Wei Wei moves very skillfully.

Immediately, he took out some small bottles that he had just prepared, and poured different doses of liquid into the flasks.

As the medicines of different colors dripped, the sludge emitted white smoke that looked like it had been burned by sulfuric acid.

Faintly, some kind of shrill scream could even be heard.

The surrounding air seemed to be muddied by the screams, and the voltage of the electric light above his head was slightly unstable.

Wei Wei kept moving, put the lid on the flask, and shook it vigorously a few times. The liquid was messed up and the contents inside did not move.

Then he took a test tube, and poured the mixed liquid inside into the test tube under sealed conditions.

After finishing this, he inserted the test tube into the black box, the small energy separator, and pressed the switch.


The separator began to spin rapidly, like a snail, turning faster and faster.

After more than ten seconds, a red light came on, and the separator slowly stopped spinning.

The black and dirty liquid in the test tube has undergone obvious changes, forming three upper and lower layers.

The bottom layer is black, and many impurities can be clearly seen, as well as extremely small, strange substances swimming in the shape of tadpoles.

The middle layer is gray, and it seems that there are large cloud clusters, gently surging in the test tube.

The top layer is clear, translucent, crystal clear and clean.

Wei Wei took out a precision-made metal cylinder, and used another to absorb the clean substance.

Then pressed a black button.

With a "chick", a long sharp needle sticks out from the bottom of the metal cylinder.

Wei Wei was very used to it, rolled up the sleeve of his arm, then aimed his long needle at the forearm of his right hand, and gently pricked it down.

The three green lights of the metal cylinder flickered slightly, then went out.

Some kind of mysterious power has already entered Wei Wei's body.

Starting from his forearm, the blood vessels on his body suddenly emerged one by one, as clear as a paintbrush.

Gradually, the blood vessels actually crawled ferociously under his skin like earthworms that had come to life.

The blood seemed to be galloping like a crazy steed in the veins.

Wei Wei could feel the vigorous vitality pouring into every part of his body.

A sense of strength that exceeds the limit of the body is frantically blending into his life in an unreasonable way.


Wei Wei suddenly grabbed the black short gun next to him, put it in the palm of his right hand, and swung the trigger violently.

After a dull sound, a blood hole was blasted out of the palm of his right hand.

Broken flesh and bones splashed everywhere.

But Wei Wei raised his hand expressionlessly, facing the hole in his palm to the light outside the window, and watched quietly.

At the wound, granulation has already started to move slowly.

"Di Di-"

On the metal cylinder next to it, numbers began to pop up in a small LCD screen:

"The magnetic field radiation of life is enhanced, 85%... 90... 97%... 99%..."


On the LCD screen, a red light suddenly flashed: "The magnetic field of life has reached its peak, is it transformed into the second state..."



When the limit of the life magnetic field of the first state is reached, it is time to transform into the second state.

No matter who it is, they dare not be careless at this time.

Because in the process of state transformation, it is the stage where it is most likely to degenerate and hear the ravings of demons.

Usually extraordinary people will be fully prepared, and only dare to try it after setting up several insurances and even emergency medical measures.

But Wei Wei didn't even prepare the stabilizer, and just looked at the screen indifferently.

In the eyes, there are red blood threads that should not appear on the body of a life sequence extraordinary person. In the unhealed wounds, there are also strands of thin blood threads, like living things, mixed with blood, but it seems to have Another kind of life.

They seem to be sucking Wei Wei's blood.

At the same time, a new number began to pop up on the LCD screen: "The radiation of the magnetic field of life has weakened..."


"The first state of life magnetic field, stable."


"An unrecorded abnormal magnetic field has been detected, whether to record and upload a warning synchronously..."



"Three years..."

Wei Wei turned off the alarm, quietly lit a cigarette, and slowly exhaled the smoke.

At the wound on the palm, the blood thread had gradually dormant, and the remaining vigorous vitality was still surging in his body.

Even if this excess life force has been nourishing another core, it is still a state of overflow for him.

Therefore, individuals with such super vitality, whether they are smoking, drinking, or even injured, will be able to quickly repair their bodies.It's an exaggeration to say that even if the head is lost, it can only be regarded as a larger scar.

And this is the change brought about by the life demon.

Initially affected by the demon of life, it seemed wonderful.

