Magic powers help inspire new zombie drugs for maximum effect.

But a problem followed. After taking the new version of the zombie medicine, the mutated zombies were physically powerful, extremely aggressive, and uncontrollable at all!

This alone makes it impossible to become a qualified soldier.

Suddenly, the monitor screen flickered, and after a burst of snowflakes and electromagnetic waves, a figure wearing a mask appeared on it.

The speaker sizzled twice, and words came out.

"Doctor, you must have tried the formula we provided, right?" The man obviously used a voice changer: "How does it work?"

Dr. Simon's face was ugly: "It escaped!"

An ugly hoarse laughter sounded: "Explanation produces intelligence, effective! Doctor, join us, we can push you to a higher position and make you an important person."

"I need to think about it again," Dr. Simon said.

"I hope it won't be too long." The man said again: "Don't forget what we want."

Dr. Simon said: "The bear hid in hibernation before, and now it just woke up. I have a preliminary grasp of its whereabouts. When the experimental product is captured, I will send agents to hunt it..."

Snowflakes flickered on the screen, the picture shook and disappeared.


Baishu Town, the outer periphery of the east side.

With an automatic shotgun in his hand, Ronan came to the zombie stick with broken legs and arms, and carefully looked at it from three to four meters away.

The zombie's eyes were bloodshot, and he roared loudly at him!

"Can you speak?" Ronan asked, "Can you understand?"

The zombie just roared, and the blood red eyes were full of hatred.

Ronan was puzzled, this thing should have been transformed by humans, why did the language become incomprehensible after the mutation?

Science can't explain it.

He then shook his head, as if this should be classified as occultism.

This zombie feinted from behind, ambush in front, and ran away immediately when the situation was not good. He had a minimum IQ, but it was a pity that he couldn't communicate, and couldn't ask where he came from.

Turning around, a black off-road vehicle turned around at the turn of the distant hill.

Abram was coming with his two children.

Ronan was cautious and reminded: "Find a place to hide, I don't say it's safe and don't come out."

The car was approaching, and Abram also saw it. It might not have mattered before, but the tragedy in Baishu Town was just around the corner. He was accompanied by agents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He held one and led the other, and immediately ran into the nearest stone house. Close the door firmly.

Ronan kicked the zombie stick into the nearby pit, and hid behind a house while the car was still far away.

The black off-road vehicle drove over quickly, and Sergey and Nikolai, who were wearing dark coats, stopped at a distance away, and faintly heard the roar of zombies, but saw no one.

The two took up their weapons, opened the door and got out of the car.

Ronan was not sure of the identities of the two, so he stepped out and pointed his gun at the car: "Put down the gun and let me see your hands!"

Seeing that the muzzle of the gun was aimed at this side, Sergey and Nikolai looked at each other and slowly lowered their pistols.

"I'm Sergei Kadyrov, who is directly under the Ministry of National Defense's Special Affairs Investigation Bureau, and I'll show you the ID!" The former took out the ID at the slowest speed, and deliberately threw it on the ground in front of Ronan, trying to attract people to pick it up. Look: "This is my partner Nicolas Duke, who are you?"

Ronan didn't care about the documents on the ground, and said naturally: "Investigative Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ivanov."

"Ministry of Internal Affairs?" Nicholas was puzzled, "Since when did your Ministry of Internal Affairs take care of things here?"

Luo Nanxin said, I don't know either.

Sergei glanced sideways at Nikolai, indicating that it was fake.

Nicholas said, "Can I see your ID?"

Ronan seemed to be going to get his ID.

Without saying a word, Sergey immediately drew his gun from his waist and was about to shoot.

At the same time, Nicholas rolled over and drew his gun from his ankle.

The roar of the zombies is nearby, no matter what, it must be silenced!

Ronan was just testing, the muzzle moved, and he fired!

bang bang-

Sergey was shot in the chest and lost half of his body!

Nicholas was still rolling on the ground, the pistol hadn't been drawn out yet, two high-explosive shotguns hit the abdomen above, and the whole person couldn't see it!

The two drew their guns very quickly, life and death were in an instant, Ronan didn't dare hold back!

Picking up the certificate on the ground, it was indeed written as the Special Affairs Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense, and the name and avatar also matched.

People from Russian official institutions!

To kill him!


Ronan unconsciously turned to the zombie stick in the mud puddle.

Turning the muzzle of the gun, it blew its head off with a bang.

I can't communicate, and I can't ask anything if I keep it. Is it possible to learn zombie language now?

Thinking of this, Ronan activated his spirit vision, and there was a faint green halo and two red halos in Baishu Town.

Like in Mexico, zombies have neither red nor green halos.

Ronan guessed wildly, did the creation of these things involve soul sacrifice?

I remember reading a sentence on the Internet: Hell is empty, and demons are in the world.

Is it something to do with zombies?

Ronan made a move with his left hand, and two red halos flashed one after another.

Soul fragments +6!

Soul fragments +6!

According to the ranks of the soul fragments of private soldiers and non-commissioned officers, these two belong to the first rank.

Memories flashed in my mind.

