Moreover, most of these millions of troops are now in the south, and they can easily crush their Shanyue clan.

And in the deep mountains and old forests, they have lived enough, it's time to take a look at the bustling city of the Han people!

So, with Sun Ce taking the lead, the chiefs of Shanyue did not refuse, nor did they dare to refuse.

Although some patriarchs were a little bit unwilling, they were under pressure.

They finally returned to their respective tribes, mobilized all tribesmen, and left the mountain together.

They may not know that Liu Yu has integrated into many ethnic groups for the big man, but they are the only Shanyue people who have not been beaten and disabled.

On the way of migration, they also learned some of the past of Han Wang Liu Yu through hearsay.

At this time, the hearts of these Shanyue patriarchs felt extremely fortunate!

They are glad that they made a wise decision, otherwise, they might be burned to ashes like the Nanman clan in Yizhou!

Or like the Xianbei Huns who were once so powerful that they frightened all the surrounding tribes, they stained their clan land red with blood.

According to the soldiers guarding them, Liu Yu, the king of the Han Dynasty, once led the Han cavalry to fight the entire grassland coalition army in a decisive battle on the grassland.

It is said that in that battle, the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and finally, under the leadership of the King of Han.

Massacre the prairie coalition forces and all prairie men!Not even the baby was spared!

Afterwards, some literati wrote a poem specifically for this war, telling the tragedy of this war.

The Xianbei invaded the Han land, and the Qiang Hu slaughtered the city.

The people mourned bitterly, and the heavenly army did not arrive for a long time.

There are outstanding people in Hejian, and the king of Han gathers warriors.

Conquer thousands of miles, and the sun is stained red with blood.

The bones are ten thousand ren high, and the blood is soaked in the underground river.

All the flowers are red, and they bear red fruits!

One can imagine how miserable and tragic that battle was!

These patriarchs and the people of Shanyue felt cold and trembling just by hearing about it!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg for Hanwang Liu Yu. The more they listened, the more they felt that Hanwang and his army were terrifying!

This made these Shanyue people very honest all the way, just like a well-behaved cat, at the mercy of others.

After seeing this scene, Jia Xu couldn't help stretching out his hand and stroking his beard to smile. Jia Xu's smile did not contain any murderous intent, but it still made people look cold.

In the end, these Shanyue people were scattered throughout the entire land of Jingyang.

It was added to those deserted villages or cities, and became the tribe and population of the Han Dynasty.

After living in villages and cities, these Shanyue people are also very honest, and they all work hard to learn the life of Han people and learn Chinese!

Even the warriors of their tribe put on Han clothes and worked in the fields, not daring to fight for strength.

At this point, Jingyang was completely pacified, and after learning that Shanyue had returned, there was no war in the south of Jingyang.

Cao Cao and Zhou Yu led the army and returned to their respective camps.

Cao Cao led the army and returned to Yuzhou. The army was stationed in Runan, while Zhou Yu stationed the navy in Jiangdu City, Guangling, Xuzhou.

After the two arranged the affairs in the army, they led the excited generals back to Luoyang, waiting for the reward and appointment.


Chapter 539 Triumph in Luoyang

After years of decline and war, the Great Han Kingdom failed to become a country.

Under the leadership of Liu Yu, after years of fighting, the big man was finally put down.

This is the result of the joint efforts of all the Zhenbei Army. They follow their lord, and their ultimate goal is to create a brand new big man.

They are the pioneers of a new era, and their names will be admired by the people of this world and remembered by the people of future generations!

The last ones to leave Yangzhou were Jia Xu, Huang Zhong and Zhang Liao, who settled the Shanyue people.

Then they set up defenses in various cities, and they left Yangzhou after everything was done.

Zhang Liao, Zhang Ren, and Chen Dao led the army back to Yizhou, handed it over to Liu Kai, and set up defenses in Yizhou.

After everything was ready, several people rushed towards Luoyang non-stop.

And Jia Xu, together with Huang Zhong and Guan Yu, stationed troops and horses in Xinzheng, and then marched towards Luoyang. Together with them, there was Sun Ce.

Galloping all the way, the wind and frost hit the face, boring and tasteless!But everyone's face was full of excited smiles.


Time slowly came to September 194.

July and August are the hottest months, which is what the people call the dog days!

But in September, bid farewell to the heat, and the breeze carried a ray of coolness that made people feel happy.

If Sili is the heart of the great man, then Luoyang is the heart of the great man!

The time has just arrived in September, and Luoyang exploded like a firecracker ignited by sparks!

Because every few days, a large army of varying numbers would enter Luoyang City.

On this day, another large army returned victoriously, and it was said that it was the future husband of the princess.

In one fell swoop in the south of the Yangtze River, he defeated the famous Jingxiang official who was said to be miraculous, and even the beautiful Zhou Lang Zhou Gongjin who was personally bestowed by their prince.

When the common people heard that Mei Zhoulang had returned in triumph, they walked out of the house one after another, holding ribbons and waving their hands to welcome the heroes.

On the attics on both sides of the road, windows were quietly opened.

Hidden in the window are twenty-eight-year-old women who cover their pretty faces with white gauze scarves.

At this time, they were looking at the majestic Zhenbei Army soldiers passing by downstairs with affection.

Their eyes fluttered and their brows were affectionate, if any soldier or general matched the person in their hearts.

They threw their personal handkerchiefs at the man, and in order to throw them more accurately, they also wrapped the sachets in the handkerchiefs.

The Zhenbei soldiers who received the handkerchief raised their heads in astonishment and looked at the woman behind the window.

Although they were a little excited, because of military regulations, they could only put their handkerchiefs in their pockets, and took a last look at the attic with nostalgia, and followed the large army.

