Of course, Nehru at this time did not have the idea of ​​getting carried away after independence.However, they also believe that the British are not as good as they used to be. As long as the Congress Party insists on independence, it can get rid of the British colonial rule.

It might not be a problem for any British person to change this idea, but sitting opposite Nehru is Alan Wilson. He not only deals with India, but even has records for dealing with other countries.

The leading non-aligned countries are India, Indonesia, Yugoslavia and Egypt.

Yugoslavia has already been kicked into the arms of the Soviets by some maneuvers. Don't expect to appear on the non-aligned stage. Maybe it will appear as a Warsaw Pact thug in the future meeting.

The remaining three are within the reach of the UK. Jakarta in Indonesia has just been shelled, and Egypt is not considered a threat in a short period of time. Now as long as India is brought into the ditch, we will see who can organize the Non-Aligned Movement in ten years.

"It looks pretty good, but India, as an ancient civilization, cannot exist as a colony." Although Nehru was already moved, he said without revealing, "If all interests belong to the British, no matter how much Construction isn't helping either."

"Mr. Nehru, I am very worried about the Congress Party's anti-British stance." Alan Wilson rolled his eyes and said quietly, "I believe that neither side wants the Chandra Bose thing to happen again. It's a pity. If it wasn't for going the wrong way, how could the plane fall down? Right?"

The leader of the Indian National Army, Chandra Bose, has died in a plane crash.When news of Chandra Bose's death came, many Congress members suspected that he had been assassinated, but there was no evidence.

Chapter 188 You Need to Combine Work and Rest

"Please don't misunderstand me. It was the Japanese who tampered with the plane. After all, it was to fight for a better treatment after the war. This is understandable. Isn't it just betraying a colony's rebel leader? You have to think about yourself.”

Seeing the silence of the Congress Party members including Nehru, it was Alan Wilson who broke the silence and solved the cause of the death of the former Congress Party leader Chandra Bose.

Nehru was silent, remembering his days in Congress with Chandra Bose.The two actually have a lot in common. For example, they both went to the UK for further studies, and they both felt that socialism could save India.But compared to Nehru, Chandra Bose is obviously more radical.

During his trip to Europe in the 30s, Bose also researched and wrote the first part of what he considered to be a book, The Struggle in India, which chronicled Chandra Bose's experience in the independence movement and the building of syndicalism.

After returning from Europe, Bowes advanced his view that "the fight against corruption should be organized on the broadest anti-imperialist front, with the dual aim of winning political freedom and establishing a socialist regime".

Bowes was on the verge of being elected president of the Commune Assembly.He stands for unity and independence at all costs, including the use of all necessary force against internal and external enemies.

That was also the day when Nehru and Chandra Bose began to part ways. Nehru believed that India was not strong enough to confront Britain in terms of force. India needed time to develop, and it was best for London to maintain a confrontational and cooperative relationship.

And Chandra Bose will immediately hold a national uprising to overthrow the rule of the British colonists.

In retrospect, at the time of [-], Chandra Bose's claims were unattainable.However, he did not expect that Chandra Bose would be so extreme in the end, directly joining the Axis powers.

Now knowing the cause of Chandra Bose's death from the British population in front of him, Nehru's heart is quite complicated.

On the one hand, Nehru felt a little sad, and on the other hand, he was glad that the end of Chandra Bose also showed that his proposition was correct.

As for the British man in front of him who entered the meeting room from the Congress Party, he began to show a tough attitude until he mentioned the death of Chandra Bose. Nehru believed that he was nothing more than forcing himself to make concessions.

After the Brussels Conference, Britain and France united with European colonial countries and returned to Asia in a group. The Dutch navy bombarded Jakarta, the French army landed from South Vietnam, and Britain and France pressured Thailand to cede the Kra Isthmus.

As well as Portugal’s increase of troops to Goa, and Spain’s formation of the Far East Expeditionary Army, there are indications that this time the Europeans came in a group, eliminating all the barriers between each other, and putting all their strength in the action of suppressing the colonies.

When mentioning that Chandra Bose was thrown to death by the Japanese, he implicitly pointed out that the Axis powers that some colonial resistance organizations counted on had already been destroyed. Not only were they destroyed, they also took the initiative to kill the leaders of the armed forces they supported in the past in order to avoid punishment. .

