At this time, the car was driving on a long and narrow road. Cars like them could only accommodate two parallel cars on this narrow road, and it was the only way to return to the ancestral home of the Shem Leopard tribe.

A cold light appeared in the next instant.Dozens of cold lights, almost like lightning, flashed out from the walls on both sides out of thin air.

The leopard demon pulling the cart subconsciously wants to dodge, and the four eighth-order leopard demons on both sides also use the leopard flash to rush forward, rushing to the wall to meet the enemy, and the flash leopard king in the car wants to use the leopard flash to rush out. A car, with its speed, is easier to use in the outside space.

However, at this moment, they were all surprised to find that the surrounding space became distorted. No matter who they were, they couldn't use Leopard Flash at this moment, or it didn't work. The distorted space abruptly blocked their actions.

This also made the Flash Leopard Monster feel a little bit of using the wrong force, and let out a muffled snort.

The space fluctuations around the Flash Leopard King's body twisted violently, and it was urging the power of its own blood to disperse the changes in the surrounding space.And at this moment, those dozens of cold lights had already flashed.

With a faint white light, each crossbow arrow is so sharp.

The flash leopard demons who failed to perform the flash can only use their sharp claws to catch the trajectory of those crossbow arrows.And in their view, because the surrounding space is distorted, this distorted space should also have the same effect on these crossbow bolts, and they cannot be shot at them.

However, contrary to expectations, when those crossbow arrows were approaching, they seemed to be dodging deliberately, or the distorted space seemed to be dodging them deliberately.Those crossbow arrows penetrated through the space gap.

"Puff puff puff..."

The leopard demon pulling the cart was shot into a hornet's nest in an instant, and the powerful crossbow arrows were not something their blood could resist.

Even the four eighth-rank leopard monsters were severely injured.They have obviously stimulated the power of the blood to make the hair tough, and they have obviously resisted it with sharp claws.However, these crossbow arrows could be shot into their bodies from tricky angles, and the blood force running in their bodies stopped at that moment, and were shot by the crossbow arrows at the most vulnerable time.

The four eighth-level flash leopard demons screamed almost in unison, and fell to the ground one after another. Although they did not die, they were already severely injured.

At this moment, after those dozens of cold lights, three huge crossbow arrows came side by side.Each of these three crossbow arrows is two meters long, as thick as an arm, with a sharp cold light on it, covered with two kinds of brilliance, white and gold, and there are faintly distorted light waves on it.

Flash Leopard King couldn't break free from the control of the space for the first time, and his heart was already filled with horror.Who can block it with space?It is ready to come out in its heart.Only the Peacock Monster Race is best at controlling the power of space!

The leopard flash cannot be used, and it dare not stay in the car, directly smashing the side and rushing out of the car.

And the moment it rushed out, the three huge crossbow arrows had already arrived close.

The evil wind blowing from the crossbow made the hairs of the Flash Leopard King stand on end, what the hell is this?

Not daring to be negligent, it raised its sharp claws almost instantly, and the yellow light bloomed on its body, which was already urging the power of its own blood with all its strength.

But at this moment, it suddenly felt that its body was suddenly frozen, and it was even more shocked to find that among the three crossbow bolts, there was an extra person on the central one.The person wearing the mask was slapping it with a seemingly innocuous palm. Under the pressure of this palm, the blood power gathered by King Shanbao, as well as everything around him, seemed to stop instantly down.

This pause was so fatal, the surrounding space was distorted again in an instant, and the connection of the previous space oppression had just been broken.

This is the common oppression of time and space.Even if the Flash Leopard King is already at the peak of the ninth rank, he will be suppressed for this moment.And this moment is often eternity.

"Puff puff puff!" The three huge crossbow arrows did not directly tear apart the strong body of the Flash Leopard King, but pierced through its entire torso.

