"Psychiatric sanatorium?"

Wei Wei was taken aback for a moment, his true evaluation in the training camp was exposed so quickly?

He quickly put on his coat and went downstairs, got into Miss Lucky's sports car, stepped on the accelerator, and drove straight towards the 7th block.

The 11th block is located in the north of the city. The terrain here is undulating. There are several low hills. Seeing a police car parked at the entrance of the nursing home, and people in police uniforms guarding the entrance, he was sure that something had happened and it wasn't to send him in.

If you want to send yourself in, you have to mobilize an action team anyway.

That's what the teacher did...



"Mr. Wei from the Environmental Protection Office? Please follow me."

When I arrived at the door, there was a young lady in a white nurse uniform waiting for me.

Seeing Wei Wei approaching in such a flamboyant car, his pupils flickered slightly, but he hid the surprise on his face professionally, confirmed his identity, stepped forward to shake hands with him, and immediately took He came to a building inside.

Going straight to the corridor on the second floor, I saw Captain Ouyang, Uncle Gun, a group of people in white coats, and a certain person wearing the armband of a senior police superintendent standing in front of a room with extremely serious expressions. Seriously, with a hint of confusion.Realizing the seriousness of the problem, he hurriedly put on a guilty look, and walked quickly in front of Captain Ouyang, about to stand at attention and salute.

"team leader……"


But before he raised his hand, Captain Ouyang grabbed him and said anxiously, "Little place, why are you saluting..."

"Come here and have a look, have you seen this before?"



Wei Wei was brought to the tempered door at the entrance of the ward, and looked into the ward through the small glass window.

Seeing this, he was slightly surprised.

It is said to be a ward, but it is a converted warehouse, and the surrounding walls are covered with thick plastic film.

But in this large warehouse, it seems a little crowded. There are dozens of people sitting or standing inside. Some of them have changed into hospital gowns, and some are still wearing casual clothes. I came over, but I haven't had time to change clothes.

At first glance, there are men and women, old and young.

Regardless of temperament or dress, they all look different, the same is their performance.

Everyone's eyes are blurred, their movements are slow, as if they have no soul, they walk slowly in the warehouse, and when they take a step, they will tilt their heads, as if they are thinking about something, but immediately forget what they are thinking, and continue Let's go, when we reach the wall, we lightly knock on the wall with our heads, and occasionally some very short words will come out of their mouths: "Make a lot of money..."

"look after baby……"

"Fall again..."

"Big dog..."


"How is this going?"

Wei Wei was a little surprised. It looked like a room full of mental patients with uniform symptoms.

"Xiao Wei, have you seen similar symptoms?"

Captain Ouyang asked Wei Wei with a serious face.


Wei Wei shook his head immediately: How could he have seen this thing before? It's not the same kind of person.

"Don't rush to conclusions..."

Captain Ouyang shook his head slowly, and walked slowly to Wei Wei's side, pressing his palm on the door wall.

"Abstract essence..."

He opened his mouth in a low voice, and under the brown-colored toad mirror, stripes like data flashed in his pupils.

The next moment, Wei Wei felt the looming ravings spread out, and the invisible force spread, spreading to the entire ward, and when he looked in through the small window, he couldn't help being slightly startled, feeling happy for a moment. , disappears quickly on the face.

The ward has changed, the same patients are still wearing the same clothes, walking in the ward blankly, but it can be seen that each of them has lost a large piece of the back of the head, revealing bright red blood and The pale brain was dripping and chaotic, and the wound was incomplete. It looked...as if it had been bitten severely by some kind of wild beast.

It was as if someone had stretched it in and tried to stir it.


Wei Wei's eyes suddenly brightened slightly, and he moved closer to the window, carefully looking at the wounds on the back of the heads of those people.

Looking very carefully, the Adam's apple couldn't help moving.

"Xiao Wei, you have been in the training camp for a long time, have you ever seen a demonic force that can make people like this?"

Captain Ouyang's expression was serious, and he looked at Wei Wei expectantly.

Wei Wei, on the other hand, carefully stared at the backs of those people's heads, watching them with a head that had almost been hollowed out, but still sluggish, walking around like a living person, like a walking dead , wandering in this ward.

After a long time, he subconsciously looked at his crotch.

Turning his head to look at Captain Ouyang, nodded slightly, and said, "Knowledge Demon System, Fallen Monster, Soul Eater Banshee."

Chapter 38 The Banshee

"Knowledge demon?"

"Soul Eater Banshee?"

When everyone heard Wei Wei's answer, their mood did not improve, but they looked at each other in blank dismay.

Because of the spread of demon power, a large number of strange creatures and monsters have already been born in this world.

Among them, the most common ones are the fallen creatures.

They are all strange and strange species degenerated by humans or other creatures because they could not withstand the corruption of demon power. They possess all kinds of unimaginable powers and habits, and they are used to hiding in the darkness, quietly staring at those pedestrians in the normal world.

Above the fallen monsters, there are even more terrifying demons, and above that, there are mythical totems that fanatics call.

