Although I am very much looking forward to the first soul cooking, but the time and place are not right now.

Ronan turned on his spirit vision, and a red halo floated over the corpses in the room. He activated the soul absorption, and passed his left hand around the halo, and the soul fragments in the book of rule increased by more than 30 pieces.

Most are soul shards +1, a few soul shards +2.

Antonio Garcia has the most soul fragments +7!

There are two more pieces of information.

One section is skills.

Arabic Proficiency: This bearded Arabic is way better than marksmanship!

The other segment is memory information.

On the streets of Los Angeles in the dark night, a brown-haired middle-aged white man left behind a kitten-like leopard cub, escaped from the gunpoint, turned around and laughed at Antonio Garcia: "You will never want to know the location of the golden book, I will never tell you when I die." you!"

It turned out that the leopard was obtained by Antonio from him.

Ronan recorded the appearance of the middle-aged white man, but unfortunately he did not have a name.

Antonio didn't tell the whole truth. Ronan had already prepared himself for this. The person who auctioned the parchment book, that is, the book of rule, was not dead.

Calling out the Book of Domination, there are still many pages that cannot be opened. Ronan is not sure whether there are any missing pages in the back, or whether the Golden Book is needed.

This information is important, and there are always clues to look for in case the need arises.

Ronan closed the book of dominion, picked up a mobile phone, and took a dagger with a sheath, and left the villa with a bag on his back and a gun.

There are sirens in the distance.

The villa is on a high terrain, and if you take a quick look, you can see a brigade of police cars heading towards the manor with their red lights flashing on the southeast side.

At this time, if you go back the same way, you will definitely be stopped by the Mexican police.

Ronan ran to the west. The manor was next to the Pacific Ocean. There was a small pier on the side facing the sea. Several motorboats were parked on the pier.

Running all the way to the pier, Ronan boarded a speedboat. After starting it, he turned the AK gun and charged at the engine positions of several other speedboats. He fired shots one after another before driving the speedboat to the sea.

The speed of the boat was extremely fast, and it was very far away from the coast.

Ronan looked back, but there was no boat chasing him for the time being.

Turning to the south, ready to find a place to go ashore.

Tijuana has a large population, messy buildings, gangs, and illegal immigrants everywhere. Hiding in the city is the best choice.

As soon as he got to the shore, Ronan felt something, and looked back at the distant sky. There was a black spot approaching on the horizon. Although he couldn't see it very clearly, he didn't need to think about it to know it was a helicopter!

The dead man was Antonio Garcia, and he died in the wealthy area of ​​Tijuana. The Mexican police took it very seriously and even sent out helicopters.

Ronan didn't dare to stay in the sea any longer. The speed of the helicopter was too fast, and it would soon catch up. The AK was thrown directly into the sea, rushed to the nearest beach, and walked towards the crowded place.

Ordinary helicopters are not afraid, but they are afraid that helicopters have rocket pods or Gatling.

These weapons beat infantry like adults crush little kids.

Ronan is far stronger than ordinary people, but he can't stand Gatling Bodhisattva chanting.

Mixed into the crowd, he was a little relieved, there are so many tourists here, no matter how crazy the Mexican police are, they would not dare to use heavy firepower here.

Ronan took out his change, went to a stall and bought the most common sun hat by the sea, put it on his head and found a black taxi, and went to the part of the city with the most illegal immigrants.

But the urban area is not the same as before. At some key intersections, the police began to set up checkpoints.

There is a huge difference between killing a bunch of horse boys and killing an important person.

Ronan was already prepared, took out his mobile phone and dialed Desdemona's number, waited for the phone to be picked up, and said, "I need a place where I can live for two days, it's bigger, in the northwest."

The leopard's body is in the bag. Although it is winter, but the US-Mexico border is not cold, the body will rot soon.

Ronan needs a place to deal with the leopard, and uses soul cooking to make his first meal of plunder.

This place also needs to have a certain degree of independence and safety, so that it is convenient to ignite the fire of the soul. In case of a strong reaction after eating the food cooked by the soul, you can also hide temporarily.

Desdemona didn't say much, and directly reported an address.

Delete the phone, disassemble the mobile phone into parts, throw the key parts into the firepit lit by the immigrants, and throw the other parts into the trash can and the sewer separately. Ronan walked through the tents set up by the illegal immigrants to his destination.


The small yacht left the manor dock and quickly moved away from the coastline. In Jessica's vision, a large yacht flying the American flag appeared.

"Where are we going?" Jessica asked.

Ruben pointed to the yacht: "It will take you into the high seas, all the way north to Los Angeles, you stay safe, don't worry, there are all legal procedures in it, there will be someone to meet you there, your father has already made preparations, Someone will help you get a foothold in Los Angeles."

"What about you?" Jessica asked.

Ruben smiled: "Your dad and I still have things to do." He took out a bag and handed it to Jessica: "This is what your dad prepared for you. When you arrive in Los Angeles, you go to the bank and get it from the safekeeping box." Take it out of the box."

Jessica put it away, and at this time went to the side of the yacht, and got on the yacht from the back.

Reuben sent her up: "Jessie, take care."

Jessica nodded and said, "Dad over there..."

Ruben smiled: "It's okay, your dad can handle it, he's much better than you imagined."

Jessica wouldn't have endured it until now if she hadn't emphasized this as soon as she got on the boat.

Ruben took out his mobile phone and saw that there was still a signal here: "I'll call your father, and you can say a few more words."

He called Antonio's cell phone, but no one answered.

Calling the bodyguard also failed.

Seeing that Ruben couldn't get through the phone, Jessica's expression gradually changed, and she murmured: "Dad, what happened to Dad?"

