"The surname is Jiao, you said just now that I'm older than your father, let's talk about buddies with you and your father!" Hong Tao lit a cigarette and took a deep breath with his face facing the outside of the car, but this did not prevent the bickering .

"...Single theory, single theory..." Jiao San decided that in the future, as long as he didn't breathe, he would never be able to dig his heart out. Who would have known that a dead child would be able to fart?

"Where did you put the handcuffs?" Before he finished smoking a cigarette, Hong Tao thought about his fate and prepared to cross again. This time it was considered a waste.

"It should be in the back bun... It's here!" Liu Quanyou is not very efficient at work, mainly because he has no energy, but he packs things carefully, and there are rules for where they are placed, and they are quickly put away A bag containing handcuffs and stab-resistant gloves, elbow pads, and knee pads was pulled from the trunk.

"Kacha...Kacha..." Hong Tao took out two pairs of handcuffs, one on his ankle and the other on his wrist.

"Kacha..." Finally, he took out another pair of handcuffs and chained them together.

"Old Hong, give it a try, what's so new about this thing." Liu Quanyou watched Hong Tao beat himself so hard, thinking that he had never brought this thing and was ready to enjoy it.

"I was scratched by a zombie... It is estimated that it will mutate at any time." At this time, Hong Tao could no longer sit normally. He had to raise his legs or bend over. For comfort, he chose the former.

"What!...What!...Lao Hong, you can't make this joke!" As soon as these words came out, Jiao San, Sun Jianshe, and Liu Quanyou all instinctively moved to dodge, and the car shook for a few times before they stabilized. live.

"You're so old and you're making such a joke... Listen to what I've said before interrupting! When I'm dead, I'll burn it with gasoline. I'd better put some wood on it when I'm burning, and flip it a few more times, or it won't burn through. After burning, throw the ashes into Houhai, please! Give me another cigarette, the wound seems to be a little itchy, I guess it will be soon. Be careful, don't think that you are safe when you are handcuffed. !"

"...Smoke, smoke me...this broken lighter!" Liu Quanyou was undoubtedly responsible for lighting the cigarette. Who let him and Hong Tao sit in the back row.The cigarette was handed over, the fire was on, but the hands were shaking a little bit.

"I haven't changed, what are you afraid of!" Hong Tao's head went up and down, but he didn't catch up to Liu Quanyou's trembling range.He simply grabbed his hand and lit the cigarette, and continued to look out the window.There was silence in the car, only the engine and the whirring of the wind.

Chapter 056 Reserve Zombies

"Brother, I'm not afraid of death, otherwise we will move out and be alone. You have a good body and strong resistance, maybe you'll be fine!" Jiao San couldn't bear it anymore. If Hong Tao died with a click, or mutated directly Well said.But watching it mutate so helplessly, and then killing it with your own hands, is even more torturing.

"Well, shut up! You are not afraid of death, I will not live with you, and I don't know what grade I am! In the end, it doesn't matter if you say it or not, it doesn't matter if I say it, no matter it changes, from now on You have to do the same in the future. As long as someone hurts the zombie, don't say anything, just tie it up and observe for a few days. This has nothing to do with feelings, the zombies have no memory at all, and they are not the original people at all, talk about feelings with the walking dead Isn't it too pedantic! By the way, hit the back of the head when you strike, don't hit me in the face, and don't shoot me with arrows in the face!"

Hong Tao doesn't want to talk now. He's not too afraid of death. He has committed suicide in a certain life. Anyway, he shouldn't know the pain after turning into a zombie.However, when I thought that I might continue to travel, I had to think more about this face.

It's not very attractive in the first place. If it is rotten again, leaving some scars or something to travel with it, it will greatly affect the quality of life in the next life.Especially Jiao San, this grandson always has something missing in his mind, and no one wants to start if he can't get it right.

When I went, they were all ambitious, like an adventure, but when they came back, they became speechless all the way.This may be the first time they have watched their acquaintances get infected by zombies, and they have to kill them with their own hands. It is inevitable that some rabbits die and foxes are sad, and the carriage is very dull.

"Unload the car, I won't go in. If it doesn't change at night, I will send someone to deliver some food." Fortunately, it was not far away. When the car stopped at the gate of the small courtyard, Hong Tao spoke again.

"Let them come out to move things, and I'll chat with Brother Hong..." Jiao San didn't move, he took out a cigarette and lit it, and stuffed it into Hong Tao.