A petite figure appeared from behind it at this moment, and a pair of sharp claws had grabbed its carotid artery from both sides, tearing it apart instantly, and blood spurted wildly for a while.

The blood power in Flash Leopard King's body exploded in an instant, and the three giant crossbows on his body were instantly shattered, and the powerful blood power of the ninth level bloomed like a storm.

It has been fatally injured, but it is different from the Wind Wolf King that day. It is not poisoned. It has a ninth-order peak cultivation base and has a very strong vitality. Even if it is dead, it will desperately launch the final blow .

However, at this moment, the man who was standing in front of the crossbow before, the eyes under the mask suddenly turned purple, and two glaring purple lights penetrated into its pupils instantly, causing it to fall into an instant. In a state of mental shock, the sea of ​​spirit surged violently, and he could no longer control his blood.

The wounds on the chest caused by the bursting of the three giant crossbows, as well as the wounds on the main arteries on both sides, spurted blood instantly.Almost in an instant, at least one-third of the blood in its body was spurted out, scattering in all directions.

And the man in front of it pulled his hands around, and the spurted blood was actually sucked in front of him under his pull, and poured into a big bottle.

The neck nerve center of Queen Flash Leopard was cut off in time by the sharp claws behind her.

Undoubtedly, it was Shura and Young Master Mei who did the fighting.

Kill the Flash Leopard King and put away the bottle of Flash Leopard King's blood.Shura didn't pause for a moment, his figure flickered, and he quickly stepped on the necks of the other four eighth-level flash leopards.He also did not go to collect the blood of other flash leopards.With a low voice, "Clean the battlefield."

Young Master Mei also acted quickly, recovering one by one the crossbow arrows that had shot through Flash Leopard's body.After confirming that there was nothing left, even the fragments of the giant crossbow were taken away, and then he quickly got up and moved away from the scene.

From the launch of the crossbow bolt to the end of the entire battle, it only took a dozen breaths before and after.It can be said to be a one-hit kill, instantly fleeing away.Everything is as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water.A ninth-order peak powerhouse was ended in their hands.

Young Master Mei followed behind Shura, looking at him who was walking fast in front of him, his beautiful eyes sparkled brightly.

2Chapter 16 The doubts of the beautiful son

The entire attack process was carried out according to Shura's arrangement. Although she had many doubts in her mind at this time, she must admit that the entire process of killing the Flash Leopard King just now can be described as smooth.From the beginning to the end, the Flash Leopard King was not given any chance to make a move, not even a decent attack.

That's a ninth-order peak powerhouse, it's simply unbelievable.In fact, she still has a backhand, which is to deal with them when they can't complete the assassination, but the backhand is useless at all.Everything is over.

After walking through the streets and alleys and quickly away from the battlefield, Shura stopped at a street corner.

"I'm leaving, you go back and clean up the clothes quickly, so as not to leave any smell, and then go back to the academy early." He whispered to Young Master Mei.

"Wait." Young Master Mei grabbed his sleeve, "Don't leave yet... I have something to ask you."

"What?" Shura froze for a moment.

"How did you know it was going to rush out of the carriage from there?" Young Master Mei asked suspiciously.The three giant crossbows shot in one direction, but there was no arrangement at all on the other side of the carriage.This phenomenon is very abnormal.Could this also be predicted?

And she didn't understand how those crossbows in front passed through her own space blockade. The space in that area was obviously distorted, and any object would be affected after entering that area.

"Also, did you use the power of space to block it later? Otherwise, why would it not have the ability to dodge at all, and the last hit, why did it suddenly spurt blood without moving?"

Shura chuckled, "It turns out that you want what you want? Alright, I'll go first. Safety first. The first creed of an assassin is to escape as soon as possible. Let's talk about it next time." Standing up, he left quickly without giving Young Master Mei a chance to continue asking.

Young Master Mei stood on the spot, frowning slightly, quickly removed the black clothes on his body, revealing the skirt inside, and changed in an instant.

