Of course, as the person involved in the Cold Food Festival Gu withering incident, she also has a reason to sit here.

Only then did Murong Ye think of the business, his stunning face turned serious, and he asked Zheng Ke:

"Don't just drink tea, what have you found out about this Fang Haiping?"

Zheng Ke put down the small teacup with his big hand.

"This man is from outside the city, and his household registration is unknown. He only entered the Imperial College three years ago. He practiced relatively late, but his talent is very high, and he soon became an eighth-rank martial artist."

"This person has had many contacts with Dr. Chen's fellow villager Fan Yu. It should be this person who poisoned Dr. Chen and Fan Yu."

"Everyone in the Martial Arts Academy said that Fang Haiping had a withdrawn personality. He often took courses from other colleges and seldom attended the classes of the Martial Arts Academy. He was a loner...I can't find out the rest."

This incident was indeed premeditated, and the murderer was in the Imperial College... Chen Yanjun felt a chill down his spine.

Murong Ye frowned, but didn't understand.

"So, did he turn into a monster after being possessed by a demon, or did he turn into a human like a monster?"

Zheng Ke shook his head.

"I can't see this at the moment."

Murong Ye took a sip of the bad wine, and tapped his moist red lips.

"Unfortunately, that Gu wither has exploded into a mass of meat scum. This matter will not come to fruition until Chen Yanjun goes to see the monsters in the Chenlong Division tomorrow."

Everyone was surprised.

"A monster from the Chenlong Division?"

He Bumian opened his eyes.

Song Quwu also turned around from Chang Eucalyptus.

The more Qiu Zhuo listened, the more exciting she became, her face flushed with excitement!

"Well, a few days ago, the other eleven departments secretly shared information in Silou while I was away."

Having said that, Murong Ye briefly recounted what he saw and heard in Silou just now without any concealment.

The crowd was astonished.

"There are more than 100 monsters in Chang'an City!"

"If this is spread, wouldn't everyone be in danger?"

"Unexpectedly, it was the Chenlong Department who started the investigation first."

Even Qiu Zhuo muttered to himself in shock:

"Since the enemy poisoned Chen Yanjun, why did Gu Zhuo attack me?"

Song Quwu frowned, and suddenly realized:

"Perhaps the purpose of poisoning Detective Chen is also your psychic body."

"At that time, the enemy may think that you reject all the men's pursuits because you like Chen Zhenqing."

"Therefore, if you use Gu poison to control Chen Zhenqing, the equalization of the five elements may not happen soon, but it is very likely that the poison will swallow your soul, and the enemy will secretly control Chen Zhenqing and your dual cultivation, or there may be a secret method to take away your psychic holy body." .”

When Chen Yanjun heard it, he couldn't help but admire Senior Sister Song's open mind, but he also felt that it made some sense.

Hearing the word Shuangxiu, Qiu Zhuo frowned with disgust.

She is an independent woman who wants to follow in the footsteps of her aunt, devote herself to Taoism, and insist on not dual cultivation with men.

Looking at it now, Chen Yanjun is considered a good man, but she doesn't like men, and she doesn't like sex.

"This plan won't work at all, I won't double cultivate with any man!"

Song Quwu continued to analyze:

"Who would have thought that Chen Zhenqing resisted the poison with a mortal body. After the plan failed, the enemy sent Gu Zhuo to directly take away your dantian."

"Gu Zhuo is a kind of strange beast that is extremely sensitive to root bone talent. When attacking Qiu Zhuo, it also noticed Chen Detective Qing's abnormal talent, and then attacked..."

"It can be seen from this that this Gu Zhuo is probably just a monster in human skin, easily distracted, and also underestimated Qiu Zhuo's combat power."

"The above is just a possible guess."

After Song Quwu finished speaking, his mouth was dry, he picked up the teacup and began to savor it carefully, listening to everyone's reactions.

When Murong Ye heard this, he kept nodding his head.

"If you want me to say, this Gu Zhuo is very smart. Chen Yanjun's talent is indeed higher than that of Qiu Zhuo, and it is very weird. Otherwise, how can he be a father?"

When it comes to being made a father by Chen Yanjun, Qiu Zhuo is very dissatisfied, but he has to accept it. The reason is very simple:

Auntie, you can't make a mistake!

Chen Yanjun got up and said:

"Right now, the Gu is in my hands. Go to the fourth floor and study it carefully, and you will know whether it is a human or a ghost."

Everyone nodded, and then went from the third floor to the fourth floor together.

The original owner of the fourth floor, Xu Ruyun, is said to be a beast master.

It can also be seen from the house that there are a large number of animal stems similar to specimens.

There are also hand-painted paintings of exotic animals.

If you look carefully, the level of this painting is far superior to that of Song Quwu, and some even have a terrifying momentum.

Qiu Zhuo reminded Chen Yanjun:

"Senior Xu used to be a teaching assistant at the Academy of Beasts, and I took her class."

Chen Yanjun nodded slightly, and asked curiously:

"So, what Senior Sister Song said earlier that Senior Xu may not be dead means that he was caught by a Gu beast?"