The Japanese that Chandra Bose was counting on could still be killed by the Japanese as a sacrifice to calm the anger of the Allies.

Now when the European imperialist countries come back in groups, does the Congress think it is a time of war?Can it threaten Britain?

Alan Wilson didn't expect Nehru to make up so many problems without saying a word. In fact, he was threatening Nehru very bluntly.

Although the atmosphere was a bit embarrassing, things still needed to be discussed. After the threat was over, Alan Wilson also said that the current situation is so straightforward. On the one hand, the British Empire and India can win, and on the other hand, they can also lose. The party's choice.

Once the construction starts, the demand from British India will drive the recovery of the British mainland. This is a win-win situation.

If the Congress Party comes up with non-violent non-cooperation again, the British Empire will go to the Mumeng League to talk to it. British India is not only a national political party but the Congress Party.

Moreover, in terms of interests, the Muslim League may work harder to implement it. More than half of the Greater Bengal region itself is a peaceful believer, and the mass base is still very good.

Peace believers are only a quarter of the population of British India, but as long as this quarter follows the British, the construction plan can also be carried out. In the end, Alan Wilson said flatly, "Who will let the people in this land In fact, manpower is the least valuable thing, maybe this is life."

this?The negotiators of the Congress Party glanced at each other and must admit that Alan Wilson was right. Manpower was the last thing that was lacking in British India. Even peace believers could also mobilize the manpower to support Dajian.

After all, it is not the environment after World War I. At that time, Ali Jinnah and the Congress Party maintained a close relationship and resisted the rule of the British colonists together. However, since the Muslim League and the Congress Party parted ways in the 30s, the relationship between the two parties has become more and more tense. .It is no longer possible to stick together as it was after the First World War.

The Muslim League is the Congress Party's weakness. Nehru also knew this, and asked slowly, "I think the London side should know that the Congress Party is the most powerful party representing India."

"It depends on whether the Congress Party is willing to cooperate, and the London government is open to this." Alan Wilson staged another national quintessence change, and his tone became more relaxed, "Can we talk about win-win issues now? The British Empire India can also become a powerful entity free from the negative effects of war. Isn’t that such a difficult situation to think about?”

"Don't refuse such a good intention because of the so-called national sentiment. This involves 600 million people. The revitalization plan of the old industrial area in Kolkata. Think about it. The food problem of 600 million people depends on the Congress Party now. How many families are behind the 600 million people, and how many people are there in these families?"

If the survey report is correct, there are indeed 600 million industrial workers in Greater Bengal.I just don't know what happened to the gold content of this worker?

But in any case, the British India in [-] was indeed much stronger than the country under the leadership of the national leader Chang Gong, and it was simply not in the same dimension.It can be said that the warlords could make use of the industry in the late Qing Dynasty, and the gun party was all scrap iron.

Who would believe that half of the country controlled by Mr. Chang produced weapons in eight years, not as good as Yan Laoxi, an inland province.Chang Gong should have a common language with Gandhi on some topics, such as turning the whole country into a big village.

However, Nehru was not Gandhi. He was still considering the construction plan, and glanced at the assistant beside him. The assistant asked knowingly, "We think this is a good thing for India as a whole, but we need to explain it in detail."

"No problem." Alan Wilson agreed gently, and asked the Secretary of the Governor's Mansion to call in professionals. He still lacks professionalism in this matter, and he just happened to make up lessons.

Soon began to enter into the negotiation of revitalizing the old industrial zone in Kolkata, about the significance of revitalizing the old industrial zone.

First of all, we must consider the significance of the Ganges Delta to the entire British India. As the mother river of British India, the Ganges River carries 80.00% of the population on the subcontinent. As the large estuary of the Ganges River, the Ganges River Delta is of great significance.

The Ganges Delta is an impact plain, and the local population density has great potential for development. It occupies a very large share of the entire proportion of British India. If this advantage is strengthened, it can even drive the economic development of the entire Ganges River Basin.

The Kolkata Industrial Zone is the industrial cradle of British India, with strong support capabilities in resources, industries, talents, and infrastructure, and has huge development space and potential.The conditions are superior, and the advantages along the border and the coast are obvious. It is an important economic growth, plays a decisive role in the overall development, and is crucial in the construction of British India.