"Brother Hong, how do you feel? Why don't I help you take a look, what if it was scratched by something else?" When Sun Jianshe and Liu Quanyou carried the boxes and entered the courtyard, Jiao San slipped to the back door. He pointed to Hong Tao's back.

"I guess the wound is not small, it was caught by the zombies that jumped down from the upstairs. Alas, we are still inexperienced when we go out this time. We forgot to look at the sun, check tools, and wear protective gear. It won't be the way it is now."

Hong Tao knew in his heart where the injury was caused, but he still turned his back to the car window, and asked Jiao San to lift his shirt to check the injury while summarizing his experience and lessons.Although it is an afterthought, it is not completely useless. If they can't use it themselves, they can also learn a lesson.

"...Nima is really scratched like a fingernail, and the two holes are not small! It's all my fault, what kind of gun do you want! It's useless to use that small smashing gun, you can't kill a dog with a single shot!"

Jiao San stared at the sun for a long time from left, right, up, down, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, up, and down, and tried to find a reason for not being scratched.This kind of wound can be scratched by anyone who sees it. Not only there are wounds, but there are also two other Daozi on the clothes, but the skin is not scratched. It is exactly four fingers together.

"It's done, don't pretend, let's talk about something useful. You carefully observe and observe my changes, and then record them, which may be useful in the future. Is the wound still bleeding? Why do I feel that it doesn't hurt much except itching !"

Rather than analysing who's responsible here, let's do something useful, like study wounds carefully and see how people mutate after being infected.In order for Jiao San to see clearly, Hong Tao simply bowed his body and jumped off the back seat, squatting under the sun.

"No, I can't see clearly, the blood has solidified, wait for me to flush it with water..." Jiao San almost put his face on Hong Tao's back.

"Put your gloves on!" Hong Tao quickly reminded him when he saw that he was about to pour the mineral water onto his back.Who the hell is afraid of infection? How can a reserve zombie worry so much!

"Brother Hong, Brother Hong... Grandpa Hong, Grandpa Hong..." Before the rubber gloves were put on, two people, one big and one small, rushed out of the courtyard. Chu Qiu and Zhang Ke also knew the news.

"Stop, stop, don't cross the middle line of the road, and don't cry. The ancients said it well, you can't get wet shoes when you walk by the river, and I got wet today. If you two are good for me, go and take out the reclining chair. "It's not as delicious as dumplings, it's better to lie down than to be comfortable, let me be comfortable for a while."

It's hard to persuade Sun Jianshe and Liu Quanyou to disagree with him, and another woman and child will cry and have more headaches, so they don't even let them cross the road. .

"You're not allowed to leave, what should I do if you leave..." Zhang Ke immediately turned around to move the reclining chair, but in early autumn he didn't move and continued to cry.

"I didn't tell you last night, but now I can't rely on anyone, and the most reliable person is myself. How I get electricity, how to find food and drink, and how to kill zombies you have watched the most and learned the longest these days. Harvest? Practice more, and it won't take long for anyone to rely on him. Besides, Jiao Qiao is not too stupid when I'm not there... Right, aren't you stupid?"

Just halfway through, Hong Tao felt that he was bragging a bit.Jiao San can only say that he is not stupid, but he is not stupid.If there is no good father, this grandson will be enough to graduate from high school. He is stupid and lazy and does not like to learn.

"Sister-in-law, don't rush to cry, he hasn't changed! It just so happened that you used to be a nurse, come over to help look at the wound on your back, I'm fascinated!" The hard-hearted person saw this kind of separation of life and death The scene also has to be sour, the older you get, the less you can see this.

Jiao San's eyes were a little sore, but he didn't want to cry in front of others, so he simply handed over the cleaning of the wound to Chu Qiu, lying on the railing and watching the rippling water surface to clean up his mood.

"Does it hurt..." Chu Qiu finally stopped her tears when she had a serious business, but she didn't use mineral water to clean the wound, she went back to get the first aid kit and wiped it with tweezers and alcohol cotton.

"It hurts a little bit, but it's more itchy..." Hong Tao curled up on his side on the reclining chair, carefully feeling the wound and the changes in his body.To be honest, it's been almost an hour and it doesn't feel like a big deal.

