Hongjun Daozu even speculated that Tongtian might already know some of the secrets.

With the departure of Shangqing Tongtian, the luck he can obtain will be greatly reduced, and it will become more difficult to get together.

Moreover, in Daozu Hongjun's plan, Tongtian is a very important pawn, involving many plans and his own interests.

Now this important chess piece has become a huge variable.

Although Daozu Hongjun really wanted to catch Tongtian back, he knew everything and brought back this variable.

But he has more important things to accomplish now.

"It's okay..."

Daoist Hongjun smiled lightly, calmly, as if he didn't take this matter to heart at all.

He took out two primordial purple qi and bestowed them on Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun respectively:

"This is the Primordial Violet Qi, which is the foundation of enlightenment, so please take care of it."

Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun didn't mean to blame them when they saw Hongjun Daozu. Instead, they gave themselves the Hongmeng Ziqi, the foundation of Taoism, and they immediately breathed a sigh of relief:

"Thank you teacher."

Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun once again bowed deeply to Hongjun Daozu, lamenting that Hongjun Daozu is really magnanimous, and even more admiring him.

"Nuwa, you are blessed with a deep destiny, and you will have great merit to do in the future, and you can become a saint, so would you like to come under my sect?

Daozu Hongjun asked.

Nuwa immediately beamed with joy when she heard the words, and gave a deep salute to Taoist Hongjun:

"The disciple pays respects to the teacher."


Hearing this, Hongjun nodded in satisfaction, and also gave Nuwa a burst of majestic purple energy:

"From now on, you will be a disciple of the poor Taoist inner sect."

Then, Hongjun turned his head to look at Zhunti and the two of them, and asked peacefully:

"The two of you shoulder the responsibility of educating all spirits in the West, and you can also become saints. Would you like to become my registered disciple?

Zhunti received the quotation, his face was filled with excitement, and he kowtowed three times to Daozu Hongjun:

"The disciple is willing! Thank you teacher!"


Hongjun Daozu nodded, and the same two Hongmeng purple qi flew out of his hands, and Zhunti received them with respectful hands.

After Zhunti guided the two of them to get the primordial purple energy, they grinned to the heels of their ears.

Although they are only registered disciples, they are also disciples of Taoist ancestors, and they can also become saints.

For other prehistoric spirits, it is still a superior existence.

There are already five of the Six Sages of Heaven.

Daozu Hongjun thought for a while, and a burst of purple air flew out and stopped in front of Patriarch Hongyun:

"Now that Tongtian has left and missed the opportunity to become a saint, are you willing to replace Tongtian and become a disciple of the poor Taoist?"

Daozu Hongjun had long guessed that Patriarch Hongyun, Zhenyuanzi and the Twelve Ancestral Witches were related to the "Demon God of Destiny".

However, as long as Patriarch Hongyun is sanctified with merit and virtue, and puts his true spirit on the Dao of Heaven, then it is completely under his control.

Even if he is involved with the "Demon God of Destiny", it doesn't matter.

Moreover, I can also obtain information about the "Demon God of Destiny" from him.

Upon hearing the words, Hongyun Patriarch had mixed feelings in his heart.

What he had been thinking about before was to kill Zhunti, pick up the two of them, and ensure that he would get the chance to become a saint.

But now, when the opportunity of sanctification really falls on his head.

Patriarch Hongyun hesitated again.

Although Hongjun is now the ancestor of the prehistoric Tao, the spokesperson of the way of heaven, and the only saint in the prehistoric.

But the ancestor Hongyun thought it over in his heart.

He finally chose to believe in "Senior World Master."

"Poverty, I don't want to!"

In the eyes of everyone, Hongyun Patriarch stood up, left the futon, and flew resolutely to the outside of Zixiao Palace.


Hong Huang Da Neng present was stunned again.

When he was preaching for the first time, Patriarch Hongyun took the risk of being blasted by the twelve ancestor witches, and stood up to let the ancestor witches give way.

It can be seen how important the purple futon in the first row is to his heart.

And now, everyone knows what the first row of futons represents.

But now, Hong Yun only needs to nod to get the opportunity of sanctification he dreamed of.

The ancestor Hongyun refused at this time.

And still in such a firm way, he resolutely left the futon and gave up this great opportunity.

The actions of Tongtian and Patriarch Hongyun simply made all the great masters present baffled.

"Old friend, wait for the poor!"

At this moment, Zhen Yuanzi also stood up, left the futon, followed in the footsteps of Patriarch Hongyun, and left Zixiao Palace together.

The prehistoric powers in Zixiao Palace are even more clueless.

What kind of reason would make Tongtian, Hongyun, and Zhenyuanzi give up the great opportunity of becoming a saint one after another?

The entire Zixiao Palace was completely silent, and a needle could be heard falling.

Seeing Patriarch Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi leave without hesitation, Daozu Hongjun also began to think.

What kind of benefits did the "Demon God of Destiny" give them to make them give up the position of saints that was within reach?

There were eight purple futons in the first row, but now three are empty.

After pondering for a few breaths, Hongjun also knew that the most urgent task now was to choose another person.

Make up the last saint.

