The halberd in his hand turned into a death scythe, which could seriously injure a Chaos Egg with an average of ten swings, and kill a brainless Chaos Egg within twenty strokes.

"...Carter, stop being a hero! Come back!"

It wasn't until he heard Aragorn's call that Carter withdrew from the state of intense fighting.

He was covered in blood, and there was not a single spot on his body that was clean.

The halberd was covered with pieces of flesh and scarlet blood.

After recovering, Carter was surprised by his actions just now.

At the beginning, I just wanted to solve that big chaotic egg, why couldn’t I control myself later...]

Carter, who returned to the front line, was watched by everyone with admiring eyes, but there was no time to exchange pleasantries, and the battle was not over yet.

Chapter 47

"Have you checked out the number of incoming enemies?"

The well-dressed Aris Anar asked the deputy beside him.

"Legion commander, so far there are only some chaotic mutated beasts and chaotic eggs, no other high-end combat power has appeared, and no demons have appeared.

It's just that the visibility is too low at night to count the number of enemies, but it is conservatively estimated that thousands of Chaos creatures are attacking our camp! "

After listening to the deputy's report, Aris Anar frowned.

"After fighting for a long time, I don't even know how many enemies there are..."

After that, he took out an arrow from his quiver, put it on the magic bow engraved with runes, and pointed vertically at the dark sky.

When the magic wind is concentrated, the unique light is concentrated on this ordinary arrow.

"call out!"

The arrow that flew out flew vertically upwards for 200 meters Note 1, and finally lost its kinetic energy and fell downwards, and the magical energy gathered inside exploded.


A slight explosion sounded, and a ball of dazzling light appeared, illuminating the surroundings like a small sun.

The entire camp was instantly illuminated by this light, and at the same time, the Chaos troops hidden in the darkness also shed their mysterious veils and revealed their real bodies.

Arisanar's behavior boosted the morale of all soldiers.The most feared thing about night raids is not how strong the enemy is, but that the defenders can't tell the situation clearly in the dark, and they mess up their own positions first, and they can't tell the situation and kill each other.With the 'Illumination Arrow', this situation has been eliminated.

The Chaos Troops attacking the camp at night can be said to be thunderous and rainy. Their roars and cries are indeed loud and bluffing, but in fact there are not many of them.

As Aris's deputy estimated, they were only in the early thousand, and after a short battle, they had already lost over a hundred, and the rest were trying to climb into the camp to kill.

But the elf soldiers who were gradually armed, added to the frontline troops in small groups one after another to consolidate the front line, making their attack useless and death.

The mere 1000 chaotic creatures are not enough to see without causing the soldiers to panic.

Only when the overall strength gap between the two sides is too large, these monsters who fight by instinct can slaughter a mortal army like a wolf among sheep.

But in the face of the prepared high elves, their fighting power is still not enough.

The fight lasted two hours.

In the end, with more than half of the losses, the Chaos troops took the initiative to retreat.The Gao Jing on the defensive side only paid a dozen casualties.

Although the wooden fence can't prevent the chaos creatures from coming in, the moment they jumped over the fence, they fell into the siege. What they faced was the iron wall made up of spear heads, bows and arrows, and the destructive power of the chaos creatures. Nowhere to cast.Even the chaotic creatures with three heads and six arms are still flesh and blood after all, far from real demons.

To say that the only result they have achieved is to successfully keep the soldiers of the entire 'Eagle Legion' almost up at night.


At dawn, many soldiers who had only slept for a few hours showed fatigue, their eyes were red and their spirits were slightly listless.

"Be careful when disassembling! Don't accidentally splash dirty blood in your mouth!"

After the battle, according to the usual practice, some soldiers and civilians who did not participate in the battle are decomposing the corpses of these chaotic creatures and cremating them.

It doesn't matter if they are small, just lift them up and throw them into the pit directly, but some are larger or inconvenient to carry, you can only use saws and machetes to disassemble them.

The decomposed Chaos Egg is quite bloody and terrifying, which adds to the disgusting appearance.

There are busy civilians and soldiers everywhere.

At this time, Carter was soaking in the bucket.