Song Quwu looked at Murong Ye.

Murong Ye shook his head with a complicated expression, and didn't say much.

"You'll find out later."

Chen Yanjun thought to himself, this captured Xu Ruyun still has secrets.

He looked around, and there were several rooms on the fourth floor, and there was even a place to keep pets.

Unfortunately, there is no hospital.

"Master Bucheng, I need to build a small hospital on the fourth floor. The treatment of monsters in the Yinhu Department is limited to the Prison Division and does not involve the Danlin Hospital."

Chen Yanjun said so.

It's not that he doesn't trust Assistant Professor Fang, but that there are too many people coming and going in Assistant Professor Fang's autopsy room... The confidentiality is still not good.

Why Bumian was a little embarrassed, and turned to look at Murong Ye.

Murong Ye shrugged:

"Just do as he says."

He Bumian said solemnly:

"When the money is in place, it can be prepared in one day."

Murong Ye frowned, dissatisfied with the one-day preparation.

"Get ready in an hour."

He Bumian shook his head.

"You haven't even got the latest reward yet, how did you get the money?"

Murong Ye had a look of indifference.

"You can help me out first, I have already found the benefactor, and I won't be short of money in the future."

Then, he pointed at Chen Yanjun.

"What's more, after the bounty, everyone in the Yinhu Department has a share, it's just big or small, isn't it me who is responsible for distributing the money? You don't want to just get the death salary, do you?"

The Zodiac Department of the Prison Division is run independently by bad handsome, responsible for their own profits and losses.

Bucheng is just a civil servant responsible for supervision and contact. In addition to getting a monthly salary, he will also receive a part of the bounty from the bad guys, the exact amount is determined by the bad guys.

He Bumian sighed and shook his head.

"Go Wu, you come with me."


For the next hour, there was nothing to do.

Right now, Chen Yanjun's thoughts are all on Gu wither and monsters, and he doesn't plan to go back to Nanxianfang, so he proposes to everyone to go to the lake to enjoy the moon.

He said he was admiring the moon, but he actually wanted to learn some sword spirit from Murong Ye.

The four of them came to the lake and sat on the boulder beside the cliff to drink and drink tea.

Chen Yanjun was embarrassed to speak directly, so he gave Qiu Zhuo a look.

Qiu Zhuo immediately understood, and said:

"As my aunt's deputy, your strength is too weak. You should let my aunt teach you how to practice swords."

Chen Yanjun took advantage of the situation and said to Murong Ye:

"I also heard from Yourong that she learned the method of raising sword energy from you."

Murong Ye glanced at Chen Yanjun and said:

"Cultivating sword energy requires a lot of spiritual pressure, and requires a sixth-grade cultivation base. Even you must have at least an eighth-grade cultivation."

"And it's only suitable for cultivation with a single spiritual root. The cultivation of the equalization of the five elements is extremely slow, and it can't immediately improve your combat power."

"I saw your battle with Gu Zhuo. You don't need to raise sword energy. Directly using the sword to cast five elements to control spirit is not weaker than raising sword energy."

Chen Yanjun nodded, what Murong Ye said is correct, it is really difficult to cultivate sword energy, and the advancement is extremely slow.

I thought she had some special technique, but I didn't expect that she didn't.

On the side, Zheng Ke also said:

"I heard that Dr. Chen can understand the five elements of the original collection of poems. With such a means of controlling spirits, what kind of sword energy is rare? Just learn some high-level spells... such as forbidden spells or something."

Chen Yanjun asked:

"Do you know?"

Zheng Ke thought for a while and said modestly:

"There are still some things, but this thing can't be taught to you. It's easy to go crazy. You can learn it by yourself. No one will punish you if you use it to save your life."

Before Chen Yanjun could speak, Qiu Zhuo said:

"Then let's learn how to cultivate sword energy! Auntie, Chen Yanjun is not an ordinary person, he can learn everything."

It was only then that Chen Yanjun realized that Qiu Zhuo wanted to learn sword qi from Murong Ye more than himself, and he had a tacit understanding with him just now.

Murong Ye still shook his head.

"Your physique is different from that of ordinary people. I can't take risks. I will teach you when I wait for the sixth grade."

"Chen Yanjun, on the other hand, can learn some methods of controlling beasts with you. After he learns it, he may be able to control Gu beasts. This is the most useful skill right now!"

Qiu Zhuo's expression collapsed, with a cold face like anger.

"My method of controlling beasts is psychic communication, which most people can't learn!"

After all, he said confidently:

"On the day of the Cold Food Festival, at Xianyang Ancient Ferry, if the Gu wither hadn't been controlled by someone, otherwise I wouldn't need Chen Yanjun's help to distract it, and I would be able to kill it alone!"

Burning text

Murong Ye smiled and nodded, then said:

"Our current goal is to control the beast master behind the scenes. You are the psychic body, which is the physique that the enemy dreams of. You can't participate in the mission until you reach the fifth rank, so you hand over the beast master to Chen Yanjun. , he will help you find the enemy."

Qiu Zhuo still pouted.

"He can't learn."

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