Once the construction of the Kolkata Industrial Zone is successfully launched, it can have an impact on the entire Ganges River Basin.With the proportion of the population of British India occupied by the Ganges River Basin, the stronger the Ganges, the stronger India.

"I really learned it!" Alan Wilson was also fascinated by listening. Where did he find so many words?I still didn’t forget to point to the representative of the Congress Party opposite, “Hey, this is called professionalism.”

Now when I think about the partition of India and Pakistan, it is really a stroke of genius to divide the Ganges Delta from India. It simply blocks the development potential of the entire Ganges River and affects more than half of India's population.

In fact, the situation after India's independence is extremely bad, especially before Bangladesh's independence, it was almost surrounded by Pakistan, although India's national strength and population are obviously stronger than this old enemy.

"In principle, this is a very good plan." Nehru finally expressed his opinion and thought for a while. "I will go back and talk to other leaders. It will take some time for others to understand this matter."

"I can give a personal guarantee that I will never discuss this matter with the Muslim League before the Congress Party responds." Alan Wilson said very understandingly, "After all, if there is a majority support, who will go to What about the minority?"

The negotiation lasted three hours. After the congressmen left, the sky was not very clear, and Sir Barron was even ready to leave work.

"Oh, my Alan, how are things going?" Sir Barron saw that Alan Wilson had returned, and asked how the negotiations with the Congress Party were going.

"I don't think there is any problem!" Alan Wilson raised his wrist, and the diamond-encrusted German watch flashed away.

"Very good workmanship!" Sir Baron commented very approvingly.

Alan Wilson took the watch off his wrist directly, put it on for Sir Barron's refusal, and said with some blame, "Time is a very precious thing, Sir Barron, I must criticize you , I have to get off work at a certain time, and I have to combine work and rest."

Chapter 189 I want to do good deeds

"Isn't that good?" Sir Barron looked at the German watch on his wrist, and changed the topic, "Don't say it, it's quite appropriate."

"It's so suitable, it's tailor-made." Alan Wilson agreed with this, although he didn't know which German the owner of this watch was.

"As you said, time is a precious thing. Among the civil servants in British India, I am actually very optimistic about you." Sir Barron calmly changed the topic and encouraged Alan Wilson , "Many of your ideas are actually very reasonable. For example, who should own the great British Empire? Colonies are really important to the status of civil servants."

"Of course, Sir Barron, this is all under your teaching, and I finally became one of us." Alan Wilson expressed his gratitude to Sir Barron's promotion, "The cornerstone and order of the empire depend on us, of course. Instead of them..."

"They were picked by the party group in their constituency, by 35 men in dirty raincoats and 35 women in ridiculous hats. The subsequent selection process was equally absurd: there were only 630 in total. A party of more than three hundred members forms a government, and out of these three hundred members, one hundred are too old and stupid to be ministers, and the other hundred are too weak to be ministers. So the remaining One hundred MPs fill one hundred government offices. There is virtually no choice."

Sir Barron nodded with satisfaction. This is the fact. Britain is divided into more than 600 constituencies, and each constituency elects a member of parliament.Ministers and the Prime Minister, including the shadow cabinet, are also members of parliament, responsible for their respective constituencies.

In the UK general election, parties are chosen, and the party that wins the majority of seats in the House of Commons governs.The queen will invite the leader of the party with the majority of seats to be the prime minister, and then the prime minister will choose the cabinet ministers from among the party members.

There is no doubt that the British Empire was certainly successful as a colonial empire, but what does that have to do with those parties?Focusing only on small local areas, thousands of square kilometers of colonies have laid the foundation of the empire on which the sun never sets. Is there any colony that can't be played without the minister?No……

Without the Labor Party and the Conservative Party, as long as there is a mature cultural management system, the British Empire will not change in any way, and maybe it will be better.

"Although this is a fact, you must remember that ministers represent public opinion. You can't say that in your own country." Sir Barron reminded with a straight face, although he was secretly happy, "Fortunately, this is a colony, you It’s ours again, otherwise things will be difficult. You should talk to the Congress Party, in fact, since the beginning of the year, I have been thinking about whether to work in a leisurely but contributing position.”

Alan Wilson knew that the so-called leisurely and contributing position meant that there were not so many things to do every day, but the remuneration he deserved was also indispensable, but who knew how credible Sir Barron's words were.