Ruben also felt that something was wrong, but he said with relief: "It's okay, there are dozens of people on your father's side."

Jessica became more and more uneasy: "Dozens of people... Uncle Ruben, I want to go back!"

She just wanted to move, but was hugged by Ruben: "Jessie, go! You have to go!"

Ruben waved to the top of the yacht, and the yacht started and headed for the open sea.

Jessica stared blankly at Lower California, the coastline was getting further and further away.

Tears of pain and regret kept streaming down my face.

Because the father is a drug lord?Jessica never felt that was a problem.

How powerful that Ronan is, she has witnessed with her own eyes, how much safety it brought her before, and how much danger her father is now facing.

The yacht entered the open sea, and Ruben finally got through the phone, but it was the Tijuana police who answered the phone and told him the clear news.

The leader of the Garcia Group and one of the largest drug lords in Mexico, Antonio Garcia was killed in the mansion!

Chapter 31 Swiftness

It was an empty warehouse surrounded by brick-and-concrete walls. The warehouse stored bottled water, compressed biscuits and bagged food, as well as cash, mobile phones and firearms.

Ronan took a mobile phone, took out some water and food, and left the rest untouched.

If nothing else, this is the safe house prepared by Demona.

It's not safe to get out in Tijuana.

Especially Demona, who also sells news part-time.

Ronan closed the warehouse door, washed and dried the steel rods he bought, took out the leopard carcass in the bag, and peeled the skin off the leopard's legs with the dagger he picked up.

The hide is very strong, and it takes a lot of effort to cut it with a military dagger.

The leopard died under the AK rifles of the bearded men, and the chest and abdomen were shot out.

It is also difficult for this peculiar animal to survive in the face of large-caliber thermal weapons.

Ronan has fought against Lingbao, and its biggest feature is its extremely fast speed, twitching and maneuvering, and its flexibility.

And the claws are very sharp.

Lingbao was wounded by him with a gun when he came up, and did not pose a fatal threat.

Ronan remembered that Father Thomas said that this is the age of the Dharma, and the world has only changed at the turn of the century. Maybe many weird existences have not yet become truly powerful.

Cut off the meat from the four leopard legs, wash them with water, put them on with a steel drill, and put them aside for later use.

Turn on the spirit vision, call out the book of control, take out 50 yuan soul fragments one after another, pile them on the ground, and finally take out the golden ancient soul fragments and place them in the middle of the soul fragments.

It has never been done before, and there is no detailed explanation in the book of rule, so it can only be done based on feeling.

Ronan stepped back, focused his attention on the pile of soul fragments, and silently recited "Soul Fire". After about two seconds, the golden-red flame ignited.

Many flames overlap together, the scale is small, but the heat is amazing.

Ronan hurried over, wrapped the steel rod with leopard skin, and roasted it on the flame.

The other hand was not idle, took out the salt, pepper and spices bought on the road, and sprinkled them evenly.

Ronan roasted ordinary meat, put it on the soul fire, and it would be ignited directly.

But the meat of the leopard's legs was obviously different, and it was greasy.

When Ronan's Spirit Vision was turned on, he could still see traces of soul power penetrating into the flesh of his legs.

There are relevant instructions in the book of dominion: Catalyze with the fire of the soul, wait for the food to absorb the power of the soul before eating.

The flesh and the absorbed soul power are also key.

Ronan's craftsmanship is very average. He has never really played with self-service barbecue before. When he saw that one side was almost roasted, he turned it over and grilled the other side.

This is different from ordinary barbecues. As the leopard leg meat continues to absorb the power of the soul, the scale of the flame gradually shrinks. After a long time, it shrinks from a campfire to the size of an ordinary stove fire.

Ronan has no experience and can only feel his way.

Soon, the flames were extinguished and there was nothing left on the ground.

Ronan looked at the steaming barbecue and thought it was okay to eat?

Are there any side effects?

But indecision has never been in his character.

Besides, he has already embarked on the path of the predator.

The Garcia Group is gone, and there is also the behemoth CIA.

If you don't improve your own strength, you will definitely die in the pursuit of the CIA.

Ronan has a general understanding of the working style of violent organizations. Ian Sommers is right, he killed the CIA, and the CIA will never let him go.

Some things, have no choice.

At this point, if you want to survive, the key is to strengthen yourself!

Ronan waited for the barbecue to cool slightly, and opened his mouth to eat it. The taste was really not good, after all, he didn't know how to cook.

However, after being grilled by the fire of the soul, the meat is soft and palatable, not difficult to bite.

The leopard was not big, and there was not much meat in its legs, so Ronan ate them all in one go.

At the beginning, apart from being full, I didn't feel any special feeling. After about two or three minutes, my stomach became warm, and the heat flowed to all parts of my body.

The places where the muscles are densely covered are warm and numb, which is weird.

It's so comfortable that you want to sleep.

Ronan simply lay on the bed with the pistol in his hand, and fell asleep at some point.

When I woke up, it was dark outside, and I looked at my phone, it was early morning.

Ronan got up, stretched his waist, and felt an indescribable sense of refreshment all over his body.

Turning on the light and moving his arm, Ronan found that something was wrong, the scar on his left arm disappeared.

It was caused by the grenade detonated by the great demon Paddy, and the scar has not faded after the injury has healed.

Now it's gone!

Ronan touched the left shoulder again, and the three scars from the werewolf's claws were gone!

The feast made by Soul Cooking played a role?

Ronan called out the Book of Domination, and when he opened it, he found that there was a new line of instructions on the page of the predator.

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