She thought she would be praised by the master.

In the bedroom on the third floor, Goethe was lying on the bed, and he could still hear the voice of the maid cleaning up the tableware. He couldn't understand why Maria would learn those weird recipes.

The food that is obviously cooked normally is delicious.

Is it for excellence?

Is it just that the direction is wrong?

Shaking his head, Goethe, who couldn't figure it out for a while, began to wait patiently.

He was waiting for Andy Nan.

About an hour later, there was a knock on the door of 11 Kimmel Street.

The young man appeared at the door with three of his bodyguards.

Signaling the three bodyguards to wait outside the door, the young man walked to the reception room on the second floor under Maria's guidance.

"Would you like something to drink?"

Goethe asked with a smile.


Andinan said.

"Maria, bring me a cup of tea and a cup of coffee."

Goethe ordered.

And when the maid brought the drink and exited the reception room, Andinan did not hesitate, and immediately took out a burnt note and placed it in front of Goethe.

"This is my mother's relic!"

said the young man.

Goethe picked up the charred note.

Goethe has no way of knowing the complete number of pages in the notebook, but based on the residual ratio of the two sides of the cover that is still intact, the truly complete notebook should be a circle larger than the palm of an adult male, and now only about a third of the way.

At this level, let alone Goethe's 'Tufu language' without even a foundation, even if he is proficient in the 'Tufu language' in the true sense, Goethe would not be able to understand what is written in it.

However, this does not prevent Goethe from saying.

"I need to transcribe it."

"Afterwards, I'll give it back to you."

"of course."

The young man did not refuse.

If possible, he absolutely does not want to lose his mother's relics.

Now Goethe is just transcribing, and the young man is naturally very happy.

Goethe copied it carefully.

About half an hour later, Goethe transcribed the remaining thirteen pages in his notebook—Goethe marked the number according to the original number of pages in the notebook.

"Have you discovered anything?"

Andy Nan asked.

"It still takes time to decipher. What do you think about the party at night?"

Goethe changed the subject without a trace.

"I plan to form a small trade fair—of course, a fair that is dominated by us. We will hold it and make it a routine as much as possible, and then get what we want from it."

"In order to achieve this goal, I had some plans before, but it was not safe. Fortunately, you showed up."

"Let us achieve our goals more smoothly."

"So, this small trade fair will eventually focus on 'you'."

"I just need to know the truth about my mother's death - you need to guarantee that."

Andinan did not hide his thoughts, and at the same time, made a promise.

Just as Goethe commented, the young man in front of him is quite a smart person.

And, know what you want.

"What is your plan?"

Goethe asked.

"Show my strength and convince them - I can use balloons and phosphorus to create will-o'-the-wisps, and convex lenses and light curtains to create phantoms..."

"The flaw is too big!"

"It's hard to hide it from someone who cares!"


"Just being powerful is not enough to convince them!"

Goethe interrupted the young man's words, and then gave his suggestion.

"Can you act?"


The young man was taken aback.



Goethe nodded, and then said in a low voice——

"You need to make yourself feel like a..."


Chapter 69 Party!

So far, among the many extraordinary people, who left the deepest impression on Goethe?

The owner of the pine nut hotel with a lot of money?

Layout far-reaching 'Flesh Church'?

Do not!


The 'mist killer' who had been killed by him was the guy who impressed him the most.

Naturally, the other party was his first extraordinary enemy.

But the madness of the 'Mist in the Mist' is also extremely important.

Therefore, when Andinan suggested convincing those who might be superhumans, Goethe almost subconsciously thought of the 'Mist in the Mist'.

Is there anything scarier than a madman?

A powerful madman, of course!

After Goethe made a suggestion, Andinan's eyes lit up.

The clever young man caught Goethe's mind in an instant.

Moreover, Andinan believed in Goethe's professional advice.

Mystery and madness, Ben is like a pair of twins, convincing enough.

If not?

That would cost him his life!

"I understand!"

The young man nodded vigorously.

After that, the two began to discuss the details in detail.

Soon, night fell.

Carriages drove to No. 6 Castle Street.

Compared with Kimmel Street, which is close to the core of Hestings, Castle Street is already located in the core of Hestings, just one step away from the castle and palace of the royal family.

At No. 6 Castle Street at night, because of this party, the gate has already been opened, revealing the spraying fountain. A well-trained waiter is waiting there, leading a well-dressed guest into the party hall .

Goethe, who was hiding in the dark, looked at these guests.

There are 4 people in total, each of whom looks quite wealthy.

The carriage he was riding in was no less than Goethe's carriage, and there was no lack of gold and silver in the accessories on his body, and one of them even wore a gemstone brooch.

Goethe was not surprised by this.

Although it is not absolute, those who have access to 'extraordinary knowledge' should all have a wealthy family background.

After all, books are not cheap in this day and age.

Moreover, most of the people who have the ability and time to read are those who do not worry about their livelihood.

As for ordinary people's access to 'extraordinary knowledge'?

There may be.

But very few.

When he was in his hometown, a Master Lu once said that 'all roads lead to Rome, but some people are born in Rome' - Goethe couldn't remember exactly who said it, so he thought it was Master Lu Said.

It's realistic and ironic.

In other words, it is because of irony that it is reality.

In the slums of Hestings, many people will die because of a disease without money for medical treatment, but the middle class not far away will think about what to eat to look decent, and which salon to go to on weekends Let their class appear to be rising, but the real rich think about how to treat the middle class as leeks and let them be cut off willingly.

Food for the poor.

The middle class is for face.

The rich are stable.

Therefore, the joys and sorrows of human beings are not interlinked.

Goethe looked towards the noisy hall.

As the guests arrived one after another, Andy Nan's performance began——

The young man signaled the waiter to leave. After the bodyguard stood guard outside the door, he invited the four guests to sit on the sofa. The hall, which had already been vacated, was so empty that it was a bit quiet.

Moreover, the few candles made the entire hall even darker.

"I am very glad that everyone can come as promised."

Andinan sat there and said in a joyful voice.

Then, the voice became muffled.

"I also hope that everyone will not disappoint me."

The candlelight flickered, making Andinan's face faintly visible.

A strange feeling arises spontaneously.

Naturally, these were intentional by Andinan.

After Goethe signaled him to perform crazy, Andinen thought a lot.

He is not a professional actor, and he certainly can't do such rich facial expressions, or just one look makes people feel crazy.

Therefore, Andy Nan chose the change of sound level and atmosphere to set off.

From a visual point of view, the effect is good.

The four guests in front of them were already a little nervous.

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