: Rap wine shop.

Chen Yanjun made sure that he did not make a typo.

The name of the store is Rap Wine Shop!

Searching the original owner's memory, I learned that the drinks in this winery taste good, but the quality is low, mainly for mortals and low-level cultivators.

Its biggest feature is that there are resident storytellers who tell stories for free in the restaurant.

Tell some gossip about the world or court, there are legendary stories, compiled anecdotes about celebrities, and serious cutting-edge events...

Sometimes it is said, sometimes it is sung, so it is called a rap restaurant.

Chen Yanjun breathed a sigh of relief, almost thought he could hear rap in Tang Dynasty!

The storytelling in the restaurant is not updated every day, sometimes nothing happens, and the content will be played in a loop every day.

For different drinkers, it will even be played on a loop every other hour.

When Chen Yanjun entered the door, a tall, thin, grey-bearded old storyteller, holding a folding fan, was talking about recent events in Chang'an City.

I happened to hear about Liu Juzheng resigning from office and returning to his hometown!

"Is it such a coincidence?"

Chen Yanjun did not place an order immediately, but hid himself among the crowd in the corner and stopped to listen.

Sure enough, he soon heard the two poems "Climbing Bailu Mountain on a Snowy Night" and "Traveling in the West Village of Shanshan"...

Fortunately, Mr. Zhang did not appear in the story, nor did the previous fighting.

The content is about Liu Sheren's poetry battle with the scholar living in Cui's family. During this period, he suddenly had an epiphany and resigned from office to return to his hometown.

Fortunately, there is no name of Chen Yanjun among the storytellers, they are only called the scholar living in Cui's family.

"It's a good thing."

Chen Yanjun doesn't want to be famous for his poems.

The classmates of the Imperial College knew his background, so they equated the words scholar and Chen Yanjun.

This story is just a small episode, and the focus is on two lines of poems.

Liu Juzheng's solitary Hong Fei is tired and has nowhere to go, his temples are full of frost and he doesn't know where to return...

And the scholar's stroke of genius: the mountains and rivers are full of doubts, and there is no way out, and there is another village with dark willows and flowers.

Fortunately, this story is just a small episode.

The highlight is still court stories, the stories of the four strange women in the Tang Dynasty, and the legends about mountains and seas, monsters, ghosts, and even Anlu Mountain and Huangchao...

Yes, there are also yellow nests in this era, and they have gradually emerged, attracting folk forces.

"In the era when Anlu Mountain and Huangchao existed at the same time, it is not easy for Datang to survive!"

This made Chen Yanjun suspect that although the arms race between Eunuch Qiu, Jing Zhaoyin, and the eight garrison troops emptied Li Tang's imperial power, to a certain extent, they also defended Chang'an.

It is worth mentioning that in these stories, Chen Yanjun has never heard about Eunuch Qiu or the names of related forces, and even the Zhang family has concealed their identities.

But the princess and the prince are often teased.

This made Chen Yanjun couldn't help thinking of Tang Mo... Now, why not another form of Tang Mo?

The troubled times are approaching, but the people in Chang'an are peaceful by singing and dancing, and then continue to play music and drink.

Chen Yanjun turned around and left the table, calling Xiaoer to order.

He hides his dantian aura, and the mortals and low-level practitioners in the wine shop can hardly see his state.

In fact, in this restaurant, only the shopkeeper and the proprietress knew him.

The shopkeeper also knew him because the proprietress often visited the original owner. Every time the original owner came to eat, the shopkeeper would secretly order the waiter to charge the original owner a little more.

It seems to be saying: Guest officer, please don't come, if you come again, my wife's soul will be taken away by you!

Right now, the shopkeeper and the proprietress are not here.

Chen Yanjun called Xiaoer at ease, and ordered a pot of Xian Dukang and a few side dishes.

Drinking a glass of wine and filling a table with side dishes can be regarded as a celebration for yourself!

Traveling to the familiar yet unfamiliar Xianwu Tang Dynasty, Chen Yanjun had a more immersive sense of substitution until today's entry.

Before, it was a rare freedom to be limited to the character set of the original owner's little boy.

Entering the product is indeed something worth celebrating.

Madam has been too tired these days, and that shameful thing happened again in the morning...

Qiu Zhuo is in a hurry to enter the fifth rank in three years, and it is already very good to be able to delay one night on him.

Xiaoyue was busy helping his wife look after the shop, and presided over the heavy and trivial housework of the Cui family.

Right now, Chen Yanjun is celebrating his entry alone.

A pot of wine, four side dishes fried with Lingzhi, served with fragrant Linggu.

Worth passing through this experience!

Chen Yanjun listened to books while drinking and eating.

When I was a little drunk, I heard about the latest feats of the Four Wonderful Women of Xiantang.

"General Lu Xuanji suppressed the beast hordes by himself, won a chance for the garrison army, and went straight to the lair of the rebels... It is said that General Lu has raised many maids in the army, and whoever gets the military merit will be rewarded. This time I heard it once. Sending out dozens of personal maids, the general burst into tears, and laughed while drinking."

"Following the rejection of the Holy Majesty ten years ago, Liu Huayan rejected the prince again a few days ago. Boss Liu's piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are all amazing in the world. She is the best woman in the world. Even the emperors of all dynasties dared to refuse. Only in this way can she protect Huayan Pavilion. The geisha sell their art but not their body."