What if it's just a test?Alan Wilson objected without even thinking about it, "Sir Barron, you don't have such an idea. Now is the country's troubled season. British India is extremely important to the local economic revitalization, and there can be no mistakes. If you are not here, Isn’t the [-] civil servants messed up?”

"Even if you want to be leisurely, this environment really doesn't allow it!" Sir Barron sighed half-truthfully, taking advantage of the situation to round up the words, just expressing his recognition and support for Alan Wilson.

I knew it was a temptation!Alan Wilson slandered in his heart that to be the boss of the [-] civil servants in British India, these days is equivalent to the local Sir Edward, how hard must he think about it before he thinks of retiring?

Moreover, the British India is far away from the emperor, and Sir Barron’s degree of freedom even exceeds that of the cabinet secretary. If it were Alan Wilson, he would definitely stay until the colonies become independent. As long as the colonies are not independent, he will not leave. He must stand at the end One shift.

"He's not testing me, is he?" Alan Wilson didn't realize it until Sir Barron left the Governor's Mansion, and felt that the scene just now seemed to have some other meaning.

In fact, Alan Wilson's guess was correct. Although Sir Barron took good care of Alan Wilson, he did not expect that the little commissioner who was driven away by Nehru's pressure, in just over half a year, would be in Europe. Overwhelmed, he was favored by the cabinet secretary in the end, and returned to New Delhi as an assistant to the British Indian Commissioner.

Alan Wilson is so young and has such a wonderful idea, which has to make Sir Barron feel a sense of crisis.After all, it is not good news for an overly capable deputy to rise so quickly.

Now that he is already an assistant commissioner at such a young age, wouldn't he be replaced by the commissioner of British India?

However, Alan Wilson's very good performance just now dispelled Sir Barron's doubts. Although he looks a little younger now, it is understandable to want to improve.

As long as you look at it pleasing to the eye, the feeling of threatening your own existence before will also disappear.Sir Barron himself considered the issue from a different angle without being interfered by others.

Although Alan Wilson is young and has jumped extremely fast, there is a limit after all. There is not much difference between a commissioner assistant and a commissioner in words, but it is not easy to complete this leap. Qualifications and contacts are indispensable. Short Time will not pose a threat to him, the British Commissioner of India.

"I really didn't expect that there would be a crouching dragon and a phoenix in a small Governor's Mansion today." Alan Wilson, who was also off work, recalled his work experience today and realized that he encountered at least two brain supplements today. The master, with a bit of luck, managed to get away with it without any risk.

This is the first time he has felt the temptation. If he was not too stupid before, then his status was not enough to pose a threat to these senior civil servants, but now he is at least taken seriously.

Being underestimated also means being insignificant, and being valued is treated like this, so everything is good and bad.

In fact, both good and bad can also be applied to the independence issue of British India. The two major religions are in the same country. After independence, India will naturally be stronger, but internal friction will also increase accordingly.He could remember that British India in later generations was a paradise for [-] million peace believers and [-] million Hindus.

If these people are all in the same country, it is estimated that the world war will not make Indians look up again, because they are all small scenes, which are staged in India from time to time.

Nehru went back to discuss with the Congress Party, while Alan Wilson still maintained his nine-to-five job.By the way, ask about what Ali Jinnah, the lifelong enemy of the Congress Party, is doing.

As an advanced country that attaches great importance to human rights, it is very normal for civil servants in the British Empire to go up to five and study two.As New Year's Day approached, the weather in New Delhi was not too cold, so Alan Wilson secretly went to find Pamela Mountbatten in an indomitable spirit.

The little girl is still very simple. She went to a girls' school in New Delhi. She is the daughter of General Mountbatten. She has a high status and will not taste intrigue and knows nothing about the dangers of society.

Among Pamela Mountbatten's 16 years of life experience, the most sinister thing in life is when she was indoctrinated by Allen Wilson that Indians cannot be trusted.

Recently, he is sending people to find the place where the floating corpses in the Ganges River are concentrated, and he is going to guide the local public opinion.Alan Wilson is not Indian after all, and it will take some time to find him as an Englishman.But about the disrespect of women in India, references to various atrocities against women have appeared in London newspapers.

