It was the first time for Wu Wei to be in this situation, so he couldn't help being a little shocked.

At this moment, Wu Tian, ​​who had just been knocked into the air, came over and pulled him.

"Don't look, let's go!"

Saying that, he pulled Wu Wei and ran towards the elevator.

After entering the elevator, the two breathed a sigh of relief, and Wu Wei finally had time to ask questions: "No, senior, what's going on? Didn't you promise me to leave?"

"I can't help it, you call me senior, I can't let you face Li Changqing alone, no, it's Lou Xiaoyue!"

"Lou Xiaoyue?" Wu Wei was stunned: "What Lou Xiaoyue!"

"I just tried it out, Mr. Li was actually designed, he wasn't a member of 'Redemption' originally, Lou Xiaoyue was.

The teacher Li you saw just now is actually controlled by Lou Xiaoyue! "

Immediately, Wu Tian briefly told Wu Wei about the reasoning process.

This shocked Wu Wei beyond recognition.

He didn't expect that there were so many secrets behind this incident.

What's more, Wu Tian was able to deduce the truth based on only slight clues, and even forced Lou Xiaoyue out.

This wisdom is really impressive.

However, Wu Tian was not satisfied with what he had done.

"It's just that I didn't expect that there would be a big mistake after all.

What's more, he didn't expect that the other party's methods were so weird and vicious, and he sacrificed Teacher Li as a whole.

Now we are in trouble! "

Wu Wei was taken aback, and asked, "Uh, is it troublesome? Is the thing Li Changqing created in the end terrifying? The existence of the fifth order?

The Changling Building is so big, why don't we find someone to be strict with him, or use the rules of the building to give him a hard time? "

Wu Tian smiled wryly, just about to say something, but the topic changed suddenly.

"It's a bit troublesome, but it's not impossible to solve. I will lead him to the 75th floor later. I have set up a trap there. It should be able to solve that guy. You can find a floor to hide at will."

"Well, why don't I stay here to help, the teacher gave me a way to save my life!"

"No, I can solve it myself, seniors have the self-esteem of seniors, so don't meddle in it, you little boy!

By the way, you take this. "

Wu Tian took out an identity card and a walkie-talkie to Wu Wei as he said: "This is the identity card of the security team of Changling Building. In fact, the conversation I just had with Lou Xiaoyue has been transmitted to every walkie-talkie through the security system." up.

My teammates, and the other two squads knew what was going on.

But just in case, you should go to the security system control center on the first floor to take out the surveillance video later.

In this case, it would be better for you to have an explanation when you go back.

At the same time, it won't let Lou Xiaoyue run away! "

Looking at the identity card, Wu Wei once again felt Wu Tian's thoroughness in doing things.

However, he still wanted to help Wu Tian.

But Wu Tian didn't give Wu Wei a chance.

"Okay, I'm here, you go up too, go up and hold the elevator for me, make sure that thing must come to the 75th floor, otherwise I won't be able to solve it!"


"No but, you have to trust your senior!"

When Wu Tian said this, what else could Wu Wei do?

I can only nod my head, go up to the 76th floor, and then press and hold the elevator on the 76th floor, so that this elevator stops on the 76th floor.

On Wu Tian's side, looking at the elevator stopped on the 76th floor, he smiled wryly: "I hope it's not what I thought!

If it's really what I think, I'm afraid it will kill me this time! "

And almost as soon as Wu Tian said this, he saw a burst of black aura floating out from the closed elevator door, and after coming out, it condensed into a skeleton in front of Wu Tian.

Looking at the skeleton in front of him, Wu Tian shook his head.

"Sure enough, it's exactly as I expected!"

At this moment, even Wu Tian couldn't help showing that kind of aggrieved expression when he got the lottery.

In fact, since 'Li Changqing' sacrificed, he vaguely guessed the reason for 'Li Changqing' to sacrifice.

On the one hand, it may be because Li Changqing's health is failing, and on the other hand, she knows the particularity of the Quancheng ruins.

I also know the particularity of Changling Building.

Even if she took the shot herself, she might not be able to kill the two of them with full confidence in this environment.

That's why she sacrificed 'Li Changqing' and made the skeleton in front of her.

I don't know if this skeleton is stronger than 'Li Changqing', but it has an advantage that 'Li Changqing' doesn't have, that is, it can ignore the rules of Changling Building!

It can ignore the rules of Changling Building.

Of course, there is a premise, the premise is that it only does its task and does not touch the things of Changling Building.

As long as it doesn't collect things from Changling Building, Changling Building won't respond to anything it does.

An opponent who can lock on to your position and chase you until you die, and the Changling Building will not respond to it.

This is terrifying!

What's even more frightening is that Wutian needs to escape in its hands now.

"It's simply not a human thing!"

Wu Tian turned and ran without hesitation.

But as soon as he moved, the skeleton just stuck close to him, and the gray breath of death wrapped around him, entwining Wu Tian tightly.

"Sure enough, is it impossible to escape in front of this kind of existence? Since this is the case, then this is the only way for me to come!"

As he said that, on the fourth page of the Wutian Rune Book, his fourth source lit up.

