For example, drawing a sword raises a sandstorm.

For example, drawing a sword automatically cuts bamboo.

For example, if the sword is drawn and the sword is broken, and the broken sword is reassembled, I will take him away today, and I will see who is brave enough to stop me!

As long as the spiritual pressure is enough, and so on, the operation is very simple, and what is played is a imagination.

However, compared to swinging a sword in the air, it is cool to release the sword energy with bare hands!

This requires the cultivation of awe-inspiring sword energy.

This is much more difficult...

Chen Yanjun looked up, it was getting late, and Murong Ye still didn't come.

Forget it, put away the sword and go home, and learn the sword tomorrow!

At some point, a black figure sat cross-legged on the moss boulder just now, and suddenly said:

"Junior Brother Chen's sword energy is superb!"


Chen Yanjun looked up.

The black figure stood up slowly, holding the sword in one hand, maintaining the posture of drawing the sword at any time.

"My name is Fang Haiping, and I'm a student of the Martial Arts Institute. It's useless to learn sword alone, you need an opponent to learn quickly. I'll accompany Junior Brother Chen to learn some moves."

Chen Yanjun changed his angle, and with the help of the last twilight, he could clearly see this person's appearance.

This person...he has seen it before!

The theory and surgery courses at Danlin College, the Spiritual Control class at Qingwuyuan, and the Fengyun Valley class this morning... this person is in the class!

The appearance looks ordinary, neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin, neither beautiful nor ugly... It is because the appearance is so ordinary that it appeared for three consecutive classes, but Chen Yanjun didn't notice it.

Seeing you this time, I suddenly woke up!

Because this person is not a disciple of Danlin Academy, and the original owner does not know him in his memory...

This means that this person has probably been staring at him for the past few days.

Sure enough, someone still wanted to kill him!

This guy followed him for several days, and finally found his chance to place an order.

Chen Yanjun looked around, but there was no one around, and the sky was getting dark.

This is the back mountain of Budaoyuan, even if you hear the sound of battle, it can be regarded as a sparring...

What a great place to kill.

Chen Yanjun looked at this person again, he was of the eighth rank, but judging by the aura of holding the sword, it seemed that he was more than eighth rank.

The more ordinary his body and appearance, the more terrifying he looked at this moment.

This man is invincible!

Chen Yanjun secretly took out the prisoner's tiger talisman, forced blood from his palm into the talisman, and put it into his bosom.

Although he is reluctant to join the job, he still hopes that the prison chief will really send people nearby to rescue him.

Next, you can only try to escape.

He tried to stay as calm as possible, not screaming or showing any signs of panic.

"The sun is about to go down, so that's the end of today's sword practice, tomorrow I'll talk to Senior Brother Fang."

Fang Haiping jumped off the boulder, walked slowly, and said with a loud smile:

"Speaking of which, I was also on Qingwuyuan yesterday, but my memory was missing. Someone must have done something terrible, and the first seat of Qinghongzi erased everyone's soul memory...Let me guess, right? Junior brother Chen solved that poem?"

You are an eighth-rank martial artist, yet you know that your memory has been erased.

This person is obviously not simple, and he came prepared!

Chen Yanjun walked down the mountain casually, and said with a smile:

"Well, a mediocre poem, it was only released because it was hidden in public by the thief. Qing Hongzi also decided to erase the matter because he was afraid of losing the reputation of the Taoist Academy."

Fang Haiping didn't have any expression on his face, but he followed slowly.

"Can you tell me how the poem was written? I'm very strict."

Chen Yanjun continued to go down the mountain, but was suddenly blocked by this man who turned over and jumped.

"I have also had my memory erased. I only know that the poem was deciphered by me, but I don't know the specific lines of the poem. Brother, you should ask Qing Hongzi Daoist."

Saying this, Chen Yanjun walked in another direction.

Fang Haiping followed again.

"I think you know."

Chen Yanjun shook his head, cupped his fists casually and said:

"What do you think, brother, it has nothing to do with Chen, I have something to do, so I'm leaving."

After all, he didn't choose another way to escape, but moved his body and jumped to the top of the sword bamboo.


Fang Haiping drew his sword resolutely, and a stream of sword energy rushed straight to the top of the bamboo, catching up with the back of Chen Yanjun's head.

Chen Yanjun had a premonition that there was a cold arrow behind him, stepped on the bamboo joints ahead of time, and turned back to the valley in a flash.

Three feet away from Fang Haiping!

