Barney had no expression on his face: "The place you made an appointment with is too remote."

Church took out the file bag and handed it to Barney: "I have a commission, do you want to take it?"

"How much?" Barney was most concerned about.

Church stretched out two fingers: "After reading it, you must reply to me. This number, many teams are rushing to pick it up."

Barney looked at the information in the file bag and couldn't help but admire: "Hey, this man has tormented you a lot. A supervisor and a dozen agents died in the line of duty."

Church said: "California's border situation has changed because of him, a terrible terrorist!"

Barney read page by page and made a judgment: "It endangers the security of the United States."

"That's right." Church thinks this statement is not an exaggeration at all: "For national security."

Barney asked, "Is there any trace of him?"

Church simply said: "Integrating all kinds of information, we used the latest video and picture analysis system, analyzed and compared many factors such as body shape, pace and habitual movements, and found some clues that he may have gone to Billena Island. "

Barney touched his face: "I've heard that name before."

"An island ruled by a dictator, the locals live under strict control." Church briefly introduced the situation on Lower Billena Island.

Of course, from the perspective of American democracy and freedom.

In the document bag that Barney got, there were relevant information.

Church added: "If you can kill Garza, the governor of Billena Island, and disrupt the dictatorial forces on the island, I will apply for another fund from above."

The location of the island is quite good, close to Venezuela, which is extremely difficult to deal with the United States, and the Colombian government is holding Venezuela back. If you support a pro-American force on the island, you can do a lot of things.

The things Church considered were all the usual methods of the CIA.

After reading the information, Barney thought about it for a while and said, "Can I make a phone call?"

Church made a please gesture.

Barney called several key members including Lee Christmas, and said, "Okay, we'll take this job."


At dawn, before the sun rose, Ronan packed his luggage and prepared to go to the jungle.

Old Armas is off duty today, and he specially reminded: "Young man, you must be careful when entering the forest."

Ronan knew he had good intentions: "I will."

Anna came out of the room and took a card to Ronan: "This is the hotel phone number. In case of any situation, you can find a tree and climb up. The mobile phone can easily find the signal."

The kindness of human nature can always make people feel happy, as sweet as eating sugar.

Ronan is in the dark, but he will not reject the light and friendliness: "Thank you, Anna."

The girl smiled with two sweet dimples on her face.

Not only Ronan, but for every tourist who went out, Anna stuffed a card with the hotel phone number printed on it.

The old Armas would also give a few words of advice, which seemed a bit long-winded, but normal people could feel the simplicity and kindness of the Armas family.

Ronan walked north along the main road of the town until he reached the center and saw the Governor's Mansion.

The Governor's Mansion occupies a very large area. In addition to the white three-story main building in the center, there are barracks dormitories on both sides. The huge open space in front is the playground, where there are many vehicles and training facilities.

Among them are armored vehicles, the ones with cannons!

Ronan passed by the side door, and through the open door, he could see nearly a hundred soldiers practicing on the ground.

There are more than 100 armed personnel in Billena Island, including the police who maintain law and order.

Out of the town, there are undulating hills covered with coffee trees. During the chat last night, Ronan heard the Armas couple mention that the high-quality coffee beans on Billena Island are very valuable.

Passing through the plantation area, the road ahead becomes narrower, with more tall trees, and the road quickly becomes a narrow path.

Chapter 44 Kidnapping

When he got up in the morning, Ronan specially changed into the local worker's clothes he bought last night. He was dressed in a dress and a slanted tool bag, looking like a coffee planter on Billena Island.

Hearing Anna's words, he always felt that the French factory was mysterious, and the incident happened close to the mineral water factory, so he had better be careful.

The lush forest is airtight, and the tall trees have water droplets falling, rustling on the banana leaves.

Ronan followed the path stepped on by people, and looked at the surrounding environment while walking. The vigilance of predators can always catch nearby animals at the first time.

I met a lot of lizards, but I didn't see giant chameleons.

The path had been recently traversed and was strewn with chopped vines and broken branches.

Climb up a small hill, where there are fewer trees. Standing on a high place and looking ahead, a small factory has been built by the sea. There are high walls around the factory building to block the interior.

The factory is just above the resort near the sea.

Ronan doesn't know much about the mineral water industry, can it be next to the resort?

After passing the small hill, the vegetation in front is messy.

There are people there!

There was a tall woman with a light-colored shirt tucked into her jeans, obviously checking the situation.

Ilsa turned her head, saw Ronan, and suddenly smiled: "What a coincidence."

Ronan nodded: "Coiny."

Come and come, you can't turn around and leave.

Seeing Ronan approaching, Ilsa quietly opened the distance, and she felt that it was not normal to run into each other again and again.

Ronan took a closer look, and this was where it was in the video.

But the scene has long since been destroyed, leaving no trace of the chameleon.

Coming to the tree where the chameleon disappeared in the video, Ronan frowned secretly, almost all the bark was peeled off.

It is impossible for a chameleon to peel the bark, obviously people do it.

Destroy the traces left by chameleons?

Ronan thought of the leopard. The leopard came from the British explorer who discovered the parchment. Later, Antonio Garcia snatched it and domesticated the leopard to grow up...