And Wu Tian's fourth origin is his strongest ultimate move, 【Raising Sword Talisman】.

This original rune is also one that does not take the initiative to kill the enemy, its function is to accumulate sword energy.

Add 2 points of sword energy damage every day, and accumulate a super strong sword over time.

At this time, Wu Tian's sword has been cultivated for half a year, almost reaching the limit of [Sword Raising Talisman].

Once this sword is cut, there is only one result, either the enemy dies, or he dies!

With Wu Tian's character, this kind of method can only be used as the bottom of the box, if he can, he will not let himself use it to the extent that he has to.

But now in this situation, he had to use it.

Looking at the deathly spirit of the skeleton entangled in front of him, Wu Tian smiled, and activated the [Sword Raising Talisman], slowly raised the long sword in his hand, and said lightly: "Ten years of sharpening a sword, frost blade Never tried.

Show the king today, who has any injustice? "

While singing the poem, his sword energy that had been stored for half a year poured out, and the Haoran sword energy also blessed it, and at the same time cut out his [advanced swordsmanship] [one sword clears the mind]!

This sword condensed all of Wu Tian's strength.

It was originally prepared to attack the Changling Building, but now it can only be given to that skeleton.

With a sword slashing out, the mighty sword energy slashed at the skeleton in front of him majestically.

360 attack power burst.

With a puff, the skeleton in front of Wu Tian was split in half by a sword.

As for Wu Tian himself, all his strength was exhausted at this moment.

The whole person lay down.

A pair of eyes stared at the skeleton, and he was afraid that he would be completely useless in a short time now, without any resistance.

If his sword couldn't kill the skeleton, then he would be the one who fell!

However, to his disappointment, although his sword split the skeleton in half and turned it into a gray breath of death, the breath of death quickly condensed again.

Obviously, if the skeleton is not dead, then he is going to die.

For this result, Wu Tian is afraid, and it is false to say that he is not afraid of death.

He even thought again, if he had kept Wu Wei at that time, would there have been a different result? Did Wu Wei have any other means to get rid of the skeleton?

But Wu Tian did not regret his actions.

His childhood experience has shaped his character. He can bet on his own life, but he will never put others in danger.

Therefore, even if it is to do it again, he will still make the same choice.

And for the current result, he is actually not unacceptable.

Although he failed to kill the skeleton now, he also consumed a lot of energy of the skeleton. As long as he distracts Wu Wei and delays for a while, he should be able to escape.

With the little strength left, he took out a walkie-talkie and said to the walkie-talkie: "Student, I said that you can trust your senior, the senior has already solved it!

Can you help the senior go to the first floor to get the monitoring? "

At this time, Wu Wei's voice came from the walkie-talkie: "It is possible, but senior, are you sure you have solved it?"

Wu Tian was taken aback for a moment, but hadn't realized what was going on.

There was a sound of 'ding', the sound of the elevator arriving at the station, and then the elevator door opened, and Wu Wei's figure came out.

"Just now I was thinking, if the monster can't get up if the elevator is pressed on the 76th floor, wouldn't it be enough to press the other one as well?

Why bother?

Such a simple thing, I can think of it, it is impossible for the senior not to think of it.

So, there should be a problem. "

As he spoke, Wu Wei walked out, looked at the situation in front of him, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth: "Sure enough! Senior, is this the solution you said?"

Wu Tian looked at Wu Wei who suddenly appeared, opened his mouth for a long time, and finally only smiled wryly: "You came down to tease me?"

"Eh?" Wu Wei shook his head: "No, I came down to tell the senior.

In fact, you can also believe in the strength of the younger brother! "

As he said that, Wu Wei smiled grimly and swung the [Death Saber] towards the cloud of death mist.

They came together at the same time, as well as the summoned beasts behind Wu Wei...

Chapter 131 Killing the Skeleton Li Changqing

The ruins of Quancheng, the 75th floor of Changling Building.

Seeing Wu Wei who swung the [Death Saber] and killed that skeleton, Wu Tian, ​​who was just smiling wryly, suddenly became nervous.

To be honest, Wu Wei has done things beyond his expectations twice in a row.

The first is that Wu Tian didn't expect Wu Wei to come down.

Although there were flaws in his words, he didn't expect Wu Wei to see through them so quickly and come down directly.

The second thing he didn't expect was that Wu Wei would swing his knife and slash at the skeleton.

At this time, Wu Wei would not be surprised if he ran to save him, or threw out a magic talisman.

This is all within the reasonable range that Wu Wei can do.

But raising the knife and looking at the skeleton, it was beyond the reasonable range.

Although the strength of that skeleton is only infinitely close to the fourth rank, it is not the existence of the fourth rank, but only the third rank, but this is not something that a second rank rune master like Wu Wei can fight against.

Moreover, you Wu Wei are not an ordinary rune master, you are a rune summoner!

You don't let your summoned beast go up, why are you rushing so hard?

However, before Wu Tian could react, Wu Wei had already arrived in front of the skeleton.

At this time, Wu Wei squinted his eyes, so the attributes of the skeleton could be clearly seen in front of him.

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