"... "

Lying in the wooden bucket of hot water specially prepared for himself, Carter comfortably rubbed the blood stains all over his body.

The originally clean and clear water became turbid, and the blood floating on the surface even ruined his comfort in taking a bath.

"What happened to me just now... I was actually dominated by instinct... Could it be that the four vendors or Kane noticed me?"

Carter, who was submerged in the water with only one head exposed, murmured.

Carter, who was a little unfamiliar with his own performance, had a new understanding of the horrors of this world.

Unknowingly, I got the Tao, and my mind was influenced by some kind of god.

It is necessary to strengthen the research on illusion and spiritual energy! 】

This incident can be regarded as a wake-up call for Carter. It was a bit of a blessing in disguise.

After cleaning up the dirt and blood on his body, Carter stood up, climbed out of the barrel naked, grabbed the sackcloth to dry his body, and then quickly put on his clothes and armor to keep warm, ignoring the same wet long golden hair.

After putting on his clothes, Carter had the time to wipe his hair, then braided it into a whip and wrapped it around his head, and then put on the high-precision "bullet" helmet.

After recovering some energy and Carter, he put down the worries and troubles in his mind temporarily, and left the tent.

"Captain Carter!"

"Good morning!"

"Captain Carter, your performance last night was truly heroic!"

After the performance of "one man should be the one man, ten thousand men can't open it" just now, Carter's reputation has spread throughout the barracks.

As soon as he came out, many soldiers, both male and female, who recognized him stared at Carter with admiration and admiration, and greeted him proactively.

Carter acted more subconsciously when he broke away from the formation, and he didn't expect this effect afterwards.But I didn't feel too surprised.

No matter where you are, a strong man is admired by others, especially when that strong man is your ally, this admiration will turn into morale.

Carter, who has become a 'celebrity', can only deal with it with a smile on his face.Others greet you warmly, but if you still have a Sima face, you can't justify it.Although the consequence of doing so was that his smiling face turned sore after a while.

Now he understands why sometimes those public figures don't respond to ordinary people or even fans, and their faces are indifferent. It's really sore after laughing for a long time.

"Carter...Captain, you're back."

Legolas, who was preparing the equipment, saw Carter come back and said hello, then lifted an object and threw it over.

Carter took it easily and found that he was hugged by the cloth. He opened it and saw that there was a bacon sandwich inside, which was quite big.

"Hey! The food is 'good' this morning, did you pick it up for me?"

"Yes, I picked it up for you when it was distributed in the morning."

"Thank you, tidy up the equipment? Is the order to move out given?"

"While you were cleaning up your equipment and body, the legion commander gave an order, and you're going to go deep into the forest to wipe out the chaotic creatures in an hour. The order is here."

Saying so, Legolas handed Carter a rolled up scroll.

After opening it and looking briefly, Carter nodded and said:

"Oh, that's it. It seems that I missed a lot of things. I have to finish eating and prepare quickly, or I won't be able to catch up."

After eating the food in two or three strokes, Carter quickly packed up his things.

As expected, after a while, the logistics officer of the heavy weapons company took a few people and began to distribute dry food, water bottles and some necessities.

Many cavalry even left the camp first, and formed a small team to enter the forest to scout first, whether there were chaos creatures in ambush.

The whole army is ready to go, vowing to make old enemies and new enemies clean up the chaos creatures hiding in the forest.


Note 1: It is an exaggeration to be able to fly up to 200 meters vertically, and it is very good to fly two to 300 meters with normal arrow throwing.However, Aris can fly 200 meters vertically. If it is a normal flat or projectile shot, it will be even more incredible. It is worthy of a human-shaped ballista.

Chapter 48 Leaf Pile

The wilderness of Nagareth in winter is a bit barren compared to Yongxia in the Inner Ring Kingdom of Ulthuan.

The whole forest looks a little lifeless, everything in the world seems to have fallen into a deep sleep in winter, only some birds passing by occasionally will stir up a little life.

Because it is a combat mission, the civilian husbands who accompanied the army were armed and the two companies left behind, one ordinary company and one archer company, were stationed in the barracks.At the same time, it will receive the follow-up supplies sent from Taljodel, and send the supply team to the large troops ahead.

