Sun Jian gave Liu Yu the feeling that he was bold, without any scheming, and that he was a straightforward and tough man!

He must be the first in every battle, he fights bravely, and his own force is good, he is a rare fierce general, but now he has ended up dead.

Liu Yu was not surprised at Sun Jian's defeat to Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao, as the fourth generation and third prince, had the support of Yangzhou gentry, and his development momentum was much faster than Sun Jian's.

The name of Four Generations and Three Dukes is very resounding. In the era of chaotic wars at the end of Han Dynasty, it was like a dazzling gold star above the head, attracting the attention of talents.

In the previous life, Cao Cao also had a lot of civil and martial arts under his command, and Yuan Shao was the one who defected first.

But they saw that Yuan Shao was not the ideal master, so they turned around and voted for Cao Cao.

However, Sun Jian was born recklessly and was looked down upon by the gentry, and most of the talents were in the hands of the gentry.

This is why Sun Jian has not yet recruited a famous celebrity.

Liu Yu was also counted, because the gentry hated Liu Yu, and few of the great talents from the gentry took the initiative to defect to Liu Yu's command.

This is also why Cao Cao was so anxious to leave his identity after being an eunuch.

After Sun Jian died, Sun Ce came to power, and Sun Ce's bravery surpassed Sun Jian's, but his advisors and soldiers were Sun Ce's weaknesses.

Although Kuaiji County has a vast land and rich resources, it is sparsely populated, and only Kuaiji County is in hand.

Sun Ce and Yuan Shao faced each other, and Liu Yu didn't like Sun Ce, and now Zhou Yu was not by Sun Ce's side to advise him.

On the other hand, Yuan Shao now has a lot of talents under his command, and the Jiangbei counties are also in Yuan Shao's hands. The Jiangbei counties have a large population and the people are relatively wealthy.

There is also the support of the gentry. If Sun Ce is smart enough, he will join Liu Yu with his family.

If Sun Ce chooses to continue to confront Yuan Shao, it is very likely that the Sun family will be completely destroyed, but it all depends on how Sun Ce chooses!

Compared with the Yangzhou battlefield, Liu Yu is more concerned about the Qingzhou battlefield. In the war between Cao Cao and Liu Bei, Liu Yu feels that Cao Cao has a better chance of winning.

Even if some talents have defected to Liu Bei's command recently, but in contrast to Cao Cao's camp, Guo Jiaxi Zhicai Chen Gong and so on.

Generals also include Xiahou Dun, Xiahouyuan, Cao Hong, Cao Ren, Xu Chulejin and so on.With such a strong camp, the possibility of Cao Cao losing is very small.

But Liu Yu was still a little worried, but he couldn't help Cao Cao right now.

But if Cao Cao is in mortal danger, Liu Yu will not hesitate to help.

Liu Yu's expectations for Cao Cao are very high. If Liu Bei really makes progress, then Liu Yu doesn't mind keeping him in Qingzhou forever!

Therefore, Liu Yu ordered the members of the film department of the Huangxu faction to keep an eye on the Qingzhou battlefield, and report to Liu Yu as soon as possible if there is any accident.

Just as Liu Yu was flipping through the information in his hand, there was a knock on the door in the study.

"Come in!"

After Liu Yu finished speaking, Dian Wei's shiny bald head stuck out.

"My lord, Gongsun Zan of Youzhou sent his son to Luoyang, saying that he wants to see the lord! Do you want to send him away?"

Hearing this, Liu Yu glared at Dian Wei, then stood up, stretched, and said.

"Shut your mouth and call Mr. Gongda here! If you say any more, this king will send you away!"

Dian Wei shrank his neck when he heard the words, and retracted his shiny head outside the door, then let go of his maid and went to find Xun You.


When Liu Yu came to the hall of the palace, he saw a handsome young man sitting on the side of the hall at a glance.

Seeing the appearance of this young man, who is [-]% similar to Gongsun Zan, this young man must be Gongsun Zan's son, Gongsun Xu.

Gongsun Xu saw a person walking into the door, with a tall and straight figure, a white face, bright eyes, and an impeccable appearance.

And he exudes an indescribable noble aura around him, how could Gongsun Xu not know that this person is Liu Yu, King of Zhenbei?

I saw Gongsun Xu stood up nervously, a little at a loss, and stammered his respectful greetings to Liu Yu.

"My nephew has met the prince, the prince has been... well..."

After Gongsun continued speaking, his face turned red instantly, and he wished he could slap himself.


When Liu Yu heard what Gongsun Xu said, he first laughed, then stepped forward and patted Gongsun Xu on the shoulder, and said in his mouth.

"Nephew, don't be nervous. This king and your father, Sun Zan, have been friends for many years. You don't need to call me prince anymore. Just call me uncle!"

After Liu Yu finished speaking, he pressed Gongsun Xu to the seat, and then Liu Yu came to the first seat in the hall and sat down, and said to Gongsun Xu with a smile on his face.

