"En! Hang him out for a few days first, let my nineteenth sister know that I am not such an easy fool!" Ming Wang thought for a while before saying.

Everyone echoed their voices. Now that King Ming is happy, of course they want to say more words of praise. Anyway, he holds the initiative, and what he wants to do is not a matter of King Ming's words...


In Dongtian blessed land, Wu Yue had already returned, this time she looked very dull, she was not even in the mood to argue with Zhu Xiaobao.As Zhu Xiaobao said, the ideal is very full, but first of all it is very skinny!It never occurred to me that the young talent I admired would be captured alive. Up to now, there is no news at all. The only thing I can be sure of is that he is still alive.

"Hey! What did I say, the embroidered pillow is a bag of grass, right? Yueyue, it's time for you to re-examine me, a genius with a slightly inferior image!" Zhu Xiaobao said very happily.

"Hmph! I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Wu Yue didn't bicker with her like before, but said listlessly.

"Okay, didn't you see that Yue'er is in a bad mood, and you don't know how to comfort her!" Tong Wuxin hugged Wu Yue very intimately, and then complained to Zhu Xiaobao.

"Hey! Didn't I show my small thoughts because I couldn't hold back for a while! Seriously, please describe the situation on the battlefield carefully and see how powerful this armored army is! I don't believe it. 3 horses have no power to fight back at all?" Zhu Xiaobao first laughed dryly, and then asked seriously, he had never seen such a large-scale battle with his own eyes.The armored army's offensive methods and attack methods are even more unclear.

Speaking of this, Wu Yue cheered up, and said in detail what she had seen and thought about it, and she was still terrified when she said it. The destructive momentum was so terrifying that people couldn't resist it at all.

"So powerful? Then how did you deal with the Iron Armored Army before?" Zhu Xiaobao was also a little surprised after hearing Wu Yue's description. This kind of Iron Armored Army armed to the teeth is indeed very difficult to compete with.

"In the past, defense was the main focus. There was also a way to deal with the Iron Armored Army. If you dug a few trenches, the Iron Armored Army in heavy armor would not be able to get through, but other soldiers and those light cavalry would cooperate with the Iron Armored Army, so they were attacked by them. When you get to the trenches, you are already in a passive situation! Also, using catapults and heavy crossbows is also a way to deal with the armored army, but the effect is not very good. Because the catapults are too bulky and have poor accuracy, the heavy crossbows Even the heavy armor of the Iron Armored Army has limited damage." Tong Wuxin has seen big scenes before, so he made it very clear.Wu Yue nodded frequently at the side.When it comes to fighting, Wu Yue is still very attentive.

"Oh! The armored army should be most afraid of fire attack, right? No matter how well trained the horses are, if they catch fire, they will panic, right?" Zhu Xiaobao took a charcoal pencil and wrote on the paper. When writing and drawing, he actually drew the shape of a tank.

"Of course! Ah, you don't want to use your soil bombs/bombs to deal with the Iron Armored Army, do you? It's useless to tell you, 500 Iron Armored Army, [-] people per row, is also a mile wide! You What kind of car is it drawn? Why is it so weird?" Tong Wuxin suddenly thought of Zhu Xiaobao's incendiary bomb, then shook his head and said.Now Zhu Xiaobao probably doesn't even have a hundred earth bombs in his hands.

"Hee hee! You have a good idea. I just want to use incendiary bombs to deal with the Iron Armored Army. This is called a tank, and it is specially used to deal with the Iron Armored Army!" Zhu Xiaobao erased the barrel on the drawing, and then drew a new one.Kind of like a little mobile house.

"What's the use of this? It takes several horses to pull such a big chariot!" Wu Yue said a little discouraged.

"Well, do you still remember the bicycle I built? I can let people provide power in the mecha car, so that the mecha car can run by itself!" Zhu Xiaobao said while raising his head and thinking.

"Can this work?" Wu Yue asked a little suspiciously.