After feeling Hongjun Daozu's gaze, all the prehistoric powers present became excited.

They cast their eager and longing eyes on Daozu Hongjun one after another, hoping that they could be favored by Daozu and become the sixth saint.

Chapter 47 The Witch Clan Crisis

"Prince Dong, are you willing to worship under the poor Taoist sect?"

Daozu Hongjun's voice sounded.

The anticipation of the other prehistoric powers suddenly fell to the bottom.

But Dong Wanggong's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, the veins on his neck were exposed, his body trembled slightly, and he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

"Disciple meets teacher!"

Duke Dong bowed deeply to Daozu Hongjun.

"Well, in that case, you are the sixth disciple of the poor Taoist sect."

Hongjun Daozu nodded in satisfaction, and once again bestowed a burst of Hongmeng purple energy.

"Under the Dao of Heaven, there are nine holy positions! But Tianyan has four or nine, and one of them is gone."

"Everything can't be counted, so there are eight people who can become saints, and poor Taoists and disciples occupy seven of them!"

"In the hands of the poor, there is still a majestic purple energy. As for what you get, it depends on your chance."

Daozu Hongjun said, slightly opening his palms.

Immediately, this primordial purple air flew out, circling in Zixiao Palace.

All of a sudden, almost all the prehistoric powers began to show their magical powers, competing for the primordial purple energy.

However, Primordial Purple Qi is not affected by any spiritual treasures or supernatural powers.

After hovering over Zixiao Palace for a while, this majestic purple air finally flew out of Zixiao Palace and fell in the direction of Buzhou Mountain.

For a while, almost everyone's minds became active.

That is the foundation of sanctification!

As long as you get it, you will have the opportunity to become a saint. From then on, you will live the same life as the sky, without fear of calamity, and surpass hundreds of millions of living beings.

Although the Twelve Ancestral Witches are very powerful, the three thousand Zixiao Palace guests present are also the most powerful in the prehistoric world.

If united, the Twelve Ancestral Witches are not invincible.

After seeing the eagerness in the eyes of Honghuang Almighty present, an undetectable smile appeared on Daozu Hongjun's face.

This is naturally his layout.

The purpose is to make the Wu clan a target of public criticism.

Under the attraction of sanctification, even those who have no grievances with the Wu Clan will stand on the opposite side of the Wu Clan.

"After today, the poor way will be in line with the way of heaven, and the prehistoric world will be managed and protected by you and other six people."

"Pindao will give you some treasures to help you better manage the prehistoric world."

Daozu Hongjun said.

Hearing that Hongjun Daozu was going to bestow treasures, Taiqing Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Nuwa, Zhunti, Jieyin, and Dongwanggong all became excited.

Daoist Hongjun waved his hand, and a black and white Taoist map and a golden staff with nine dragons tattooed on it immediately flew in front of Taiqing Laozi:

"This object is called the Taiji Diagram, and it was transformed from the back of the axe, which was the treasure of chaos in the past, and is now the treasure of innateness."

"It is used to quell the wind, water and fire. As my big disciple, this thing is given to you for self-defense."

"And this Nine Dragons Gold Rod is the weapon used by the poor before they became holy."

"Currently Nine Dragons bestow Taiqing, and forever be the master of Taoism."

Hearing this, Lao Tzu Taiqing was filled with joy immediately, and very excitedly put away the Taiji diagram and the Nine Dragons Golden Staff.

Needless to say, the Taiji diagram is an innate treasure with immeasurable value.

And the Nine Dragons Golden Rod is not only a spiritual treasure, but also a symbol of his status as the chief disciple of a sage.

With this staff in hand, apart from Daozu Hongjun, he is the most honorable person in the whole prehistoric world.

"Thank you teacher for the treasure!"

Taiqing Laozi respectfully bowed to Daozu Hongjun.

Hongjun Daozu waved his hand again, and a dark red blood streamer and a cloud of five colors appeared in front of Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Yuanshi, what the poor Taoist gave you is the innate treasure Pangu Banner and the Qingyun from the heavens."

"The Pangu Banner is transformed from the blade of the Sky-Opening Axe. It is unparalleled in attacking power. It must not be sacrificed lightly."

"And Zhutian Qingyun is transformed by the great righteousness in Pan Gu's heart, and it is given to you for self-defense."

Yuanshi Tianzun also bowed to Hongjun Daozu, and put away the Pangu flag and Zhutian Qingyun.

Afterwards, Daozu Hongjun bestowed the best congenital treasure, the marriage thin and the red thread, on Nuwa.

The golden lotus of merit was given to Zhunti, and the piercing lock was given to Jieying.

The clean water bowl was given to the East Prince.

The six disciples under Hongjun's sect have all obtained great treasures, making other great masters coveted and envious to the extreme.

Originally, because of the departure of Tongtian, Hongyun, and Zhenyuanzi, they had a slight doubt about Daozu Hongjun.

But now, everyone present felt that Tong Tian and the others had made a fool of themselves and missed such a huge opportunity.

"Ancestor Dao, you taught us how to kill the three corpses, but we don't have a spirit treasure, how should we kill the corpses?"

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