[Medical skills +1, progress 100/100 (reaching the pinnacle)]

After waiting for so long, his medical skills have finally reached full level after the body surgery.

There is a faint sense of satisfaction in my heart...

It's not an exaggeration to call Chang'an a medical sage, right?

Chen Yanjun guessed that the so-called full level of the panel should not be the amount of knowledge, but the realm.

When the realm is full, even if there are new medical innovations in the future, it will be easy to master.

Thinking of this, he let out a long sigh of relief.

He immediately retracted his palms and bowed to the doctor.

"Thank you, Doctor, for your teaching!"

Dr. Tan nodded slightly.


Watching Chen Yanjun turn around and go to the stone platform, Dr. Tan finally heaved a sigh of relief, holding the teacup in both hands.

Heart said: The hands are sore.


Chen Yanjun returned to the stone platform, confirmed that Zen Master Cui's condition had stabilized, and said to Assistant Fang:

"Professor Fang, Master Cui, leave it to me, and please help prepare the tub for washing the marrow."

Right now, Fang Qunyu has completed the work of calming Chan Master Cui's soul, opening a hole in the top of his head to inject medicine, and assisting the seal to forcibly control it. As an emergency measure, it is almost perfect, but this state cannot be washed.

If you want to wash your marrow, you must awaken your own firm Zen mind, and use Zen mind to suppress the poison.

Thinking this way, Fang Qunyu didn't say much, handed the stone platform to Chen Yanjun, and turned to prepare.

Dr. Yuan was very surprised, thinking that this kid learned the diagnosis and treatment of Yunli by facing Dr. Tan's palm?

He had studied it for several years before he mastered it. For the first time, his spiritual power was like a torrent of rivers and waves of mud and sand, which directly washed away the patient's dantian, and he could no longer practice for life, which cost him a lot of money.

Seeing Chen Yanjun's calm and sophisticated face, he felt that it was a bit too much, and said:

"Since it's the first time for the diagnosis and treatment of Yuling, I will show the appearance of the first time. There is no need for young people to pretend to be stable and skilled. Here are all elders. Even if you make a mistake, no one will make fun of you."

Chen Yanjun turned around and bowed to Dr. Yuan:

"If the student is wrong, I ask Dr. Yuan to give me some advice."

Dr. Yuan:


Looking at Chen Yanjun again, he raised his palm and gently landed on the top of Zen Master Cui.

Five trickling elves poured into the Baihui acupoint, like a rainbow light, enlightening the top.

Chapter 0052

Walking out of the teaching assistant's hospital room, when Chen Yanjun stepped outside, the wind had stopped, the sun was shining brightly, and the spring was so beautiful that one wanted to fall in love.

Chen Yanjun couldn't help thinking of his wife, his heart was warm, and there was even a long-lost sweetness...

When I fell in love in my previous life, I felt this way for the first month, but soon I was overwhelmed by topics such as houses, cars, bride price and so on.

As for Murong Ye, Dr. Tan, and even Yan Lingji, Chen Yanjun always felt that it was too dangerous.

Dangerous woman...he didn't want to touch it.

After going out for a few steps, Chen Yanjun felt his footsteps were sloppy and dizzy.

Probably because the energy of the five elements was too exhausted, he was somewhat exhausted, so he quickly took a elixir.

After eating the Junling Pill, I felt refreshed, my fatigue dissipated, and the deficient spiritual power of the five elements was also filled up.

[Cultivation base +1, progress 12/100! 】

It's only two hours before taking the medicine in the morning, and it's acceptable to add a little more.


Chen Yanjun quickly walked back to the main entrance of the main hall, and went to the waiting room.

Classes have already started in the afternoon, and there are not many people in the waiting room.

Guozijian has a free style of study. As long as the grade points of the major courses meet the standards, you can freely choose other courses.

If you are late, you can still spend your grade points to check in and join in the middle, which is far more comfortable than Chen Yanjun's previous university.

Now, the question before Chen Yanjun is what should be cultivated first.

Entering the third state of nourishing qi, you don't need to learn special methods of mind and meditation.

Medical skills, full level.

Next, Chen Yanjun has three priority learning directions:

Swordsmanship of Wufu.

The magician's imperial spirit.

Carving Talisman of the Craftsman.

Right now, Chen Yanjun's saber hasn't been forged yet, the matter of sword training will come later.

For craftsman's engraved talisman, you can learn the theoretical knowledge at home first, and then practice it in class, so that your practice can be targeted.

So, this afternoon, Chen Yanjun decided to attend a class first: Yuling class.

The key point of Yuling's treatment of diseases learned by Dr. Tan is discrimination and control.

Humans have their own spiritual veins, blood vessels, muscles and bones, and there are traces to follow to control the spirit, and it does not require much strength. For Chen Yanjun's five-element spiritual power, it has a natural advantage.

But it's completely different when used for fighting!

Combat is all about speed and strength.

If the ninth grade spiritual power is divided into five parts, Chen Yanjun's attack power will not increase even if he is playing well.

Therefore, those with strong talents only cultivate one spirit, while those with mediocre talents cultivate a few more spirits to assist them.

Yuling is too basic, and there are not many people who practice it. Basically, there is only one class a day. Regardless of the subdivision of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, they are all big classes taken together.

The Yuling class of Shu Dao Academy is quite famous. I heard that there are more beauties who learn various kinds of Yuling to add makeup. It is Jiang Miao's favorite minor course.

Chen Yanjun signed in in the waiting room, deducted one grade point, and then hurried to the academy.

The main hall of the Shudao Academy is not far from the Danlin Academy. The place where the Yuling class starts is located on a cliffside flat land on the clear fog plain on the back mountain of the Shudao Academy.

