Is Southeast Asia in later generations dominated by one family? If Alan Wilson is fair to say, it is true that Indonesia's national strength far exceeds that of other countries, both in terms of area and population.

As for Vietnam, which some republics are optimistic about, it is not actually an opponent of Indonesia, and the relationship between Vietnam and Indonesia is not good.The two countries have clashed many times around the South China Sea. Most of the fishing boats Indonesia sank at sea belonged to Vietnam.

The scramble for Southeast Asia, whether it was the United States and the Soviet Union at the beginning, or the United States and the Republic later, all revolved around Indonesia, and other Southeast Asian countries were far less important than Indonesia.

Regarding the current Dutch East Indies, Alan Wilson’s advice to the Dutch is to resolutely suppress, saying in a cruel tone, “Jakarta is a coastal city. If the resistance is fierce, my personal suggestion is to bombard Jakarta. Don’t distinguish between It is not a civilian area, as long as the United States is embarrassed to accuse it publicly, the European countries and the countries at the Brussels meeting will ignore it."

As for how many casualties the locals will suffer, this is not what Alan Wilson, a British, should care about.He just truthfully provided possible favorable conditions and let the Dutch make their own choices.

When Alan Wilson left, George Armand personally sent it out, saying sincerely, "The Netherlands expresses its gratitude to the UK for its kind help."

"Everyone helps each other, this is a united Europe." Allen Wilson said solemnly, "Once the military operation starts, we must not hold back, and we must suppress it with the most resolute attitude. If there is a staged success, the Japanese Southern Army is currently They are all in the local British prisoner-of-war camps, and the Netherlands can select those who deliberately encourage the independence of the Dutch East Indies and shoot them publicly to deter them."

"This can show that Japan, the strongest in Asia, has come to this end. These natives encouraged by Japan are not European opponents."

After waving goodbye to George Armand, Alan Wilson went straight back to the station, reported to Cabinet Secretary Edward Bridges, and expressed the embarrassment that the Dutch did not file.

"The Netherlands has been stable for too long, and even forgot how to fight." Edward Bridges shook his head and said, "However, fortunately, it was a private suggestion for you to bombard Jakarta, otherwise you might lose the conversation."

Alan Wilson immediately expressed his apology, and Edward Bridges waved his hand to say no, "On strategic issues, this suggestion is understandable, just like British and American bombers bombing German cities, as long as the final result is good, the process is somewhat cruel It is negligible, and it was done by the Dutch and has nothing to do with the UK."

"And just like your other proposal, as long as the Americans don't blame it, then the European side will ignore it." Alexander Cadogan added, "No one will know about it."

Alan Wilson agreed with the views of the two leaders that death is either lighter than a feather or heavier than Mount Tai.

Of course, the value is different in different places. Take the Berlin Wall in Europe, which has not yet appeared. The Berlin Wall has been around for decades, and there are records of 130 people who were killed because of smuggling.

However, during the same period, more than 300 people were shot and killed by the U.S. National Guard every year when Mexico smuggled into the United States.

It took four months to surpass the history of the construction of the Berlin Wall. The former was widely reported all over the world, and the latter was unknown.This can prove how terrible public opinion is in hand.

After a simple and boring but happy life in the British-occupied area, Alan Wilson finally dreamed back to the Potsdam Conference, where he found the diligence and hard work of the imperial civil servants at the Brussels Conference.

It was even busier than the Potsdam meeting. At the Potsdam meeting, he was only conducting secret operations. The official negotiations were conducted by Eifel, the current British representative in Berlin. Now he has to attend formal meetings and conduct secret operations.

Every day after the official meeting, I kept talking to representatives from different countries about different solutions.

On the second day after talking with George Armand, Allen Wilson talked about the Goa issue with Portuguese representative Olivia. A title.

Alan Wilson said that the current situation is not suitable for making a public statement. Regarding the issue of British India, once the British Empire can disintegrate the independent forces of British India, the problem of Goa will naturally disappear.

If not, the British would surely have formally recognized Portugal's legal claim to Goa before the independence of British India.

"I'm afraid that when the time comes, we won't be able to communicate in time." Olivia inevitably said disappointedly.

Alan Wilson's face suddenly pulled down, reminding, "Dear Mr. Olivia, maybe I will be in New Delhi by then, and you can contact me directly at that time."

"Oh, is it such a coincidence?" Olivia was taken aback for a moment, and then her expression changed visibly with the naked eye. Knowing that Alan Wilson must have done something in this regard, she congratulated without any trace, "If fate makes a Portugal must express its sincere thanks for such a wonderful arrangement."

