After he recovered a month later, it would not be too late to wake him up after leaving the different world.

Then he turned his gaze to the egg again.

He has nothing to do this month anyway, so he might as well study this egg carefully.

At this moment, the information in the chat group attracted him.

World Chat Group.

Taizu of Ming Dynasty: "In the past, we thought it would be good to be the emperor, but we won't know until we become the emperor. It's really tiring."

Wu Yazi: "It's not good to be an emperor. There are three thousand beauties in the harem, which is more than ten million people."

Taizu of the Ming Dynasty: "If it weren't for the brutal Yuan court, we would also like to be a free peasant."

Uncle Jiu: "Emperor? There is no more emperor here in Lao Dao, and the current emperor is just a mascot. Alas, the world is in chaos!"

The most beautiful emperor: "@九叔, @无头子, this king will attack Xuanmingjiao when the time comes, and I will ask two group friends to help me."

Uncle Jiu: "That's easy!"

Wu Yazi: "I also agreed. If possible, whether I can bring my senior sister and junior sister will be a big help at that time."

The Most Beautiful Empress: "That's the best!"

Big Big Wolf: "My lord's invention has finally succeeded."

Uncle Jiu: "Oh? Brother Wolf's energy transfer device is ready?"

Wu Yazi: "So fast?"

Ming Taizu: "Take it out and let us see."

The Most Beautiful Empress: "This king also wants to see it."

Big Big Wolf: "Don't worry, although it's done, it hasn't had time to test it yet. Would any of you want to try it?"

Big Big Wolf originally thought that several people would scramble for the experiment, but it was completely opposite to what he expected.

Several people all pretended to be dead, and no one paid any attention to it.

After all, who knows what will happen at that time, if I transfer my cultivation base to someone else, and I can't get it back, wouldn't it be a big loss.

Big Big Wolf in Wolf Castle at the moment is holding a flashlight, his head is covered with black lines, and a few crows fly over his head.

(Group owner) Jar Merchant: "@羽太狼, give it to me, I'll test it for you."

Big Big Wolf: "Thank you, group leader, I will send you a red envelope right now."

[Grey Wolf sent an exclusive red envelope. 】

[The jar merchant received the red envelope. 】

Big Big Wolf: "My lord, if you have any dissatisfaction, please feel free to speak up."

(Group owner) Jar Merchant: "Well, let me try it later."

Big Gray Wolf: "Okay, thank you, group leader."

Wu Yazi: "The group leader is a good person!"

Uncle Jiu: "He is indeed a good person."

The most beautiful emperor: "The group leader is so handsome."

Ming Taizu: "?????"

Big Big Wolf: "Hmph, you humans don't believe in me."

Wu Yazi: "How is it possible, haven't we had time yet? Let the group leader take the lead."

The Most Beautiful Empress: "Upstairs is right. jpg."

Uncle Jiu: "The old man was fighting with zombies just now, I didn't see it."

Big Big Wolf said that the king is a wolf, not a fool.

But it doesn't want to argue with them, at worst, the points will be doubled and sold to them.

Chapter 47 Energy Transfer Device

Different world.

Xiang Tian held a flashlight-like object in his hand, which was the invention of Big Big Wolf.

After taking a closer look, the entire flashlight has only two buttons, absorption and conversion.

As for the material of the flashlight, Xiang Tian has never seen it before, but these are not important.

Then Xiang Tian took out the first-level puppet from the storage ring corner.

With the activation, the puppet instantly exploded with the strength of the peak of the profound realm.

The flashlight was pressed on the puppet to absorb it, and a faint light enveloped the puppet, and at the same time, the puppet's strength disappeared instantly.

Then turn the flashlight to face yourself and press switch.

In an instant, Xiang Tian felt himself surrounded by inexplicable energy, and then the strength at the peak of the Profound Realm emerged from his body.

Xiang Tian looked at the flashlight in his hand in surprise, it was indeed able to switch as Big Big Wolf said.

But this time can only last for one hour, and this is still only in the realm of profound practitioners, what if it is Earth Profound or even Sky Profound?I'm afraid this time will be shorter.

This thing may help the group members a bit, but it doesn't help him much at the moment.

Now that the flaws have been tested, there is no need to waste any more time.

World Chat Group.

(Group owner) Jar Merchant: "@羽太狼, I have tried things, and I have two suggestions, increase the upper limit of energy that can be absorbed, and strengthen the conversion time."

Big Big Wolf: "Okay, thank you, group leader, I will improve immediately."

Uncle Jiu: "My lord, so the invention of Big Big Wolf is real?"

Wu Yazi: "Daozhang Lin, you are not talking nonsense, the group leader made it obvious."

The Most Beautiful Emperor: "Pretty Girl Worship.jpg."

Daming Taizu: "@羽太狼, order one for us."

Big Big Wolf looked at their speech, and a cruel smile appeared on his face.

It decided that the improved energy converter would cost 1000 points each, which was the price for not believing him, the smartest wolf in the green grassland.

After Xiang Tian gave the feedback to Big Big Wolf, he stopped paying attention, but concentrated on taking care of the egg in front of him.

A month passed quickly.

