Excited, they surrounded Wu Wei one by one.

"Angkor, you cooperate so well with us, you will take us with you in the future!"

"That's right, if we form a team, we will definitely be invincible!"

"As long as you can come, I will give you the position of captain!"

"Angkor, people like you!"


I like a hammer!

You like me, but I don't like you!

Looking at the four expectant faces in front of him, Wu Wei said: "We'll talk about forming a team later, let's pack up the spoils first.

Also, on Sunday, you contact the school immediately and tell the school that the map here cannot be offline!

Let the school send someone to investigate, this may be related to the loss of contact with the 8911 team! "

As soon as Wu Wei said this, all members of the 8566 team's eyes lit up: "Angkor, there is a big secret in it, maybe there is a dungeon of the secret realm, why don't we explore it!"

"No, don't, I'm tired, I'll go back to rest after dividing the spoils!"

Wu Wei firmly refused!

What are you kidding, you just narrowly escaped death, and you want to die again?

Chapter 023 Earnings

Wu Wei seriously rejected Team 8566's idea of ​​committing suicide.

And staring at Zhou Tian, ​​let Zhou Tian notify the school.

As the academy of rune masters, Yuehua Rune Academy naturally cannot only affect the real world.

In addition to having schools in the real world, Yuehua Academy also has its own territory in the world of runes.

Wu Wei and the others are currently in the territory of Yuehua College.

Yuehua Academy controls a city with a population of more than 50 and 37 small towns in the world of runes, which is why Wu Wei can have a Yuehua rune shop in Maple Leaf Town.

As a team of Yuehua Academy, 8566 can naturally contact the academy.

Report the situation here to the academy through special props.

Then, the matter here has nothing to do with Wu Wei and the others.

Then they can sit down and share the rewards with peace of mind.

However, after all, they did not share the rewards in the pile of rocks.

Wu Wei's character is a bit cautious, and in this kind of place where he can't go offline at any time, Wu Wei's heart can't be at ease.

Therefore, under Wu Wei's command, they picked up all the proceeds and left the Dryad Forest quickly.

After coming out of the Dryad Forest, Wu Wei and Team 8566 simply divided up the rewards.

In this battle, they harvested a total of 76 light spots.

Among them, there are 15 high-quality ones, and one is a light green spot.

The remaining 50 are all ordinary blips.

In terms of income distribution, they are already very proficient as students of Yuehua College.

After all, the professors of Yuehua College specially taught a class on the distribution of spoils.

This course is compulsory for all students.

One of them is that if the team is rescued when the team is in danger of being destroyed, the rescuer can and must take away at least 60.00% of the spoils after being rescued!

This is the iron law of loot distribution, and both sides must resolutely implement it.

The college does not allow any party to fail to implement, and no matter which party violates the rules, it will be punished.

This kind of loot distribution regulations seems weird, but if you think about it carefully, you can understand the school's intentions in this regard.

Thanks to this regulation, Wu Wei was able to have no burden. He didn't have to shirk against his will like receiving red envelopes during the Chinese New Year, and then "reluctantly" took his spoils.

Of the 76 light spots, Wu Wei finally took 7 of them.

Wu Wei took that green light spot away, and took away 5 high-quality light spots, and one ordinary-quality light spot.

Calculated, what Wu Wei took away is roughly equivalent to 60.00% of the income this time.

Wu Wei took it almost close to the bottom line, leaving as much as possible for the 8566 team.

Although he was almost killed by these reckless men, Wu Wei's sense of them is not bad.

I think they are quite suitable to be buddies and friends, they are all sincere guys who are willing to go out of their way for friends, and to a certain extent, they are also quite suitable to be teammates.

Of course, it's the kind where you and they are teammates and I support them, but I won't be able to do it for me!

Wu Wei felt that, to be teammates with them, it would be best to buy some insurance first!

"You guys have been busy all day, don't worry about it, especially on the Dryad Forest, go back and rest early, you know?"

"I know Angkor, let's go back to Angkor!"

"Yes, yes, we will definitely not go, we are also tired and have to go back to the big sword!"

"Angkor go slowly!"


After distributing the spoils, Wu Wei left the world of runes under the farewell of the reckless man of 8566.

As soon as Wu Wei left, 8566's eyes began to roll as they had just vowed that they were tired and they were going back to the big sword.

