"The reason why I conceal these things is because I am worried that Eunuch Qiu will find out."

Chen Yanjun was still a little puzzled and asked:

"Then why did you marry Qiu Zhuo to me after you agreed to enter the product?"

Cui Yourong said calmly:

"Qiuzhuo is the core of the beast control plan. I am worried that if she is forced to marry a prince, her physique will be known and used by others. Xiaoye said that you have a physique endowed with five elements, and maybe you can reconcile Qiuzhuo's talent... Unexpectedly, on the day of the Cold Food Festival, the young master was also poisoned."

Chen Yanjun suddenly realized that everything made sense.

"Alright, if I marry Qiu Zhuo, I won't be able to marry Mrs.... Although Mrs. is not the Mrs. I imagined, but compared to Qiu Zhuo, I still prefer the charming type of Mrs. "

With that said, Chen Yanjun continued his path of cultivation...

Xiaoyue at the side said:

"Young master is really perverted, how could he like married women more!"

"I like them all."

Chen Yanjun smiled.

Talking, together again...


After all, Xiao Yue is a mortal, and soon fell asleep leaning against the pool.

Chen Yanjun's physical skills are not in vain, and he let his wife's sea of ​​anger continue to wash away his alchemy wall.

He is not afraid of death, seems to have unlimited physical strength, plus the power of using the five elements to control spirits and resonance...

In the morning, the wife also leaned against the pool and fell asleep.

Take a look at the panel——

[Cultivation level: 75/100 (eighth-rank martial artist)! 】

Not bad!

Chen Yanjun brewed a cup of tea for himself in the air, and drank the post-event tea happily.

The snow-white peach petals fell into the teacup and quickly melted away...


Chen Yanjun woke up suddenly, this is not a peach petal, but a snow petal!

It's April, and it's still snowing?

Chen Yanjun felt something was wrong.

After setting up his wife and Xiaoyue, he quickly put on his clothes and jumped onto the roof.

As far as the eye can see, Chang'an City is howling with strong winds and heavy snow is flying, as if a hole has appeared in the sky.

Dense shadows linger in the sky above the large moat formation...

Chapter 71 is blocked, update after unblocking!

Chapter 71 is blocked, because this chapter is a link between the past and the future, it is very critical, and it will be updated after it is unblocked!

Maybe it was reported by Cao thief, but I am also Cao thief, so I can't refute it... In short, the regular wife hopes to be a young child, which is also a helpless move. The arrangement for the twin sister's child is reasonable, and there are many foreshadowings in the early stage actually.

The pure Cao Zeiwen is still too niche, and there are no new readers in the later period, which is very difficult.

Killed the pigeon...

In the past few days, with chapters being banned, plots being sprayed, and some family matters, the author is not in the mood to write about women...

The core of the blocked chapters is that they are on the blacklist of intelligent shielding. Chapter 71 was unblocked by the editor, but the blacklist cannot be removed. In the future, as long as there is a little bit of car, the chapter will be blocked—not an exaggeration, "Bad Woman" That's how it came about.

The author of the last book "My Charm Only Works on Bad Women" relied on explosive liver to boost the grades. The original plan was to write 200 million words, but in the end, chapters were blocked consecutively in the middle of the book. No matter how you write it, you can get it sealed. The most exaggerated thing is that it was blocked in a week. I have six chapters, and the finalization is almost cut in half. After that, I restarted the compressed version of the outline, gritted my teeth and wrote a million words to finish the book.

It can be said that since "My filial piety has gone bad" was sealed (renamed "The Strongest Filial Piety System" after half a year for rectification and release), every time the author puts a new book on the shelf, he will dream that the new book is blocked...

Losing the ability to drive is tantamount to walking with a limp, and losing the means to pull and track, you may not even be able to get the guide and the big page in the follow-up—for example, the first book "Bad Woman", without a car in the later stage, can't even get the big page .

This book is the same, the most read chapters are the last two chapters, 70 was deleted, and 71 was directly blocked... But it really depends on the scale, it is much smaller than others.

The rich woman dare not write about cars, so she can only learn to write to pretend to be slapped in the face. As a result, she was slapped in the face by all kinds of sprays. In the end, the text was changed, and the chicken feathers were all over the place... Fortunately, the effect of the text change was not bad, and the follow-up follow-up was also brought up. But I still dare not drive, but try to write about strange beasts, which is equivalent to opening another main line and selling it as dog meat.

After filial piety, bad women, rich women, change the soup without changing the medicine, I understand, it is time to quit the historical stage of driving.

Especially now is a sensitive period, I dare not write a single word.

If it weren't for the long-term constraints of the starting point, it should be a trumpet right now.

In addition, in the past few days, things at home have also exhausted me physically and mentally...

In short, this book is a dove... I am really sorry for everyone's subscriptions, votes and rewards, and I am sorry for my pen name.

I am a eunuch, and I review.

This book is a dove, the author is equivalent to a collapse of Dao Xin, broke his promise and became fat, even if old readers block me, he has no complaints.

But even if I starve to death, I will never write about women again!

Of course, it is not to write a novel without a female protagonist, but to integrate the skill of writing women into the plot, so that the woman follows the plot, not the plot follows the woman.

Start writing again from Mengxin, return to the original heart, focus on science fiction and Two-dimensional, as long as you can make high-quality goods, you can make a living.

The new book will be released the day after tomorrow, so it's better to kill Buge.

Science fiction, writing bugs, no one should block me.

Make less money, but peace of mind.

——Killed the pigeon.

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