"Well, if you remove the last word, that's the answer!"

"This will work..."

Chapter 135 The Situation Reversal

Zhu Xiaobao was very interested in this kind of heavy armored army, and couldn't help taking Tong Wuxin and Wu Yue to sneak down the mountain together, and rushed to Xia Zixiu's camp to observe the opponent's iron armored army.Now the two sides are facing each other, but neither of them intends to start a war anymore. Both sides can see the opponent's camp.

The Iron Armored Army still practiced in formation every day according to the usual practice, because their drills were nothing special, and they were not afraid of any leaks. On the contrary, they were a bit of a demonstration, which put Xia Zixiu's troops on the opposite side under great pressure.For daily training, it is generally arranged in a row of 50 people, and every ten rows is a square formation, that is, five hundred armored troops.Now there are forty such squares.Sure enough, the momentum was huge, and the sound of heavy iron hooves could be heard from a distance.

Zhu Xiaobao was still very shocked when he saw it. It was the first time he had seen such a scene of tens of thousands of people practicing, not to mention the Iron Armored Army of the Great Xia Kingdom.Looking at Xia Zixiu's troops again, the momentum was obviously low, and the whole camp was very dull.The coach was captured, which severely damaged their momentum, and the opponent's Iron Armored Army was indeed very intimidating, so it's not surprising that such a scene appeared!

Zhu Xiaobao and the others were unimpeded in the camp, because Wu Yue often went in and out of Xia Zixiu's camp with the nineteenth princess, so they were already familiar with it. Those soldiers were very enthusiastic when they saw Wu Yue, after all, they were in the army , such a hot figure, good-looking female general is still rare!Wu Yue's temperament and characteristics are more in line with the aesthetics of those generals.

"Isn't it very powerful? Facing such an armored army, is there any better way?" Wu Yue said a little depressed. In fact, she was worried about the nineteenth princess. Up to now, the nineteenth princess has not had a single A decent unit with special lethality.There are not many of those heavy crossbows, let alone catapults!It can be said that it is still just in its infancy.

"Well, there will be a long time to come! But that's what the Iron Armor Army is all about. Regardless of its grandeur, it also has its own flaws. I still believe that the mecha will definitely beat the Iron Armor!" Zhu Xiaobao said confidently.

"Humph! I'm bragging again. I know I won't fight anymore. You can say whatever you want. Forget it, I won't go back today. I'll go to the princess. The princess hasn't had a good rest these days. Worried!" Wu Yue pouted and said, and then parted ways with Zhu Xiaobao Tong Wuxin, she really cared about the situation of the Nineteenth Princess, and now is the time when she needs to be by her side.

Tong Wuxin and Zhu Xiaobao didn't say much, Zhu Xiaobao was in a hurry to go back now, he already had a preliminary idea, and he needed to draw it on the blueprint immediately...

For seven days in a row, the Nineteenth Princess was still at a loss. Although the fodder that King Ming needed had been prepared in the past few days, a considerable part of which was paid for by grain, King Ming still remained calm and kept saying that he was unwell. Princess Nineteen was nowhere to be seen.

This is very embarrassing, and now I don't even give a chance to send the fodder.But Xia Zixiu was detained again, which made the nineteenth princess very passive.It seemed that Duke Ming would not let things go without making things difficult for him a few times.

But things always turned around inadvertently. Unexpectedly, on the eighth day, King Wen's troops suddenly rushed to the border of Xiyuan City. Isn't Xiyuan City connected to the fiefs of King Wen and King Ming? They arrived, but they didn't end the month. Instead, they had [-] troops in their own fief, facing off against King Ming's troops.

At the same time, Zhao Meng's 1 horses also started to move, they actually stood on the side of Xia Zixiu's camp, and clearly told Ma Songju to let their troops return to their fief.