"I don't know if your father, Gongsun Zan, sent a virtuous nephew here, what's the important thing? My virtuous nephew just say it's okay!"

After Gongsun Xu heard the words, he bowed to Liu Yu again, and then said to Liu Yu respectfully.

"My uncle, my father sent my nephew to Luoyang because my father intends to form an alliance with my uncle to fight against the alliance of southern princes."

Seeing that Liu Yu didn't speak, but stared at him with a smile on his face, Gongsun Xu spoke again.

"Uncle has repeatedly sent troops to help my father to save Youzhou. When my father was in danger, my father was angry with the southern princes' alliance against my uncle, so my father wanted to form an alliance with my uncle!"

Liu Yu nodded upon hearing the words, neither happy nor sad in his heart, still with a kind smile on his face.

"But your father is in Youzhou, not connected with the southern princes, how can you support me?"

Perhaps touched by Liu Yu's kind smile, Gongsun Xu was no longer nervous at this time, and he was no longer stuttering, but in an orderly manner.

"My father said that if the southern princes join forces and dare to attack my uncle's territory, then my father will exhaust the power of Youzhou and enter Jizhou to support uncle!"

Hearing this, Liu Yu showed a gratified smile on his face, sat up straight, and Liu Yu continued to smile at Gongsun.

"Your father really has a heart. When you go back, I will thank your father on behalf of the king!"

After Gongsun Xu heard the words, he saluted Liu Yu again, and then said solemnly.

"Uncle is serious. The so-called, receiving the favor of dripping water, should be repaid by the spring. Uncle has sent troops to support Youzhou more than once. If uncle sent troops to support, there might not be today's Youzhou. My father may have fought a long time ago. If you die on the battlefield, there won’t be my Gongsun Xu!”

After all, Gongsun Xu stood up, knelt down respectfully in front of Liu Yu, and said with a very solemn expression.

"Uncle, I want to thank Gongsun Xu, on behalf of Youzhou, on behalf of my father, thank you uncle for your great kindness to Youzhou!"

Seeing this, Liu Yu hurried forward a few steps, helped Gongsun Xu up, and complained.

"Nephew, don't kneel down at every turn! Your father, Gongsun Zan, is a heroic man, loyal to the emperor and patriotic! Besides, as the prince of a great man, why would he refuse to save the people of Youzhou?"

When Liu Yu said this, he turned around, looked towards the distant direction of Youzhou, and spoke again.

"Besides, I have been rewarded for saving your father! Now that Youzhou has been pacified, the people can live with peace of mind. Isn't this the greatest reward for this king?!"

When Gongsun Xu heard the words, he was so excited that his eyes turned red.

He has regarded Liu Yu as his idol since he was a child, and now he has heard Liu Yu's words, and he admires Liu Yu even more in his heart.


Chapter 387 A True Hero

Liu Yu chatted with Gongsun Xu for a long time, and Gongsun Xu refused Liu Yu's request to stay, and got up and returned to Youzhou with a satisfied face.

After Gongsun Xu's figure completely disappeared, Liu Yu turned his head to the side door and asked.

"Gongda, what do you think of this Gongsun Xu? Does Gongsun Zan have evil intentions?"

After Liu Yu finished speaking, Xun You's figure slowly walked out from the side door.

"My lord, from the perspective of you, Gongsun Zan's intentions are nothing more than three kinds. One is to sincerely want to help the lord, and the other is to send Gongsun Xu to appease the lord, and then he can develop in Youzhou without hesitation!"

Speaking of this, Xun You paused, with a serious face, and said to Liu Yu.

"The last method is to cover one's eyes, secretly unite with the southern princes, and then send people here to pretend to form an alliance, and then deal a heavy blow to our army's rear!"

Hearing this, Liu Yu frowned, looked at Xun You with a gloomy expression, and asked Xun You in a cold tone.

"In Gongda's opinion, which of these three situations is the most likely to happen?"

Hearing this, Xun You lowered his head and pondered for a long time, then raised his head and said to Liu Yu.

"My lord! No matter which Gongsun Zan chooses, the worst case is the third one, but as long as we are prepared, Gongsun Zan will not succeed!"

Hearing this, Liu Yu frowned tightly, but did not let go. He lowered his head and thought for a while, then sighed and muttered to himself.

"Hey, I hope this Gongsun Zan doesn't seek his own death..."


Here, Ji Ling led [-] soldiers and horses, went out of Ruyang all the way to the east, passed Xinyang City, Peiguo Zhuyi, and directly entered Xuzhou Pengcheng Kingdom.

Jian Yong discovered Yuan Shujun's change at the first time. Pengcheng Kingdom is adjacent to Xiapi. If Pengcheng Kingdom is destroyed, then Xiapi will be in danger!

So Jian Yong gathered all the forces in Xuzhou, and ordered Wu Anguo and Pei Yuanshao to lead [-] soldiers and horses into Pengcheng Kingdom, and must resist Ji Ling in Lu County.

