If it is said that her reaction is a bit fast, and she made a correct judgment quickly when the catastrophe happened, and did not hide in the house waiting to die, it can only show that her brain is better. Who stipulates that women will panic when they encounter troubles? .

If the place she chose is too suitable, there is no one in the school in the middle of the night, so there are no zombies, and there is a cafeteria.That's no problem, he lives next to the school, so he must know something about the school's situation, and if he is going to flee for his life, shouldn't he run to the most reliable place?

If she lived alone for nearly a month and killed a zombie by using the height of the roof, it wouldn't be too bad.As long as there is enough food and drinking water, I can cook and use the convenience of the cafeteria to support myself.

As for the lack of electricity, that area is also a bungalow area. The school cafeteria is likely to use gas tanks. If it is a diesel stove, it will definitely not be natural gas, so there is no need to worry about running out of gas.

"She said she was a company employee, but I took a closer look at her arms and neck, and her skin was a little dark. It wasn't natural, it seemed to be tanned." Lin Na said the first point.

"I like outdoor sports. Not all people who sit in the office are lazy. Those who use their rest days to hike mountains, ride long distances, play golf and tennis will get tanned." Hong Tao does not accept this explanation. As for Lin Na's sixth sense, that thing is illusory, can only be regarded as a possibility, not evidence.

"Her clothes are very disheveled. Apart from her pajamas, she is just a canteen worker's blue coat, and she has no suitable shoes. She also wears slippers. Her hair is not long but messy. Her hands, feet and face are dirty. She looks like she hasn't showered for many days. "Lin Na went on to the second point.

"...What do you mean very similar?" This time Hong Tao heard some voice-over.

"Because I have a nose besides my eyes..." Lin Na pointed to her own nose, which is indeed quite beautiful. The bridge of her nose is straight, and it was not modified in the later stage.

"..." It's a pity that Hong Tao has seen more than one more beautiful nose, and he has no interest in looking at it. He squinted his eyes and put on an impatient expression.

"I can smell her mouth has no peculiar smell... If you can't even wash your face, will you insist on brushing your teeth every day?" She didn't brush her teeth, the smell even she disliked.

"... Maybe her drinking water is rich, but not enough to wash her face!" Hong Tao thought for a while, it made sense, but it was not particularly abnormal.

As the saying goes, there are all kinds of birds in the forest, and people have various living habits.For example, I have mild cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder. I would rather not wipe it after taking a shower than use other people's bath towels.It is also necessary to brush your teeth first and then wash your face. If you can't wash your face, you probably won't brush your teeth.

"She doesn't have that heavy sweat smell... including the smell that women have every month... But when she complained to Jiao San, she said that she didn't dare to take a bath, and she was almost out of drinking water. If she didn't We have to take the risk to find water outside." As if knowing what Hong Tao would say, Lin Na raised another doubt.

"Well, this is indeed a bit abnormal... But it's not too difficult to understand, people, sometimes it's easy to lie about something. We meet by chance, and in this kind of environment, it's not only a shortcoming to talk only three minutes when seeing people , or an important means of life-saving.”

This time, Hong Tao didn't refute right away, because what Lin Na said made sense.That kind of smell is generally not easy to be discovered by outsiders, because no matter how difficult the conditions are in peacetime, you can wash certain parts of your body alone without taking a bath, and you can also spray perfume.But if you don't wash it for many days, it does have a special smell.

Hong Tao has personally experienced this. In a certain life, when he took a few women across the ocean to catch up with the lack of accessories for the sea water purifier, he encountered this dilemma in a windless zone.Even if it can be flushed with sea water, it still smells bad.

"Anyway, I think she's pretending. I can't tell why. It's that feeling... the feeling of seducing men. I always feel that she is not as simple as she looks." This time Lin Na didn't have any evidence, it was completely intuition.

Chapter 123 The Lonely Beauty 2

"...You are right to be suspicious. In this case, any suspiciousness cannot be ignored. But I still want to criticize you. Why do you contact the survivors alone? Didn't we say that discovering survivors and recording them is the purpose of the mission. All of them. Sometimes Jiao San's brain short-circuits, but you shouldn't!"

The last sentence touched Hong Tao a little.Who is Lin Na?She was taken care of before!In other words, her skills in life are not academic qualifications, work experience and connections, but her allure to men.