Clouds and mists shroud the place, cranes burst out, and slanting pines on the edge of the cliff point in the distance, giving it a sense of immortality.

The landmark building of Qingwuyuan is the five sky-reaching black stone pillars built around the original.

Represents the five spirits of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Each column is as thick as a person's arms, and is about a hundred feet high. There are many holes in the column body, which store the five spirits, which can be retrieved and used by practitioners at will.

Chen Yanjun climbed up Qingwu Cliff, looking from a distance, it turned out that most of Yingying and Yanyan were female students.

Although they are all wearing school uniforms, they are all noble and exquisitely tailored. They are basically the daughters of princes and noble families, and there are even Orchids... Maybe they are also the female relatives of princes and noble families.

Most of the female students learn the five elements of controlling spirits as makeup, and a few male students who chase after the wind and butterflies learn the art of controlling spirits as magic.

Among them, it is no surprise that: Jiang Miao who came to catch rich women.

There is no essential difference between Yuling class and other Guozijian classes, the teacher is great, and the students are good.

Three teachers, one old doctor, with two teaching assistants, one male and one female.

Chen Yanjun lowered his head and entered the class from the outer edge, and bowed to the three teachers who were backing him.

"Chen Yanjun, a student from the Danlin Institute, came to the class late, and met Dr. Chen, Assistant Professor He, and Assistant Professor Yun."

The old doctor in the lead was meditating with his eyes closed. Although he didn't open his eyes, he routinely nodded and said:

"Earlier next time."

The old doctor Chen Jingxing is Chen Yanjun's family, a fourth-grade magician, and only majored in soil.He is thin and thin, his beard and hair are gray mixed with black and white, his facial features are slightly old-fashioned, but also somewhat fairy-like.

On the side, Assistant Professor He Jianqun and Assistant Professor Yunyanhu stood on the left and right, both of them were sixth-grade art masters, one majored in the metal department, and the other majored in the wood department.

He Jianqun's assistant teacher is handsome, suave and suave, good at controlling spirit swordsmanship, majoring in Jinling, and can also learn the other four elements at the same time.

He is deeply loved by female students, and it is said that he has unclear relationships with many female students after class.

The other one, Yunyan Huihui's teaching assistant, is a female cultivator of medium build with a rather delicate appearance, but there is always a hint of resentment in her eyes.

Majoring in woodwork, he is strict and hates flirting in class, which won the support of Dr. Chen.

It is said that he was once cheated by a man...

Even Assistant Professor He is afraid of her, and always meets female students after class.

Chen Yanjun had already heard about these things in a "Guidelines for the Years of the Gentlemen of the Imperial College".

"Guidelines for the Years of a Good Gentleman in Guozijian" was probably written by a bad student. The compilation of how to chase girls in Guozijian is updated every year.

The original owner never bought it, but saw it from Jiang Miao.

Among them, there is an important introduction to the imperial spirit class.

Although Dr. Chen is rigid, he doesn't care about trivial matters.

Assistant teacher He Jianqun likes to show off the Wuling swordsmanship in public, and his teaching is all about self-presentation and promotion.

The important thing to avoid is that this Yunyan is back as a teaching assistant. It is said that she has a wooden sword in her hand, and she is said to beat the mandarin ducks with a stick. In class, when men and women violate the rules, they will scold them on the spot, and even punish them mercilessly. !

Seeing that such a handsome student came to class, He Jianqun joked:

"Chen Yanjun, I seem to have heard of this name somewhere, this is the first time you come here, you must concentrate on your cultivation, and don't kill randomly among the female students."

After finishing speaking, he smiled and looked at Assistant Professor Yun who was beside him.

Yunyan kept her face straight and said nothing, there was a murderous look in her eyes, and the wooden sword on her waist clanked.

Chen Yanjun looked carefully, if this female teaching assistant didn't get mad, she would actually have a fair figure and appearance.

The clear fog field is very large, and with the clear fog shrouded in it, many people did not notice that someone entered the class halfway.

Chen Yanjun walked into the scattered and playful crowd, and first said hello to Jiang Miao.

Jiang Miao's greasy-faced noodles dressed up today is currently targeting Ouyang Qing, an unattractive and overweight wealthy daughter. It is said that her family has several shops in Nanxianfang.

Seeing Chen Yanjun coming, Jiang Miao couldn't help being surprised and said:

"Don't you have a rich woman? Why do you come to this kind of class?"

Chen Yanjun had nothing to hide, and said truthfully:

"I have finished the courses of the Danlin Academy. I came here to practice the spirit."

Jiang Miao shrugged and pouted:

"Do you think I'll believe it! You've become a product and your waist is stiff. Naturally, you are not satisfied with a rich woman and want to play with a little girl."

However, Chen Yanjun definitely didn't like the ugly Ouyang Qing, and he didn't care either.

Chen Yanjun didn't bother to explain.

Looking around, he realized that not only Jiang Miao had come to attend the Spirit Controlling Class, but Liu Huan had also come.

Now that Liu Huan is here, don't think about it, it must be because Guan Shiyan is here.

Sure enough, someone tapped on the shoulder, and a soft and lively standard green tea sound came from behind Chen Yanjun's ears.

"Hey, why are you here, Chen Yanjun? Did you come to see me... Take a quick look, how does my Shuimunianhua look like?"

Chen Yanjun turned his head and looked over.

Every time he sees Senior Sister Guan, his eyes will deliberately avoid the ingenious half-transparent collar on her chest.

Guan Shiyan has a good figure and a delicate appearance, she can be regarded as a small flower in the Danlin courtyard.

Except for a little tea, he is not a villain.

Chen Yanjun looked up.

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