In the reverberation of Lord Jianzheng's spiritual pressure, he clearly noticed the faint shadow of the mountain.

back to the front.

Because Mrs. Cui communicated her feelings with her children and grandchildren in advance, Mr. Jianzheng doesn't have to be polite.

Chen Yanjun speculated that, as a senior old otaku who studies engineering, Mr. Jianzheng is probably afraid of recognizing the wrong descendant, which is quite embarrassing.

Everyone bowed and bowed.

"Master Ankang!"

"I'm very healthy, you just need to be less angry, madam."

Cui Wanjun stood with his left hand behind his back, and waved his right hand towards the crowd.

"It's all a family, no courtesy."

Immediately, he glanced roughly at the crowd.

"Except for there anyone else who didn't come?"

The third son, Cui Qingru, stepped forward and said:

"Cui Da didn't arrive because of a sudden malaria."

Cui Wanjun frowned, who is Cui Da?

Even Chen Yanjun knew that Cui Da was the eldest son of Cui Qingru, a sixth-grade Zen master, a monk of wine and meat, he ate everything, especially wild game, and it was not a surprise that he got malaria...

The scene was embarrassing for a moment, but Cui Wanjun didn't ask carefully, and stroked his beard and said:

"How can a cultivator get malaria? Send someone to carry it over for him, and the old man will help him take a look."

Cui Qingru:


Cui Wanjun didn't wait any longer, and the family meeting started immediately.

"Today, I called everyone to come here because there are a few small things."

"A lot of things have happened recently, and everyone must already know."

"Our military weapon supervisor provides basic military weapons for the major imperial guards and city guards. All forces want to share His Majesty's worries and contribute to the military cause of the Tang Dynasty. I guess there will be more things in the future."

"Right now, there are many people in Chang'an City who want to get hold of the Cui family and let His Majesty punish the old man for his crimes, so that the Military Weapons Supervision can change hands."

At this point, the hall was silent.

Cui Wanjun raised his voice.

"From today onwards, members of my Chang'an Cui family are not allowed to have any contact with the Boling Cui family and Qinghe Cui family who have taken refuge in the feudal town."

"My Cui family members are not allowed to argue with outsiders in Chang'an City. If you are bullied, no matter who the opponent is, you must report it to the family. I will help you handle it properly."

"Also, for the time being, keep a certain distance from the Jingzhao Mansion, the prison chief, and the prince. Don't get too close, but you don't have to offend anyone."

Chen Yanjun vaguely heard his subtext:

You can get close to Eunuch Qiu.

In fact, getting Qiu Zhuo to marry Young Master Zhang is to get close to Eunuch Qiu indirectly, and the word indirect is very important.

It's a pity that Princess Ping'an Li Chan went to make trouble, probably on behalf of the emperor, and she didn't want the Cui family to fall to Eunuch Qiu so easily.

Chen Yanjun guessed that it is possible for the future emperor to marry the prince and Qiu Zhuo.

It seemed that Emperor Tianshun hadn't completely laid down yet.

At present, the situation in Chang'an is very complicated.

In addition to mastering the [-] Shence Army, Eunuch Qiu also indirectly controlled nearly half of the city garrison army.

In addition to Eunuch Qiu's first-rank cultivation, there are several second-rank experts and dozens of third-rank experts.

If the influence of Tianyuan Palace is not considered, the other forces need to be combined to bring down Eunuch Qiu.

However, the rest of the forces have their own ghosts, and it is difficult to gather together and twist into a single rope.

Jing Zhaoyin secretly accumulated strength in the outer city.

The duty of the prison chief is limited to investigating evil cases.

The crown prince does not leave the Xingqing Palace all the year round, and the ten rates of the East Palace are too low-key.

Guozijian is only responsible for education, regardless of political affairs.

Tianyuan Palace and Sitianjian don't care about human affairs.

It can be seen from this that the ownership of the military inspector is really a big deal!

"Finally, there is one more thing."

Cui Wanjun pronounced his words sonorously, showing a thunderous appearance.

"The marriage between Young Master Zhang and Qiu Zhuo fell apart due to the sudden arrival of Princess Ping An."

"The other story I heard was that there was a Mr. Chen from the Danlin Academy of the Imperial Academy who had always been enamored of Rong Rong. As a mortal, he beat the Zhang family, a ninth-rank Confucian master, in the competition of Wen Tao Wu Lue. son."

"This Mr. Chen's name is Chen Yanjun, and he happened to be here today."

When Chen Yanjun heard his name being mentioned, he hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to Lord Jianzheng.

"Imperial Supervisor Chen Yanjun has met Master Jianzheng."

At this time, there were gradually different voices in the crowd.

"On such an important day, why are you wearing the school uniform of Danlin Academy?"

"Such a handsome face, but his expression is haggard. Could it be that last night..."

"I heard that the name of this Mr. Chen's poem is widely rumored in Huayan Pavilion of Nanxianfang."

"I don't believe it, unless Mr. Chen composes one on the spot."

Chen Yanjun felt that someone was deliberately making things difficult for him behind his back, or provoking him to show some real skills.