As the saying goes, peers are enemies, if a woman with similar skills wants to perform this trick on Jiao San, then she must be particularly sensitive and familiar, and her intuition at this time is not illusory.

"At first, I really didn't want to contact her. Later, when I saw that there were no zombies wandering around, and she was alone and a woman, I relaxed my vigilance... We must be more careful in the future, and we will never add anything to you and everyone. Trouble!" After being criticized, Lin Na didn't make any excuses, and honestly admitted her mistake, and promised not to be an example, with a very correct attitude.

"I asked you to help Jiao Qiao. He has flaws in his character, which just complement each other. Don't ignore safety issues because of feelings. That will not only harm him, but also yourself. Tell me about it." , how far have you two progressed? We are a group of people who have escaped from death, living in fear all day long, not daring to relax at all, but can't see a too bright future. I'm afraid we won't be able to stretch our spirits , if you and Jiao Qiao can tie the knot, it will be a great encouragement to everyone. How about it? When we move to a new house, I, the elder, will help you with things!"

No matter how Lin Na explained and how she covered it up, Hong Tao firmly believed that Jiao San definitely had a role in this matter.But now it's pointless to criticize Jiao San, the point is to let Lin Na know how to behave, and Jiao San will naturally be honest.

"...You are my elder brother, I don't care what he calls you!" Lin Na probably didn't expect Hong Tao to suddenly raise the question of marriage, and her face blushed immediately.

Don't agree, to be honest, apart from Jiao San in this group of people, she really doesn't like the second one.Agree, it seems a bit sloppy to talk about marriage after only a month of acquaintance.

Although she is not a big girl, she is married for the first time after all.This kind of words really shouldn't come out of his own mouth first, if he wants to say it, Jiao San has to mention it first, and then nod his head after twitching.

"Pretend, you can pretend, and said that others can pretend, I think you are the most like it!"

Looking at Lin Na's back, Hong Tao started talking strange things again.This woman's performance is lifelike, with perfect sense of proportion, warmth, and expression. No wonder Jiao San's doggy temper disappears when he meets her. This is called wrist, and it is born to deal with men.Coupled with that pretty face and sweet voice, alas, the natural enemy of men!

Just as Lin Na hid her face and left, three people walked over the Yinding Bridge.He looked miserable, covered in dirt, Randy's blond hair turned into a mop, the little fat man and Jiao Sanyi were pushing the electric tricycle one after the other, the goods on it were stacked high and wobbly, if it wasn't for the blue Di held on, and there was a possibility of falling down at any time.

"Hey, hey, I said the surname is Hong, what are you doing, why are you bullying our Lin Na while I'm not around?"

Jiao San saw this scene and hated it in his heart.It's not a thing, he actually teased his girlfriend!No flirting?Why did she run so fast without teasing Lin Na, and her face was flushed, she must have suffered from being dumb!

"Yoyoyo, return your family Lin Na... Coincidentally, I just checked her whole body carefully, and I really didn't find your trademark!" Being regarded as a bad person again, Hong Tao was indifferent and helpless, watching Lin Na stay He didn't even lift his head when he got down the map, but the venom in his mouth sprayed Jiao San's head and face in a daze.

"You...I...I want to duel with you!" Jiao San was so angry that his eyeballs almost popped out, but his mouth was stupid, and he knew that the other party was talking nonsense, but he couldn't stand it, so he just grabbed the map. Fighting is about to change to fighting.

"Good guy, after fighting zombies for a few days, you don't know your last name, do you? You still fight, look at your outfit, you are worthy of being a knight master! I just fulfilled you today, so that you don't have to hang around in front of my eyes when you have nothing to do. Come on , How to fight, let's draw a path!" Now Hong Tao was really not calm, not because he was afraid, but because Jiao San was amused, he got up and took a big step forward.

"You...you are older than me, tie an arm!" Jiao San resisted not to back up, and proposed a duel method through gritted teeth.

"Left or right?" Hong Tao didn't refuse, and took another half step forward.

"You... have practiced, and tie another leg!" Jiao San still gritted his teeth and did not retreat, but he felt that more than half of his courage had been vented just now.

"Bah, can you stop embarrassing me! He's half a coffin buried in loess, so you can't go up and fight, are you a man!" At this moment, a soft shout came from the gate of the courtyard, and Lin Na didn't say anything. Before going far, I wanted to hear what Hong Tao and Jiao San had to say, but the more I listened to it, the more I felt bad, so I had to come out to support my boyfriend.