"In fact, men and women trust each other and attract each other. It is very normal to take that step. But a man cannot force a woman!" Alan Wilson has not forgotten how he treated the Iron Lady. Barton uttered nonsense in front of him.

Acting as Alan Wilson, who respects women's identity, he made a nasty joke for a while, which made Pamela Mountbatten blush, covered her ears and shook her head, "Don't listen, don't listen, don't always talk about this. India Why don't you catch a man hurting a woman?"

"Don't say it, it's really a good idea." Alan Wilson thought about it seriously, "But the difficulty of implementing it is very high. First of all, this is a shameful thing. Almost all grassroots police officers are from India. People, this kind of case that obviously tarnishes the image of Indians, the Indian police will probably ignore it. How many people can we British catch?"

"Just now you said you respect women, but now you say you can't do it." Pamela Mountbatten touched her feverish ear and snorted softly, "It makes me feel hard not to think that you were lying to me just now. You just wanted to Take advantage of me!"

"It should be possible to specifically select a few big cities and borrow religious contradictions. This is the limit. There is really no way in the vast rural areas."

Facing the embarrassing fact that Pamela Mountbatten is about to expose his own hypocrite face, Alan Wilson decisively decided to make a decisive decision for the security of British India.

All of a sudden, Allen Wilson had a clear idea. Isn't there a group of goddesses in Hinduism?

Local citizens don't know yet, this can be used as an entry point to sort out the opposition of British Indian civil servants to bad habits, even if it is only a nominal opposition, it can also make local women look at civil servants like Alan Wilson with admiration.

Every time the image of British Indian civil servants is established, in turn, the image of British India will suffer a major blow.But this is not his problem, it is the problem of Indians.

The solemn statement of the assistant to the British Indian Commissioner made Pamela Mountbatten nod, and finally maintained his personal image.

1 Ninety Chapters Feminist Ellen

Although it was a temporary idea, in order to maintain the stalwart image in front of Pamela Mountbatten, Alan Wilson was preparing to fight against the feudal dross of British India, and by the way, ruin the reputation of Indians all over the world.

If it can't be done, first defeat the reputation of the Indians in the British colonies.

Pure corruption can only be called slander, which is despised by true British gentlemen. There must be positive roles, and negative roles to have a sense of reality. Alan Wilson has already reserved positive roles.

When the British Empire launched a war against the long-established tradition of widow self-immolation in India, it finally eradicated the cultural tradition of Hindus that had spread in South Asia for thousands of years. Although it did not change the fact that widows were looked down upon, it was still a good thing.

He was also not prepared to bring earth-shaking changes to British India, and he had already planned the failure of this big fight in his heart.

The purpose of doing this is just to highlight the positive image of Britain in the international arena, and by the way, step on the international image of Indians to the Mariana Trench.

How to operate is a good question. As long as any kind of mass movement starts, it will inevitably expand.

It is impossible for Alan Wilson to successfully eliminate the feudal dross in India, but can't he fail?Maybe the day when the defeat is officially admitted, many Indians will rejoice and have defeated the British colonists in this matter.

Before leaving, the assistant to the British Indian Commissioner decided to customize a rape superpower hat for Indians, so that people from other countries will remember this impression when they think of India.

After repeated assurances, Pamela Mountbatten finally believed in Alan Wilson. This time, she was going to really fight against the backward customs in British India. She asked with a little expectation, "Can it succeed?"

Of course it is impossible!Alan Wilson said with a sincere look, "Yes, I am willing to give [-]% effort."

What to use to succeed, even if [-] British civil servants go out to arrest people, they will not be able to catch many people. No one knows the population of British India.

But Alan Wilson dared to make this guarantee. Although the action was doomed to fail, it was much easier to make things vigorous. Capture tens of thousands of people and shoot them, and then declare a phased success, and just die down.

Taking advantage of Pamela Mountbatten, when it appeared that this man valued my feeling, Alan Wilson leaned over and said softly, "Pamela, give me a kiss, just give me a kiss."

"Why are you doing this?" Pamela Mountbatten twitched, avoiding the big mouth that was getting closer.

Boom... Alan Wilson vowed to promise that all the rapists caught must be brought to justice, and he must fight against the Hindu tradition of disrespecting women for thousands of years. Temples that raise saints, considering that such temples exist Brahmin elders, you can let go, as long as you pay a certain fine, you can be exempted from imprisonment.

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