During this month, Xiang Tian didn't practice at all. Apart from taking care of the egg carefully every day, he just ate and slept.

It already looked like it was lying flat and rotten.

Although Xiang Tian lived comfortably this month, it was also quite boring. After all, there are no mobile phones or games in this world for him to pass the time.

There is no new movie from the teacher for him to concentrate on studying.


Xiang Tian woke up from his training, at this moment his strength has fully recovered, and he has successfully stepped into the sixth level of the Sky Profound Realm.

Feeling the strength of recovery, the big stone in Xiang Tian's heart fell completely.

After all, in such a world, strength is always the foundation of survival.

Xiang Tian then left the different world with the man who was still in a coma.

He thought he would be near the Tianshuang Mountains when he came out again, but it seemed to be far from what he expected.

This is not the Tianshuang Mountain Range at all, and he doesn't know where it is.

Looking at the lake in front of him, just as Xiang Tian put the man down, the man slowly woke up.

In the other world, it was because Xiang Tian didn't want him to wake up. After all, it was enough for him to know the secrets of the other world, but now there is no need for this.

cough... cough...

The man opened his eyes in bewilderment, and then got up in an instant, his memory still stuck in the time when he was knocked out by Linglong's two men.

Seeing his vigilance, Xiang Tian said, "Don't be nervous, everything is over."

The man looked at Xiang Tian who was making a sound, and then at the surrounding scenery, before he completely relaxed.

Then he looked at Xiang Tian in confusion: "Where are we? Where is the woman who wants to kill me?"

Xiang Tian threw some spiritual fruits to him, and said slowly: "After you passed out, I barely blocked them, but at this moment, the whole ruins began to shake violently, and finally space cracks appeared."

"The hurricane swept across the entire ruins, and then I passed out just like you, and when I woke up again, I was here, and I was not long after you woke up."

The man nodded when he heard the words, a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes, and Xiang Tian didn't bother him when he saw this.

I don't know how long it took, but the man looked at Xiang Tian apologetically: "Sorry, I brought you into this, thank you very much this time, without you, I'm afraid I would have been killed by that woman."

"By the way, let's get to know each other again. My name is Zi Xiaoyao, and I am a disciple of Piaoyu Castle. I don't know how to call my little brother."

Xiang Tian smiled and nodded: "Xiang Tian! There is no sect, no sect."

Zi Xiaoyao's eyes showed surprise: "Brother Xiang is really talented, but he has cultivated to the sixth level of Tianxuan at this age, I admire you."

Xiang Tian waved his hand: "Any good talent is just luck."

Pausing for a while, he said again: "Actually, I have a doubt, why did that woman insist on taking the mirror from your hand at that time? What magic weapon is that mirror!"

Hearing this, Zi Xiaoyao shook his head with a wry smile, opened his hand slightly, and the precious mirror appeared in his hand.

"This thing is called the Void Spirit Mirror, a high-level magic weapon of the imperial level, which I obtained by chance in the ruins."

"But because of its appearance, it caused some visions and attracted that woman."

"In the end, as Brother Xiang saw, the woman chased and killed me for a whole day in order to get it, and in the end, Brother Xiang rescued me."

"If Brother Xiang is interested, I will give this item to Brother Xiang. After all, if there is no Brother Xiang, I would have died a long time ago. I am afraid that this item will also be snatched by that woman."

Xiang Tian shook his head when he heard the words: "Brother Zi, let's put it away, I'm not interested in this thing."

"Now that we have left the ruins, and the woman is nowhere to be found, you and I will bid farewell, and we will meet later!"

Zi Xiaoyao glanced at Xiang Tian in surprise, and then admired again: "Brother Xiang Gao Yi, he's a villain. If that's the case, there will be a later date!"

Xiang Tian nodded, then flew up, picked a direction, and disappeared into a stream of light.

Zi Xiaoyao looked at the direction Xiang Tian left, the smile on his face slowly disappeared, replaced by a sneer.

He doesn't believe that there are people in this world who really don't care about high-level imperial magic weapons, and his intuition tells him that many things must have happened after he was in a coma, which is definitely not what Xiang Tian said.

A jade pendant appeared in his hand, his lips squirmed, and then the jade pendant turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

Zi Xiaoyao looked at the direction Xiang Tian was leaving, changed his clothes, put on a mask, and followed Xiang Tian away.


Xiang Tian looked at the city that was getting closer and closer in front of him. At this moment, the voice of the nine-tailed red fox sounded.

"You are being followed!"

Xiang Tian didn't pause when he heard the words, he just slowed down and asked the nine-tailed red fox.

"Tracking? How strong is the opponent!"

"The strength is not very high, only at the seventh level of the Sky Profound Realm, but his concealment skills are good, it is difficult for ordinary people to find, and his aura is somewhat familiar."

Xiang Tian frowned, then turned around and accelerated his flight.

Seeing Xiang Tian's sudden change of direction, Zi Xiaoyao, who followed from afar, was stunned, pondered for a moment, and followed again.

Chapter 48


Xiang Tian asked the nine-tailed red fox while flying: "Can you still sense him?"

"Yes, he has always kept a distance from you that you can't find."

Xiang Tian sneered, and while flying slowly, he set up an eight-door killing array.

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