Chen Yanjun suddenly opened his mouth and shouted:


As soon as he uttered a word for help, he was suddenly dispersed by a howling sword, turning into a breeze blowing bamboo.

It seemed that the other party was determined to kill, so he had no choice but to stall for time and wait for the prison chief to rescue him.

The movement just now, the sword energy, is no different from a sparring, and the teaching assistants of the Martial Arts Institute may not care about it.

Moreover, it is very likely that this person did not come alone, but with helpers watching outside the valley.

It was getting late, and Fang Haiping's face could not be seen clearly at this moment. He stood alone in the bamboo forest, like a dark mass of murderous human form.

Chen Yanjun calmed down.

"Brother, what does this mean?"

Fang Haiping said calmly:

"I have been observing Junior Brother Chen for several days. You must have had some adventures, or have hidden artifacts in your body, so you have these unusual talents... I have a hunch that you are likely to become the scourge of Datang. It is here to eliminate harm for the people in advance.”

After saying that, another sword came across the air.

The sword qi came whistling, extremely fast.

Chen Yanjun predicted the enemy first, and only relying on the distance of three zhang, he managed to dodge it.

The school uniform on the right arm was cut open.

"Eight rank cultivation, you can't kill me!"

Chen Yanjun said calmly.

He was worried that this son was hiding his cultivation, the sword energy just now was much faster than his wife's sword energy.

"I feel that Brother Fang doesn't want to eliminate harm for the people, he probably has other ideas... Speaking of which, do you want to know that poem? I still remember the first line."

Fang Haiping asked coldly:

"What do you think."

"When autumn comes—"

As soon as Chen Yanjun uttered four words, Fang Haiping said:

"Don't stay!"

Then his figure flashed, and a sword slashed over.

Chen Yanjun quickly retreated, thinking that this person might have something to do with Huang Chao.

A brainstorm!

"and many more--"

"In fact, there is more than one Tibetan poem, and there is an even more powerful one."

Only then did Fang Haiping stop chasing, and asked coldly:

"Another poem?"

"Senior Brother Fang, listen to me sing: the westerly wind is blowing and the courtyard is full, the heart is cold and fragrant, and the butterflies are hard to come. If I were Qing Emperor in his year, I will repay and bloom with the peach blossoms."

What Chen Yanjun recited was another poem by Huang Chao, whose name was also related to chrysanthemums, but he forgot the details.

Fang Haiping was taken aback, obviously hesitating.

"If I were Emperor Qing in his you...besides Chen Yanjun, do you have any other names?"

Chen Yanjun recognized it, this sentence meant to ask if he had any other identities!

Is this guy really related to Huang Chao?

You must know that Huang Chao is not a great poet, he only left a few short poems, and no one knew about these few poems in Xianwu Tang Dynasty, and it is even unclear whether they have been created or not.

Could it be that Huang Chao often compares himself to Emperor Qing?

This made Fang Haiping hesitate?

Thinking of this, Chen Yanjun tentatively called out in a low voice:

"The King of Heaven and Earth Tiger!"

Fang Haiping:


Chen Yanjun whispered again:

"The King of Heaven and Earth Tiger!"

Seeing that the other party still didn't respond, but obviously hesitated, Chen Yanjun's voice turned cold, and said:

"Since you can't match the password, you have no right to bother me."

Fang Haiping's voice suddenly calmed down.

"Junior Brother Chen and I are going to meet someone."

Chen Yanjun remained calm, but he was slightly relieved.

Right now, he has a chance to go deep into the enemy's lair, and then lead the prison guard to go straight to Huanglong and wipe out the enemy.

He may make great achievements and obtain various awards and fame.

But also possible: will die.

Obviously, the other party couldn't judge the authenticity of the code, so he brought it to the high-level.

Once he is seen through by the opponent's high-ranking strongman, there is no such secret signal, and at this moment, the person in charge of the prison has not arrived, or the person who came is not strong enough, waiting for him, there is only a dead end!

Thinking of this, Chen Yanjun remained calm.

"See who? Where is that man?"

Fang Haiping only said:

"You'll know when you go."

Chen Yanjun shook his head.

"I'm sorry for the code, I can't go with you, what if you take me to the jailer?"

Fang Haiping's breath suddenly became cold, and he said:

"If I don't kill you, I have to take you away, offended."

Chen Yanjun thought in his heart, a king of heaven and a tiger of earth turned the other party's desire to kill into a desire to arrest people.

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