Chen Yanjun shrugged, not knowing what to say.

Yun Yan continued to recall:

"Although that person is endowed with the five elements, he is secretly practicing the way of the devil. It is precisely because of the way of the devil that he has cultivated the physique of the equal endowment of the five elements to the seventh rank at the age of thirty."

"That person entered the Danlin Academy to major in medicine, and then came to the Shuda Academy to also practice the art of controlling spirits. He was a disciple led by the doctor himself. He only practiced here for seven days, and he was discovered because he did something shocking to the world. It's an imposter."

Chapter 0056 You Are Qualified [Remake, Glacierangel Silver Plus Three! 】

On the Qingwu Plain, the students gathered around Chen Yanjun and the three teachers, holding their breath and concentrating.

Chen Yanjun asked curiously:

"what's up?"

Assistant Professor Yun explained.

"Before that person, Qingwuyuan was called Wuxingyuan. Many people were proud of mobilizing the spiritual springs on the five spiritual pillars, and there are ranking records for this."

"For example, there is a leaderboard record for the height of the spirit spring on a single spiritual pillar."

"For example, there is also a record of the height of the spiritual spring that activated five spiritual pillars at the same time."

"On a single spiritual pillar, Eunuch Qiu ranks first in the three records of gold and civil engineering, while Lord Jijiu and Zen Master Wanhua rank first in the other two."

"Individual records are closely related to personal cultivation, and spiritual pressure has a great influence. It only represents the ultimate power of the cultivator's spirit control, and there is no suspense."

"But if you want to activate the Five Spirit Pillars at the same time, you must have a very high level of control over the spiritual power, and at the same time, you must be firm, calm, and steady."

Hearing this, He Jianqun held his sword in both arms, and instinctively interrupted.

"He is not talented, and he just hangs at the end of this record. Although it is the end, he is the only person who has achieved this in ten years."

Chen Yanjun asked curiously:

"So, for the second record, the five-element equalizer should have the upper hand."

Yun Yan shook her head back.

"Those who are endowed with the five elements, because of their weak strength, it is usually difficult to stimulate the five down spirit springs at the same time, and even if the spirit springs are activated, it is difficult to continue."

"It is difficult for a single strong person to imitate five spirits to achieve an absolute balance."

"This record is a test of the ultimate control over the spiritual power of the five elements, which is very helpful for practicing complex high-level spells."

"Prior to this, the record of mobilizing five spirit pillars at the same time has always been held by Qing Hongzi, the first person in this court, and even Mr. Jijiu can only come in second. This has always been the honor of this court."

Having said that, Yunyan sighed back, and then continued to recall:

"Unexpectedly, after seven days of practice, that impostor disciple used magic skills to activate five spiritual springs at the same time, breaking the record of five springs held by Qing Hongzi for more than [-] years in one fell swoop!"

"More than that, this person also threatened that a dark poem has been carved in a special way in the Five Spirit Pillar."

"If no one can read this poem within a hundred years, the Imperial College will be disbanded."

"Leave such a sentence, the thief will tear off his mask and walk away!"

Chen Yanjun's heart skipped a beat, Murong Ye really didn't fool around, there really are Tibetan poems in the five spiritual springs!

On the clear mist plain, there was gradually silence, and the atmosphere was strange.

In the past, the students thought that the clear mist, the misty air, and the bursts of cranes were the rare grand scene of immortals in the Imperial College.

Listening to it now, everyone shivered and felt chilly, as if the fog that shrouded all day was covering up some kind of murderous intent.

Chen Yanjun felt that this story sounded particularly relieved.

However, there is a disturbing fact behind the story -

A demon cultivator, who replaced the student killed by him, sneaked into the Imperial College. After seven days of practice, no one found him. In the end, he broke the record of the master of Taoism and Master Jijiu, and even left a poem with his skills !

After listening to the story, the students looked at Chen Yanjun again, thinking of the doctor's sentence just now, I hope you didn't kill someone... a little scared.

Chen Jingxing raised his head and sighed, his old eyes were gloomy, recalling the events of that year, he still couldn't get rid of his depression.