"The most exaggerated of the four strange women is Yan Lingji, the great doctor of soul art in the Imperial College. It is said that she has gone crazy after studying soul art, and is currently imprisoned in the attic of the Imperial College..."

When Chen Yanjun heard this, the laughing general, the owner of the brothel, the insane doctor of the Imperial College, and the sister-in-law who beat up the grandfather... None of these four strange women are normal!

A drinker asked:

"Why do the Four Wonderful Women only say three, and there is one more?"

The storyteller said:

"As for Yinhu's bad handsome Murong Ye, he seems to have become a good man since he joined the prison chief. It's been a long time since I've heard stories about her fighting... But don't worry, everyone, I'm also looking forward to seeing her turn upside down again. Once there is news, this old man will tell everyone as soon as possible!"

Chen Yanjun didn't expect that his sister-in-law seemed to have become more reliable...

Speaking of which, the four great women are all talented and beautiful, and they all have at least five ranks of cultivation.

In addition, there is another famous strange woman in the Xianwu era.

It was the eldest princess who single-handedly founded the Prison Division: Li Yue.

However, the eldest princess lives in seclusion, and her cultivation and appearance are only legends so far, so she was not included in the Four Wonderful Women.

"In my heart, Madam is the most beautiful!"

Thinking in this way, Chen Yanjun took out ten pieces of Lingyu with his big hands and lined them up.

"Little Er, check out!"

"Guest officer, wait a moment, Xiaoer is here!"

Chen Yanjun checked the bill and saw that the meal was full, but it was not worth a lot... Only two pieces of Lingyu, plus five hundred yuan, was enough.

Either way, he thought it would be troublesome to bring the previous change with him, so he settled it together.

Turn around and go out, jump on the horse, and run on the wide Nanxian Avenue.


Calvin, let's start with the water chapter.

Chapter 0048 Yuling [Remastered Edition]

The white horse is powerful and gallops like the wind. It ran nearly [-] miles from Nanxian Street and Zhuque Street in one go without panting.

At the main entrance of Wubenfang, Chen Yanjun dismounted, patted his horse's butt with some reluctance, and put Xiaobai into the inventory, turning it into data.

It was noon when he entered the Guozijian.

The wind is blowing, but there is no high sun.

The peach blossoms in the college are raging and flying, and the tall pines and cypresses are whistling like swords.

Chen Yanjun quickly went to the Pavilion of Danlin Courtyard, Baicao Hall.

Baicao Hall is a square bluestone square, surrounded by medicine gardens, clear ponds, pavilions and practice rooms, with the main hall, Pharmacopoeia Pavilion, and Dancao Pavilion in the middle.

On the back mountain, there are also large and small school pavilions.

The main hall is the gathering area for the disciples of the whole school, where they can rest, have meals, check classes...there is also a sick room behind it.

Before the morning class was over, Chen Yanjun decided to borrow some classics and go to the back mountain for self-study.

Right now, the question before Chen Yanjun is what should be cultivated first.

After entering the third state of nourishing qi, there is no need to learn the mind method and meditation.

For medical skills, you have to wait until you learn the basic five elements to control the spirit, so that you can make up for the shortcomings of spiritual power diagnosis and treatment.

Medicine, no plans for now.

Next, Chen Yanjun has three priority directions for practice:

The magician's imperial spirit.

Swordsmanship of Wufu.

Carving Talisman of the Craftsman.

Right now, Chen Yanjun's saber hasn't been forged yet, the matter of sword training will come later.

The engraved talisman of a craftsman is similar to a computer program. It is not Chen Yanjun's talent. It is definitely not as fast as physical skills and spirit control. Let it go for a while, and it will not be too late to learn it when the spirit control is complete.

Therefore, Chen Yanjun will give priority to practicing the foundation of all Taoist spells: five elements to control spirits.

At the same time, the Five Elements Yuling is also an advanced diagnosis and treatment technique in medicine.

Generally speaking, a truly gifted person can only cultivate one spirit, and use one spirit to imitate the other four spirits.

People with mediocre talents have to practice more spiritual support, otherwise it will be difficult to cast complex spells.

Chen Yanjun doesn't have these troubles, he must practice five spirits at the same time.

He went to the Zangshu Pavilion of the Taoshu Dao Academy, and spent a dozen grade points to borrow five books of Yuling.

"Spiritual Explanation"

"Single Line Orientation Reiatsu"

"Five Elements Difference"

"Unconventional Blood Deed Imperial Objects Research"


Afterwards, they went to the back mountain of Danlin Courtyard.

Find an abandoned medicine garden with a wide view.

The scenery here is beautiful, the fragrance of medicine is bursting, and there is no one attending classes nearby, so it is relatively secluded.

Then he sat cross-legged on the boulder in Yaopo.

After Chen Yanjun entered the product, his spiritual consciousness was widened, he was in a good mood, and he felt the aura of heaven and earth, and began to slowly read the ancient books of Yuling.

Yu Ling has three basic skills and one advanced skill.

The first basic skill is Reiatsu.

Reiatsu is the non-condensed spiritual power released directly from Dantian.

Releasing spiritual pressure can shock the audience.

Or the strong release the Reiatsu towards the weak, and a single Reiatsu can crush a person into a pool of flesh and blood.

Chen Yanjun first tried to release the spiritual pressure.

At first, it was very loose, like a drifting fog, with no strength at all.

As the practice deepened step by step, he gradually shaped the spiritual pressure into a five-element mountain.

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