And the next moment, a figure came out from the shadows, "He should have noticed me. He left in a hurry to avoid me. This person is really powerful."

Young Master Mei looked at the figure beside him, with a tulle on his face, and his whole body seemed to be hidden in nothingness, and asked, "Is he at the god level?"

"It's hard to say, and I can't judge clearly. But he is willing to help you in this way, and his goal is the same as ours. I asked Zhang Haoxuan, and Zhang Haoxuan said that he didn't fully understand Shura's origin. What is certain is that it is Youfei enemy."

The beautiful son frowned slightly, "Can I really trust him?"

"In the process of assassinating the Flash Leopard King just now, he used the power of time and space at the same time. This alone is the only thing I have ever seen in my life. Even among the big demon kings of the monster clan, no one can have both. These two abilities. What's more, there is the powerful hidden weapon. The most terrifying thing is that I suspect that he has manipulated luck. This is why your space blockade failed to block those crossbow arrows. Collect luck, time, Space, the three major abilities in one body, this is too scary."

"Luck? Tianhu Transformation? This..., this is impossible... Could it be that he is the one from the Salvation Academy..." The pupils of the beautiful young man dilated a little.

"No, no. That kid from the Salvation Academy is far behind, his cultivation level is far behind, and his figure is not right. Well, let's go back first. There will be another commotion in the city soon."

"Will it affect it?" Young Master Mei whispered.

"That's not something we should worry about, and in a way, it's kind of tied."


The figure flickered, and the two quickly moved away.

Shura drilled into the Kerry Mountains again, and every time he entered the Kerry Mountains, it would bring him a sense of security.The luck attached to his body was always there, and he didn't stop until he had no premonition of crisis, and quickly took off his clothes.

After a series of crackling bones, his figure shrunk slightly, took off the mask, and regained his original appearance.

After taking a long breath, a faint smile appeared on his face.

After breaking through to the seventh level of cultivation, everything has changed.If he didn't have a seventh-order cultivation base today, it would be unrealistic to kill the Flash Leopard King just like that.After all, that is the ninth-order peak powerhouse.

His plan is actually very simple, that is, to set up a killing trap on the only way.Large crossbows and super long crossbows made overnight.All crossbow arrows cannot be made of Ugin, only arrowheads.The back is all wood, so it will be blown to pieces.But none of that matters.

The luck blessed by the fifth-level Tianhu Transformation increased the power of his Godly Zhuge Crossbow so much that even the eighth-level powerhouse would inevitably be severely injured.

He transformed the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, and at the cost of increasing its size, strengthened the attack power of the Godly Zhuge Crossbow.A total of three Godly Zhuge Crossbows were fired at the same time, and what was attached was no longer a single magic circle, but a double magic circle.At the same time, it has the power of Tianhu Bian and Jinpeng Bian.

The speed and sharpness of the Jinpeng Transformation, and the deepening luck of the Tianhu Transformation.Even the space blockade can't stop it.

As for why the three giant crossbows chose that direction, that was Tang San's direct choice. After buffing the Heavenly Fox Transformation's Luck, the Luck would guide the Flash Leopard King to rush out from that place. , which would be its subconscious behavior.

And on top of the three giant crossbows, Tang San painstakingly blessed multiple powers.Jinpeng Bian, Tianhu Bian, and Time Bian.

The time freeze of the time change, plus the time freeze that he used to teleport to appear above the crossbow and cast it again at the same time, under the double freeze, even the ninth-level peak powerhouse will be frozen for a moment, and he can no longer hide.What's more, he also cast a space blockade, taking over from Mr. Mei's blockade.

With so many controls, coupled with the mental impact of Ziji Demon Eyes, the Flash Leopard King, under control and control, obviously has a powerful bloodline, but he just doesn't have the slightest chance to display it.

The flash leopards themselves are not good at defense, so there is no possibility of survival.

