"Baoyou, it's not fun to give away!"

"I just finished watching the anchor's work, and I'm in a bad mood. What the hell...is I still a mercenary?"


Meanwhile, the other end.

Fire sound.

Sister Zhou is in the studio.

"The anchor is wearing cotton pants?"

"Hehe, do you think I can stand up after you post this barrage? Show you my legs?"

Sister Zhou, who was wearing a nurse uniform, smiled faintly and said disdainfully, "I'm not going to be fooled."

"Brother, my sister Zhou has always said one thing and one thing, if she says she can't stand up, she won't stand up!"

"Want to see legs, dream..."

At this time, a brilliant animation of gifts suddenly flashed in the live broadcast room, followed by the word Carnival, which appeared on the screen.


Sister Zhou, who saw the big gift, changed her face in a second, stood up excitedly, and said coyly, "Thank you 'Sura is my big brother' for the carnival~~~"

"Brother is mighty, for all to see!"

"Big brother, big brother, will always be my good big brother!"

Seeing the huge contrast between Sister Zhou's front and back, countless disgusting expressions and ridicule flashed across the barrage.


At this moment, a barrage with special effects appeared on the screen.

[The fox is my elder brother: Old woman, I didn’t give you a gift to see your broken legs, but to tell you that the broadcast has started! 】

""Broken! Legs""

"Haha, I laughed so hard, the old woman is acting passionate again!"

"No 2, it's not Miss Zhou, it has to be you!"

"Don't shudder [doge] to make money!"

"Sister Zhou, in a word, she is a ruthless person!"

"Hurry up, big brother!"

"Haha, sister Zhou is really thinking too much, how can it be fun to shoot a thigh?"


in the live room.

Sister Zhou: "..."

my leg,

Already so unattractive?

However, after seeing the news of Shura's broadcast, she forcibly held back her anger.

The last time Shura broadcast live, she swiped a rocket, but the enemy directly fired a rocket.

It's a coincidence, but I'm ashamed.

"Since the big brother is on the air, why not go connect with him!"

"It can be regarded as making up for the mistake of last time!"

As soon as Sister Zhou thought about it, she said to the live broadcast room, "Brothers, the eldest brother has started the broadcast, let's talk to the eldest brother together!"

She pressed the button for Lianmai.

Sister Zhou and Fei Shen are good friends who care about each other.

In order to avoid trouble, Shen Fei had set it up before, as long as he was an inter-connected anchor, he could directly connect to his live broadcast room without approval.

Therefore, when Sister Zhou clicks on the application for Lianmai, it means that Lianmai has been successfully connected.

"Giving rockets is prone to problems, and other gifts are not suitable..."

"Just... let's send the plane this time, which means that the elder brother will take off as soon as possible, so there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

Sister Zhou didn't even look at what Shen Fei was doing, she directly chose the gift of the plane, and sent it over in a combo.

After delivering the gift, Sister Zhou raised her head and said with a smile, "Brother...I'm here to apologize to you. The gift I gave you last time..."

Sister Zhou's voice stopped abruptly.

what's the situation? ? ? ?

Why is brother on the plane? !


Why is this plane... no windows? ? ?

Sister Zhou was stunned.

The fans in Sister Zhou's room were also stunned.

Words follow the law? ? ?

What a mouthful!

What are you doing?

At this time, Shen Fei, who was operating flight KL1148, was not in the mood to interact with the audience in the live broadcast room.

Shen Fei said casually, "Sister, brother is a bit busy now, I don't have time to chat with you!"

"Don't be idle, let's dance!"

dancing again?

There was a black line across Sister Zhou's face.

In her mind, the moment of social death when she danced "Chicken Cha Cha Dance" last time flashed involuntarily.

But the eldest brother has let go, and it is the second time she has given an inappropriate gift, so what else can I say?


Sister Zhou hurriedly found a piece of dynamic BGM, and twisted her body along with the dance music.

The eldest brother saves the plane, and sister Zhou shows off her dance.

The second scene of the famous scene is born again!

At the same time, flight KL1148 has descended to an altitude of 2200 meters.

This altitude has entered the atmosphere, and oxygen is no longer a problem.

Shen Fei observed the environment below the plane, but found no flock of birds, and all the runways had been cleared.

He pressed the intercom button and said in a serious tone, "Tower, this is KL1148. My plane is currently at an altitude of 1500 meters and is about to land on the right 20 runway. It is currently overspeeding by 70 kilometers per hour, and the angle deviates by 15 degrees."

"Tell me the current venue information!"

After hearing his calm voice, the security director of the tower dared not delay, and immediately reported, "The current visibility is 300 meters, and the wind pressure is 270, 2 meters."

"Corrected sea pressure 1004, calm wind on the ground, no obstacles on the runway."

"Right 20 runway has been cleared, approach is permitted!"

One piece of key information was accurately and timely transmitted to Shen Fei's headset.

A landing is also called an approach.

Refers to the process of aligning the aircraft to the runway while descending.

During the approach phase, in order to adjust the altitude of the aircraft and align it with the runway, so as to avoid ground obstacles, the pilot must concentrate on the operation accurately.

Even if there is no malfunction of the aircraft, the two operations of approach and take-off are the most critical and difficult.

A slightly wrong angle, or excessive weight, may cause the plane to overrun the runway.

At that time, all efforts will be in vain.

"KL1148 received, ready to approach!"

Shen Fei first simply replied to the control tower, and immediately began to fine-tune the parameters of the aircraft and search for the best landing time.

Even if the instruments are all normal, this is not an easy task.

What's more, most of the instruments are now out of order.

1000 m.

800 m.

Getting closer to the airport runway.

Shen Fei's mental power became more concentrated than ever before.

All the data, codes, and flight attitudes of the plane... Countless data appeared in Shen Fei's mind, helping him to simulate all possible situations!


Shen Fei heaved a sigh of relief, and lowered the landing gear at an altitude of 100 meters.

What he could do, he has done.

The rest depends on God's will and the state of the plane itself.


Getting closer!

Shen Fei pressed the intercom button and started broadcasting to all the passengers in the cabin.

"Passengers, the plane is about to land and there may be some turbulence. Please bend down and lower your head, use your strength urgently!"

"Passengers, the plane is about to land and there may be some turbulence. Please bend down and lower your head, use your strength urgently!"

"Passengers, the plane is about to land and there may be some turbulence. Please bend down and lower your head, use your strength urgently!"

With a calm and powerful voice, it was broadcast three times in a row.

Except for some passengers who were frightened, most of them immediately started to do what he said after hearing Shen Fei's instructions.

of course,

There are also some passengers who have closed their eyes and have no reaction to the sound of the outside world.

I don't know if he is in a coma or has lost his vital signs.


that's it,

Under the watchful eyes of more than 300 million viewers in Longguo official, Waguang International Airport, Walli Group, mercenary union, double-material senior agent pangolin, and the live broadcast room...

The landing gear of the plane fell heavily to the ground.

It touched the ground successfully, and the plane did not break apart, just like a wild monster, rushing forward quickly.

It seems to have succeeded, but there is still the last difficulty, waiting for Shen Fei...


Po, good afternoon.

have you eaten?

If there is anything that is inconvenient to tell friends in reality, you can post it in the comment area, and I will reply if I see it.


Chapter 75 Shock from Special Action Team 141

the other end.

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