Because these troops of King Ming have already crossed the border.So Zhao Meng's request is very reasonable.Of course, Zhao Meng only acted after receiving a letter from the Seventh Princess. If he followed his ideas, he wouldn't care about Xia Zixiu's life or death!

"Bastard! What do they want to do? Did they discuss it? They want to join forces to deal with me? The third child is also in a daze, right? With his little strength?" King Ming furiously raged in the hall. They all looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.There is a lot of knowledge here!

"Ahem! King Ming's thousand years old, the reason is actually very simple, because it involves the interests of their two families! Both King Wen and the seventh princess made a lot of money from the nineteenth princess, and now the nineteenth princess is affected. Shipment, this makes both of them unable to sit still!" Liu Shiyan was the first to stand up and said.

"So what? They thought I would be afraid of them? You've offended me, so I'll kill the third child first!" Ming Wang shouted even more furiously.

In fact, the reason for this conflict was to force the Nineteenth Princess to do business in King Ming's fief, but King Ming didn't want to give up those fodder. In fact, he didn't care about the fodder, but he just didn't want to make Xia Zixiu cheaper.Unexpectedly, in the end, the situation became more complicated.

"But... King Wen did not cross the border. His soldiers and horses are still stationed in his fiefdom. When the nineteenth princess sends all the fodder, we will not get any benefits!" Liu Shiyan said cautiously .

"What...then what should I do? Could it be that I really let Xia Zixiu go and retreated in despair? Dreaming! I want to see if Zhao Meng really dares to start a war with me?" King Ming heard Liu Shiyan's words, There was a sudden meal, yes, the third child is really cunning, even if he is stationed in his own fief, it can be regarded as a solidarity to the nineteenth princess.But in this way, on the contrary, I am wronged!Wouldn't it be a joke to really retreat?Therefore, King Ming suddenly felt in a dilemma.

"In my opinion, let's just give Princess Nineteen a face, let Xia Zixiu go, and then discuss with Princess Nineteen about opening a shop with us. At least we must be treated the same as King Wen!" Liu Shiyan thought. The transfer was still very fast, and I immediately gave my own suggestions.

"Equal treatment? Wouldn't that make me give up the supply of fodder, and wouldn't it be cheaper for that little bastard Xia Zixiu?" Ming Wang glared and shouted, this idea was a bit too aggrieved.After making trouble for a long time, I still lost money!


The Nineteenth Princess suddenly regained her spirits, and the situation suddenly turned in her favor. This was really a bit of a surprise. I thought that the Seventh Sister and the Third Brother were standing by and watching, but unexpectedly, they acted at the same time.This time, Princess Nineteen was not in such a hurry. On the contrary, she first sent out the goods of King Wen and Princess Seven in full.And it was very high-profile, just to let King Ming know that he was no longer in a hurry here, and now the initiative had changed hands.

On the ninth day, Ma Songju's camp suddenly beat drums and gathered generals, and then the men and horses lined up. Not only did they not retreat, but they took a step closer.And it was facing Zhao Meng and Xia Zixiu's two big camps, looking very tough.

"Zhao Meng! What do you want to do? Do you want to start a war with me?" Ming Wang himself stood in front of the battle on horseback, and when he saw Zhao Meng, he yelled unceremoniously.

"Oh! I have seen King Ming Qiansui!" Zhao Meng sat on the horse and bowed his hands. The other party was the second prince, and the necessary courtesy was indispensable, but Zhao Meng's expression was very calm and composed.Respect is respect, but my aura is not inferior at all.

Although King Ming has an armored army, Zhao Meng's strong crossbow battalion is also well-known. With a thousand strong crossbows, any opponent has to weigh them up.If there was a real fight, King Ming's [-] Iron Armored Army would lose half of it.So Zhao Meng is not timid, and has strong confidence in his army!

"Hmph! Zhao Meng, you are still so bad-tempered! This is Seventh Sister's order, right?" Ming Wang snorted very displeased.