Sincere thanks?Alan Wilson raised his eyebrows and accurately captured the key information. It seems that there is still a windfall waiting for him in the future.

When communicating with the French about the speed of the march and the handover of Vietnam, Alan Wilson clarified France's firm attitude towards the colonies and gave firm support, expecting France to regain its glory.

Belgium has little interest in other places because the only important colony is the Belgian Congo in central Africa. Similarly, the remaining colonies of Spain are only in Africa, and there is no threat at present.

Therefore, at the Brussels meeting, Spain and Belgium actually had little sense of presence.

However, since this is a meeting of a colonial country to show unity, it is impossible for Spain and Belgium to stay out of it.

After the report, Alan Wilson was authorized, and secretly found the representatives of Portugal, the Netherlands, and France to clarify their positions, and prepared to jointly exert pressure on Belgium and Spain to demonstrate the unity of the colonial countries.

Chapter 154 Humiliation of Britain Today

It cannot be because the colonies of Belgium and Spain seem to be relatively safe, but they do not work hard on issues involving the interests of many countries. When communicating with this point, the French deeply agree, especially that Spain should make compensation .

You must know that the border between France and Spain is still closed, and the whole of Europe seems to have forgotten this country. If it hadn’t been for the British to bring Spain in because of the relationship between the African colonies at this meeting, at least the situation of Spain in a few years Doomed to embarrassment.

Whether it is punitive or not, France hopes that Spain can contribute to help the countries present to maintain the stability of the colonies. Isn't that what Spain did in World War II, sending troops to help Germany attack the Soviet Union.

Could it be that what Germany does, I, France, can't do?Coincidentally, Alan Wilson also had this idea. It is no problem for Spain to be accepted by European countries again, but it must show sincerity to reflect the value of Spain.

The total strength of Spain in 45 was about [-]. Compared with the main participating countries in World War II, it is naturally not worth mentioning. It is a weak chicken. The blue division is also composed of elites drawn from the entire Spanish army, so it can barely pass .

But this question depends on how you look at it. Spain's more than 40 troops, coupled with the few remaining African colonies after the Spanish-American War, appear to be too abundant.

The Spanish army is a weak chicken in Europe, but in the face of such a small colony, it is undoubtedly a heavenly soldier and a general, almost overflowing with strength, which is not in line with the consideration of maximizing benefits.

You know, the plan Alan Wilson heard from the Dutch representative George Armand was to send an expeditionary force of 2 people back to the Dutch East Indies. Isn't it a joke to go to the 8000 people?

I didn't really participate in the war, but there is one impression that I can't change: the Franco regime was supported by Germany and Italy; the Franco regime pursued a policy very similar to that of Germany and Italy, and also suppressed The people are also very bloody.

At the meeting in June, representatives of Mexico made a proposal that the United Nations should reject countries supported by the Axis powers from becoming members of the United Nations.

At the Potsdam Conference in July, the Soviet Union made a statement to Spain, and the three countries of Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union formally confirmed that they would not support Spain to become a member of the United Nations.

This is the real situation in Spain at present, although at the Potsdam Conference, Britain also expressed its agreement with the United States and the Soviet Union.However, as long as Spain is willing to contribute to a united Europe, it is still possible to return to the united European family.

"Get Spain first, and then Belgium, basically you can come up with a unified view on important issues." Nino Bertrand agreed after hearing Alan Wilson's opinion, "If Spain can send out a certain degree of goodwill In order to make up for the crimes committed in the war, Paris can consider reopening the borders.”

"Actually, France is not lacking in military strength. I think the situation in the Dutch East Indies is more dangerous. It may require the assistance of the French army. The military strength of the Netherlands is really not optimistic." Alan Wilson said with hesitation, " The population of the Netherlands is only less than 900 million, while the population of the Dutch East Indies is almost [-] million. Obviously, the problems of the Netherlands are bigger! If Spain is willing to make some compensation for its actions during the war, it is obvious that the Netherlands needs it more.”

Among the six countries currently at the Brussels meeting, the Netherlands has the weakest military strength, with a population of less than 900 million, which is comparable to the population of Belgium. But what did Belgium do during World War II, and what did the Netherlands do?The steel output of the Netherlands is [-] tons. How embarrassed is France to compete with the Netherlands for mercenaries at this time?

Without waiting for Nino Bertrand to refute, Alan Wilson continued, "On the issue of Asian colonies, the colonies of Britain, France and the Netherlands are connected to each other. Once there is a problem with one of them, it will inevitably collapse like dominoes. If the Netherlands fails , British Malaya will be under pressure, and British Malaya will not be able to help France stabilize Vietnam if it is under pressure. What is needed at this time is the unity of European countries, and we cannot only consider our own land and ignore our friendly allies .”

