Subtext: You have to pay more!

However, before the Zhang family got angry, Li Chan spoke loudly——

"I said than!"

Speaking of which, Li Chan got angry when she looked at the Zhang family. Since Qiu Zhuo is no longer in danger, it is better to see how the Zhang family will end up.

And listening to Chen Yanjun's words before the competition, he seems to be very confident in his poetic talent, maybe it is another piece of poetic talent in the rough.

Isn't this scene getting lively!

"I also want to see Mr. Chen's poetic talent. It doesn't matter if he wins or loses. If he is good, I will reward you."

Chen Yanjun saw the essence of the princess wanting to watch the show at a glance, but now he continued to make money for the show.

"Can I ask what the specific reward is?"


Huo Longwei subconsciously shouted.

Li Chan didn't care, and said with a smile:

"The shocking words are chanted on the high seat, and the sword is given to the beauty."

The beauty pointed to Mr. Chen, who echoed Gao Zuo's self from a distance, very wonderful!

Qiu Zhuo raised his forehead, thinking that it would be too shameless for the princess to call a man a beauty...

At this moment, seeing Zhang's family suddenly look down, Li Chan hastily added a politically correct sentence:

"Of course...the two young masters are the same, whoever can make a shocking quatrain that moves this palace will be given this sword."

After finishing speaking, he took out a five-foot long sword with a scarlet scabbard.

Huo Longwei quickly reminded her:

"Princess, this is..."

Even Qiu Zhuo was surprised.

Li Chan waved her hand.

"It's okay."

Chen Yanjun couldn't see the extraordinaryness of this sword, but Huo Longwei reminded it so, it seemed very valuable.

What also surprised Chen Yanjun was that this troubled Princess Ping'an was not bad at poetry.

Shocking words are chanted to Gaozuo, and the sword is given to the beauty, which means that if there is a poem that makes the person in the high seat recite in amazement, the sword will be given to him.

It's not neat, but it's okay.

Thinking in his heart, Chen Yanjun looked at the princess' sword respectfully.

"Since the princess is so elegant, it is better for Chen to obey her orders than to be respectful."

At this moment, the two followers of the Zhang family also found a Confucian teacher.

He is actually a fourth-rank Confucian scholar, and he is a scholar in the middle school of the court——

Liu Juzheng!

Chen Yanjun turned his head to look, and saw a middle-aged scribe in white, with drunken eyes, swaying every step, being supported by a young and beautiful brothel woman across the threshold.

The middle-aged man drooped his drunken eyes and took a closer look. The hall was full of beauties.

"You fight poetry again... Which brothel is this, sitting so upright?"

Chapter 0021 You're Embarrassing My Copywriter!

Liu Juzheng, a fourth-rank Confucian, official Baifengge Zhongshusheren, is equivalent to the secretary of the prime minister Zhongshuling and Zhongshu Shilang, and is also one of the candidates for the future prime minister.

He looks about 40 years old, in fact he is over 80 years old. He is not tall, unattractive, and slightly fat.

Although Chen Yanjun met Liu Sheren for the first time, the original owner knew him quite well.

Because before Jiazi, Liu Juzheng, like the original owner, was a poor scholar from a small place.

50 years ago, Liu Juzheng was a high school student, and then he joined Guozi to supervise Confucianism.

After living in the city of Chang'an, which is full of aura for a long time, one day he suddenly condenses his energy into a pill and automatically enters the rank, only then did he realize how talented he is!

He started to practice Confucianism and Taoism at the age of 23, and was promoted to a fourth-rank Confucian teacher in just 30 years. Unfortunately, because he missed the golden age of practice, he did not make any progress in the next 30 years.

Ten years ago, he entered Fengge as an official, and wanted to use his official career to gain power and obtain spiritual resources and secret methods.

It's a pity that he came from a humble background, his level of sycophancy is average, and he refuses to do real black things. As a result, he has been an official for ten years, and he is still a sacrificial servant... You must know that other sacrificial servants are generally only fifth or sixth rank.

In the past few years, I have been depressed and frustrated, so I just lay flat and lingered in the land of fireworks...

Chen Yanjun suddenly realized that Liu Juzheng, the unattractive fourth grade Confucian teacher in front of him, was already the pinnacle that a poor kid in this society could climb to.

It stands to reason that the fourth rank is not weak, but Chang'an city is at the foot of the emperor, there are more than 100 third rank strong men, even a fourth rank Confucianist with no background has to bow his head and be a man.

However, what Chen Yanjun didn't know was that Liu Juzheng had recently met his noble lady, Mrs. Zhang.

If he can cling to Mrs. Zhang, he will be able to cling to Eunuch Qiu, enter the Shence Army to find a real power official position, and get more high-level cultivation resources to hit the third rank.

Three provinces and six ministries, Fengge Luantai, have already become a puppet organization that only listens to Mr. Qiu's orders.

This time, Liu Juzheng was secretly invited by the Zhang family to make twelve poems on twelve themes for Mr. Zhang in advance. If the topic on the spot exceeds the outline, he will compose a poem temporarily and secretly read it to Mr. Zhang in the forbidden way. .

Getting drunk wasn't in the plan, though...