"...The edge of the wound is a little gray, and the color is a bit like Chuxia's skin." Chuqiu's voice was so small that she could hear that she didn't hold out much hope.She had seen her younger sister when she mutated, and her skin seemed to be this color, but now the zombies are already blue-purple.

"That's not right. Look at the zombies we found in No. 52 and No. 56 that mutated after being bitten. There must be no one hour incubation period. Even if you can't beat them, you can shout and run. Struggle, but there are no obvious signs of fighting at the scene, right?"

Hong Tao is not very desperate, he is holding a research mentality and wants to find out more about the secrets of zombies.How should I put it, apart from his personality and curiosity, he was thinking about the first-hand information in case he traveled to the apocalypse in the future.

"...They were all bitten. You were caught. Maybe your nails are less poisonous!" Chu Qiu's eyes lit up, and there seemed to be some hope.

"Well, that's right... you go to the flower room and take out my fishing tackle. If you are idle, you will be idle. You can catch fish and relieve your boredom! Third, take my handcuffs off and put my ankles on the railings. "

Hong Tao is not so optimistic, this thing is definitely not a toxin.So many people in the world are infected, which means that the human immune system basically does not work against it, as long as it is infected, it is finished.

As for why there are still survivors, I can't explain it myself.Maybe some people have some kind of antibody, or they happened to kill the virus or bacteria in the incubation period inadvertently through something.Like a fever or a cold, or smoking and drinking.It is said that the more virulent the virus itself is, the more fragile it is and easy to kill.

In fact, it is very troublesome to completely exterminate a species. Even in the heyday of human beings, it took many years of hard work to exterminate some animals and plants, and most of them are still squeamish.Like ants, cockroaches, mice, etc., they have been eradicated for thousands of years without seeing any results.

Humans are also quite adaptable, even stronger than cockroaches and mice in some aspects.Therefore, it is unrealistic to say that it is impossible to mutate completely in a few days. There will always be fish that slip through the net, such as these people in the small courtyard.

But if they can't adapt to the changes and resume production in a short period of time, maybe in a few years, when all the resources they have now are exhausted, they will really gradually die out.

Chapter 057 Reserve Zombies 2

Hong Tao has been fishing until dinner, and he has caught a lot of fish, but there are not many big ones, so he threw them all back, and plans to continue after eating.

After this, the sea became lively. One person was fishing, two guards with bows and crossbows stood behind him, and there was a child running around who was in charge of serving tea and water and delivering popsicles.Looking back, there are still several people lying on the roof across the road, discussing in a low voice while watching.

"It's been more than six hours, why hasn't he changed?" Zhang Tao was very anxious at first when he heard that Hong Tao was bitten by a zombie, but slowly he had other thoughts in his mind.

After being rescued, his life was temporarily relieved, but his status was also significantly reduced, and he couldn't even catch up with the housewife Zhou Jinlan.

A few days ago in Director Liu's house, everyone was basically equal, and no one could force anyone to do anything, but now I have to obey others' orders to work, and this person is Hong Tao.

With him, he is at the bottom; when he is not there, Jiao Qiao, Chu Qiu, and even Director Liu can order themselves to work, and these personnel arrangements are also made by Hong Tao.

In the past, in the unit, how can I say that I also managed seven or eight subordinates, and achieved a lot of achievements.As a result, it has now become the lowest level. Although there are only less than ten people, and everyone works together, the taste of commanding and listening to commands is obviously much different.

If this person dies, there should be no harm to him, maybe it will be a turning point.When you find the battery and connect it, you will have electricity. If you go to the surrounding yard, you can eat and drink. There are not many zombies in the yard, and a few people can handle it!

"Come on, think about it. If Brother Hong turns into a zombie, you will have to be bitten to death by the zombies in less than two months, or you will have to starve to death. Without him taking the lead to fight outside, counting on you? Cut..." This time it was Lin Na who came out to sing the opposite, and it was so ugly.

"You misunderstood, I didn't expect Brother Hong to turn into a zombie, but it's just a matter of fact, didn't he say that being bitten and scratched by a zombie will soon mutate!" What's so hard about killing zombies, just shoot on the spot with a crossbow arrow. .Even if you can't shoot right for a while, you can practice.

To say that Lin Na is also a snob, she only talked to Zhou Jinlan when she was at Director Liu's house, not because she wanted to have a better relationship with the owner.Now that I got here, I started to lean towards Hong Tao again, always fighting against myself.

