Before turning the corner, An Ning nodded, "Indeed. What's the matter, we're playing bridge... Wait a minute, why do you think we're going?"

An Ning finally realized what Fanny was alluding to!

"No such thing! I went to the Brittany Club to play bridge. If you don't believe me, ask Robespierre, write and ask!"

Fanny: "What, Mr. Robespierre is also a fan."

An Ning: "No, no, no! You can doubt me, but how can you doubt Robespierre the Incorruptible? That guy, I suspect that he has never directed... Uh, I mean, that's the one ... Solve the troubles of youth by yourself."

Fanny was not moved at all: "The child named Napoleon just now happened to be of the age to go to the monastery choir."

An Ning said, "No, no, no, no! Believe me, we are really discussing current affairs and playing bridge in the monastery."

"I didn't go to that monastery to worship, so I have no way of verifying the truth of what you said."

An Ning originally wanted to continue to pull Mara, Dandong and other like-minded people out to testify.

Unexpectedly, Fanny directly predicted An Ning's actions: "By the way, Mr. Danton and Mr. Mara are also unreliable. In contrast, Mr. Mirabeau is quite credible, because he is famous for his liking for beautiful girls."

——Grass, is Mirabeau exempted from suspicion because he loves beautiful women?This boozy aristocrat!

The poor future heroes of the Jacobin faction have already been branded inherently in Fanny's cognition.

It seems that in order to change Fanny's perception, she can only forcefully show her interest in Christina...

At this time, Fanny suddenly sighed: "I'm not kidding you, so why are you so keen on that Corsican kid?"

Facing Fanny's stern questioning, An Ning couldn't answer.

After all, I had peeked at the script, and it was one thing to say whether anyone would believe it. If the history was misplaced and the whole flow went wrong, it would be difficult to handle.

An Ning is very clear about how much he is, and now he just relies on reading the script to ride the wall first. If he goes astray and does not follow the original script, he has no ability to keep track of the pulse of the times by himself.

If he had the ability to grasp the pulse of the times, he would have been rich and free in his previous life.

So it was impossible to tell Fanny about these things.

So An Ning had no choice but to say: "When he fell just now, the courage and forbearance in his eyes moved me. And if you think about it, he was kicked out of the bookstore because he wanted to read books for free in the bookstore. Such a hard-working noble young master It’s not seen much anymore. So I can’t help but want to get to know more.”

Fanny: "Really?"

An Ning: "Otherwise, is there any other reason?"

Fanny pursed her lips: "The logic is correct, but the master is a person with a lot of secrets. You suddenly jumped out and said that you are the son of a cobbler. In the end, you won a sword fight against a nobleman who had learned swordsmanship since childhood, and then used A pistol duel won the battle-hardened knight.

"You can also speak German and Italian, although I don't know Italian so I can't judge whether your pronunciation is authentic, but I know that as the son of a cobbler, you know absolutely too much.

"Also, I always feel that if you are asked to perform your job as a cobbler and tan the most ordinary fur, you will definitely not!"

An Ning: "Uh, this is because my family's cobbler shop is going to be inherited by my elder brother. I have not been trained as an heir since I was a child..."

"Yes, you were sent to learn Italian and German, maybe Latin, and practice swordsmanship, horseback riding, and gun shooting!"

An Ning curled his lips. To be honest, he just focused on impressing Napoleon because of Fanny's high level of trust in him. He didn't think about facing Fanny's questioning at all.

At this time, Fanny continued: "However, although the master has so many secrets, if the master doesn't tell me, I won't deliberately ask."

——You don’t mean to ask deliberately!

Fanny: "When the time is right in the future, Master will definitely reveal all his secrets. Fanny is looking forward to that day."

——No, that day probably won't come.

An Ning was relieved. Sure enough, her golden finger was reliable, and Fanny was her own. Although there were so many doubts, she still chose to press the question button.

At this time, Fanny suddenly changed the topic: "The lecture hall of the Brienne Military Academy is ahead, and the master will come here to attend classes starting tomorrow."

An Ning: "Thank you for leading the way! Have you actually walked this road?"

"No, I just memorized the plane map. As for where to lead the uniform, I don't know... Ah, there is a banner over there, it must be over there!"

As she said that, Fanny walked towards several non-commissioned officers who seemed to be senior officers in the military academy.

Looking at those tall seniors in military uniform, An Ning suddenly had the feeling that they would rush up and introduce themselves loudly, "I am Corporal Morishita, a fourth-year student."

At this time, several seniors also saw An Ning, and the leader immediately shouted: "Wait a minute! Are you a student at a military academy? You really have no sense of shame for bringing a maid into the school!"

An Ning frowned at this voice.