The remaining [-] soldiers and cavalry had already set off first, and they brought enough supplies for three days, and walked into the forest in a long snake formation.

"This forest near the Anuli Mountains really gives people a bad feeling..."

Not long after stepping into the forest, Carter felt uncomfortable.

"Hey, with the erosion of chaotic creatures in winter, there is no way it will become like this."

As the legion gradually penetrated into the forest, the appearance of the forest gradually distorted and mutated from the appearance of ordinary dead trees. The trunks and branches of many trees turned gray and brown. Under the influence of chaotic energy, the wildly proliferating trees continued to spread and become intertwined. Its roots even covered the ground, and the roots grew shocking bumps one after another.

The erosion and mutation caused by chaotic energy for more than ten days, even if all the chaotic creatures entrenched in it are eliminated, it will take no less than five years to be smoothed by nature.

The goal this time is very clear, which is to destroy the largest gathering point of chaos in the forest.

After losing several men, the knights of the cavalry company finally scouted the location of this gathering place.

I don't know how these chaotic creatures did it. In just over ten days, they went deep into the forest for more than tens of kilometers, almost reaching the foot of the Annulli Mountains, where they built a dirty altar and simple camp.

Under the influence of chaotic energy, it has become different from the normal world, becoming as weird as the legendary subspace.

This was originally military secret news, and it was unknown who leaked it, and it was known by the soldiers of the entire legion.

A feeling of uneasiness began to spread in the legion.

The terrifying subspace has always existed only in legends, and no one has seen it with their own eyes. Therefore, everyone has their own guesses and conjectures about the origin of this demon.


"Legion Commander, the atmosphere in the team is not good. Many people are starting to show nervousness."

"It is normal for soldiers to be afraid, but it cannot be turned into fear of the enemy."

Aris Anar, who rode a horse on a small hill and watched the troops advance like a long snake, also felt helpless about this situation.

"When setting up camp tonight, tell everyone that we are not fighting alone. Alek also sent 5000 reinforcements and powerful mages to support us. According to the latest news, they are only one day behind us."

"Is that so? I didn't receive any notice of this before departure."

"This is the news I got after contacting Tar Anlek with the magic crystal in the morning."

"Then that's wonderful, exciting news indeed! Where shall we meet?"

"They will advance along our route, and it is estimated that they will arrive at our camp tonight. Immediately draw up my order and send a messenger to convey to the remaining troops to inform them of the arrival of Tal Anlek's reinforcements. The leader is 'Kai Princess Draina, get the remaining troops and support staff ready to receive them."


When Aris' deputy heard the order, he immediately pulled the rein and urged the horse under his crotch to carry out the order.

Aris Anar, who stayed where he was, continued to watch the marching team for a while, then took his personal guards and left the hill and returned to the team.


The team advancing lightly formed a long snake formation in the forest.

Carter's troops happened to be in the center of this long snake formation.

Although the load has been lightened as much as possible, all unnecessary equipment has been left in the camp.But the burden is still not light.

The deciduous terrain is more than one meter thick, and people can lift up withered fallen leaves every step of the way, and they can also see some strange things from time to time, the remains of some kind of animals after shedding their skins, and I don’t know how long they have been left there to rot A fruit that bursts with a single foot and exudes a touching taste.

Not to mention Carter's mood when he saw a terrifying face carved on an ancient tree, and almost couldn't hold back a mouthful of fire to purify it.

After suppressing the momentary panic in his heart, Carter breathed a sigh of relief and continued to observe the surrounding situation.

The habit he developed after getting Sharingan made him observe his surroundings when he was free all day long.

But there is nothing to see in this forest, except for the weird trees, the only thing to complain about is the unpleasant smell of decay in the air.

"Captain, this place is so weird. The deeper we go, the more uneasy we feel inside, as if something is watching me."

Lilian, the youngest female elf in the team, spoke her complaints with some fear.

"What are you afraid of? If there are chaotic lackeys who dare to come out, we will use the weapons in our hands to treat them to a big meal."

Benedick, who just joined the team, showed his personality to the fullest within a few days.

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