This raid can be described as perfect, and the kill was completed in the shortest time.It was also the first time Tang San used his abilities continuously after reaching the seventh level of cultivation.

It is precisely because of the seventh-order realm that he is able to release multiple demon god transformations at the same time, so that his Zhuge God Crossbow can bless multiple demon god transformation abilities at the same time.It is precisely because of the support of the soul core and spiritual core after the seventh level that he has enough skill to continue to drive all these things without being beyond his power.

It is definitely something to be proud of to kill the enemy by two and a half steps.Although he and Mr. Mei are not ordinary seventh ranks, seventh ranks are seventh ranks!The seventh-order kills the ninth-order peak.Even if someone pointed out that Mr. Mei did it, no one would believe it.What's more, he also killed four eighth-level flash leopard demons at the same time, not counting the ones pulling the cart.

Except for the scars left by the crossbow arrows, which would be considered a little flaw, allowing the monsters to recognize that they were part of the group that hunted King Kong bears, other aspects can be said to be flawless.

That giant crossbow, Tang San put it away quickly after dismantling it, it will still be useful in the future.This thing, as long as it doesn't have the terrifying defense of the elephant race, it is almost impossible for a body below the god level to block its attack.

Tang San did feel that there were people watching in the dark, but it didn't bring him any sense of threat.With the judgment of Lingxi Tianyan, he didn't panic in his heart, and vaguely understood that it should be the second hand arranged by Young Master Mei.It's not the first time it's been felt either.So after completing the assassination, he left quickly, not wanting to be entangled by the other party.

2Chapter 17 Riot

If it wasn't for Young Master Mei, he would not have taken such a risk.But he also believed that after passing this time, Young Master Mei's trust in him should increase a bit.

And not long after they completed the assassination, when the bodies of the Flash Leopard King and his party were found, the entire Kerry City immediately caused an uproar.

The Peacock Demon King received the news immediately.

It was very surprised when it received the news.Another one died?

He was the eldest son of the Wind Wolf King and King Kong Bear King before, but this time it was the turn of the Flash Leopard King.What makes it most helpless is that this assassination happened just after the meeting.It is impossible not to be suspected.

The Flash Leopard King had just declined its support, and died as soon as he went out.This makes other races think. .

"Report, Lord City Master. The two deer kings are here."

"Let them in." Rubbing between her brows, Wang Qing said in a deep voice.

The Consonant Deer Demon King and the Golden Deer Demon King walked in almost at the same time.

As soon as the Golden Deer Demon King entered the door, he couldn't help but said: "City Master, the Flash Leopard King is dead. This..., isn't it a little too urgent."

Although the Rhinoceros Demon King didn't speak, he frowned.

The Golden Deer Demon King went on to say: "It's a time when people's hearts are floating in the city. City Lord, we shouldn't be so hasty to act, it will cause chaos. Moreover, the previous two incidents will be drawn to you!"

"If I say I didn't do it, do you believe it?" The Peacock Demon King said calmly.

The Golden Deer Demon King was stunned for a moment, "No, it's not you? Then who has the strength to kill the Flash Leopard silently? It is not far from the god level, and it has always been hoped that after breaking through the god level Being able to lead the group to a higher level, that's why we are cautious in everything. Although it is not a good thing, it is indeed stronger than the Wind Wolf King. Frankly speaking, even if Lingxi and I want to kill it, it is not a good thing. So easy."

"We went to see the scene, Lingxi, tell me."

The rhinoceros deer demon nodded, and said: "The scene was handled very cleanly, and there was not much elemental fluctuation left in the air. It is not easy to deal with the elemental fluctuation so cleanly. Also, from the situation of the Flash Leopard Look, there are no traces of it fighting, but the wound is very tragic. There is a huge penetrating wound on the chest. It looks like it was injured by a heavy weapon. The neck was scratched open by sharp claws, and the arteries on both sides and the central nervous system were completely severed Most of the blood on his body was also taken away. Judging from the situation at the scene, it should have been killed in a short time, and a face-to-face meeting is basically over."