"Didn't you guys try it a few days ago... Hehehe... This old bastard has kung fu, all of which are vicious tricks, why don't we change it to poisoning and poison him to death, an old bastard! "

It's a pity that her skill is still a bit weak. There is no platoon or class of people who want to provoke Jiao San and Hong Tao to turn against each other. Even Liu Ruoshuang hadn't succeeded in the past, so obviously she won't succeed this time.Hearing these words, Jiao San stopped fighting Hong Tao, walked towards Lin Na with a smile, and opened his arms as he walked.

"Stay away from me, rub your body with dirt...it's so dirty!" Seeing this posture, Lin Na knew that she had failed again.Jiao San obeyed her, but refused to disobey Hong Tao's instructions.This is intolerable for a woman!

"Brother, tell your conscience, you can't go back on your word!" Lin Na left, Jiao San stopped pretending, sat on Hong Tao's recliner, and drank his tea in one gulp.

"It means you treat her like a baby, my eyelids are not so shallow! Tell me about what happened this morning, I heard you are going against the law again?" On the topic of keeping Hong Tao away from Lin Na, Jiao San had to talk about it in two days on average. Once, when I thought about it, I said it, and I was tired of talking about it.

"...I didn't think that everyone was busy, so I might as well bring back one and a half. But... that girl is really good-looking, she has a good figure, and she speaks sweetly... Don't you Are you tempted? Let me just say, you are not a good thing at all, you always eat from the bowl and look at the pot, and the dog can't change the shit. This early autumn will be miserable... Wash your face with tears, there is no place to complain Alas, it’s true that good people don’t live long enough to cause trouble for thousands of years, so why didn’t that zombie bite you more, so as not to stay and harm others!”

Compared with Lin Na, Jiao San's attitude was extremely dishonest. Not only did he not sincerely admit his mistakes, but he even beat back the leader, making the leader fall into disloyalty and trying to muddy the water so that he could get out.

"Don't worry about this, do you think that if you put the shit pot on my head, the violation of the regulations will be wiped out? The organization has decided to send you to the logistics team for labor reform, and the motorcycle will be temporarily detained!"

It's a pity that Hong Tao is a master who has eaten catfish since he was a child. No matter how muddy the water is, he will not delay in distinguishing the facts.

"I... what did she tell you? Did she sue me behind my back!" What is Jiao San most afraid of?It's not about taking risks, and it's not about running around in the wind and rain. He is most afraid of being directed by others to do work, all kinds of work, especially housework.

Now Hong Tao is going to throw him to the logistics team, and what he is facing is endless housework. He is already going crazy from the pain, and the jerk gene in his bones is about to show up again.

"Hey, don't do it, I'm not easy to bully..."

Hong Tao waved his hand suddenly, and Jiao San quickly retracted his neck and raised his hand to block.But the speed slowed down, Hong Tao's right foot had already been raised, but Jiao San didn't sit still and rolled towards a lazy donkey next to him, barely avoiding it.

"Do you fucking know what is good or bad? Lin Na has taken all the responsibilities, just because she is afraid that you will be criticized in public. You are lucky. If something goes wrong, you will immediately spread evil fire on others. It seems that you two We don’t know each other enough yet, let’s let the marriage matter go, if you don’t have it all, one day a survivor will be better than you, Lin Na will give up and turn to the light.”

But Hong Tao didn't pursue him anymore, instead he sat back on the recliner, picked up the teacup and threw it away in distaste, while refilling the tea leaves, he slowly scolded Jiao San who was still sitting on the ground.

Chapter 124 Boost morale

"Fuck, who dares to hook up with Lin Na and I interrupt his...marriage? Who will marry who!"

Jiao San knew that he had been fooled again, his punches and kicks were all in vain, and his purpose was nothing more than to snatch back the recliner.Now that the reclining chair is gone, and the girlfriend still needs to be gone, this is really unbearable, love whoever!But just halfway through the scolding, a word suddenly appeared in his mind, and he quickly shut his mouth.

"..." Hong Tao fiddled with the teacup, eyes slightly closed, shaking his head.

"Don't say it! Say it or not!" This time it was changed to Jiao San violently, and rushed forward to pinch Hong Tao's neck with a hideous expression.