"Reporting to King Ming Qiansui, I was ordered to station in Xiyuan City. It was not King Rong's will, but the imperial decree of the emperor. Since Qiansui's army has crossed the border, I naturally have to take care of it. After all, until now, the emperor ordered It has not been withdrawn yet. Maintaining the stability of Xiyuan City is also the job of the minister!" Zhao Meng's answer was very ingenious, he did not mention the Seventh Princess at all, but emphasized that he was in the hands of the Holy Order and absolutely acted according to the order .

"Hmph! Well, well, it really is a good plan, then you just wait here!" Ming Wang was a little depressed, Zhao Meng's words were watertight, which made him a little embarrassed, and the thousand heavy crossbows behind Zhao Meng also made him have some troubles. scruples.

King Ming turned his horse's head, ignored Zhao Meng, and insisted on leaving Zhao Meng there, but Zhao Meng didn't show dissatisfaction at all, and stood there calmly and immediately.

"Nineteenth sister, are you here all right? I'm not feeling well for the past few days, so please forgive me for not being able to see you! Hahahaha!" King Ming rode his horse to the front of the nineteenth princess, and his gloomy expression suddenly changed. She is very kind, and also appears to be very sincere. This kind of professional acting skills makes the Nineteenth Princess very admired. She is worthy of King Ming, and she can also be regarded as a hero. She has mastered this kind of acting skills so skillfully.

"Hehe, I met my second brother! I heard that my second brother is not feeling well, and my younger sister is also very worried! I wonder if he will recover now?" The nineteenth princess also smiled and saluted, and she felt that her acting skills were also improving rapidly. , but also more and more skilled.It seems that to become a person like Seventh Sister, one must learn these things.

"Thank you for your concern, Nineteenth Sister. She just recovered yesterday. No, she came here today! In fact, it's nothing serious. Why is there such a tense situation? This Xia Zixiu is still too young!" Ming Wang laughed. He said, as if he didn't initiate the war first.In the blink of an eye, it was all Xia Zixiu's fault!

"Well, this time it was City Lord Xia who was reckless, please forgive me! But I don't know if I can let City Lord Xia go now? I have prepared the fodder you want!" The nineteenth princess wanted to solve the matter as soon as possible, Even if it is a little bit of a loss, I admit it!

"Haha! Originally, I thought so too, but now City Lord Xia has proposed something else. It's embarrassing for me!" Duke Ming said helplessly.

"Ah? Zixiu? What did he say?" The Nineteenth Princess was taken aback when she heard this. Could it be that Xia Zixiu was tortured, and agreed to some unreasonable conditions from King Ming?

Chapter 136 Mech Chariot

In fact, King Ming didn't even meet Xia Zixiu. He was afraid that he could not control himself, so he killed Xia Zixiu. All the information was forwarded by Ma Songju.Ma Songju is full of ambition these days, one of the great enjoyments in life, but he made Xia Zixiu's legs tremble and shudder when he saw him.Every day feels like a year.

But the nineteenth princess didn't know about it, and she couldn't help being surprised when she heard King Ming mention Xia Zixiu.Then he saw King Ming laughing happily and saying: "Nineteenth sister, don't worry, Xia Zixiu is living happily now! I didn't treat him badly. But if I want to let him go, I have to show some sincerity! After all He is very disrespectful to me, the prince, not only punishing my messenger, but also taking the lead in using force! I can't just let it go so easily, otherwise how can I convince the public?"

"Then according to what the emperor wants, what should we do?" The Nineteenth Princess was also a little helpless. Now that Xia Zixiu was in his hands, King Ming could only set the terms.

"It's very simple! The supply of fodder must be delivered on time with high quality and quantity. In addition, the nineteenth sister has opened many shops in the third place. Shouldn't they also open shops in my fief? The same is the emperor, why do you favor one over the other? Huh?" Ming Wang said very dissatisfied.In fact, this time the trouble was provoked because of the in-demand products of the Nineteenth Princess.Especially when he saw that King Wen and the Seventh Princess were making a lot of money, he was very upset. What's more, he was already obsessed with burning knives, and the effect was amazing!

