Chapter 553 Rapid Development

This court meeting was said to be a court meeting, but by the time it ended, it was already dusk.

At noon, everyone did not eat, because Liu Yu, the emperor, was hungry, and did not eat until he had explained everything clearly.

Although up to now, everyone is hungry, but none of them feel tired, instead they are full of energy.

Because today, the amount of information they received is too great, and each of them is an earth-shattering event.

It's hard to imagine, if everything develops smoothly as the emperor said, how strong will the big man be?

At this time, all the ministers felt that they had endless energy, and they wished they could devote themselves to their busy tasks right now.

At this time, Liu Yu had just finished his meal and was reading the memorial in boredom.

In the palace, the rules have become more and more, although Liu Yu has been used to it for a few days, but Liu Yu still feels uncomfortable everywhere.

Although he is now the emperor and the maker of the rules, he dare not be as casual as he was in the palace.

After all, as the Son of Heaven, every action must conform to etiquette and set a good example. This is also unavoidable.


The king of Zhenbei ascended the throne and became the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

All the people of the Han Dynasty, including the people of all ethnic groups who later integrated into the Han Dynasty, celebrated happily.

They all ran into the street with smiles on their faces and cheers enthusiastically in their mouths.

At this moment, the big man is like boiling water, whether it is northern Xinjiang, Kanto and Kansai, Jiangdong and Jiangnan, all the people in the states and counties are like this.

This kind of celebration lasted for more than ten days before it subsided slowly.

Then, another major event happened, boiling the water of the great man who had just calmed down again.

A comprehensive reform of the system, a new policy of tens of thousands of characters, was issued to all states and counties.

After a special person interpreted the New Deal for the common people, the common people boiled again!

Cultivated land stay eight tax two?Open up wasteland, and keep the grain you get for yourself?

Fertility encouragement?If there are more than two dolls, if there is one more doll, you will be rewarded with [-] coins? !And reduce half of the tax? !

Encourage the invention of new objects?As long as you are approved by the Ministry of Industry, you can get a thousand dollars? !If the invention ranks in the forefront, can you still receive a gold? !

After learning about these policies, the people rushed to inform them that they rushed out of their homes one by one, dragged their families and ran to the wasteland, and began to open up wasteland.

This is very busy for the local officials, because the number of land reclamation by the people needs to be registered and recorded.

This made this group of officials tired every day with backaches, leg pains, and calf cramps.

However, they didn't have any complaints. The people are very motivated, so why not the officials?

And the common people who have a skill have reported to the Ministry of Industry of various government offices.

It is said that as long as you register with the Ministry of Industry, then, in the future, if you build houses, or repair bridges and build roads.

An official will find you and hire you. It is said that the wages paid are quite a lot, and they also provide two or three meals a day.

And the people who have all kinds of wonderful ideas in their heads, or have any novel objects in their homes, also go to the Ministry of Industry to report, or bring the objects in their homes to the Ministry of Industry.

If they are lucky enough to be selected, then they alone can support a large family.

It is said that the staff of the Ministry of Industry receive a lot of money. If there is a new invention, the family will no longer have to worry about it.

Compared with the scorching heat in the south, although the people in the north are also boiling, they are not as energetic as the people in the south.

Because in the north, the land has been developed almost, and there are so many fields that they can't grow them.

However, the Ministry of Industry recruited craftsmen, as well as R&D personnel, and also boosted their energy.

Countless people in the north left their homes one after another and went to the offices of the Ministry of Industry to sign up.

All of a sudden, the craftsmen needed by the Ministry of Industry were fully filled in less than three days, which was unexpected by everyone.

Enough craftsmen were recruited, and they couldn't be left idle, so Liu Yu waved his hand and asked these craftsmen to start construction from the north.

Including academies at all levels, roads, repairing county towns, etc. Although the money in the treasury is slowly draining, Liu Yu doesn't feel distressed at all.

As for why start construction from the north?Because the north, after so many years of development by Liu Yu, is much richer than the south.

Moreover, roads, water conservancy, etc. are almost repaired, and it doesn't take long.

In the past, the south was richer than the north, but now it is completely reversed.

Moreover, the south has just experienced war, and the people have not eased up yet.

Commerce has just begun to circulate slowly, and it will take time for the south to become as strong as the north.

However, as long as the south develops, it will definitely be faster than the north, because the natural conditions of the south, whether it is climate or resources, are much stronger than those of the north.

In order to speed up the commercial development in the south, Liu Yu also found Tian Feng and explained to him how to develop.

There is an old saying, the so-called relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, relying on the sea to eat the sea, what wealth is there on the mountains?The answer is countless!

It allows the people to go to the mountains to hunt some prey in their spare time, and the fur of the prey is very valuable.

There are also medicinal herbs on the mountain, as well as various fungi, which are a considerable wealth after they are dried.

What's more, there are still some mineral resources, which are developed by the local government and let the common people participate in them.

If it is iron ore, then it is directly transported to the Ministry of Industry in the city, if it is coal mine.

The government office can be sold to caravans, and the caravans are being used to transport them to the north for sale, and there are countless timbers, all of which are wealth.

Or raise some livestock on the mountain, even if it is not easy to sell locally, they can be sold to merchants, or they can also be sold to government officials.

And close to the sea, the wealth is even more!Each village can collectively contribute money to buy a boat that can go to sea in the government office.