What the hell, do you have to shout loudly if you don't drive a warship?

An Ning, as a man who had already seen a more energetic big scene, immediately responded energetically: "Report to brother! I don't know the way, please ask the maid to lead the way, and I will never let her come here again!"

"Bastard! Can't you understand the map yourself? How can such an insect be a good officer!"

An Ning was also not polite: "Report to brother, our military academy graduates only have the rank of non-commissioned officer!"

The brother immediately became angry: "Fuck, you dare to talk back! Me!"

Suddenly, another brother took this brother's hand: "Wait a minute! Don't you know him? He was recommended by the Duke of Orleans, and he provoked three duels in Paris and won all three times!"

No, no, no, I only provoked one duel, and I did not provoke the next two, so don't talk nonsense!

The senior brother looked at An Ning again: "Ah, you are that noble killer, Duel King!"

No, I am not!

Then the brother's expression softened visibly with the naked eye, and he patted An Ning on the shoulder: "Although you are only a non-commissioned officer, you still have to recognize the map. Don't let your maid send you here, it's indecent. We are infantry The subjects are all men, and the girls are all in the cavalry and ceremonial subjects, understand?"

——By the way, senior brother, you slipped and knelt too fast, is this really good for me?

Forget it, the brothers are all amiable, and An Ning doesn't have to provoke deliberately.

An Ning: "Besides Duke Tollestern, are there other nobles who sent the lady here?"

The amiable brother shrugged his shoulders: "The times are bad now, and there are many nobles who can't afford the dowry. There are only two ways to pay the dowry. One is to send the daughter to a monastery, but the other has to donate a sum of money. , if you can’t afford this, you can only come to the military academy.”

Hey, An Ning thought, there is still this setting.

Wait a moment!If the poor nobles who couldn't afford the dowry would send their daughters to serve as cavalry, then when the future is worse and nobles go bankrupt, wouldn't it be possible to form a cavalry team composed of pure noble ladies?


Chapter 041 Military Academy Life Begins!

An Ning asked the two senior brothers: "Do the noble ladies live in the dormitory or..."

"Most of them should be living in dormitories, because they are poor nobles with no money at home." The brother said, pointing to the tree-lined path next to the auditorium, "That road leads to the dormitory for the ladies, but you'd better not move Brain, the warden of the dormitory is a vicious tigress, she will send you to the whipping platform."

An Ning frowned: "Will you be sent to the whipping platform just by straying into the vicinity of the girls' dormitory?"

"You can try it." The brother shrugged. "Last year, I had a Marquis son who didn't believe in evil. He broke into the girls' dormitory once, but he was whipped twenty times with a whip dipped in salt water, and his flesh burst open."

——Why is it the son of the Marquis who caused the trouble?

An Ning: "Didn't the Marquis himself come to the school to make trouble?"

"This is the Royal Military Academy of Brienne. According to the order of His Majesty the Emperor, it is the place where future non-commissioned officers are trained for France. Can the Marquis be older than the king when he comes?" Brother asked back.

Another brother said: "Of course not every school rule is enforced so strictly. There are ten rules in the school rule that you will be whipped, but I have never seen any other violations except for the one that cannot go to the girls' dormitory. whipped.

"Of course it might be because those who violated the rules were the sons of nobles. You, a commoner, can give it a try."

An Ning: "No, I won't try. Are there many civilians in this school?"

The two brothers laughed together: "How could there be so many! How many civilians have you seen as non-commissioned officers?"

"Hey, I know most of the officers are nobles, but I thought non-commissioned officers..."

The two brothers laughed even more happily: "What are you thinking! Non-commissioned officers need to be literate at least, how many literate civilians are there?"

An Ning couldn't help frowning. He remembered that the literacy rate in France was not low in this era. In a big city like Paris, newspapers and various publicity pamphlets had many ordinary readers.

But in the eyes of these two nobles, commoners are still illiterate.

An Ning shook his head: "I remember that there are a lot of non-commissioned officers in the army. There are more than a dozen non-commissioned officers in an infantry battalion. Are there so many nobles in France? And not every noble will become a soldier..."

Brother: "Don't think too much, there may be civilian non-commissioned officers, but in this Brienne Military Academy, you can't find a few companions. As far as I know, you are the only civilian who was recommended by the nobles this year."

Yep, that's what happened.

An Ning originally thought that he could go to the military academy with the Duke's recommendation, so other people should be fine, too. There should be quite a few civilians who get the recommendation to enroll like this.

No wonder there were problems with the French army at the beginning of the Great Revolution. The army was the target of the revolution from the beginning of the non-commissioned officers. It is strange that the combat effectiveness is so high.