"Even if it is a god-level demon king who wants to kill it so quickly, it is very difficult. After all, although the flash leopard is not particularly powerful, its ability to dodge and escape is top-notch. It is so invisible, One hit kills. The strength of the Great Demon King is the most possible."

The peacock demon king said: "I have been here since you left, you know it best. You have just left for a while. Judging from the time, do you think I will be in time?"

The Golden Deer Demon smiled wryly and said: "We believe that you are fine, but you are not the only big demon king in the Peacock Clan. Now the rumors are going crazy. The whole city is in chaos. The Shanbao Clan is collecting the corpses, More flash leopards are gathering there. If they are not dealt with in time, there may be troubles. Vajra bears, flaming demon lions, and red foxes have also passed by. They are a bit sad now. This matter cannot be dealt with. If so..."

The Peacock Demon King said indifferently: "Go, follow me to have a look."

With that said, it stood up and strode out.The Consonant Deer Demon King and the Golden Deer Demon King hurriedly followed.

After leaving the hall, the three great demon kings rose into the sky and headed straight for the place where the accident happened.

Soon, looking down from the air, they could see that several streets in an area were already full of monsters, with the largest number of flash leopard monsters, and all kinds of noisy shouts came and went.

The outer circle is more for spectators, while the inner circle is dominated by the Flash Leopard Demon. The burly bodies of the Flame Demon Lion King and King Kong Bear King are clearly visible.

The peacock demon king fell from the sky and landed on the wall next to the street.

A huge coercion burst out from it, the suppressed noisy surroundings stopped suddenly, and many eyes all focused on it.

"The city lord is here, get out of the way." Lingxilu Demon King shouted in a deep voice.

The powerful members of the Flash Leopard Clan looked at the Great Peacock Demon King with resentment on their faces. Obviously, they already knew that the Flash Leopard King rejected the city lord's invitation during the meeting.

These Shanbao clansmen had no intention of getting out of the way at all.

The peacock demon king descended from the sky, and without seeing how it moved, a large area around it was pushed away by overwhelming coercion and squeezed outward.

Not only those flashing leopards, but even the Lie Yan Demon Lion King and Vajra Bear King were pushed out, and their expressions changed drastically.

In a section of the narrow road about 50 meters long, apart from the corpses on the ground, only the peacock demon king and the rhinoceros deer demon king and the golden deer demon king following behind him remained.

"City Lord, you!" a strong Leopard clan shouted sharply.But in the next moment, it was suppressed and lying on the ground.

"Those who take things out of context before clarifying the matter, kill!" The peacock demon king said lightly, and its eyes also fell on the Vajra Bear King and the Flaming Demon Lion King.

The bodies of the two demon kings trembled, and with the pride of the Lie Yan Demon Lion King, they both lowered their heads subconsciously at this time.

In fact, when they saw the body of the Flash Leopard King for the first time, their first reaction was shock, and the next reaction was shock and anger.But at this moment, when the peacock demon king came and overwhelmed the audience, they felt a little more trembling in their hearts.

The death of the Flash Leopard King was too tragic, and how long has it been?Just now we were talking and having a meeting together.In an instant, there was a separation between yin and yang.The Flash Leopard King, who has no consciousness, can't even leave a little bit of consciousness left, and he can't die anymore.

The Peacock Demon King squatted down and inspected the body of the Flash Leopard King. He inspected it very carefully, especially for several wounds, and even checked the head of the Flash Leopard King.

After a while, he stood up again and said to the King Kong Bear King, the Flame Demon Lion King and the temporary leader of the Flash Leopard Clan: "Come here."

The Red Fox Demon King had been shrunk in the distance before, but now he has come over and said in a low voice: "Everyone, don't be impulsive, let's see what the city lord has to say."

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