But he was tired of copying poems, so he cupped his fists at the crowd and said:

"Chen's poems are superficial and generous, everyone should have copied them."

Another woman in the crowd said:

"Since you are devoted to You Rong, why would you compete with the young master of the Zhang family?"

"Could it be that your poems were arranged by Princess Ping An in advance?"

"Right now, we just want to make sure whether you are worthy of being honored!"

Chen Yanjun thought to himself that poetry cannot support his wife, children and family.

"As long as there is tolerance and intentions, Chen will feel that he is worthy, and he doesn't care about other people's opinions."

Cui Wanjun and the old lady frowned tightly and said nothing.

In the crowd, the tone gradually became less friendly.

"You mean relying on only one face, right?"

"Where is Wen Tao Wu Lue?"

Chen Yanjun had a very thick skin, and he said to the women:

"Writing is useless if it is not Confucianism or Taoism, and martial arts is not worth mentioning in front of all you advanced cultivators."

At this time, a woman with noble makeup and cold temperament walked out of the crowd.

It is Cui Qian'an's mother, the eldest son and the eldest wife.

"Wu Lue, I won't embarrass you. You can write a poem in the hall, and you can write a poem with the same theme as climbing a building. There is no limit to the rhythm, even if it is just a few lines, so that you can take a look at the future son-in-law. Poetics."

Chen Yanjun's scalp felt numb, he really didn't want to copy poems anymore.

Copying poems can't save Datang. Poetry is no different from his face. It's all about entertaining others, so there's no need to pretend to be that aggressive.

Unless he has some insights, he will write poems to express his feelings, but his own poetic talent is hard to describe...

The purpose of the Cui family today is probably to fulfill the affairs between him and his wife, and not let Qiu Zhuo go.

Asking him to compose a poem is likely to be a sub-question.

He didn't want to score points, and respectfully said to the eldest lady:

"The last poem was just a little insight from Chen's spiritual enlightenment. Right now, Chen has already nourished his energy and washed his marrow, so he won't write poems (for free) anymore."

The eldest lady has an elegant posture, but her words are hidden and merciless.

"Speak out when you feel it, and don't do it for others if you don't feel it. Mr. Chen is really noble."

"Thinking about it carefully, sister Yourong and niece Qiuzhuo are not like this?"

Cui Yourong, Qingchuan, Qiu Zhuo...the three of them all had sullen faces and didn't say a word.

Chen Yanjun could tell that what the eldest lady said was resentment towards Mrs. Cui for taking advantage of the Cui family, but she was unwilling to sacrifice to give back to the family.

At this moment!

Outside the hall door, a hasty, slightly crying voice came into the hall——

"It's not good, the young master is dying soon!"


Everyone was surprised, which young master?

When I went out, I saw a flying chariot fell into the front garden.

Sitting on the flying chariot, a monk sat cross-legged.

His sturdy body was trembling constantly, his shiny bald head was covered with beads of sweat, and the six ring scars had been displaced, and their color had changed from blue to black.

The face was no longer a human face, distorted into a sarcoma.

The two eyeballs are about to fall out of the mouth, the Sanskrit sounds in the mouth are different in intensity, and the teeth are crooked, it is hard to describe.

The mind is completely insane, if the mind and soul were not forcibly suppressed by Zen before the madness, the physical body would have collapsed.

Chen Yanjun's heart tightened.

Isn't this the symptom of Fan Yu's poisoning?

Is the poison contagious and has spread?

And the higher the cultivation base, the faster the attack?

Looking at his distorted appearance, Chen Yanjun guessed that this person was Cui Qingru's eldest son, Cui Da, a Zen master of the sixth grade, a monk who never tabooed wine and meat.

Could it be that he ate a Gu carving?

Everyone in the Cui family was shocked, no one had seen such a strange disease, but his dantian was intact.

The third lady was so frightened that she collapsed to the ground on the spot.

Cui Qingru hurriedly mobilized his energy, spit out Confucianism words, melted clean energy into his body, and cleared away the turbidity of his eldest son...

But it didn't work!

Lord Jianzheng also frowned, he had never seen such a strange disease.

It is obvious that his dantian is intact and is even evolving towards a more perfect golden elixir, but his body and mind are almost collapsed.

Supervisor Cui could feel that Cui Da's condition was rapidly deteriorating. If he didn't do something, Banzhuxiang's wife would never come back.

He exercised his strength cautiously, trying to seal the spiritual veins and blood vessels of his whole body with a seal.

Seeing Cui Jianzheng's hand hanging in the air, Chen Yanjun asked tentatively:

"Is Master Jianzheng planning to seal Master Cui's blood and spiritual veins?"

Cui Jianzheng was slightly taken aback, only then did he realize that Chen Yanjun was still a student of Danlin Academy.

"Do you have another way?"

Chen Yanjun had already made up his mind, and said calmly:

"Zen Master Cui must have been poisoned by some kind of poison. The core of its effect is on the soul. It seals the dantian and blood vessels. If there is a lack of spirit and blood in the brain, the Zen method will loosen, and it will collapse faster."


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