"Professor Yun, you talk too much."

Yun Yanhui and He Jianqun stared at Chen Yanjun, watching his reaction.

Chen Yanjun frowned, seemingly thoughtful.

In his opinion, there is no conclusion on this matter: the record that the Shu Dao Academy is proud of has been broken by the disciples of the outer courtyard, so it is said that they practice magic skills?

Is it true that the demon cultivator killed and replaced the students, or did the Guozijian students suddenly become demons?

"Has that poem been deciphered?"

Chen Yanjun asked curiously.


Dr. Chen himself spoke.

"So far, the Guozijian has been able to see suspected magic patterns in the spiritual pillar, which is less than one hand. Most people can't see any clues, let alone some people can see any Tibetan poems."

"Since that year, Lord Jijiu saw that no one had deciphered the Tibetan poems, so he destroyed his magic seal in anger, renamed Wuxingyuan as Qingwuyuan, and ordered to block this matter...Of course, there are still people in our academy mention it."

"Today, Assistant Professor Yun saw that your experience with that thief is quite similar, so he mentioned this just now."

Chen Yanjun was amazed in his heart, unexpectedly, even the head of the Shu Dao Academy and Master Jijiu didn't solve the poem...

Is this magic cultivator so powerful?

In order to avoid responsibility, Yun Yan explained again:

"Although we all know that Lord Jijiu did this for the sake of the reputation of the Imperial College, the chief lord still has a grudge about it. After that, he never said a word to Lord Jijiu, and has always referred to this matter as an issue in the Academy of Arts. shame, often said with students to encourage themselves.”

Chen Yanjun had also heard that the chief seat of the Shu Dao Academy had a bad relationship with Lord Jijiu, and it was because of this incident.

About magic cultivation, about Tibetan poems, about how to stimulate the five spiritual springs at the same time, Chen Yanjun became more and more curious the more he listened.

Since Murong Ye secretly kept him safe, he would not stop trying to activate the Lingquan to interpret the poems, and at the same time determine the upper limit of the practice of the five elements to avoid falling into the magic way.

"That is to say, if the thief is not a hidden demon cultivator, it is absolutely impossible for him to stimulate the five spiritual springs at the same time and break the record of the first adult with his five-element equalization at the seventh rank?"

Old Chen Gongxing raised his eyebrows, feeling that this kid was questioning the Taoist Academy again.

"Why, are you really here to mess things up?"

Chen Yanjun shook his head:

"The disciple is only very interested in Tibetan poetry."

With an old face, Chen Gongxing shook his sleeves angrily.

"You're not qualified yet!"

Chen Yanjun felt that if he missed this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity today, as a disciple of Danlin Academy, it would be difficult for him to find an excuse to activate the spirit spring of the Shushu Academy.

Thinking about it this way, he didn't hesitate at all, he only stepped out with a single step, his posture was loose, and there was a slight vibration.

"How do you qualify?"

Chen Jingxing stared at Chen Yanjun for a long while, then suddenly shook his head and sighed, without saying anything more, turned around and went back to the boulder on the backing mountain, crossed his legs, meditated, and stopped paying attention to the things on Qingwuyuan.

The onlookers were still in shock just now, but now they saw that Chen Yanjun was going to challenge the Wuling Spring, and they all became excited.

Yunyan sighed back:

"I see that you have not been in the product for a long time, so there is no need to be in such a hurry to do this kind of thing. It is important to improve the spiritual pressure first."

But He Jianqun said:

"Genius is as good as ordinary people? I think Mr. Chen is ready."

"It's very simple to be qualified to activate the spirit spring. I'm standing here, only defending with the ninth-grade spiritual pressure. If Mr. Chen can break my defense, I can activate the spirit spring."

Yunyan saw his motive for stealing at a glance, and was worried that he would let him go, so she came to Chen Yanjun with her sword in her arms, with a particularly serious expression on her face.

"If you can break through the defense of my ninth-grade wood spirit from a distance of one foot, then it will be fine!"

He Jianqun was too frightened to speak, he was no match for Senior Sister Yun.