The intention is obvious, and it is also expected to improve the status by holding thick legs.Don't be too busy, when you get the right one day, you must let her rush over to flatter, and you can't give a good face!

"It's getting late, everyone, go back to sleep, and you have to get up early to work tomorrow. Comrade Lao Hong said that the zombies are becoming more and more active these days, and many of them have come out of the room. It is not safe to let them wander around. Expand the scope of cleaning. Now that we have equipment and weapons, we will first clean up the courtyards from the east to Yinding Bridge tomorrow, and then clean up the north side the day after tomorrow. In this way, the area within 300-[-] meters from us will be basically safe, and we don’t have to worry about them suddenly A large number of them came out, and they were in a hurry!"

Liu Quanyou was also on the roof, and when he heard Zhang Tao and Lin Na babbling on the side, he couldn't help feeling a little irritable.No wonder Hong Tao is reluctant to reuse Zhang Tao, it seems that it is not because of Lin Na's relationship.This guy is almost the same as the broken-mouthed woman in the government unit. He has a knack for spreading gossip and picking things up. Without him, there is no chaos.

So how should such a person respond? Liu Quanyou doesn't know Hong Tao's plan, but he has his own set of methods.Aren't you agitating?If it is successful, then you go to the front line to mix things up, and go wherever you are suffering, tired and dangerous.

Don't mess around with me, now you don't have to worry about so many relationships and face, dare to say half a word, don't shoot yourself, Jiao San and Sun Jianshe can't spare him!

Hong Tao slept in the car that night, but couldn't actually sleep, chatting with whoever was on duty.In the middle of the night, it was Zhang Tao's turn to be on duty. When Hong Tao saw it was him, he quickly retracted into the car and lay down.This guy can't chat, he's not on the same channel at all.

"Hey, why hasn't it changed?" He slept in a daze for a while, and woke up immediately after a little movement in the courtyard.I raised my hand and saw that my skin had not changed. I sat up and looked in the rearview mirror, but my eyes were still black and white. It was too unscientific!

"Zhang Ke, what are you eating this morning?" The courtyard door rang, and a small head came out.

"You haven't turned into a zombie yet! Aunt Zhou said to eat hot noodle soup, but it's not cooked yet." Zhang Ke just got out to see what it would be like to turn into a zombie, but he was a little disappointed, but more pleasantly surprised.

"Hey you little bastard, you're still waiting for me to turn into a zombie, so you can shoot me with arrows!" Hong Tao likes this weird elf precocious child very much. He can understand some things he talks to, and he won't be cold when he is joking. .

"Hey, it wasn't me who was looking forward to it, it was Zhang Tao who was looking forward to it. Last night, I listened to him chatting with Sister Lin, and asked you why you haven't changed into a zombie. As a result, Sister Lin said it and went back very unhappy. The director assigned work and asked him to kill zombies with Uncle Jiao. Uncle Jiao gave him a transparent shield and a mountaineering pick. Hehehe...Uncle Jiao said that he would also experience being bitten by zombies. Always the same taste!"

Zhang Ke came to the car and made a brief report with Hong Tao through the car window.It's quite long, from last night to this morning, and the main character is Zhang Tao.Hearing that this guy was going to be unlucky, Jiao San didn't want to see him in the first place, but Liu Quanyou also put the two of them into a group, obviously it wasn't unintentional.

"Tell your Uncle Jiao when you're looking for no one, and let him take it easy. Don't take it too far." Should it be beaten? It should definitely be beaten. If you don't beat it, you will never wake up, and you will always live in the original world. .

But you can't beat it too hard. There are not many survivors. If you use zombies as weapons and always play the trick of borrowing knives to kill people who are not pleasing to the eye, it is not only a person's quality, but also a little lack of brains.

"Okay...Grandpa, why does he always say weird things behind his back? Didn't you rescue them together, why don't others do this?" Zhang Ke didn't think that Jiao San took the opportunity to kill Zhang Tao. Appropriate, this is the child's thinking, they are not cruel or they don't understand life and death well, and there is no such concept in their minds.

"He feels that he is very capable and is unwilling to listen to other people's orders. There may be many people coming in the future, of all kinds, you can observe it slowly, and ask me if you don't understand... If I am still there. Well, go get your toothbrush and water glass, you should also wash up, you can't be late for group activities."