Now, it is a critical moment for his lord to be in Qingzhou, and he, Jian Yong, must help his lord to guard Xuzhou well!

Wu Anguo led an army of [-]. After arriving in Lu County, he immediately led his soldiers to take precautions.

When Wu Anguo made all the preparations, Ji Ling's army just arrived at Lu County.

Wu Anguo was sticking to the city and had no intention of going to war, which made Ji Ling a little helpless. He planned to bypass Lu County and directly enter the hinterland of Xuzhou.

However, when Ji Ling's army bypassed Lu County, Wu Anguo led [-] soldiers and horses and headed straight for Yuzhou.

Ji Ling had no choice but to lead his troops back to help, and besieged Wu Anguo's army in Lu County again.

If you want to defeat Xiapi, you must defeat the [-] army.

Although it was said that Wu Anguo's [-] troops might not be able to defeat Runan, Ji Ling didn't dare to gamble.

Even if Wu Anguo couldn't defeat Runan, his lord's heart would be gloomy, so after Ji Ling returned to Yuzhou, he would have no good fruit to eat.

Therefore, Ji Ling began to attack Lu County with all his strength. Lu County is a county seat with low walls and it is not easy to hold on. However, there are also [-] troops stationed in the city, so it is really not easy for Ji Ling to capture.

Who would have thought that Lu County, a little-known small county, would stage a tragic siege battle with an army of more than [-] troops?


Qingzhou Beihai, Liu Bei's temporary residence.

At this time, Liu Bei was looking at the secret letter sent by Zhou Cang and Chen Deng with joy.

The letter stated that Zhou Cang and Chen Deng had successfully persuaded Zhang Yan to surrender.

At this time, Zhou Cang and Zhang Yan were leading the 20 Yellow Turban Army and were in the territory of Le'an.

"Hahaha! General Zhou Cang is indeed a blessed general! Now that all the yellow scarves in Qingzhou have been conquered, there will be no more bandits in Qingzhou!"

It was Tai Shici who was sitting at Liu Bei's striker's position. At this time, Tai Shici was looking at the happy Liu Bei with doubts on his face.

Seemingly sensing Tai Shici's suspicious gaze, Liu Bei straightened his sitting posture, stabilized his mind, and then explained to Tai Shici with embellishments.

After hearing this, Tai Shici looked at Liu Bei with admiration. This is the real hero. He can solve the chaos in Yizhou without bloodshed, and take 20 yellow scarves for his own use.

Moreover, Liu Bei is benevolent and righteous, treats the people like relatives, and has the world in his heart. This is the master in his Tai Shici's heart.

It seemed that he felt the will in Tai Shici's eyes, which made Liu Bei happy again.

So Liu Bei decided to strike while the iron was hot, and took Tai Shici under his command.

Liu Bei suddenly turned bitter, and said to Tai Shici in a sad tone.

"Brother Ziyi, since the Yellow Turban, the world has been in chaos, the princes have stood on their own, and the Han Dynasty has fallen! Although Bei has the heart to help the Han Dynasty, he has no power to support the Han Dynasty. Bei can only guard Youzhou and do some practical things for the people!"

Speaking of this, Liu Bei's tone became more and more sad, and he looked at Tai Shici, his eyes gradually turned red.

"I, Liu Bei, have lived for [-] years! I can't share my worries for you, and I can't appease the people. Now, I can only guard Xuzhou, thinking of doing my part for the emperor and the big man! Fortunately, the heavens are pitiful, and now the Yellow Turban in Qingzhou is pacified , so that brother is one step closer to his goal!"

When Tai Shici heard this, he only felt his nose sore, and he admired Liu Bei's broad-mindedness even more in his heart, as well as his dedication to serve the country and the people.

"Hearing my brother's words, I, Tai Shi Ci, am ashamed to death! I, Tai Shi Ci, am now twenty-four, and I can't do anything!"

Speaking of this, Tai Shici sighed, turned his gaze to the north, and then spoke with admiration.

"I think Liu Yu, the King of Zhenbei, dared to lead the army to chase and kill Qianghu when he was young! He is a young hero, and now he has pacified the grassland and completely solved the danger of the Han border! The merit will last forever! This is what a man does! "

After finishing speaking, Tai Shici turned his head to Liu Bei again, with admiration in his eyes.

"Listening to my elder brother's words now, Ci feels even more shameless standing between heaven and earth! I didn't expect two heroes to appear in my big man at the same time. It's really my luck!"

Hearing this, Liu Bei felt a pain in his heart. He hated others comparing himself with Liu Yu.

What was even more disgusting was that others praised Liu Yu in front of him.

Could it be that Liu Yu is his nemesis? !Wherever you go, you can hear Liu Yu's name? !

I have spread rumors everywhere to blackmail Liu Yu, but the effect is still unsatisfactory.

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