Alan Wilson opened his mouth with a string of numbers, proving that the Netherlands is obviously the one that needs help the most, not France, which has millions of reserve soldiers, because of the accumulation of domestic weapons in the world war.

It also implies that the French are somewhat selfish in putting pressure on Spain and expecting Spain to compensate with mercenaries.

For this reason, Alan Wilson even used the excuse that the United States joined the Vietnam War, that is, if Vietnam does not stop the discoloration, the whole of Southeast Asia will be dyed red. I hope that France will not only count its petty profits at this time, but Consider the big picture.

On the colonial issue, Britain and France must reach a consensus. After reaching this consensus, together with the representatives of the Netherlands and Belgium, the representatives of the four countries went to the door to have a good talk with the Spanish representative Manuel Martin.

On any issue about colonies, Alan Wilson has the right to speak at this meeting, because the British Empire is currently the largest colonial empire, and it is not a question of where the colonies are, but where they are not.

Similarly, although most of France's colonies are concentrated in North Africa, there are also Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia in Southeast Asia.In Syria in the Middle East, the interests of Britain and France overlap.

But on specific and targeted issues, it is necessary to communicate with representatives of other countries separately, such as talking about Southeast Asia with the Netherlands, talking about Africa with Belgium and Spain, and talking about Goa and Africa with Portugal.

In [-], Spain was in an unprecedented stage of isolation. No matter how hard General Franco tried to prove, Spain had nothing to do with Germany or Italy, and it always maintained strict neutrality in the world war.

However, leaving aside the attitude of the Soviet Union, even the first impression of European countries is that the current Spanish regime was supported by Germany and Italy, which can be proved by the development of the Spanish Civil War.

The current Spanish regime can be regarded as a legacy of Germany and Italy. If it is not for the fear of being taken advantage of by the Soviet Union, the current consideration should be that everyone sends troops to overthrow the current Spanish regime.

Faced with such an environment, Alan Wilson and Nino Bertrand came together to express their position on behalf of Britain and France. Naturally, they would not be so polite. It is still the old way, with one red face and the other bad face. Considering the current French blockade against Spain On the frontier, Nino Bertrand is more suitable to be the villain.

And Spain itself was brought by the British Empire to participate in the Brussels Conference. Alan Wilson was more suitable for the role of peacemaker. Britain and France cooperated with both hard and soft tactics to force Spain to submit and contribute their own strength to defend the European colonies.

For Spain at present, it is a very terrible dark period. It can be said that under the oppression of the international stage, the entire Spanish society is in a very unstable state.

This time the Brussels meeting, Spain was able to participate, and the country is already boiling, and it has high hopes for this meeting.But in front of Manuel Martin, Nino Bertrand poured a basin of cold water first, saying that this is the price Spain must pay.

He often talked about the current real situation in Spain. With threats and intimidation, Nino Bertrand said that if the Soviet Union can persuade the United States to change the Spanish regime, France will be happy to see it.

Alan Wilson kept silent, feeling that the matter was almost over before he said, "Mr. Manuel, in fact, not everyone agrees with Spain's participation in this meeting. We are all enemies of Germany in the war."

"Mr. Allen, Spain has always maintained a friendly neutrality. The Germans once persuaded Spain to attack Gibraltar." Manuel Martin quickly explained, "We didn't do that either."

"Neutrality is also a fact, but who this friendship is friendly to does not need a pale explanation now, all countries know it well, even the Mexicans are not on your side, and Spain was once the suzerain of Mexico. "Alan Wilson said in a nonchalant manner, "The British Empire is in consideration of European unity. I hope that Spain will contribute to the post-war reconstruction and can regain the understanding of European friendly countries, but this also requires Spain to do something. Well, otherwise, the British Empire has no reason to be this villain."

Alan Wilson and Nino Bertrand represent the two most powerful colonial empires at the same time.

French Foreign Minister Georges Pidour walked into the room where de Gaulle was resting, pushed the door open, and Charles de Gaulle put down the document in his hand and asked, "George, I think very much about the outline of the French state." Agree. In the foreseeable future, Germany will definitely lean towards the Anglo-American side. If this becomes a reality, France will feel unprecedented isolation."

"Just like Spain now?" George Pidur asked back with disapproval, and then indicated that Britain and France are now putting pressure on Spain, and then said, "At present, the British have shown a rare unity. This time it was really sincere that led to the Brussels meeting."

"If it was the arrogant Churchill, this meeting would never happen. Even with Attlee now, we can't be too optimistic."