In fact, Hong Tao doesn't care that there are people like Zhang Tao in the group. They can't do much except complain.On the contrary, like Liu Quanyou and Sun Jianshe, it is easier to gather some contacts around them, and then slowly turn into small groups, and then there is a power struggle.

If you are fighting, someone should make a crooked move. You are in the first day of the new year and I will do fifteen. The tricks are crooked one by one, and the bottom line is bottomed out every time. In the end, either you eat me or I eat you, or just break up and finish the job .

Chapter 058 Reserve Zombies 3

Originally, I should worry about this matter, but I was scratched by a zombie. It should be changed today as it was yesterday, so don't worry about it at all.It's hard to say who Liu Quanyou, Jiao San, and Sun Jianshe will be in the future as the new leader of the group.

Around 06:30, the courtyard door opened, and a group of fierce-looking guys came out of it.Jiao San is wearing fancy hockey protective gear, which is Hong Tao's legacy.Originally, it was intended for Chu Qiu, but it was a pity that the clothes were too big for her body, and the baggy clothes could not achieve the protective effect.

Everyone else was wearing stab-proof suits with police letters, stab-proof vests, and stab-proof gloves. There were only two riot helmets with transparent face shields, and the rest were ordinary helmets.

In addition to breathing the crossbow, Jiao San also had a long knife on his back.Although Hong Tao has proved that the steel mouth of that thing is not very good, he still insists on using it as a melee weapon, mainly because he thinks it is handsome.Most of this cognitive habit is also cultivated from film and television works, and it will not be changed for a while.

Sun Jianshe was holding a fire hook in his hand. He felt that the spear made by Hong Tao was a little light, and it was not easy to swing.He also had a small pistol pinned to his waist. After the four guns were taken back, he was the only one who could use them.Jiao San can also use it, but he despises the power and shape so much that he is not even willing to wear it.

Liu Quanyou also received a piece of Hong Tao's inheritance, holding a spear in his hand, an explosion-proof shield on his back, and a mountaineering pick on his waist.In fact, this thing is much easier to use than Jiao San's imitation Tang knife, and the alloy steel material is very powerful.At least dozens of heads have been chiseled, and the pointed mouth is not worn at all, and the weight is light, similar to that of a tennis ball.

Zhang Tao also holds a mountaineering pick and a riot shield in his hand. It seems that he and Liu Quanyou are both melee tanks.Liu Quanyou is also a ruthless man. In order to make Zhang Tao suffer a little, he even sacrificed himself. He is very determined to be a leader.

The only female member is not Chu Qiu but Lin Na. She has no weapons at all. She wears police armguards on both arms and a multifunctional belt around her waist. Demolition tool.

There are also steel drills, hammers, pliers in the pockets of the overalls, a pair of hydraulic pliers on the back, and a first aid kit in his hand.Obviously, she belongs to the logistics staff, and basically does not participate in the battle, but just follows to fight and gain knowledge.

As for why Chu Qiu and Zhang Ke didn't take part in the cleaning operation, their job was to take good care of the house and prevent zombies or people from attacking.Call if you can, or call for support if you can't.In addition, another important job is to protect Hong Tao, so as not to be bitten by the scattered zombies.

Zhou Jinlan is not easy. She has washed all the vegetables she can find and is drying them in the yard. When the moisture is right, they can be pickled.At present, the most popular ones are candied garlic and Laba garlic, which are also Hong Tao's favorite food, but unfortunately they may not be able to eat them.

"You'd better take two electric tricycles. I have one that can be used in front of my door. The two courier cars to the east have not removed their batteries. They should still work, but they don't have keys."

The only help Hong Tao can provide now is experience. Back then, when he and Chu Qiu were cleaning up the two yards, fighting zombies was not the most tiring thing. It was tiring to carry supplies back and forth.

Now they have to go to farther places to clean up zombies and collect supplies. It is unrealistic to rely on small trailers to pull them around. There is definitely no electric three-wheeled convenience when driving a car.

"It's easy to handle, it's up to me!" Hong Tao is good at picking various door locks, but Sun Jianshe has to ask how to deal with various car locks.

He doesn't have a proper program for a car with a computer board, but the control system of the electric three-wheeler really can't stop him. A flat screwdriver and a pair of needle-nose pliers can solve one in a few minutes.

"Get out of the car, let me see the wound again..." The team walked away, and Chu Qiu only came out with the first aid kit.