"Damn, I don't need to talk to you, I'll ask Lin Na!" After pinching for a long time, Hong Tao didn't respond. Only then did Jiao San realize that his thumb was stuck on his chin. Another hour of pinching won't help.Thinking about Hong Tao's previous methods, he knew that it was hopeless to rely on force to intimidate him, so he might as well change his mind.

"Wait a minute, give me the motorcycle keys... unless you still want to go out this afternoon!" Seeing that Jiao San understood, Hong Tao grabbed his body armor.

"Hehehe...you will be our officiant at that time...does she really agree?" Regardless of whether Jiao San is a young man who grew up in the new era, or a rich second generation, he has been wallowing in various new trends since he was a child. , but it is still very traditional in essence, especially for marriage and family.

Letting the Jiao family die is an eternal pain in his heart. Now that he can marry a new wife, it can't be said that it is just for the sake of carrying on the family, but it is also very important.In addition to being ecstatic, I sincerely thank Hong Tao for his matchmaking.If he relied on himself alone, he still doesn't know what the woman thinks.

"This kind of thing can't be like signing a contract and chasing after the ass and stamping it. I'll help you set up the atmosphere. Just treat her as agreeing, say something sweet, make a man's guarantee, and bring the topic to how to organize the wedding. She just needs to If you answer the question, this matter is settled. Yes, the sense of ceremony is indispensable, you have to make sure to find wedding dresses and rings for others, the more difficult the conditions are, the more you have to do your best, attitude, attitude is very important!"

Hong Tao was very happy to see Jiao San and Lin Na's marriage.Not for anything else, just to give survivors some spiritual comfort in an environment full of fear, anxiety, helplessness, and despair, so that they can rekindle hope for life and truly feel that life is still going on.

He hates the spiritual victory method very much, but he has to admit that the spirit is one of the living conditions that people must have.He doesn't know how to create deliberately, but he is good at pushing things along the way.It is also possible to use Jiao San and Lin Na. Anyway, as long as the goal is achieved, Hong Tao doesn't mind being a little less moral.

"Hehehe, these are all easy to handle, just wait for my good news!" Jiao San didn't think these links were too complicated, and as for the fact that there was a survivor waiting for him to rescue... I forgot!

"We have to wait, finish business first and then go to private matters. Have you met the group of people you met on the west side of Xinjiekou before?" But Hong Tao still didn't let go. Instead, he pushed Jiao San even harder. Pulled back.

"...No... Ever since you said that we were not allowed to go to the west, we have been circling east of this street. Oh, by the way, a few days ago when we passed by Changqiao Hospital, we saw a lot of zombies lying on the side of the road. Yes, it should be done by the survivors. But I walked around that area for more than two hours and didn’t find any living people. Bao Buqi came out to find food, but he was surrounded by zombies. In this world, it’s really bad to be alone Live..."

This time it was Jiao San's turn to search on the map. His family lived outside the East Fourth Ring Road, and his usual activities were mostly in the east, mainly from Gongti to Guomao. He didn't know much about the road names in the city.

"Changqiao Hospital... Please mark out the activity route from that day to today." To be honest, Hutong Chuanzi sometimes gets lost.The name of Changqiao Hospital made Hong Tao stunned and couldn't remember where it was. He had to look at the map to find out.

"...Did Lin Na say something to you? I swear, I haven't messed around these days. If you don't believe me, call her here and ask her!" No matter how nervous Jiao San was, he still felt something was wrong. It's Lin Na.

"Lin Na said that there was something wrong with that woman, but she couldn't give evidence. I want to hear your opinion." Hong Tao didn't intend to hide it from Jiao San, but just wanted to see when he would react.Facts have proved that this guy's reaction is really slow, and it is really necessary for Lin Na to stare at him.

"It's not right... I just looked at her a few more times and chatted a little more. She was jealous. Women are all of this kind of virtue. If nothing else, our sister-in-law was still muttering when she saw Lin Na. You Don't listen to how blind they are, their hair is long but their sense is short!"

The light in Jiao San's eyes brightened when he mentioned that woman, and in order to dispel Hong Tao's suspicion, he even revealed the thing that Chu Qiu was afraid of Lin Na at the beginning.

"It was Lin Na who told you about Chuqiu, right?" Hong Tao had mixed feelings when he saw this little brother who had been prostituted and took risks with him, and now he was carrying a gun together, his mind was filled with shit. .

If he really contracted the disease last time and turned into a zombie, then Jiao San must be getting worse and worse in this group. He can neither calculate Liu Quanyou nor compete with Sun Jianshe, and even Randy will gradually become his boss.

