Moreover, why should this psychopath sit next to the teacher.

However, at any rate, she currently has a small hill.

In the future, it may be Mount Everest.

You, Li Mulan, are nothing more than Pingchuan, so what about the number one beauty in class four.

Xia Wanqing thought about it and felt relieved, she hummed and turned her head.

Li Mulan closed her eyes the whole time, after all, she is a cultivator.

Just ignore it.

Yuan Xiao is still reading seriously.

"Do, Must Do, Insert, Quickly..." He was learning English.

Sad reminder!

The car finally stopped at the gate of the school.

People get off.

Zhuo Zhuo, who was hiding behind the bushes, had a gleam in his excited eyes.

Excellent, teacher, you are about to ascend to heaven.

Watching Yuan Xiao pass through the school gate, he pressed the start button with a wicked smile.

"Boom! Boom!!"

The mecha, which was quietly in the security booth, suddenly started automatically.

All the security guards were shocked.

Security guards are not high-level fighters, at most they just have a little more strength and equipment than ordinary people.

Nor are they mech pilots.

What's more terrible is that the mech has no driver, and it starts by itself.

"Pala——" the mech reached out and pushed, and the wall of the security booth collapsed.

The automatic enemy tracking system quickly discovered Yuan Xiao.

"The target is locked, the task is carried out, and the consequences are completely wiped out!"

A beam of light spewed out from the back of the mecha, and rushed towards Yuan Xiao at an extremely fast speed.

This sudden Yuan Xiao immediately grasped it.


The system estimates that the combat power is more than 5000.

He could fight by himself, but Su Chenyi and Xia Wanqing beside him absolutely couldn't.

He was about to reach out and push the two of them away.

The figure around him swayed, and a ray of light shot at the mech rushing towards him.

Li Mulan started to act.

She is no longer a high martial artist, but a monk.

A monk in the early stage of gas gathering.

However, it is more than enough to deal with a mech of this level.

"Broken!" Li Mulan yelled, and rushed out from top to bottom. Amidst the loud bang, the out-of-control mecha was completely smashed into pieces.

"Boom!" Accompanied by the explosion of the mecha, the flames shot into the sky.

Chapter 69 Global Beauties and Cosmic Beauties

Mechas are an important means for the world's scientific and technological community to fight against high-level warriors and supernatural beings.

The height is generally about three meters, and a dedicated mech driver can be carried inside.

It is also possible to act with the autonomous system.

However, the self-discipline system is worse than a real driver.

The school security mecha is controlled by the autonomous system.

So Joyoung easily invaded and took control of the system.

There is only one goal, and that is Yuan Xiao.

Not to mention Yuan Xiao's own ability, he can fight against mechs.

Now beside him, there is another Li Mulan.

Although Li Mulan has just stepped into the Qi gathering period, she is still a monk after all.

The mecha was a target in front of her.

Destroyed easily.

Li Mulan walked back with a sense of immortality.

Yuan Xiao also widened his eyes.

The beauties around her are more brutal than the last.

You are high school students, why don't you be so unreasonable.

But that is the reality.

Zhuo Zhuo's face behind the grass turned green.

His plan can be said to be foolproof.

Unfortunately, Li Mulan was not counted.

There was an evil gleam in Joyoung's eyes.

Things are getting more interesting.

The explosion alarmed the school.

Zhang Jianwei rushed to the scene and almost fainted when he saw Yuan Xiao.

It really is this cancer. As long as this cancer exists, the school will never have peace.

You see, the weather is so good in broad daylight, and a mecha just exploded and became useless.

Anyway, it is worth several million, if it is gone, it will be gone.

"Who did it?" Zhang Jianwei pointed at the burning mecha with trembling fingers, "Who did it?"

Of course Li Mulan would not admit it.

The Fengyun Pavilion has weakened, and she has no money to pay for this mech.

After all, this is considered the school's public property, and good students are not allowed to destroy public property.

The security guards shook their heads one after another. The emergency was too chaotic. They only cared about saving their lives, and no one saw the actual situation.

The automatic camera inside the mecha was also destroyed.

There is no evidence of any.

Yuan Xiao naturally wouldn't say anything, he shook his head violently.

Xia Wanqing wanted to show that she was telling the truth, but she was pinched by Yuan Xiao.

Everyone is watching the show.

Zhang Jianwei could guess that this matter must have something to do with Yuan Xiao.


Black sheep!

The mecha was destroyed inexplicably, and he, the dean of teaching affairs, should bear the responsibility.

Come on, this year's evaluation must be good.

Everything, all of this was caused by Yuan Xiao!

Sooner or later he will be killed.

Yuan Xiao expressed his innocence, and this matter really has nothing to do with him directly.

When he came to the class, everyone saw his expression was weird.

Nothing, Xia Wanqing and Li Mulan stood beside Yuan Xiao, one on the left and one on the right.

It would be a lie to say that I am not jealous.

No way, this is the protagonist's light.

When Li Mulan came to school, she was not interested in studying either.

I didn't bring my schoolbag.

Returning to the seat is also to close the eyes and enter the state of cultivating immortals.

Then her body faintly emanated a little bit of immortal energy.

"Teacher, Li Mulan is on fire." A student tremblingly raised his hand.

Ignorance is ignorance, that is fairy spirit.

Yuan Xiao didn't bother to explain, after all, for ordinary people, Xiuzhen is hard to understand.

But the people sitting next to Li Mulan felt a sense of inspiration.

This is the power of monks.

Yuan Xiao continued to study, and there were only six days before the national unified teacher qualification examination.

There is nothing more important than learning.

The students are still doing their own thing.

Zhuoyou's eyes flickered, and if one plan fails, another plan can be made.

He took out his mobile phone and contacted someone else.

As a dude and a top hacker in the world, it is completely understandable to know a few people on the road.

The world of ordinary people can be resolved with ordinary people on the Dao.

It's not yet time for high warriors and supernatural beings to make a move.

Zhuo Zhuo smiled evilly, he didn't believe that he couldn't kill Yuan Xiao.

Yuan Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that he had gained something from studying hard these days.

"Bring over the simulation paper," Yuan Xiao stretched out his hand, "It's time to test the results."

Everyone gave up hope, Su Chenyi silently handed over the paper.

Yuan Xiao put his head down and started working.

Soon, he was done.

"I feel good this time," Yuan Xiao smiled and handed the test paper to Su Chenyi, "I'm not sure about a few questions, but I feel right about the rest."

A good memory is the strongest learning tool.

Xia Wanqing also came over to help correct the papers.

Soon the results will come out.

"78 in Chinese, 83 in mathematics, 72 in English, and 89 in comprehensive." Su Chenyi also heaved a sigh of relief, "Teacher, it took more than three days to reach this level, which is not bad."

He himself is a top student, so Yuan Xiao's improvement is still not in his sights.

Xia Wanqing shook her head: "But this result is still far from the top three in the country."

"It's okay," Yuan Xiao patted Xia Wanqing's shoulder, "Look, I'm improving by a few points every day.

There are still six days to go. If I do the calculations like this, I will definitely get more than 100 points in the test.

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