In fact, it works quite well.

Just when Goethe pushed the car door, everyone's eyes were cast over. When they saw the blood-stained white shirt, they didn't know who was the first to applaud, and then everyone applauded.

After more than ten seconds, the applause stopped.

"To be honest, I am a little flattered. I have to say that Hestings is a charming city. Even if I encounter some unpleasantness, its residents will use their enthusiasm to make me forget those unpleasantness in an instant."

Goethe spoke immediately after the applause stopped.

Immediately, such words won the favor of the people around.

No one wants their hometown to be hated by others.

"You bravely resisted the mob's extortion, and you were unflappable in the face of a sudden attack. You are really a gentleman."

A reporter couldn't help but praise.

"The education of my parents taught me that I must stand up when necessary. My military career gave me the strength to resist, and my daily writing made me good at thinking and able to calmly face unexpected situations."

Goethe said modestly.

"Have you ever served in the army? Also engaged in writing work?"

another reporter asked.

"Yes, I was in the military and now I'm a travel writer."

Goethe nodded.

"You turned out to be a writer, what is your name?"

another reporter asked.


"Poirot Marple!"

Goethe announced his current name.

It has to be said that Zota's intentions for this identity, one of the reporters present said immediately after Goethe's voice fell: "It is Poirot Marple who wrote "A Cat's Travel" and "Frost Leaf". ?"

"it's me!"

Goethe nodded again.

Immediately, the eyes of the surrounding reporters lit up.

They also vaguely heard these two works.

Of course, what they are more concerned about is the sales volume of today's supplement and tomorrow's daily.

A gentleman who stands up to brutality is not bad though.

But it was more eye-catching when the gentleman was a writer.

Especially when this writer has military experience and a pretty good background.

"Mr. Marple, could you elaborate on the situation?"

"Although we already know the general situation, but if you tell it yourself, we think it will be more true."

One of the reporters spoke on behalf of all reporters.

"It's the first time I came to Hessetins today. I was attracted by Hessettines as soon as I came here. I plan to stay here for a while, so I rented a carriage at the West Merck Carriage Co., Ltd. And I rented the house with Mr. Hunter from the agency, and then, on the way to rent, I met this gentleman, who appeared next to my carriage with a dagger in hand."

"When I pointed my gun at him, the police gentleman appeared, arrested the previous gentleman, and took him away, and then, after I finished hiring the manservant and maid, the arrested gentleman appeared again , and brought four accomplices, they blackmailed me and intended to hurt me, I had no choice but to resist, but..."

"What I didn't expect was that the policeman who arrived later became angry after seeing the corpse on the ground, and even... threatened me."

Goethe said so.

Most of it is true.

A small part has become the Spring and Autumn strokes.

But when combined with each other, it is enough to make people imagine.

Looking at the appearance of these reporters in front of him, Goethe knew that his goal had been achieved.

Then, after a few more questions, Goethe looked tired.

"While I still want to talk to everyone, my body tells me it's best to rest."

"and also……"

"If you can, please help me promote my new book - "Adventures in the Wild."

As Goethe said, he boarded the carriage again.

This time, no one stopped him.

The reporters got what they wanted, and each rushed to their respective newspaper offices.

On the carriage, Goethe closed his eyes and thought.

Think about omissions in the new plan.

Thinking about how to write the so-called "Adventures in the Wilderness" can make him not waste his time after laying out so much just now.

After all, this will be what he throws out for his new plan...


Chapter 61 Both the main job and the side job!

Second floor, study.

Goethe sat behind the desk frowning, paused with the pen in his hand, and finally let out a long breath when the daylight was slightly bright.

"The first five chapters are finally finished!"

Goethe said softly.

After returning yesterday, 11 Kimmel Street, Goethe went straight to the study.

In order to maximize his profits, he must write the so-called "Wild Adventures" in the shortest possible time and publish it in the newspaper.

Moreover, this book must have specious supernatural knowledge mixed in it-when the plan to contact the official was completely abandoned, choosing a wild 'superhuman' became Goethe's only option, but without the constraints of the law, doing so The danger will skyrocket!

Therefore, for the sake of safety, Goethe chose specious extraordinary knowledge very carefully.

Goethe hoped to use this book to attract the appearance of the "supernatural being" in the "secret realm" in front of him, but he didn't want to bring real danger to himself.