"...I, I don't bother to care about their petty thoughts. If there is any problem, you will find out if you bring them back and ask yourself. Then don't stare at the good eyes, let the sister-in-law Chuqiu see that there is nothing wrong at night. Let you go to bed!"

Anyone with a slow mind is not willing to hear others say that he has a slow mind.The same is true for Jiao San, he intends to educate Hong Tao with practical education, to prove that he doesn't see people so badly.

"...I hope I'm overthinking it!" Seeing Jiao San's back as he hurried into the yard, and looking at the lines marked on the map, Hong Tao shook his head.Sometimes he himself dislikes himself and doesn't trust anyone, which is also a kind of torture to himself.

But once there is this kind of problem, a thing that was originally normal will become more and more strange, and it will be wrong to think about it after thinking about it, and worry about it all day long.

Today's lunch was a bit late, and most members of the rescue team were engaged in intensive moving work. Although there were not many personal items, the supplies for the two houses accumulated these days were huge. Two full ambulances were loaded in the morning. The house has not been moved yet.

Fortunately, Liu Quanyou made the decision to unload some of his weapons, and drove a Dodge Bread and a Chevrolet back from the circular fortification. It is estimated that he will come again in the afternoon.But it is unrealistic to think about moving the house in one day. The focus of tomorrow is the bed, electrical appliances, kitchen utensils, and the two small gas boilers.

Li Xiang and You Yi deliberately brought the members of the mechanical and electrical team back with the car, intending to remove the host first and transport it away.The radiators and pipes will not be moved temporarily. After the equipment is installed, the missing accessories will be calculated uniformly, and then disassembled in the subway station.In that case, the specifications can be kept as consistent as possible, which is convenient for future maintenance.

"Don't drag electrical appliances and furniture there. There are many residential buildings nearby, and the zombies inside must be cleaned up. It will be easier to pick some furniture and electrical appliances by then."

While eating and listening to Liu Quanyou and Li Xiang's work report, Hong Tao felt it necessary to remind them that now it's not about urban reconstruction and demolition all day long, and they have to take everything with them.

"It's just right, let's go together, you help me pick out the furniture!" Jiao San was deeply convinced of this statement, a new house needs new furniture.

"Don't even think about it, I'm not a long-term worker for the two of you... Don't forget that there is a survivor outside! You decorate a new house at home, and I will suffer when I go out!" Hong Tao deliberately raised his voice so that the people around him could hear him.

"New house? Whose new house...Captain Hong and Chu Qiu!" Zhou Jinlan reacted the fastest, with surprise on his face, and moved closer to Chu Qiu while talking.

"Oh, sister-in-law, what, it's Team Leader Jiao and Director Lin!" Chu Qiu was blushed on the spot, hurriedly explained, and glanced at Hong Tao by the way, not all shyness in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, this is a very good thing, why didn't you two say hello earlier! I suggest, the marriage really can't be done, this is the first happy event since we got a new life, it must be big, let the big guy It's also good... Lao Hong, what do you think?"

With definite news, it's time for Liu Quan to come forward to make arrangements, and we can't say that the two couples have any division of labor in advance, but every time the fire is well grasped.What does this mean?This shows that the relationship between husband and wife is good, and the division of labor and cooperation are very tacit.

Chapter 125 Strange Whereabouts

"Yes, it should be, it should be! But they can't let the two of them monopolize this celebration. I announce that Ms. Chuqiu and I will also go to our new home to hold a wedding, and we will have a double happiness!"

Not only did Liu Quanyou and Zhou Jinlan have a tacit understanding, Hong Tao felt that he also understood the meaning in Chu Qiu's eyes.Since Jiao San and Lin Na can get married, why can't he and Chu Qiu get married?If there is no explanation, it will make women feel very uncomfortable.

"..." As soon as this decision was announced, the scene immediately fell silent. Everyone looked at each other first, and then turned their gazes to Chu Qiu in unison.

"I... oops..." Chu Qiu couldn't use blush to describe it anymore. When she heard the news that Jiao San and Lin Na were going to get married just now, she really moved her mind and thought of her relationship with the landlord.But it never occurred to me that a good thing came true, and it was not right to run or stay for a while.

"That's great, I'm overjoyed... Captain Hong, if you don't worry, let me arrange the marriage and make sure that both couples are satisfied!" But the scene couldn't just be so embarrassing. Express your position and seriously support it!