"I can guarantee that the fodder will be delivered on time. However, the production capacity of my products is limited, and I have no plans to open new stores for the time being. The main reason why I went to Sange to open a store is because Sange spared me the supply of fodder, and Third Brother has plenty of food, which is what I need most. As for Seventh Sister, I think you know that Seventh Sister and I have been working together in the imperial city!" Princess Nineteen frowned and said.Sure enough, Ming Wang still took a fancy to the huge profits brought by those novel commodities.But King Ming was too greedy, not only wanted to earn this money, but he was not ready to give up the supply of fodder, which made the Nineteenth Princess very reluctant.

"Then you don't give second brother this face?" Ming Wang's face has already turned down, he didn't expect Nineteenth Sister to politely reject him.

"It's not impossible. The third brother has the food I need, and the second brother can also exchange it with iron and stone from your fief. What do you think?" The nineteenth princess smiled slightly. She now has food security, and the iron smelting Iron stones are in great demand, and she needs to make a lot of armor and weapons, all of which need iron stones.The nineteenth princess is really calm, even in a very passive situation, she still maintains a very clear mind.

"How can that be done? The iron and stones in this king's fief belong to military supplies and cannot be traded at will!" King Ming immediately refused. If this is the case, he is afraid that the various families and ordinary people in those fiefs will exchange iron and stones. Drink up!This thing is the basis for making weapons and equipment.

"Forget it, since the second brother disagrees, I won't force it!" Princess Nineteen said flatly.

"Nineteenth sister, are you really not giving second brother face?" Ming Wang was a little annoyed immediately. He didn't expect this nineteenth sister to be much smarter than Xia Zixiu, and what made Ming Wang even more embarrassing was that he had already blown it in front of the concubine. Big words will definitely make the nineteenth princess compromise and open the shop to her fief.At that time, soap, toilet paper, burning knives, etc. will not be enough!But unexpectedly, it froze.

"Well, it's the second brother who doesn't give me face! I miss the second brother very much. I have never neglected the monthly soap and toilet paper. The wife of the princess also tries to send as much as possible. I am afraid that the second brother will not Don't you know?" The Nineteenth Princess also acted very wronged, so that King Ming was speechless.Yes, the Nineteenth Princess gave more every time, which really made Mrs. Wang very happy.

"Hehe! It really is the nineteenth sister, much better than Xia Zixiu's idiot! No wonder Xia Zixiu is annoyed every day, and he didn't listen to the nineteenth sister's advice to lead to the current result!" Ming Wang couldn't help laughing and teasing, and then his eyes widened. Zhuan then said: "Let's do this! Since Xia Zixiu was not very convinced in the defeat, he said that he didn't listen to your nineteenth sister's advice, which led to the defeat. I'll give you another chance, as long as you can defeat my Iron Armored Army, I will According to your idea, you are allowed to use iron and stone to participate in the transaction, and you are also exempted from the task of supplying fodder, what do you think?"

"What if I lose?" Princess Nineteen frowned and asked, feeling that this was a trap, how could her troops defeat King Ming's Iron Armored Army?

"It's a defeat! I'll also waive the fodder task for you. But you must open a store in my fief, which must not be less than the supply for the third child, and I will take [-]% of the profit!" Ming Wang said seemingly generously, But a discerning person can tell at a glance that this is the lion's big mouth, no fodder, but it has to take [-]% of the profit, which is more ruthless than the seventh princess!

"I don't agree! First, I won't bet with [-] troops, the casualties are too high. Second, it's not too much to say that the Iron Armored Army has one enemy and two. Such a bet itself is unfair!" Ten Ninth Princess shook her head and said.There is no shame in admitting the strength of the Iron Armored Army!