Brother: "It's almost time for small talk. Come on, I'll give you the military uniform. The size may not be correct. If it doesn't fit, you can take it to a tailor and modify it yourself."

"You still have to modify it yourself?" An Ning was a little surprised.

"Of course, many people actually find their own tailors to make their military uniforms, but you, a commoner, probably don't have your own tailor."

An Ning: "That's true. My maid was borrowed from me by the Duke."

Theoretically speaking, Fanny was indeed lent by the Duke to An Ning, but judging from what the Duke meant, he didn't care too much about a maid, and probably wouldn't ask An Ning to go back.

An Ning took the military uniform stuffed by his senior brother, and immediately opened it and put it on.

The French army uniforms in the kingdom era were gray and white, which looked white from a distance. So when the Royalist Party rebelled, people called the Royalist Party the White Party.

An Ning: "Isn't this white military uniform easy to get dirty?"

The brother shrugged his shoulders: "Then it depends on the ability of your maid. It is his duty to ensure that the master's clothes are clean."

An Ning glanced at Fanny, who immediately said, "Don't worry, I won't let you go out in dirty clothes."

Just as An Ning was about to reply, a carriage drove past him, and the mud splashed by the wheels landed on his white stockings.

One of the senior brothers was stunned: "The coat of arms I have never seen before should be the daughter of some poor noble family. She is going to the dormitory."

"That's right. This morning I saw a lady's carriage without a roof. It's hard to imagine that a noble family would be so poor that they couldn't even afford a carriage with a roof. However, that lady is quite beautiful and very charming. full."

An Ning was stunned. It seemed that there were more noble ladies in this school than An Ning had imagined. Maybe in the future, they would actually see a ceremonial cavalry team composed of daughters from noble families.

He turned his head and asked Fanny, "Cristina shouldn't live in that dormitory, right?"

"Of course not. Miss lives in a manor on the outskirts of the city. The Duke bought a beautiful little manor. You will know when you go to the dance on the weekend."

Fanny's words made the two senior brothers very excited: "The ball! It's great. Usually we can only attend the balls held by some rural nobles, which are not stylish and boring. The balls at the Duke's house must be Parisian."

An Ning: "Of course, the Duke also brought a chef from Paris. There must be the most popular dessert in Paris at the ball."

Brother: "How do you know?"

"I came here with Miss Christina." An Ning shrugged, and then gave Fanny all the information about the military uniform, "Then, two senior brothers, we will take our leave."

Brother: "Ah, goodbye. Remember not to be late tomorrow, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

In this way, the peaceful Briena Military Academy life officially began.


Originally, An Ning thought that Brienne's military academy would conduct a few months of queue training like the military training in later generations of China.

However, this did not happen.

There is indeed queue training, but only every morning.During the queue training, the trainees will take turns serving as non-commissioned officers in the queue and be responsible for the entire team.

When it was An Ning's turn to serve as a non-commissioned officer, the nobles in the same class deliberately made An Ning a fool, and only Napoleon obeyed his instructions.

Yes, Napoleon is Anning's classmate.

Because only An Ning has a good relationship with him, the two of them are called the poor ghost combination by their classmates, because one is a poor Corsican nobleman, and the other is a commoner. The nobles subjectively think that commoners are poor ghosts. , because of the support of the Duke.

Back to the queue class.

Facing the aristocratic classmates who refused to obey the management, An Ning used his nirvana: he took off his gloves!

Being thrown in the face by the glove means starting a duel.

This group of students already knew that An Ning was a "noble killer" who beheaded three ruthless nobles. In addition, An Ning had an astonishing undefeated record in the swordsmanship class by relying on automatic defense, so no one dared to accept An Ning's offer. Duel, put yourself at risk.

So as soon as An Ning took off her gloves, the students immediately obeyed the management and obediently left the queue.

Relying on the school's queue training, An Ning finally figured out how the formation of shooting people in this era came about.

It turns out that when queuing up, the civilian soldiers were surrounded by non-commissioned officers. In a line of infantry, the non-commissioned officers would stand at the head of the two sides, and then the non-commissioned officers would also be deployed in the middle of the front and the middle of the rear.

So the head soldiers of the line infantry were actually coerced by noble officers—yes, literally coerced—to the battlefield.

No wonder the morale of the line cannot be maintained once it is disbanded.

In the morning, in addition to the queue training, there are also various military technical trainings. For example, there will be two fencing lessons, two musket training lessons and one riding lesson every week.As for why infantry officers learn riding, it seems that it is for the purpose of serving as herald officers in the future.

In the afternoon, it was basically time for cultural classes, and the military academy would teach French and mathematics to the non-commissioned officers.

Napoleon, as written in later biographies, was very good at mathematics, but in this time-space Brienne, his light was overshadowed by tranquility.

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