"If the old man wins, you, Qiu Zhuo, listen to me."

Chen Yanjun was startled, good guy, this old man actually wants to have it all!

But right now, there are two things he must protect, if he chooses to stick to one, he will definitely give up the other.

There is no other choice but to fight.

Even so, he still has to make sure:

"Not cheating?"

"No cheating."

Cui Wanjun kept his word.

Chen Yanjun turned his head again, and asked Yourong and Qiu Zhuo.

"You Rong, Qiu Zhuo... what do you think?"

Facing Grandpa's majesty, Madam has already acted like a little daughter-in-law in such an occasion, she only whispered:

"It's all up to the young master to decide."

Qiu Zhuo always had a cool look.

"You have brought our family to this point by yourself, what else can we think?"

Qingchuan reminded in a low voice:

"It's nice to say that a son-in-law will always be a son-in-law. Brother Chen, you can't be confused!"

After seeking the opinions of the three, Chen Yanjun made up his mind and took a step forward.

"If Master Jianzheng ensures that he will not cheat in any form, this junior agrees to fight."

Cui Wanjun remained calm, his eyes were as hard as ice.

"Okay, the fist is afraid of the young, the old man admires Mr. Chen's toughness!"

It is because of appreciation that this piece of uncut jade should be won to the mansion to cultivate it well.

This time, it is no longer a sword competition, but a more basic boxing kung fu.

This is Chen Yanjun's traditional advantage project.

Tournament begins.

He and Lord Jianzheng stood at opposite corners.

The crowd was no longer nervous, but imagining the scene of Chen Yanjun entering Cui's mansion.

The men in the clan looked heavy and displeased.

The female relatives were full of imagination: even if Chen Yanjun was a tolerant husband, seeing him every day would still make people feel happy, and it would add a little sparkle to the austere Cui Mansion.

This time.

Neither side of the competition was in a hurry to attack.

For some reason, Chen Yanjun felt a little uneasy, especially when thinking of Murong Ye's story...

His father also lost to Lord Jianzheng in a game of chess.

You know, Murong Yuan is the number one chess player in the Guozijian Chess Academy today, and Master Jianzheng has been studying weapons all the year round, but he is not good at chess, so how did he win?

What if Master Jianzheng cheated secretly and he couldn't produce any evidence?

The moment Chen Yanjun was distracted!

Cui Wanjun's eyes moved like a thousand arrows.

He claimed that his spiritual veins had no spiritual power, but his momentum was like a mountain overturning, collapsing down and crushing on top of Chen Yanjun's head.

Chen Yanjun secretly thought something was wrong.

This old man really doesn't talk about martial arts, although this aura has no spiritual power, it comes out of his body spontaneously, but it makes people stand on pins and needles with a distance of two zhang.

However, at this moment!

A black shadow floated down from the beam, and lightly landed on Cui Wanjun's right shoulder, dispelling the momentum instantly.

A rustling female voice mixed with the aroma of bad wine lingered endlessly.

"Old man, you are cheating again!"

Thank you for rewarding this chapter!

Thank you Glacierangel for contributing to the first wild silver league in Buge's book writing career!

Congratulations to the boss for a prosperous business and soaring into the sky!



Glacierangel-1010500 (There will be updates after the silver is on the shelves!)

Silent Fleeting Years - 100000 (There will be updates after the lord is on the shelves!)

A Ning Frappuccino - 10000 (There will be updates after the lord is on the shelves!)

Book Friends 20180820070732903-40000


10000 cup of white rice - [-]

My heart is my way, not a demon-6500

Ziche Shenju-6500

Reader Pigeon-5500

Anissa's Elements Workshop - 5000

Half a month like rain - 5000

Half a month like rain - 1500

Love Ink and Flaws-1500

Horse monkey shochu wine Song Xiyu-1500


Sad autumn wind-1500

I like silence My surname is Li-1500


Mow Pigeon - 1500


East is nothing more than -1000


Due to the limited space and energy, we can only count the rewards with more than 1000 fans. Thank you for your follow-up, rewards and votes. This book is worth it!

Chapter 0039

In the main hall, almost everyone smelled the aroma of wine first, then heard the sound, and finally saw the figure.

Even Cui Wanjun himself, because he was too focused on putting pressure on Chen Yanjun, didn't find out in advance.

It feels weird.

It seemed to be a black shadow that suddenly appeared, and it seemed to have been standing by Cui Wanjun's side all the time, just showing its original shape.