It will make people healthy and free from all diseases.

Even old people can have the same energy and physical strength as young people.

Not to mention those who are near the end of their lives or who are seriously ill, even ordinary people cannot resist the temptation of this instinct.

But they don't know that demons can't create life.

With the further deepening of the influence, the desire will always become distorted, and the life-robbing program will start...

As a result, crimes that exceeded the limit again and again appeared in this world...



Dirty little faces with innocent smiles gradually appeared in front of Wei Wei's eyes.

There seemed to be a clear and childlike voice in his ears again:

"When I grow up, I'm going to break into the back garden of the church to dig sweet potatoes, and see who dares to stop me!"

"Brother Wei, I swear that if I make money, I will buy that pig's head and eat it alone..."

"Hey Brother Wei, look, that fat woman can twist her ass..."

"Brother Wei, when you make money, can you take me to the city to see that little white dress?"


On the garbage mountain, a group of tattered children happily and flexibly picked up treasures with nylon bags on their backs.

Some of them are only six or seven years old, just a little bean, and even older children have to tie a rope around her waist, so as not to fall into a gap and not be able to pull it up. The little face is covered with dust and debris, and the sweat is even. Dust is smeared on the face, and the eyes are clear and bright.

Not long after they escaped from the orphanage, they didn't have enough to eat, but no one cried because they were hungry.

Each of them has a "big" dream.

I want to dig sweet potatoes in the field behind the church, I want to eat a whole pig's head, I want to take another look at the little skirts in the store...

Wei Wei thought about those scenes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth at some point.

The wall he painted bright red refracted the harsh light of the incandescent lamp into his eyes.

Reality and memory overlap because of this bright red.

In a daze, he returned to the way he was when he first entered this room.

There was also blood all around, and the blood was smeared on the surrounding walls, outlining a strange and mysterious pattern.

Six well-dressed people sat around the big round table in the room.

In front of them are exquisite plates, knives and forks, and a drop of bright red blood hangs from the corner of their mouths.

The little girl in a white dress was hung on the lamp post in the middle, with her hands behind her back, slowly spinning.

Round and round.

When her small face turned towards Wei Wei who walked in from the door, blood dripped down her small body.

"Brother Wei..."

A shrill cry suddenly sounded: "They are eating my feet..."




Wei Wei opened his eyes suddenly, only to realize that he just fell asleep unknowingly.

He was rolling heavily, his clothes were already drenched in cold sweat, his heart was beating like crazy, constantly accelerating.

puff... puff... puff...

Gradually, his eyes were bloodshot, and veins like earthworms appeared on his forehead.


His voice was hoarse, as if he was talking to himself, and he seemed to be speaking to the empty room: "It's impossible!"

Chapter 12 Three years experience

Early the next morning, Wei Wei woke up on time from the temporary hard bed.

Downstairs at the stall with an awning on the street, I ate two fresh meat, one beef, one cabbage and tofu, a total of four steamed buns, a large bowl of salty sweet foam, and six tea eggs, and then drove my own jeep. , came to the security station before 08:30.

Although judging from what I saw yesterday, it seems that the rules of this security station are not very strict, and the leaders are easy to talk to.

But after all, he is a newcomer who just came here, so Wei Wei still feels that he should respect the seniors.

The police station was very quiet, there was no one around the pool table, only Piggy was cooking millet porridge by the stove.

"What about people?"

Wei Wei felt a little strange. Could it be that these people haven't woken up yet?

"Go out, go out early in the morning."

Piggy turned his head, explained something with a smile, and then his eyes lit up: "Xiao Wei, have you had breakfast?"

Wei Wei looked at his expectant expression, shook his head and said, "No."


Piggy suddenly became happy: "They left in such a hurry that they didn't even eat a few mouthfuls of food."

As he said that, he hurriedly moved across the table, and then took out a basket of deep-fried fried dough sticks from the kitchen, and took a few side dishes, a plate full of fried eggs, bacon, and finally put the bubbling millet on the stove The porridge was served in front of Wei Wei.

Two people each have a pair of chopsticks and a large bowl.

He grabbed two deep-fried dough sticks with his hands, and ate breakfast in the small yard with a sigh.

The deep-fried dough sticks are really good, golden and soft.

The side dishes are also well-marinated, crispy, tasty but not too salty.

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