I don't know if it was fear or premeditated last night, I got into his bed last night.

"Dong Ziyi, get up, the sun is shining on your ass."

Zhang Shuo rubbed his saliva-stained feet on the chubby face very rudely.

"Smelly smelly smelly~~~"

The little fat pier was immediately awakened by the smoke.

"Now I know it stinks, didn't it smell good last night?" Zhang Shuo was speechless.


In a dream last night, the chubby gnawed on the soles of Zhang Shuo's feet as pig's trotters.

"Morning, Uncle Zhang!"

Beibei also woke up, rubbed her little eyes, and naturally put on her shoes and went to wash up.

as if,

She didn't come at all last night, she just came to say hello to Zhang Shuo in the morning.


That's right, she didn't want to sleep with Zhang Shuo.


Xiao Pangdun really admired Sister Bei's acting skills like no one else.

There's no one left.


Smelling his own scent, Zhang Shuo also looked disgusted, thanks to these two little guys.

He quickly took a shower and changed his clothes.

When I came to the living room, I saw Du Qingqing and Chen Xiaowan, two girls, entangled on the sofa, with their jade bodies stretched across the floor, and Du Qingqing's long legs were still resting on the little secretary.

"Tsk tsk..."

Zhang Shuo couldn't help but feel that Du Qingqing had been taken away by the little secretary in just a few days.


The little secretary was woken up, touched her arm subconsciously, and suddenly couldn't laugh or cry: "Sister Qing, you drool while sleeping, my clothes are all wet."


Du Qingqing blushed, put on her shoes and ran outside.

The little secretary followed closely behind.

"Shouldn't we leave without breakfast?" Zhang Shuo chased to the door.

The property cleaning aunt was mopping the floor in the public area of ​​the elevator. Early in the morning, she bumped into two young and beautiful girls, with sleepy eyes and blurred clothes, rushing out of Zhang Shuo's house in disheveled clothes.

Can't help but sigh:

"People in the city still know how to play!"

that gaze,

Du Qingqing and Chen Xiaowan were so ashamed that they wanted to go up the stairs, "Why isn't the elevator coming?"

The two of them fled in despair,

There is as much embarrassment as you want.


After breakfast,

Zhang Shuo took Xiaopangdun and Beibei to Happy Valley for another day, and in the evening, he sent them back to the orphanage under the reluctant eyes of the two boys.

"Uncle Zhang, can I go to your house to play next time?" Little Fatty was about to cry.

Beibei also twisted the floral skirt with her hands.

"Of course, Uncle Zhang will pick you up to play whenever you have time." Zhang Shuo touched the heads of the two little guys distressedly.

on the way back,

He began to seriously consider how to solve the problem of reading for the two cubs.

their age,

It was supposed to be in early childhood, going to school with children.

Zhang Shuo's feelings were not obvious before, until last night, he noticed that Xiaopangdun and Beibei were obviously a little inferior in front of the Guoguo children.

Only then did I realize the problem.

Welfare homes can manage and solve the material needs of children, but they cannot meet their emotional needs.

This is why,

Little Pangdun and Beibei, last night they all ran to his room to sleep.

One way to solve the problem is to adopt.

But the problem is,

Zhang Shuo himself is still single, so he is not eligible for adoption at all.

Even if you can,

As for the twenty or so children in the orphanage, they couldn't take care of them at all.

Treating the symptoms does not cure the symptoms.

"I have to think of a way to completely solve the problem..."

Zhang Shuo is thinking about it,

When my mother called, she just scolded her head and face.

"Boy, the wings are hard, why don't you tell me, do you still have this family in your eyes?"


Zhang Shuo was immediately stunned, what is this.

"You still dare to pretend to be confused with me, Binzi told me all about it, that you are doing well now, that you are starting a company, buying a house in Binhai City, or living in a large flat..."


Zheng Zhebin, a talkative person, actually collaborated with the enemy.