Huo Longwei shouted sharply:

"This is Princess Ping An!"

Only then did Liu Juzheng realize that what he just said had insulted the princess, he was so frightened that he was half sober, and quickly knelt down.

Before he knelt down, he heard Mrs. Zhang say:

"Master Liu is also a fourth-rank Confucian scholar in Fengge Luantai. He will be the prime minister in the future. How can he kneel casually?"

"Wake up, look carefully, the person sitting on the top is Princess Pingan, not the Emperor Lingzu in Tianyuan Palace."

Upon hearing this, Liu Juzheng had no choice but to stand back, and said with a bitter face:

"Old Madam Zhang said the same thing."

Turning around and bowing to the princess again, he crossed his hands and said:

"Just now Liu drank too much and offended the princess, and asked the princess to come down."

Chen Yanjun looked at the curvature of his bow, which showed the Japanese craftsmanship.

He was obviously the strongest in the audience, but he was obsequious to the princess and Mrs. Zhang, and he didn't have the aura of a strong person at all.

So real.

It is true that the strong are respected in this world, but it is not based on the individual, but on the background and influence.

A poor kid with supernatural talent, who spends his whole life working hard to make money, is just a dog of the rich and powerful in the end.

Chen Yanjun thought to himself, fortunately he has cheats, otherwise he would just lie flat and not explain.

Seeing Liu Juzheng bowing his knees with a bitter look on his face, Li Chan didn't care about anything.

"I have heard that Liu Sheren is extremely talented. Just being a Sheren is already depressing enough, there is no need to convict me."

Liu Juzheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you princess for your generosity!"

Mrs. Zhang didn't exchange pleasantries, and said straight to the point:

"Master Liu is amazingly talented in poetry and prose, and he has always upheld fairness. I just met today, so I invited you to help blindly evaluate the masterpieces of the two young masters. I wonder if Mr. Liu can help with this little favor?"

Liu Juzheng hurriedly bent over and nodded:

"Liu, I will fulfill my mission!"


lean less.

Start with a poem.

Chen Yanjun and Mr. Zhang sat face to face at the Eight Immortals table.

In front of him are paper, ink, brush and inkstone, and a lit stick of incense.

Liu Juzheng just took his seat, picked up the teacup, looked at the two talented people, and inexplicably thought of himself when he was young.

Li Chan couldn't wait to say:

"Quickly open the title of the poem."

The matchmaker brought by Zhang's family was responsible for untangling the ball of paper on which Cheng Zhiang had written the title of the poem in advance.

"Taking mountaineering as the topic, write about the perception of practice, limit the seven laws, and limit the time for one stick of incense."

Upon hearing this, Li Chan turned to look at Cheng Zhiang who was standing by her side, frowned and complained:

"Dr. Cheng, I asked you to come up with a question. Is that why you cheated Mr. Chen? He is a mortal, how can he have a sense of cultivation?"

Cheng Zhiang was momentarily at a loss for words.

He does have some selfishness.

He is rich in learning, but he has been unable to enter the product all year round. He thinks he has been abandoned by the times, so he wants to hear the young people's cultivation insights, or gain something.

Coincidentally, Mr. Zhang lived with the army all year round, and only entered the product after returning to Chang'an as an adult.

Although Mr. Chen is an ordinary person, he seems to have an extraordinary appearance, and he may have the feeling of nourishing qi.

Zhang Wei also heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this poem title.

He quickly recovered his demeanor, and seeing Dr. Cheng's embarrassed face, he opened his folding fan and excused him:

"Why don't mortals have a sense of practice? The sense of failure is also a sense, and it will even be deeper, enough to wake up the world and avoid detours."

Chen Yanjun didn't say anything.

It feels like someone is targeting him as a plagiarist...

Who in the normal ancient times would have a sense of practice?

It can only be replaced by reading comprehension.

In addition, mountaineering has to be written superficially, limited to Qilu, and limited to one stick of incense time.

He first thought of a poem with a similar theme, which was Su Shi's "Tixi Forest Wall".

Seen sideways as a peak on the side of the ridge, the height varies from far to far.

I don't know the true face of Lushan, I am only in this mountain.

——The poem is not bad, it is quite sentimental, but it is a pity that it is not Qilu.

The second thing that comes to mind is Du Fu's "Climbing the High".

The sky was scorching and the ape wailed, and Zhu Qingsha and white birds flew back.

Boundless fallen trees are rustling, and the endless Yangtze River is rolling in...

——Mountain climbing, Qilu, written after the Anshi Rebellion, Chen Yanjun's original owner had never heard of this poem in this world.

It's a pity that it's not about practicing or reading.

After thinking about it, I didn't think it was suitable.

Now, it's really embarrassing for him, a master of public collection of essays!

Fortunately, he is a student of the Chinese Department.

If it doesn't work, I will write an original second-rate seven-law poem based on my understanding of the third stage of nourishing qi.

He has already thought of the name: "Climbing Wuzhi Mountain".

After thinking about a few sentences, I couldn't bear to read...

It seems that whether it is the original owner or Chen Yanjun himself, his poetic talent is very average.

Poetry, in the final analysis, is an art, and it cannot be mastered after just four years of studying Chinese.

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