De Gaulle stood up and poured a glass of water to moisten his thirsty throat, and finally said, "Whether the British are sincere or not, we still have to be careful. Past history has proved that the British have contributed a lot to the mutual hatred in Europe." without."

"I also hope that Britain will at least look like a human being this time." George Pidur agreed, "Maybe a miracle will happen."

Chapter 155 "European Army"

"At least so far, the British are doing pretty well." Charles de Gaulle was unwilling to stand and talk to others because of his height, in order to show respect for others. He sat down immediately after drinking a saliva, "I hope the British People can also understand the current situation, at least the current decision-making is the same as my thinking, France’s short-term threat is Germany, and the long-term threat may be the Soviet Union, but this long-term threat may not necessarily be expressed in the form of war.”

"I'm afraid that the British today, because of Chamberlain's mistakes, have turned to the other side, over-exaggerated the threat of the Soviet Union, become neurotic, and surrendered the interests of Europe. The Soviet Union is certainly a threat, but the Americans The same is unbelievable, for example, in Vietnam before, the Americans gave our surrendered rights to the Chinese."

After listening to de Gaulle's words, Georges Pidur nodded, expressing his agreement with de Gaulle's thoughts, "Whether it is the Soviet Union or the United States, the threat to our colonies is the same. In the short term, the Soviet Union cannot project its power overseas, but the United States Humans have this ability, and the British made a correct judgment at the critical moment this time."

"The key is what role Germany plays in it." Charles de Gaulle opened his mouth, and he has no good way to deal with Germany. "People have to admit that the possibility of Germany joining the Soviet Union is not completely impossible. , but so slight that from a practical point of view it is not necessary to consider it. This is above all because of the long history of the contemptuous hatred which separated the Germans from the Slavs, and the nationalities between the Germans and the Anglo-American The kinship, and the genuine—though not always reciprocated—sympathy of the Germans for the British showed that Anglo-American sympathy favored Germany."

"Beyond this, the visible signs of British strength and affluence, through the treatment of prisoners of war and the conduct of the occupying forces, etc., also set them apart in the minds of the Germans across the English Channel. The cross-border admiration that my distant relatives have always cherished has been greatly deepened."

"George, if Germany is eventually Sovietized, we can conclude that France cannot survive in this situation and will definitely become the next after Germany. So we also hope that Germany can stand up to the Soviet Union and become an outpost to protect Europe , but the Germans are distant relatives with Britain and the United States, and they have hatred against us. This problem is too difficult to solve.”

When it comes to how to get along with Germany, Charles de Gaulle is full of sighs in his heart. Most of the opinions in the French provisional government are to retaliate against Germany. Even de Gaulle is unwilling to oppose it, which will make him isolated.

However, the consequences of retaliating against Germany may lead Germany to the Soviets, although this possibility is not great. Another possibility is that the United Kingdom and the United States will exclude France's influence in the German-occupied area, but this possibility is very high.

No matter which result emerges, it will be unfavorable to the long-term development of France. Britain and Germany have a sense of closeness in national sentiment.It is still too difficult for France to compete for influence in the face of this closeness.

So de Gaulle has always tried his best to speak for Italy. Anyway, Italy is also a part of Latin civilization. For this reason, when Britain proposed to let Spain join the Brussels Conference, France did not firmly oppose it.

Italy and Spain are both allies of France to maintain its influence. Of course, France can only do so now. Poland in the Middle Ages has proved that it is not a good idea to repeatedly jump between two powerful enemies.

Between Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union, if France alone wants to go its own way, it must be Poland's fate.

But fortunately, the UK seems to be more sincere now. From firmly supporting France to become a permanent member of the Security Council, to fighting for the right of France to station troops in Germany, the current UK is still relatively credible.

While the leaders of the French interim government and the foreign minister were negotiating, the soft and hard measures against Spain continued.

If someone interviewed Alan Wilson, who devoted himself to the British Empire in [-], but could only look at the United States and the Soviet Union, would it be a hellish task?

Alan Wilson will definitely deny it in his heart, it is better than serving France in [-].At least on the colonial issue, although France's internal political situation is unstable and it will step down at any time, it is still the same on the colonial issue.

What is really at a loss is Britain, which seems to have a stable political situation. If Alan Wilson is a Frenchman, he will be truly desperate, because this pig teammate in Britain is completely untrustworthy.

When Churchill came to power for the second time, he still felt that Britain had the strength to play the three-ring diplomacy and become the link between the Commonwealth, the United States and the Soviet Union. At that time, even British India had been independent for several years. Churchill also believed that Britain had the strength to be the mainland A balanced balancer.