Except for one person.

It was Chen Yanjun who was overwhelmed by Lord Jianzheng's aura and still looked up at Tang Liang.

Without the help of this aura, Chen Yanjun, a mortal, would really not be able to see it.

Just like when he was in the Pharmacopoeia Pavilion of Danlin Academy, he didn't realize that Dr. Tan had also entered the third stage of nourishing Qi.

Only by relying on Lord Prisoner's spiritual pressure or aura, can he vaguely perceive the shadow of the mountain.

The question is, why can we vaguely see the shadow of the mountain on the beam?

Unlike his Wuzhi Mountain, the shadow of Liangshang Mountain seems to be a fairy mountain with a pillar supporting the sky and reaching into the sky.

Chen Yanjun now understands that there is actually a strong man who has entered the third stage of nourishing qi like him hiding on the beam.

Even if he noticed the movement of the mountain shadow in advance, Chen Yanjun's line of sight couldn't keep up with the falling speed of the black shadow.

It looks like it is floating, but it is actually no different from teleportation.

Among the members of the Cui family, including Lord Jianzheng, General Cui Xuanyue, and assistant teacher Cui Qingru, there is only one strong person who has advanced to the third level of nourishing qi.

In the Cui family, there is only one woman who is not stingy and dares to call Cui Jianzheng old man...

Seeing Aunt Ye who she had been thinking about coming, Qiu Zhuo's eyes were bright, and she stared at the black shadow dazedly.

That expression is like the autumn wind blowing on the face, seeing the dragon in the sky, and the fallen leaves floating into the spring pool of Zhishui.

Chen Yanjun just rolled his eyes.

The woman was about thirty years old, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, a slightly drunken face, moon white and red.

He is tall, wearing a well-tailored men's black gown, with the prisoner's tiger amulet embroidered on the middle chest, a wide red water chestnut around his waist, an ordinary sword and a high-quality Ziyunshan jug, and he is quite handsome. .

She combed her hair back, but did not tie her hair into a bun, but tied a single ponytail at the back of her head.

Chen Yanjun did not expect that he actually saw a single ponytail on a Tang Dynasty woman.

Everyone knows that Murong Ye is very strong no matter what his cultivation level is.

But she doesn't feel strong, and her figure only maintains the simplest posture of a martial artist.

His eyes are light and his appearance is like Mu Chunxu's, which always gives people a sense of ease and ease.

It was because of this masculine ease and the faint sword intent in his eyes that Chen Yanjun almost ignored her face.

If you look carefully, you are no worse than your wife!

It's just that his facial features are sharp, his sword eyebrows and star eyes are more like a man's handsomeness, and he can even compete with him.

Especially those eyes that look slightly chaotic due to the dense sword energy, through the sword energy, one can actually see a fairy picture scroll above the mortal world.

At the same time, because she was wearing a men's black robe of the prison officer, the beauty of her figure was covered up.

If you look carefully, you can find the slender and graceful figure in the strong robe, outlining a heroic silhouette.

It is not as majestic as my wife, but it is absolutely extraordinary!

Chen Yanjun thought to himself, no wonder Qiu Zhuo is so fascinated by the little aunt... Isn't this the female version of herself?

cough cough.

When Cui Wanjun saw Murong Ye coming, he suddenly became easy-going, even though his momentum was stifled by her.

"Ye, if you attack grandpa in public like this, grandpa will lose face."

Murong Ye shook his hand, yawned, took the flagon from the hilt of his sword, raised his head and took a small sip, and glanced at Chen Yanjun from the corner of his eye.

"It's better than looking at your age and losing to outsiders, right?"

At this moment, Murong Ye's parents were also present.

Cui Xiaoru was eating melon seeds like no one else was watching, while Murong Yuan was dazed, replaying the game of chess with Lord Jijiu yesterday in his mind.

Seeing their daughter whom they hadn't seen for a long time came out, the two elders didn't say hello, and if something happened when they said hello, they blamed the parents for not being able to discipline their children.

Seeing Murong Ye coming, Mrs. Cui shook her head, sighed, and with the support of Steward Feng, she left the main hall without a word.

If she couldn't manage it, she left and forced her to stay here, which would damage her dignity.

As soon as the old lady left, the eldest lady spoke on behalf of the old lady and publicly complained about Murong Ye, a junior.

"Xiao Ye, why do you speak for outsiders?"

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