"Hahaha, brother and sister, no matter who cares about this matter, you can't get away! But let me set a tone that is not very popular, that is, I can't affect the normal operation of the rescue team, and I can't lower the security level because of the marriage. Don't let a good thing turn into a bad thing! Director Liu, what do you think?"

Zhou Jinlan used to work as the chairman of the labor union, so she had to be a professional counterpart in organizing the wedding.But I'm glad I'm happy, and I have to remind everyone to recognize the current situation, and don't think that everything will be fine if there is food, drink and a place to live.

"Leader, please rest assured, I will strictly control this aspect, and everything is based on safety! Leader Zhou, you heard me, the celebrations should be done in moderation, and all situations must be reported in a timely manner." Liu Quan has a special smoothness in responding to such instructions , You don't even need to think, you just open your mouth, you are comprehensive and selfless.

"Sister Chu, Director Lin, are you going to wear a wedding dress? I think..."

It's a pity that no one is willing to listen to Hong Tao and Liu Quan singing together to set the tone. All the women have already started to give advice to Chu Qiu and Lin Na. The men are too embarrassed to gossip with Hong Tao, so they can only make fun of Jiao San.For a while, the yard became a toad pit, congratulatory, inquiring, Tao Kan, and whispering...

"Let's go, Randy, mage, go out with me on a mission...I said you don't even have a girlfriend, so you're just asking about the wedding process. Hurry up and get the magic weapon!"

To be honest, Hong Tao really didn't like messy scenes, but he couldn't keep a straight face and keep quiet, so he might as well use the task to sneak away, anyway, he had to prepare for the wedding even if he was present.

"Old Liu, Jiao Qiao and the others found a survivor this morning. It's not too far from our place. I'll go pick him up. Jiao Qiao knows the location, but the communication distance of the helmet is not enough. Let's use the mobile phone to contact him."

After dragging Randy and Pan Wenxiang who were booing together from the dinner table, Hong Tao confessed to Liu Quanyou again, and finally winked at the bride-to-be, Chuqiu, and hurried back to the room to change clothes.

The hockey protective gear on the upper body is no longer worn, and it is replaced by the Marine Corps bulletproof vest and tactical helmet.The pistol and the rifle each carry three spare magazines. The shield and mountaineering picks are abandoned and replaced with folding ladders, electric drills, and pressure clamps.

"Captain Hong, aren't we going to pick up the survivors?" After leaving the courtyard, Randy and Pan Wenxiang were already waiting outside, and it was a bit strange to see Hong Tao's attire.Especially given up shields and climbing picks, who will go up and carry them in a three-person team when encountering zombies.

"The survivors this time are a little different from those in the past. Director Lin thinks it's not safe, so we don't focus on cleaning up zombies." Regarding the lonely and beautiful survivor Lin Na described, Hong Tao couldn't tell whether he should believe it or not. , but you can't give up rescue because of this, you can only take one step at a time.

"...Then do I need to bring more ammunition?" Randy once discussed with Hong Tao how to get along with the survivor team. At this moment, he immediately understood the intention and became nervous.

"No, we're not going to fight. Let's find out the situation first. If it's really dangerous, just come back. Don't use the rifle if you can't use it. Not only will it not save people, but it will even trouble us. Mage, go to the warehouse Bring the spare drone that Team Leader Jiao got, Randy, you can drive." Hong Tao handed over the car keys to Randy, intending to make him more familiar with the roads in the city, driving and riding in a car are completely different.

The straight-line distance from the small courtyard to the elementary school is less than three kilometers, but it will be farther if you drive, and you need to make a detour.One is from Xishiku Street in the west, and the other is from Beihai Qianmen.

Hong Tao chose neither the west route nor the east route, but turned west from the intersection of Di'anmen, crossed the crossing road and entered Beihai Park after a short walk.Then go west along the north bank, and finally stop in front of a temple.

"Captain Hong, didn't we go to the school to save people?" Pan Wenxiang said that he also grew up in Houhai, and he probably came to Beihai as well, so he must know this temple.It is a scenic spot in Beihai, called Xiaoxitian, which was built by Qianlong for his mother, the empress dowager, and has nothing to do with the school.

Hong Tao ignored the little fat man's question, got out of the car and carried the ladder, pointed to the toolbox with the electric drill and pressure pliers, motioned for the two to take it, and walked to the temple first.

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