However, as an extraordinary person, I have seen fallen monsters more or less, but it is strange to see them in the scrap iron city.

Even if it belongs to the edge, Scrap Iron City is also within the range of spiritual barriers.These degenerate monsters who have extremely low IQs due to the pollution of demon power, and almost only know how to act according to instinct, usually subconsciously escape.No matter how many fresh flesh and souls they covet and covet in the city, out of instinctive fear, they dare not directly break into it.

Especially, after breaking in for so many days, it has not been discovered yet?



"It really looks like the traces after the Soul Eater Banshee hunted."

Wei Wei leaned on the small window again, looked carefully for a while, and said: "When I was in the training camp before, I saw a village in the wilderness completely ruled by the Soul Eater Banshee, and the people inside were all like this. Their brains have been hollowed out, but they repeat their work mechanically like a living person, or in other words, they no longer care about life and death, but have become another state of existence."

People around looked at him with admiration.

Wei Wei suddenly reacted and blamed himself deeply for being too showy and not taking care of his senior's emotions.

He added with a busy smile, "It's no wonder you haven't seen it."

"This kind of degenerated monster is relatively rare, and it wasn't even mentioned in the demon report issued by the foundation."

"Knowledge demons are originally a higher sequence, with fewer believers, and fewer fallen monsters, and this type of monsters rarely attack certain places in groups. In our foundation , and it is rarely mentioned.”

"After all, there are fewer people who like knowledge than life and war, don't they?"


"As expected, you are an A-level student from the training camp..."

After hearing Wei Wei's words, everyone couldn't help being a little excited, and looked at Wei Wei with a lot of respect in their eyes.

Captain Ouyang couldn't help looking at Wei Wei with emotion, his eyes were even more strange.

It seems that in addition to praise, there is a little more... distressed?

The look he gave made Wei Wei vigilant, and he subconsciously leaned against Uncle Gun.

"That's amazing, a top student."

Uncle Gun couldn't help but patted Wei Wei on the shoulder, and said, "Then is there any good way to solve it?"


Wei Wei hesitated for a moment, shook his head slightly, and said, "I only know that the Soul Eater Banshee should have abilities such as mental projection, memory devouring, and soul inhabitation. fallen monster."

"In the evil bastard book in the Church of the God of Knowledge, they are described as:"

"Degenerate knowledge creates a wicked monster that walks in dirty alleys and deserted streets, feeding on memory and will. It brings a bright lamp that makes people think it is light. But it does not shine A bright and dark heart is just a sign of confusion."

"They appear, they prey, and they leave, leaving behind a field of rotting thoughts."

"It's not strong against it, but its destructive power is terrifying."

"Usually, this is also the characteristic that transcendents and monsters in the knowledge demon system communicate with each other."


Everyone else listened slightly solemnly, and Uncle Gun couldn't help but said, "How did you solve what you encountered?"

Wei Wei said with a smile: "That time, there was a guy from the love demon system in the team. He read a few love poems near the village, made the Soul Eater fall in love with her, and then pretended to be caught by us to cut his throat. It seemed that the Soul Eater Banshee couldn't help but appear from the shadows, so we took the opportunity to trap the Banshee inside with a super-magnetic grid, circled around and shot happily, and solved it..."

Everyone was slightly stunned, Uncle Gun said: "This banshee has a low IQ?"

"not tall."

Wei Weidao: "Of course the main thing is that the acting is realistic."

It was actually quite dangerous at the time, and the two tubes of life injections almost failed to save me.

cutting too deep...


"Oh, our team can't learn this method..."

Everyone shook their heads, and began to think about how to capture this fallen monster in a targeted manner.

Uncle Gun rubbed his chin: "Apply to start the mental barrier positioning program?"

Xiao Lin said lightly: "I have to apply to the higher authorities, it's too troublesome."

"Go to the second city defense line or the surrounding cities and ask someone who is better at tracking?"

"It's too late."

Uncle Gun's eyes lit up: "If the banshee has a low IQ and is lustful, then let the captain do it?"

Kobayashi replied lightly: "Arrogance does not mean charm..."



The captain coughed, reminding everyone to respect him, and then looked at the handsome boy Xiao Lin with a sullen face.

"How about the results of your analysis?"


"The first case detected six days ago."

Xiao Lin immediately raised his head expressionlessly, and said: "At first, the hospital treated them as ordinary patients who had been mentally stimulated. It wasn't until the number increased that they called the police, and then our team was notified today. Check out the question."

"I checked the records and found that the pattern of these patients was horrific."

As he spoke, he opened the document in his hand. In addition to "scientific information", he was also responsible for intelligence analysis:

"They should take 24 hours as a node and increase in multiples."

"One case on the first day, two on the second day, four on the third day, four on the fourth day..."


"Now that five nodes have passed, the number of patients has reached more than 100."

"However, there are only about [-] patients we have mobilized from various hospitals. However, after cross-comparison of other recent traffic accidents and accidental death cases, the numbers can be matched. It's just that many patients had accidents on the same day. "

"Either walked aimlessly on the street and was hit to death, or fell from upstairs."


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