Assistant Professor Yun looked down at Chen Yanjun:

"You are indeed very talented, but this stage is too early for you."

"Once you fail to activate the spiritual spring, it will damage your Dao heart, which is no different from practicing!"

Having said all this, Chen Yanjun couldn't back down, so he took five steps back, and Assistant Coach Chaoyun clasped his fist.

"Chen, I'm sorry."

Everyone held their breath.

After finishing speaking, Chen Yanjun suddenly drew his sword, and with a little force of resonance, he swung his sword at Assistant Professor Yun from the air.

At first glance, this sword was not very imposing, its spiritual pressure was only one-fifth of that of the ninth grade, but it was mixed with resonating sword whistles.

Yun Yan frowned back.

Just by listening to the sound, one can tell that it is an extremely rare resonance sword technique!

One must know that one-fifth of the Ninth-Rank Resonance sword power might not be able to break through the Ninth-Rank defense.

Yun Yan didn't dare to be careless when she returned, and secretly used high-level skills to defend against the resonance sword power.

Unexpectedly, the sword power was like ripples, spreading very slowly, and increasing gradually...

When it was passed on to her, five times the Ninth Rank spiritual pressure burst out suddenly!

The light in Yunyan's eyes froze for a moment, and her color changed instantly.

The defensive skills were broken in an instant, and the strange resonance spread along her blood vessels.

In order to avoid an embarrassing scene, Yun Yanhui instantly raised the spiritual pressure from the ninth rank to the sixth rank.

After forcibly shattering Chen Yanjun's sword power, the sixth-grade spiritual pressure dissipated in an instant.

She never thought that someone would be able to temporarily increase the sword power along the continuous Hua Jin under such a high-pressure state...

This son will definitely be a genius of forbidden law in the future!

Chen Yanjun's actual sword fight also added a little bit to the Yuling panel.

[Yingling +1, progress 96/100 (proficient)! 】

Yunyan turned her face back calmly, her eyes moved slightly, she didn't say much, she just said:

"You are qualified."

He Jianqun heaved a sigh of relief. He saw the high-level resonance in the strike just now, he also saw the transformation energy in the physical technique, and he also saw the ultimate control of the five spirits in one burst...but he wanted to do it. too difficult.

"Mr. Chen is amazingly talented, maybe he can really stimulate the spirit spring with the ninth-grade spiritual pressure."

After all, He Jianqun presided over the scene and asked Chen Yanjun to stand in the center of Qingwuyuan.

All the students backed away one after another, giving way to the central position where Chen Yanjun was standing and the connection with the five spiritual pillars.

The five-element engraving was exposed on the ground, probably some kind of channel that transmits spiritual power and connects the five Yuling Pillars.

Chen Yanjun stood alone in the center of the five pillars.

Stretching out his hand, he made a rough gesture, and there were more than twenty feet away from five spiritual pillars.

This distance is completely beyond the limit that can be reached by the ninth grade spiritual pressure.

Even if he used resonance to pass on the spiritual pressure, when he got to the spiritual pillar, the attenuated power would not be able to activate the spiritual spring.

"Is there any trick to mobilize the spirit spring?"

He Jianqun smiled without saying a word.

Although he felt that with Chen Yanjun's spiritual pressure, it was impossible to stimulate even a single pillar of spiritual spring, but the more people lack strength, the more they will make up for it with skills-this is a great opportunity for him to learn secretly.

Yunyan replied, but shook her head, she dared to say that Chen Yanjun really came here to make a fuss just after entering the class.

"There's no special trick."

"Stand in the center of the five pillars, inject spiritual power into the five pillars at the same time, remotely control the spiritual power upwards, push the spiritual objects in the pillars upwards, until the spiritual spring is sprayed, and then work hard to maintain it."

"In addition to the strong enough spiritual pressure, it is also necessary to maintain the balance of the five elements throughout the process, as well as the stability of the mind, and there must be no slight discrepancy due to interference from external objects."

Chen Yanjun nodded.

Assistant Professor Yun said it very thoroughly, meaning that there is no seventh-grade spiritual pressure, don't even think about it.

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