Billena Island has no chameleons!Anna said that she had never seen such a thing as a chameleon since she was a child.

Are chameleons raised by humans?

This would explain the traces left by someone destroying the chameleon...

Thinking of this, Ronan looked around, and there were trees all around, nothing special.

Then expand the scope.

It seems that the French factory is the closest to here.

There are no chameleons on the island. Chameleons may be raised by humans. The French factory is the closest, which is a bit mysterious to the locals...

Ilsa asked suddenly: "Have you found anything?"

Ronan casually replied, "What did you find?"

He put his backpack on his back and walked straight ahead, intending to visit the vicinity of the factory.

Ilsa stood there, looked at it for a while, and followed.

Passing through the jungle, the plants are loose, and there is a brick-concrete wall in front of it.

One of the fences should be newly repaired. The color of the outer wall is obviously different from the others, and there are broken bricks and ash on the nearby ground.

Anna said that a typhoon passed by here a week ago.

The wind is strong, and the fence lacks sufficient support, and it is easy to fall.

Like an ordinary traveler, Ronan walked towards the center of the island along the sparsely wooded area through the wall.

There were footsteps coming from behind, and Ilsa kept following her with one hand in her pocket.

Ronan turned his head to look at the factory area, and saw a black man staring at the small building not far from the fence.

He continued walking until he entered the woods and could no longer see the plant area.

Ilsa suddenly asked, "Who are you?"

I thought it was a coincidence to meet one after another before, and then met at the scene of this crime, and the other party was a tourist, who would believe it?

This woman is not stupid. Ronan simply opened the bag, took out the badge he looted from Matt Grave, and said, "FBI agent, Martin Hoffman, is here to investigate the death of five college students."

Ilsa didn't investigate the truth, but instead asked, "Have you found anything?"

Ronan said: "The scene has been destroyed, someone is covering up the truth, we need to investigate further." He asked back: "What about you?"

Ilsa turned to the factory and said specifically: "The French have a problem with their factory."

It's hard to say whether there is a problem, but looking at the various traces, it is related, Ronan thought so in his heart, but asked: "Aren't you here to bring your cousin home?"

"The governor's mansion has already cremated the body, only the ashes." Ilsa copied her trouser pocket with one hand: "My cousin died for no reason, I want to find out the truth."

Ronan guessed that Ilsa, like him, might have concealed her identity, but the goals of the two overlapped to a certain extent. The death of the college student was directly related to the chameleon. He said, "Exchanging news, I'm staying at the Sophia Hotel near the port."

Ilsa said again: "There is a problem with this factory, are you interested in going in and taking a look?"

Ronan asked, "Can you apply for an official channel?"

Ilsa shook her head.

"Let's talk." Ronan walked towards the depths of the jungle with his bag on his back.

The French have cooperated with Garza, and if anything happens, Garza must be involved.

There is an army in the Governor's Palace, and several armored vehicles with machine guns.

Ronan had just had a confrontation with a police helicopter, and he knew that modern heavy weapons are terrible, and flesh and blood can't compete with them.

In case the giant chameleon is domesticated by the French, when the time comes, there will be trouble, and the armored vehicle will be hard?

It hurts to think about it.

To find a suitable opportunity.

Ronan was thinking, should he sell this woman to the Governor's Mansion as a certificate?It seems that it is not suitable, and his identity is not visible.

Ilsa didn't follow anymore, but instead considered Ronan's true identity.

The FBI badge is real, and as an MI6 agent, she can recognize it at a glance, but in this world, there are too many people pretending to be the FBI, just like their MI[-] like to pretend to be the police of Scotland Yard.

"Who likes to impersonate the FBI the most? CIA!"

Ilsa guessed that this person might be a CIA agent.

Did the CIA also notice the situation on the island?

Instead of going deep into the jungle, Ilsa found a nearby commanding height, pulled out the binoculars from her backpack, and observed the situation of the factory.

French talent is the goal of Ilsa's trip!

Buckingham Palace has been purchasing high-end cosmetics from France. Arthur, the head of the roundtable meeting with the Queen last month, found serious problems with the cosmetics. MI[-] suspected that there was an organization secretly planning to overthrow the royal family.

After investigation, many clues point to Billena Island.

Ilsa happened to be in New York, so she simply pretended to be the relatives of the passengers who died and came to investigate.

After observing for a period of time, I could not see why from the outside, so Ilsa decided to sneak in at night and take a look.


The sun turned to the west. After contacting the port, a seaplane landed on the sea from the air and taxied to the side of the trestle.

Three middle-aged people got off the plane, a strong man with a paralyzed face, a bald and handsome man, and a tall and strong black man.

"Bring your botanist ID, Barney," Baldhead reminded.

With a blank expression, Barney took all the documents and jumped onto the trestle first, waiting for the bald man and the black man to come over.

The bald man is Lee Christmas, a member of the Death Squad, a mercenary team formed by Barney, and a veteran of the British Special Forces.

Blacks are also mercenaries with a particularly loud name, called Caesar, who are good at using heavy weapons.

When they got off the plane, on another trestle, the ship from Aruba happened to dock.

A burly blond, a bald, tattooed man in a cowboy hat, disembarks from the boat.

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