find a place to eat when his body trembled slightly and his gaze involuntarily focused on a table not far away.

I saw his four teammates who said they would go off the assembly line to rest after nine o'clock were sitting on that table.

Look at the scraps on their table, and the cases of beer.

Apparently they've been around for quite a while.

It is estimated that they will come together as soon as they are offline.

What Wu Wei can be sure of is that after he goes offline, there are no calls or messages on his mobile phone.

At the same time, on Wu Wei's teammate side, the girl named Hong Jie also happened to look up and see Wu Wei.

The four eyes met, and the scene was somewhat awkward!

In the end, Wu Wei broke the embarrassment with a smile, nodded his head as a signal, and then found a random corner to eat while holding the noodles.

When Wu Wei finished his meal and looked up, his teammates had already left, and they didn't come over to say hello before leaving.

Wu Wei was silent for a while, and finally got up and turned back to the dormitory!

After returning to the dormitory, Wu Wei washed his face, then picked up a book "On the 18721 Low-Level Rune Monsters of the Rune World" and read it until it was around two o'clock before Wu Wei lay down to sleep .

At 06:30 the next day, Wu Wei got up on time, went for a run, had breakfast, and then went to their team's activity room.

Arriving outside the activity room, Wu Wei was about to open the door with his hands together, when an electronic reminder sounded.

[Ding, this is the activity room of the 8911 team. You are not a member of the team and have no permission to enter. Please do not break in casually! 】

Hearing this electronic sound, Wu Wei raised his eyebrows...

Chapter 003

Yuhua Divine Talisman Academy, 8911 event room!

Except for Wu Wei, the four team members who usually wouldn't come before 9 o'clock, came to the activity room early today for the first time.

Everyone quietly waited for Wu Wei's arrival.

Soon, Wu Wei's footsteps sounded, and at the same time, the electronic notification sounded.

At this moment, Zhou Hong and the others all became energetic.

"You say, what will he do next?"

"Please, please, please accept him. After all, he is a mentally ill man. Apart from us, no other team will accept him as the rune summoner contracted with [Yellow Turban Soldiers]!"

"Of course there may be trouble!"

"Whether it's begging or making trouble, we can't accept him anymore. Sister Hong, you have to stand firm when the time comes. If he uses him to save you yesterday as an issue, don't be soft-hearted!"

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion. His strength could not keep up with us. Now that the summoned beast has died again, his strength has declined further and now he can't keep up with our team. We really can't keep him.

As for saving me?It really doesn't count, I can react even without the yellow turban soldiers, but it ruined the rhythm of my attack, but anyway, I have already compensated him.

A [Yellow Turban Soldier Summoning Talisman] made up for his loss, and I don't owe him any more! "

"Then we've agreed, we can't have him anymore!"

Zhou Hong, the four of them, after discussing with each other, they paid attention to the situation outside the door, but found that there was no movement outside the door. They looked at each other, and then opened the door to see that the four of them were all frightened. one jump.

I saw Wu Wei standing there quietly looking at the four of them.

On the chubby face, there was no honest and honest smile that they were familiar with before, and the calmness made them very strange.

Seeing Wu Wei like this suddenly, Zhou Hong and the others were somewhat at a loss.

But in the end, he still faced Wu Wei.

"Wu Wei, don't blame us, it's because your summoned beast is too weak to keep up with us, and you are too rubbish, we can't improve your strength by pulling you!

Look at yesterday's battle, you were of no use! "

"That's right, and your personality doesn't match ours, and it's really meaningless for us to be together, so I'm really sorry, you can look for other teams to accept you!"

Hearing what his teammates said, the corners of Wu Wei's mouth twitched.

"The strength is too weak? The battle is useless? The personality is not compatible? Pulling you so that you can't improve your strength?"

At this moment, Wu Weiyou said Cao Nima really didn't know what to say.

"I admit that the strength is too weak, and I admit that the personality is not suitable, but I really dare not admit the remaining two.

Fighting is useless?

This is why my yellow turban soldiers can't be used as meat shields after your level has been raised recently, right?

In our previous battle, which one wasn't Ah Huang at the front?

We suffer the worst beatings and get the least experience and income, which guarantees your growth.

Oh, you guys have grown up now, think I'm too weak?Not useful?

Do you ask yourself is this the case?Although Ahuang can't be used as a human shield now, it can play a role in containment, detection, and attracting enemy firepower in battle!

How the Wild Boar King was discovered yesterday, how it was cornered bit by bit, and how Zhou Hong survived, you should know all of these in your minds!

So I really don't recognize this! "

"As for myself, I know that I am a burden, so I have been working hard to improve, environmental investigation, tactical planning, I am studying hard, and I think it will come in handy!