The caught fish and shrimp can be transported long distances after being marinated or dried.

The people near the sea can also form a caravan by themselves, and they only need to pay some taxes to get a business certificate.

They themselves can form a caravan and pull the goods to the north for sale.

Most of the people in the north or inland have never tried the food in the sea.

This is very novel to them, I believe this group of people will spend their spare money to buy these novel ingredients.

People who live near the sea can also buy a special iron pot and salt from the shops of various government governments.

Put the fish and shrimp in it, sprinkle some more salt, and make a salted fish, which can guarantee that it will not rot for a month or even a few months.

It took less than half a month to pull it to the north. After taking the pickled fish out of the jar and soaking it in warm water, the taste is just as delicious.

Dried salted fish or pickled fish, paired with strong fire wine, it is absolutely delicious in the world!


Chapter 554 The Year of Harvest

Liu Yu, as the emperor, discusses business affairs with Tian Feng, is it a loss of identity?otherwise!

No one knows better than Liu Yu, once the business develops, how terrifying it will be!

As long as you hold the business tightly in your hands, adjust the market price, and keep the business in a good and upward development, it will definitely bring unimaginable benefits to the big man!

If business explodes, then Dahan will definitely be the economic center of the world!

Countless dependent countries, as well as remote countries, will travel thousands of miles to come to Dahan to buy novelty items!

At that time, foreigners who look very different from Han people can be seen in every state, county, and street in the Han Dynasty.

They traveled thousands of miles to Dahan, bought cheap goods from Dahan, returned to their own country, and sold them at high prices.

The people of the Han Dynasty can also organize caravans, and as long as they pay some customs duties, they can pull their goods to other countries for sale.

Then pull back the raw materials from other countries, return them to Dahan for production, and sell them back at a high price. This is called the prosperous age and the center of the world!

Of course, the core production technology will never be revealed.

This is the horror of a big man whose business has developed to the extreme!That will affect the economic lifeline of the whole world!

At that time, the whole world will be filled with flattery for the big man, and the big man will become the heaven in the hearts of these countries!

Hearing Liu Yu's words, Tian Feng felt his blood boil and his heart burst with pride. This is the future that a big man should have!

He, Tian Feng, is willing to dedicate everything, including his own life, to this prosperous world!

When leaving the palace, Tian Feng felt that his body was shaking!

He decided not to sleep tonight!He wants to sort out what Liu Yu said to him overnight, and make a development plan for the south!


In 194, the war ended, the people also ushered in stability and peace, and the heavens were also beautiful.

This year, there were no natural disasters, and the fields and grains all over Dahan had a bumper harvest!

People from all over the world happily walked into their respective fields, whether they were adults, children, or old people.

They all appeared in the fields one by one, adult men and women, working in the crops, while children were laughing and playing.

The old people, on the other hand, poured water for the working men and women, while watching the children playing with a smile.

The atmosphere, not to mention how warm and peaceful it is!Such a day is what the people look forward to.

And such scenes appear in all parts of the Han Dynasty, no matter in the south or the north, such scenes are not uncommon.

If it was in previous years, the fields planted by the people in the south could barely make ends meet.

Now, the great Han Dynasty is unified, the emperor has issued a new policy, and their family has surplus food.

Moreover, many people with crafts have found jobs to supplement their families.

People without skills can also go to the mountains to hunt, or collect medicinal materials, dry them and sell them to merchants.

Ladies can also study in a unified way through the masters sent by the Ministry of Industry, weave some high-quality fabrics, and supplement their household expenses!

It can be said that the food and money they have saved this year is beyond their dreams.

When Yuan Shao occupied Jingyang, what they worried about was food and clothing, and barely surviving.

Now they are thinking about how to save more money and food.

It took more than 40 days for this intense and busy autumn harvest season to come to an end.

Although people in many places in the south have had a bumper harvest, and there is surplus food in their families.

However, there are still some people who were not allocated land during the spring planting period because they avoided the war.

Or the common people who just came out of the mountains after knowing the unification, are hungry again.

However, for Liu Yu, the food used to help these people is just a drop in the bucket.

And they only need to be relieved for one year, and they will all get the land when they plant in the spring next year.

And the granaries everywhere, after this year's bumper harvest, are full again!

And not only a granary is full, but also the treasury of the big man!

The commercial circulation between the north and the south, and the continuous introduction of new objects in various places, instantly detonated merchants everywhere!

They don't hesitate to spend all their money to buy new items in various industrial departments and sell them everywhere!

In this way, a steady stream of money was remitted to the treasury, so that the treasury is now full!

And this is just the beginning. It can be said that the big man has regained some vitality in the past six months.

Liu Yu's plan is three years. In these three years, Liu Yu wants the national power of the Han Dynasty to surpass the peak period!

In terms of military strength, today's big man has surpassed all periods, but this is only one of them!

What Liu Yu wants to surpass is comprehensive national power!There is more than one military strength.

If it continues to develop like this, I believe that apart from the population, it will take less than three years to surpass the heyday of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Yu knows that natural disasters will occur less and less frequently in the future, until they finally disappear!

The years when natural disasters were most rampant were the period of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and the natural disasters that reappeared later were plagues.

Most of the plagues appear together with the drought, because once the drought occurs, there will be large-scale deaths of the people.

In addition, the weather is hot and the corpses rot, so the plague will occur.

Now, however, the war is over and droughts are rare.

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