"It doesn't seem to be itching anymore, but it just hurts a little!" Speaking of the wound, Hong Tao looked at the car's rearview mirror when brushing his teeth in the morning. The two avenues are indeed not small, but fortunately they are not too deep, and the blood does not flow, but the more more and more pain.

"Can it not hurt, you have such a big hole, you don't have flesh! Hey... The blue spot was gone yesterday, and there was no redness and swelling. Is there any other feeling besides pain?"

For Hong Tao's description, Chu Qiu said that it was normal, but she couldn't help being a little stunned when she lifted the clothes on her back.The wound has changed again, and the scab has begun to heal.

It is said that such a large wound has to flow some tissue fluid or something, and it is very likely to be infected.However, the landlord only used alcohol cotton to clean up, not even bandaging, let alone taking medicine or antibiotics, completely relying on his own immune system to overcome it.It's not that you can't, it's relatively rare.

"I might have had a low-grade fever last night, but I didn't care if the temperature wasn't high. It should be fine now." Speaking of illness, Hong Tao's memory was very long, as if he hadn't had a cold and fever for many years.

Injuries are common. When I was young, I was injured because of fights. When I got older, I changed to various sports injuries, and I was injured when I was doing carpentry and repairing.Thinking about it carefully, I have never been infected because of injury. Generally, as long as the bleeding stops, it is basically fine, and the recovery is relatively fast.

"...Try the watch!" At this time, Chu Qiu really looked like a nurse. He reached out and touched Hong Tao's head, then took out the thermometer and shook it vigorously.

Hong Tao still had nothing to do all morning. He couldn't enter the yard, so he sat on the back seashore with a fishing rod and communicated with the little fish.In early autumn, she moved out a small round table in her house and put tea, snacks, cigarettes and fruits on it.He also moved out the shortwave radio station, and asked Hong Tao to send signals while fishing to see if anyone could receive it.

Originally, she wanted to sit and chat together, but she was blown away by Hong Tao.Without the restrictions of handcuffs and shackles, it seems less safe to connect with a rope tied around the waist and the railing.Hong Tao always believed that he would mutate sooner or later, and there was no need to catch up with another person.

The team came back at 11:[-] in the morning. Although they were all disgraced and sweating profusely, they were in good spirits. Even Zhang Tao, who had been sullen and forced to be a meat shield, talked and laughed.

The reason is simple, their clean-up operation went smoothly.Not only did he kill dozens of zombies remaining in the three yards, but he also harvested two whole trucks of scarce supplies.Excluding the gas tank, that thing is too heavy and takes up too much space, and it is almost impossible to put it in the yard.

"Brother Hong, I killed 5 zombies with my own hands this morning! The method you mentioned is very useful. Apart from their strength, those guys are actually very stupid. As long as they are accurate, they can make them kneel and beg for mercy in three or four times, hahaha. …”

Zhang Tao saw that Hong Tao was still sitting by the lake fishing, and no longer bothered about the mutation, he came over to show his merit.When I told everyone last night how to be a shield soldier, he didn't have this attitude, and he kept his mouth open.

"It's amazing, the future generations are terrifying! I met zombies the first day and you were not able to do it. I still cooperated with the two people in the early autumn, and I managed to kill a few of them by tripping and running back and forth."

Hong Tao also seemed to have forgotten what kind of virtue Zhang Tao was in the past, and he sprayed the praises without hesitation.

"Yeah, Xiao Zhang is doing well, young and energetic, much stronger than me who sits in the office." Liu Quanyou looked at Hong Tao fooling people with a smile, and added a sentence when he was done, for fear that Zhang Tao would not faint.

"I didn't have equipment a few days ago. If there were these guys, I wouldn't have to suffer in the house. Director Liu, let's talk about your building. It takes four or five days to kill from the roof to the underground garage. There is no problem!"

Zhang Tao's feeling was simply too good to have the two powerful figures in a joint battle, and then the old problem of self-righteousness and low-handedness reappeared, and he shook his head and began to think about it.

"Okay, everyone, hurry up to unload the truck and move everything to the warehouse. You have to sort and register it. When you're done, hurry up to eat, and continue in the afternoon!" Liu Quanyou was afraid that Hong Tao would not like to hear this, so he greeted everyone and left.

"This idiot can't be saved, so you are still willing to pay attention to him!" Jiao San didn't leave, handed a cigarette, leaned against the railing and looked at Zhang Tao's back and shook his head.

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