Moreover, I have always been the least one in the distribution of loot.

Do the most things with the least resources, I am really not just holding you back! "

"As for your ability to improve, you really can't blame me for this!

Others stay in the world of runes for several days, how about you?I work [-] to [-], and occasionally work overtime at [-] o'clock in the evening, fight a small boss and have a drink to celebrate.

I don't usually see you honing your martial arts skills. Really, it's really not my problem that your strength is not improving. It's that you are too careless about your own future!

Listen to my advice, this kind of character of yours is really not suitable for being a charmer, it is better to go home and sell sweet potatoes!

At least it's safe and secure, so you don't have to worry about dying one day! "

Wu Wei's words were extremely harsh, and the expressions of Zhou Hong and the others changed drastically when they heard it!

They jumped up one by one like cats whose tails had been stepped on!

"Yes, that's right, that's how you are!

He is obviously weaker than us, but every day he looks down on us and looks down on us from the bottom of his heart!

Holding a few broken books every day, you seem to be a great person. Who do you think you are when you start fighting and pointing fingers at us?

You are just a garbage summoner who has contracted [Yellow Turban Soldier]! "

"You work hard, you are noble, don't you still rely on us!

Without us, you wouldn't even dare to enter the world of runes! "


In fact, the biggest core conflict between Wu Wei and this team does not lie in strength.

It lies in the attitudes of both parties towards the profession of rune master.

Wu Wei belonged to the kind of person who tried his best to become stronger and was willing to work hard to become stronger, while Zhou Hong and the others belonged to the kind of muddling along, like a monk hitting the clock for a day.

However, they still feel that they have worked very hard, but they are unlucky, and their talent and background are not as good as others. If they are given resources, they will be able to surpass those so-called geniuses in minutes.

It can be said that they are completely two different people.

How can people like this get along? If Wu Wei was stronger, they might admire Wu Wei, but Wu Wei's strength lies there, so in their view, Wu Wei's efforts are just more than the sky. Paper thin digestion.

In this way, such results are also predictable.

Looking at the jumping teammates in front of him, after venting his grievances, Wu Wei suddenly felt that arguing with them was really boring, so he waved his hands: "Okay, I don't want to and I don't have the time to quarrel with you guys." , Fire me, right? Okay, give me compensation for firing me, and share yesterday's spoils!

I was still a member of the team yesterday, don't try to hack my stuff! "

"No, we are not so despicable, take your things and get out!"

As the team leader, Zhou Hong immediately threw a backpack to Wu Wei.

Wu Wei raised his hand to take it, opened it, and there was a transparent light spot inside, with rough crossbow arrows suspended above it, and a stack of transparent runes in addition.

Wu Wei did some calculations, and after confirming that the value of the item was what it should have been when the loot was distributed yesterday, Wu Wei didn't talk nonsense, put his backpack on his back, turned around and left.


After that, two chapters will be updated every night at 18:[-]

Chapter 004 Wild Boar Crossbow

Come out of the 8911 team activity room.

Wu Wei's mood is still quite low!

It's not that he can't leave the team, but that he feels that he is somewhat of a failure.

He felt that if he was stronger and worked harder, maybe he would not end up being kicked out today, and he could leave by himself!

In the face of failure, some people feel that it is not themselves who are wrong, but the whole world.

There will also be people like Wu Wei who feel that it is their own fault that they have not been able to avoid this kind of thing from happening!

If you dig deeper, you will find that he has a very conceited mentality.

He is conceited that he can do everything well, and everything he has not done well is because he has not worked hard.

This mentality is good or bad.

But one thing is for sure, with such a mentality, Wu Wei cheers up quite quickly!

He won't let himself be immersed in this kind of lost emotion forever, and patted himself on the face: "Come on, I need to think about what I need to do next!"

Wu Wei who lost his team.

Now he must face a reality, that is, how should he fight in the world of runes?

The world of runes is extremely important to a rune master, and the resources for the growth of a rune master basically come from the world of runes.

And the world of runes is not the world of online games. That world is full of opportunities but also dangerous. A large number of rune masters die in the world of runes every year. It is not easy to survive in the world of runes.

Therefore, the talisman masters usually form a team to take care of each other, just like Wu Wei did before.

But he has been expelled from the team now, and what is worse is his current conditions. It is not easy to find a new team.

Even if he found it, it would be difficult for Wu Wei to guarantee that what happened today would not happen again.

He really didn't want to be kicked out again!

And when Wu Wei was having a headache, he suddenly thought of the place he had explored in the Wild Boar Valley last night.

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