Huang Mao was the first to suggest: "Brothers, do you want to go to the Dryad Forest?"

"It's not good, I promised Angkor that I can't say it!" Arrow Man said he couldn't go, and his eyes kept looking at the Dryad Forest.

Four people, you look at me and I look at you.

Then, this group of guys went straight to the Dryad Forest with excited, expectant and deadly smiles on their faces.

This group of guys, it really makes a life go on and on!


On the other side, Wu Wei's side.

After he returned to the dormitory from the world of runes, he immediately took out the book of runes, and took out the 7 light spots he had just acquired.

It has to be said that although this time is dangerous, the rewards are also not small.

I got 7 light spots in one breath, among which there is a light green one.

"The high-quality light spot should be green, and this kind of light green light spot should belong to the kind of thing that is less than high-quality goods, but higher than high-quality.

Well, less than the first level, it's not bad that a boss that is not a boutique quality can explode this kind of thing! "

With such income, Wu Wei is very content.

This wave of him can be regarded as a wave of fat. If he is lucky, he can get a few hundred talisman benefits, even if he is not good, he will not pay a hundred!

Although he already knew roughly what was inside the light spot, Wu Wei was still very excited to consecrate the light spot at this time.

"Well, put the best and the worst at the end, and open the middle first!"

As Wu Wei said, he picked up a white light spot and turned it on.

[You turn on the white light spot and get a [High Quality Treant Heart]! 】

"Recovery materials, one equal to four or five [Spirit Talisman Pills], the price is about twenty or thirty Spirit Talismans!

generally! "

With that said, Wu Wei started driving again.

[You turn on the white light spot and get a [Rune Magical Treant Ring]! 】

[You turn on the white light spot and get a piece of [Single Tree Essence Pill]! 】

[You turn on the white light spot and get a [Spell Rune Small Restoration Talisman]! 】

[You turn on the white light spot and get a [High Quality Treant Heart]! 】

In one breath, Wu Wei opened all five white light spots, skipped the tree center, and Wu Wei looked at the attributes of the three things below him.


Rune Warrior: Treant Ring

Quality: high quality

Rating: 10

Effect: Treant Energy (can be used twice a day, using it on the target can restore the target's physical and spiritual power.

The recovery amount is roughly equivalent to the full physical and spiritual power of the elite rune dryad)


Rune Pill Recipe: Tree Essence Pill

Quality: high quality

Level: 10

Effect: After using it, you can get the refining method of Shujingdan.


Spell Rune: Small Restoration Talisman

Quality: high quality

Level: 10

Burning conditions: 10 rune mages

Remaining uses: 3/3


It's all okay, although the skills attached to the rune magic weapon [Tree Spirit Ring] are different from those of the [Wild Boar Knife]. It can be directly burned on the equipment without the participation of the rune master, and cannot provide help for the rune master in cultivation. , but its effect is not small and its value is also very high, at least one or two hundred charms, but Wu Wei will not sell it for the time being.

He still has this thing in use.

In addition, he doesn't know how to sell the tree essence elixir. He took a lot of things from the little brother in black. The medicine dregs from the little brother helped him a lot. He planned to give this to the little brother in return as a gift.

The last [Small Restoration Talisman] can be bought, the value of this item is about the same as that of the [Earth Spike Talisman], 50 charms each.

In this case, he can only discount about 100 talismans.

But he still has two light spots left open.


Thanks to [Xuexi Chen Tangguan] [Yaoyao Xiaogui] for their support!

Chapter 024 The Second Source Rune

Well, it is said that Wu Wei turned off two light spots, but in fact he turned off only one light spot, and that is the light green one.

As for the ordinary light spot, it doesn't matter whether it's turned on or not. Wu Wei knew what it was and what its attributes were from a long time ago, so he chose it on purpose.

[Ding, you turn on the ordinary light spot and get a [Tree Summoning Talisman]]

That's right, the common rune Wu Wei chose was [Tree Spirit Summoning Talisman].

The explosion rate of this thing is quite low. Wu Wei and the others killed two to three hundred dryads, and in the end only this one came out. No wonder one of the rune shops sold 98 magic runes.

After opening it, Wu Wei took a look at the properties of this thing.


Summoner: Dryad

Quality: Normal

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