Or, to be precise, even if there is danger, it must be within the controllable range.

It's impossible for some specious extraordinary knowledge to attract an extremely powerful 'extraordinary', right?

Goethe thought.

Then, he looked at the article he had written and pondered for a moment.

Then, he began to delete some plausible supernatural knowledge, leaving only a short paragraph of it——

"It was discovered that the 'Scarlet Letter' was completely written in an unknown script, and Holmes fell into an uncontrollable excitement. He studied it all night, and after several unsuccessful persuasion by his friend Dr. Watson, he could only bring breakfast to Holmes's room. In front of them, but at this moment, the sheriff who accompanied them knocked on the door of their room and brought bad news: the ghost wolf killed again!"


Goethe recited it silently several times, and then looked at the "scarlet" replaced by two correct "Tufuyu" and two wrong "Tufuyu". He felt that it was still a little dangerous.

In the end, the number of 'Tufuyu' was reduced to two, one correct and one wrong.

"There should be no problem this time!"

Goethe muttered to himself, got up and walked downstairs.

Goethe is quite confident about whether the manuscript is popular.

Not only that, he prepared well enough in the early stage.

It is also because he believes in the strength of the great writers in his hometown.

Even after his magic reform, it will still be wonderful.

Of course, Goethe is most fortunate that the 'Secret Realm' is connected to the 'Anchor World', and some secret knowledge is the same, and he happened to have learned the most basic Tufu language.

Otherwise, this is the difficulty of hell.

"Master, morning!"

The manservant who stood guard outside the study all night looked at Goethe who opened the door and walked out, and immediately bowed to greet him—the address the resident manservant used for his employer was no different from that of the servants in the traditional aristocratic family.

If it is a male servant or maid who goes home every day, he will address the employer as Mr., Mrs., etc.

"Thank you, Kai."

"After breakfast, go to rest."

"As a writer, my schedule is different from that of ordinary people. You need to adapt."

Looking at the tired servant, Goethe said with a smile.

"Master, I will adapt as soon as possible, please don't worry."

"Maria scrambled the egg sauce as you ordered."

The valet answered meticulously.

As a qualified servant, it is natural that the employer is the main one.

Especially if the employer is not a demanding person.

Of course, Keke clearly remembered what happened yesterday. The six people who fell on the ground all told him that even if the employer in front of him was not a harsh person, he still needed to maintain [-]% respect.

Goethe nodded and walked towards the first floor.

The maid Maria had been standing at the dining table waiting for a long time.

Compared to the tiredness of the male servant, the maid who only got up early after sleeping all night is in good spirits.

"Master, here is the egg sauce you ordered. I have prepared bread and salad for you as a side dish."

Maria showed Goethe the fruits of her labor.

Different from the egg sauce in Goethe's memory, the egg sauce in front of him is off-white because of the addition of milk. It tastes sweet and spicy, and a little salty, and the taste is quite viscous, a bit like yogurt.

After taking a sip, Goethe began to soak the bread and ate it with salad.

It was fast enough to finish breakfast.

Looking at Maria who looked forward to him, Goethe didn't want to discourage the other party's enthusiasm.

"Good job, don't do it again next time."

Goethe said tactfully.

Then, after a pause, he continued.

"The next three meals should be as ordinary and normal as possible."

Goethe emphasized.

"Okay, master."

Maria nodded again and again with a happy face.

The host praised her for cooking delicious food!

But why not do it next time?

Is it for a holiday meal?

The maid was a little confused.

While the maid was clearing the tableware, Goethe walked out of the room.

The humid air lifted Goethe's spirits, and Rick, the driver outside the door, took off his hat and greeted Goethe.

Goethe understands why the other party is the best coachman in "Siemerk Private Carriage Company". Not only can he solve some unexpected things, but he is also meticulous in his work. According to the agreement between the two parties, the other party only needs to arrive at 07 o'clock every morning. It's good to serve him at ten o'clock in the evening, and it's only 30:[-], so the other party must have left after the appointed time last night.

"Morning, Rick."

Goethe greeted the coachman, and then looked at a middle-aged man standing at his door.

There was dew on the other party's shoulders, apparently waiting for a long time, but did not knock on the door.

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