When Churchill's successor, Eden, was prime minister, the Suez Canal War failed. France finally understood that Britain was unreliable.

At that time, it was too late for Britain to take the initiative. France had repeatedly rejected Britain's accession to the European Community.

In [-], the conditions of the UK were actually much better than that of France. As long as they were willing to put down face, it would be easy to establish a European Community with a dual core of Britain and France. A French-supplemented EC is predictable.

Alan Wilson, who together with Nino Bertrand threatened the Spanish representative with words and force, launched a lure offensive after the French showed a tough attitude, saying that Europe still welcomes Spain to make contributions.

"I must report the situation here to General Franco truthfully." Inspired by the glory of the two colonial empires, Manuel Martin was very grateful to Britain and France regardless of the past.

"For Spain, this is an opportunity to re-enter the international community." Alan Wilson said slowly, "Of course, the premise is that Spain will make strong compensation for the previous damage to Europe. At this time, the opportunity has come I hope that Spain can seize this opportunity, otherwise, the goodwill of Britain and France will be wasted."

At any rate, Britain and France are now big countries with global influence. In the eyes of the rest of the world, they are very tyrannical, if not equal to the United States and the Soviet Union.

Obviously, in front of Spain, it is still very face-saving for the ancestors to be wider than Britain and France whose underwear has not been pulled out.

Manuel Martin even felt a heavy responsibility in his heart. Whether Spain can break through the diplomatic dilemma of complete isolation, this hope falls on himself.

I don’t care about the Spanish representative who has a lot of inner drama. After the effect, Alan Wilson and Nino Bertrand left the residence of the Spanish delegation directly, moving his stiff arms. Recently, he did work at full power. Also a little tired.

To show hypocrisy in public meetings, and to show the arrogance of old-fashioned imperialism through secret operations, not everyone can do double-faced, especially with the French representative next to him, which consumed the most saliva.

"Alan, are you a little tired?" Nino Bertrand asked with concern, "Actually, at the beginning of the meeting, I still had some doubts about you, but you changed my mind."

"Do I know Mr. Nino?" Alan Wilson asked puzzledly. People can't be biased, right?The two sides don't know each other, so how come the French have doubts about themselves?Just because you're British?

"Um, it's nothing." Nino Bertrand hesitated to speak, and wanted to ask, have you ever stood up and talked impassionedly on the streets of Paris without pain in your back, and even appeared in a local British newspaper?

It can be imagined that this is not a glorious thing after all, Nino Bertrand still did not ask, he could only say, "You are different from ordinary British diplomats, and you seem to be very enthusiastic about your current job."

"Of course, I'm a European." Alan Wilson stood upright and said proudly, "But it is true that many people in China have doubts about Britain's initiative to intervene in Europe, which violates tradition."

Tradition?Nino Bertrand's face changed. It can be said that France is the biggest victim of Britain's European tradition.A long illness has become a good doctor, and France is the country with the most thorough understanding of Britain's diplomatic philosophy.

"So it's the European faction!" Nino Bertrand's tone was more perfunctory, but because of the French accent, Alan Wilson couldn't hear it. "I don't know what Alan thinks about a united Europe."

"The greatest bond of unity is the colonies!" Alan Wilson looked at the representatives of the Netherlands and Portugal far away, and lowered his voice. "In fact, Spain can be used as a breakthrough point to form a joint foreign legion, the European Foreign Legion."

"This is London's idea." Nino Bertrand hurriedly asked, "I don't know how many supporters there are in London?"

"Oh, my friend, this is the idea of ​​the French." Alan Wilson shirked his responsibility without a trace, "How can there be such a whimsical idea among the British. If someone brings it up, they will be laughed at. But if If the French make this suggestion, it must be taken seriously, because this is a diplomatic issue and must be taken seriously."

Nino Bertrand stood by Yun Ai for a moment, savoring Alan Wilson's words carefully, and finally said with a smile, "Actually, France has always had similar ideas, and has always wanted to bring them up at this meeting."

"Oh, is that so? It seems that the British Empire must seriously consider this issue." Alan Wilson moved his stiff neck with surprise, "Go and talk to the Belgians, it is probably much easier to deal with than Spain .”

Chapter 156 English and French Guidance

The Belgian Congo is located in the center of Africa and is the only significant colony of Belgium.To the north is French Africa, and to the east is British East Africa. One can use this sentence to describe the Belgian Congo, "French army, English navy, two great powers serve me a colony of Belgium. Isn't this a small blessing?"

For a short time it seemed that the Belgian colonies were very safe, and in fact they were safe enough for ten years.There seems to be no reason for Belgium to do more, and it is not the isolated environment that Spain is now.

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