"Mom, I'm not thinking about it, I want to really do something famous, and then I will report to you all the time, my fault, my fault." The one who can control Zhang Shuo at home is this mother.

After all, I grew up kneeling on the washboard since I was a child.

With a thought, he smiled and asked for instructions: "Why don't you and Dad come to Binhai City to inspect when you are free?"


Seeing his son's sincere attitude in admitting his mistakes, Cai Shuyu finally calmed down, "Binhai City, your father and I are definitely going, but not right now, we are all at work, let's wait for the National Day holiday."

Hearing his son do such great things suddenly,

The first reaction of Cai Shuyu and Zhang Zhandong was not happiness, but worry.

this kid,

Won't cause any trouble?

In the eyes of parents all over the world, no matter how old their children are, they are still children that need to be worried about.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for your boss at any time."

Zhang Shuo is a dog, and he doesn't care about waiting for this month.


Fast forward to Monday.

Operations manager Liu Xiaohui caught a plane to Shanghai early in the morning, and Wu Xian, the manager of the legal department, also formally handed over the lawyer's letter to Tenda, and the next step is to sue in court.

Storm is coming.

At this juncture, Zhang Shuo applied to join Binhai City's "Youth Entrepreneurship Program" and was officially approved.

The city government is very efficient.

The next afternoon, the 1000 million low-interest loan was transferred to the account of Sprout Holdings.

"Binhai City is really rich."

Being able to approve such a large low-interest loan so quickly must have something to do with the second uncle, otherwise it may not be able to approve it in a month, but it also reflects the strong financial resources of Binhai City from the side.

It also really supports youth entrepreneurship.

The second uncle specially called Zhang Shuo to tell Zhang Shuo that this loan can only be used for the development of the company, but not for buying shops. Although the reason makes sense, it should be paid attention to.

The Youth Entrepreneurship Fund,

After the loan is released, although it will not interfere with the operation of the start-up company, it will also be audited at the end of the year.

It must not be used for other purposes.

Of course, Zhang Shuo would not act recklessly. Compared with the 1000 million loan, building a good relationship with the second uncle is the first priority.

on the other hand,

In the future, Germinal Holdings will develop and grow, and that will also be a shame for the second uncle.

The 1000 million low-interest loan cannot be specified in Germination's account, and must be injected into the subsidiary as soon as possible. Zhang Shuo thought about it and decided to inject it into Green Orange Retail.

There are good reasons too.

First of all, Jade Bird Interactive Entertainment has achieved profitability and does not need capital injection for the time being.

Qinghe Technology is short of money, but it is a bottomless pit. When it comes time to spend a lot of money, it cannot be solved simply by 1000 million.

Green orange retail is different,

With the support of the parent company, an average of 80 yuan can open a branch.

1000 million is enough to open 12 branches. Even if a part of the working capital needs to be withheld, it is more than enough to open [-] branches, which is enough to complete the occupation of the entire Lubei area.


That night, Zhang Shuo talked to Du Qingqing about capital injection and expansion.

"I agree!"

The success of the Tongda branch gave Du Qingqing great confidence.

Retail industry,

Scale is important. The larger the scale, the more you can spread the cost.

"Then let's talk about equity distribution."

Before the Tongda branch was launched, Germination Holdings made two capital injections, with a total of 100 million. Zhang Shuo did not discuss the reallocation of equity. Now that the capital injection is 1000 million, the equity must be re-divided.

"Give it whatever you want."

In front of Zhang Shuo, the "capital giant", Du Qingqing had already decided to lie flat.

"Then dilute it to 4.5 percent."

Zhang Shuo gave a reasonable valuation. Apart from the fact that Du Qingqing is the real founder of Jade Bird Retail, this part of the equity is mainly due to Du Qingqing's management ability.

It's kind of like an equity incentive.

If we continue to inject capital in the future, this part of the equity will continue to be diluted.

How much can you keep in the end,

It really depends on how much the general manager Du Qingqing is worth in Zhang Shuo's eyes.

Chapter 37 If You Can't Hire People, Hire Companies!

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