In the prison-like base, the bearded man named Nicholas reported to the middle-aged man wearing glasses while walking. The former called the latter Dr. Simon. The two entered the middle-aged man's office from the base yard. The middle-aged man Ask Nicholas to hunt the bear with him after he catches the zombie, saying that he found that very interesting storm bear!

Ronan immediately had a clear goal, Dr. Simon in the nearby experimental base!

It should be sooner rather than later, he was about to set off, first called Abram out, and then looked at the two children: "There is a car here, you drive them back to Chita City immediately, they need treatment, the time is too late Soon, this girl's life will be in danger!"

The two children were in poor spirits, the girl had been in a coma, and the boy was also in a daze at the moment.

Abram nodded: "I'm sending people back, do you need my help to call the police?"

Ronan reminded: "Abu, remember my next words!"

After all, the guide was hired by him, and he specially reminded: "Go out of the mountain, don't tell anyone about this place, take your family and leave Chita, it is best to leave Russia!"

Abram is not stupid to realize that those movie zombie-like things have a special origin.

Ronan took out a stack of euros from the badge space and handed it to him: "Go!"


1 second to remember the public:.

Chapter 102 Mixing in

Considering that there might be a signal tracking device on the black off-road vehicle, Ronan moved the luggage over and let Abram drive away the Land Rover Defender.

He roughly cleaned up the scene, found useful items on the two agents, piled up all the corpses in a depression, threw in ten soul fragments, and burned them to ashes.

After getting into the black off-road vehicle, Ronan took out Sergey's ID and access card, carefully disguised and adjusted his face.

He took out a similar dark coat from the badge space and put it on.

There is a difference in style, but it's not obvious.

I have heard Sergei speak with my own ears, with a typical Moscow accent.

It was getting dark, so he got on the off-road vehicle and drove northeast along the ruts.

On the way, there was a radio call, asking how the situation in Baishu Town was going.

The accent from over there is somewhat distorted.

Ronan tried to imitate Sergey's accent: "Everything is fine."

I have met other searchers, and with the vehicle and similar appearance, I managed it.

During the response, Ronan also noticed that Sergey and Nikolay were directly under the Ministry of National Defense, they didn't come here often, and they were not in the same system as other people.

According to the analysis of the memory fragment information, they may be assigned directly to Dr. Simon.

When it was dark, the black off-road vehicle came to the halfway up a hill along the winding mountain road.

Looking down from this side, there is a low-lying place only one kilometer away in front, and there is an area with bright lights.

Ronan took out the binoculars and watched for a while, and he could see the concrete wall.

Why was the laboratory built in such an inconvenient place?Worried about someone finding artificial zombies?

With the Book of Ruler in his body, Ronan still felt that this place was different from other places even though he couldn't use magic power.

Don't rush over there, use a telescope to observe patiently, and check the strength at the door.

It's best to be able to mix in.

It is better to have a clear goal than to look for it all over the mountains and plains.


In the afternoon, earlier.

Paris, Versailles, the underground base of the Intelligence Agency.

Sophie, the supervisor of the special operations group, walked quickly through the work hall, her high heels fell on the ground, and they clicked.

The men in the hall unconsciously followed Sophie's movements with their eyes. The simplest white shirt and black leggings outlined thousands of amorous feelings on Sophie.

According to rumors, Sophie's grandmother used her beauty to deal with German military officers during World War II and obtained a lot of information.

Before coming to the secret room, Sophie manually entered the password first, then checked the fingerprints and irises, waited for the thick metal door to open automatically, and walked into it.

She came to the desk and handed the laptop to her subordinates: "Julie, contact Mary immediately and inform them to go to Chita City in the Lake Baikal region of Russia!"

Julie responded, and quickly opened the encrypted channel to contact Mary and her party in Donetsk.

After waiting for a while, Sophie said again: "Tell them, in order to know the exact location of the terrorist Ronan, the saint used her original power and had to postpone the awakening time."

Her face became extremely serious: "Ronan must be captured alive or killed, so that he can confess to the saint! Only then can France's face be saved internationally! Only then can those terrorists who are ready to move be deterred!"

After the bombing of the Ouya Building, France has been unable to catch the murderer for a long time. Not to mention being reduced to an international laughing stock, even internal turmoil, such as those in the 18th District, 19th District and 93rd Province, are becoming more and more courageous.

The citizens of Paris are also restless, and there will be a rally at the slightest movement, and the suppressed police will disarm and change their positions at every turn...

Why did France become like this?

Sophie suddenly felt that it seemed that the saint would sleep for a while longer... a bad thing?

The efficiency of the Foreign Intelligence Agency is still very high. While sending the encrypted message, Sophie quickly contacted Donetsk's private jet, allowing Mary and her party to rush to Chita, Russia immediately.

After another commissioning relationship, I rented a helicopter in advance.

After Sophie completed the formalities, Mary took Aubrey and others onto the private jet.

Waiting to take off, she looked at the big fat man: "Aubrey, the location is determined, it's all up to you."

Aubrey pressed down the gray yarmulke, and said the same words: "You are responsible for finding him, and I am responsible for slapping him!"

On Otto's laptop, there is a map, and the red dot on the map basically does not move: "He always stays within a small range."

Mary said: "The saint has locked him! France's reputation will be restored by our action team."

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