And it was Zhou Yu who was walking at the forefront of this army. At this time, he was smiling wryly, looking at the dozens of handkerchiefs and sachets in his hand.

And beside Zhou Yu, it was Pang Tong who was riding a horse. At this time, Pang Tong was looking at Zhou Yu with envy.

Zhou Yu can't help but occupy a high position, and his appearance is impeccable, he is also a great talent, and he is very proficient in rhythm.

Each of them can make these girls crazy, not to mention Zhou Yu has all these in one body.

Among them, the most important of these things is appearance. People don't have much resistance to beautiful things.

Believe it or not, you can see that Pang Tong, who is only one arm away from Zhou Yu, has nothing in his hand.

Pang Tong is also proficient in rhythm, and Pang Tong is also proficient in talent, and he is not inferior to young talents from all walks of life, but his appearance is just a little bit worse.

But because of this appearance, he didn't receive even a handkerchief.

Even the soldiers behind received handkerchiefs, not to mention the handsome Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Tai Shici and others.

There were at least a dozen handkerchiefs in their hands. Even the angry Gan Ning and the mighty and serious Pound received quite a few handkerchiefs.

But he was the only one who didn't have Pang Tong, which made Pang Tong feel blocked and his teeth itched with hatred.

Looking at Zhou Yu who was still receiving handkerchiefs continuously, Pang Tong couldn't help saying sourly.

"Brother, if you walk around the market with these handkerchiefs, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you foolish brother to see you in the future!"

Zhou Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, and then asked Pang Tong with a puzzled expression.

"Oh? What do you think my brother said?"

Hearing this, Pang Tong glanced at Zhou Yu, and then answered slowly.

"Brother, you have been away for several months, the princess must miss you very much!"

Zhou Yu was shocked when he heard this, and thought that if Princess Wannian saw that she was holding another woman's handkerchief in her hand, her fate would be extremely miserable.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu wanted to throw away the handkerchief in his hand, but if he did so, he would definitely hurt the hearts of many women and cast a shadow on them.

Glancing at Pang Tong who was gloating, Zhou Yu hurriedly threw the handkerchief in his hand to Pang Tong.

"You can keep these handkerchiefs for brother Wei. Of course, if you take the handkerchief to meet these women, brother Wei has no objection!"

Looking at Pang Tong with a look of astonishment, Zhou Yu proudly raised his head, then patted his horse and rushed forward.

Seeing this, Pang Tong couldn't help rolling his eyes, and then followed Zhou Yu speechlessly.

As there were cheering people on both sides of the road, Zhou Yu, Pang Tong and others did not move fast.

They did not go to the palace or the barracks, but led more than 500 soldiers to the Zhenbei Palace.

Going to the palace is not now, but after a few days, all the generals have returned in triumph, waiting for the emperor to summon them.

Moreover, summoning them was just a formality, and the appointment of rewards had already been decided.

When he was [-] meters away from the palace, Zhou Yu had sharp eyes and saw a group of officials in Luoyang who were waiting for Liu Yu in front of the gate of the palace.

Seeing this, Zhou Yu turned pale with shock!Quickly distanced a hundred meters away, got off the horse, and said to the back at the same time.

"The lord came out of the mansion to welcome us, all dismounted, and walked to see the lord!"

When the generals heard the words, they hurriedly got off their horses, and then looked up.

Sure enough, he saw his master, waiting for him and others a hundred meters away.

Everyone couldn't help speeding up their pace, and at the same time they were extremely moved in their hearts.

What is the identity of the protagonist? !The whole big man, who deserves the lord to come out of the mansion to greet him in person? !

How can Zhou Yu and the others not be moved by how their lord treats them now?

Trotting all the way to Liu Yu's body, looking at Liu Yu, Zhou Yu and others who were smiling in front of them, their eyes turned red, and they knelt heavily on the ground.

"The last general, Zhou Yu, was ordered by the lord. After more than a month of fighting, he finally lived up to the lord's expectations and pacified Jiangdong and Jiangnan! Today, Yu, come and return!"

After Zhou Yu finished speaking, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Gan Ning and others behind him all bowed their hands to Liu Yu with red eyes and said loudly.

"Fortunately, the last general did not disgrace his life! Follow Zhou Shuai to pacify Jiangdong! Come and return!"


Chapter 540 Judging Yuan Shao


Liu Yu laughed out loud, and then raised his hand, motioning for everyone to get up.

"In the battle of Jingyang, our army won a complete victory. Today, the unification and the end of the chaotic war are all thanks to you!"

Seeing everyone's excited faces, Liu Yu's tone changed and he continued to speak.

"However, this is not the end, it's just the beginning! I, Liu Yu, are alive, and the war will not stop! I hope that we will continue to work hard in the future, and use the swords and guns in your hands to create an unprecedented and powerful Han Empire!"

When Zhou Yu and the others heard this, their breathing became heavy. They had known for a long time that their lord's ambition was not limited to a big man.

Now, the four directions are settled down, as long as he recuperates for a few years, then his lord's military front will shine again!

And what they can do is to use the swords and guns in their hands, use their wisdom, and use their lives to create the Great Han Empire in the mouth of their lord!

"My lord has an order, how dare I refuse to die?!"

A loud and orderly shout sounded outside the Zhenbei Prince's Mansion, startling a flock of birds.

The mansions of the court ministers on both sides of the road were cracked at the same time, revealing heads and melons.

It turned out that it was the servants and maids in the ministers' mansion who were attracted by the shouting, couldn't help being curious, and watched secretly.

Afterwards, they were panicked and dismissed by their respective housekeepers, dare to eavesdrop on King Zhenbei's conversation?Tired of living?

Liu Yu didn't care about these, but laughed, and then took the lead into the palace.

And behind him, followed by a group of generals of the Beibei Army whose faces were flushed with excitement.

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