"Hahahaha! Fair, fair, I will definitely give you a fair chance! I don't need all the troops to participate. I only send two thousand iron armored troops, and since you said that my iron armored army can defeat two with one, then I will Just let you have 4000 troops, how about it? This should be considered fair, right?" King Ming laughed suddenly, after hearing Princess Nineteen's evaluation of the Iron Armored Army, King Ming was very pleased with it, and this is what he is most proud of Combat troops, none of them.

"Then how do we judge the outcome?" Princess Nineteen asked somewhat excitedly.

"Simple! Didn't Zhao Meng say that I have crossed the border? Well, all my remaining troops will withdraw, and there are only two thousand left. As long as you can let them exit the border, you will win, how about it? Merely two Ten miles away, isn't it difficult? Isn't this method fair? And before the two sides fought, I let Xia Zixiu go." Ming Wang seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and immediately said the way to determine the outcome!

Zhao Meng, who was standing next to him, said in his heart, I hope the nineteenth princess will never agree, this is obviously a trap.In terms of winning or losing in this way, the Nineteenth Princess' side must be on the offensive. Zhao Meng is very experienced in this regard, and the defense is just waiting for work.And the price to pay for the attack is much higher, not to mention that in this way, those methods to deal with the armored army will be useless!

"Okay! But I need time to prepare!" The Nineteenth Princess hesitated for a long time, then gritted her teeth and nodded. In fact, she also knew that although there were twice as many troops, it would be difficult to win, let alone defeating the opponent. Twenty miles away, but King Ming's last words were very tempting. Xia Zixiu was released before the battle, which moved the heart of the nineteenth princess. Now that the army's morale is slackened, Xia Zixiu needs to come back to sit in command.So Princess Nineteen finally nodded in agreement!

"Hahahaha! Okay, okay, I'll give you ten days to compete! Come on, leave two thousand armored troops behind, and the rest will retreat for twenty miles!" King Ming was very proud of his treachery. shouted.

Immediately, the army moved slowly, but the pace was in order, and it really retreated twenty miles.Only two thousand Iron Armored Army remained, but the two thousand Iron Armored Army were neatly lined up there, with scarves and flags fluttering, and the lineup was neat, which still made people feel indestructible.

Zhao Meng looked at the nineteenth princess, sighed, then cupped his fists and left with his troops.He felt a little pity for the nineteenth princess, the previous performances were amazing, but in the end he fell into the trap of King Ming.What a pity!In his opinion, 4000 people?Doubling that would not be a match for the two thousand Iron Armored Army.

"Princess, how can you agree? This is obviously a trap. In this way, we are going to take the initiative to attack, which is equivalent to hitting a stone with an egg?" Director Wu also said eagerly. He had been winking just now, but ten Princess Jiu turned a blind eye and agreed so easily!

"Well, why don't I know about King Ming's trap, but this can bring Zixiu back, and if it's a big deal, just admit defeat!" The nineteenth princess also sighed and said, in the end, she was still swayed by her feelings, and agreed to be with the two. Thousand Iron Armored Army Competition.

"What countermeasures does the princess have?" Director Wu asked in frustration.

"No! Let's go back and discuss it!" The nineteenth princess also had a gloomy face, turned her horse's head, and went back on her own!

Wu Yue looked at the princess's back, and was a little anxious for the princess, but this time Wu Yue didn't dare to say more, but suddenly thought of what Zhu Xiaobao said earlier - mecha is better than iron armor!

Wu Yue's eyes lit up immediately, and she said to Boss Wu: "Father, I'll go to Dongtian Paradise first, Xiaobao might have a way!"

"Well! That's fine, don't worry about the princess here! I will comfort her, after all, there is no possibility of winning with 4000 troops!" Director Wu said immediately after his heart moved.He knew that if Zhu Xiaobao really made a spurt, then anything could happen. If he could produce hundreds of those thunderbolts, it would really be possible to defeat the two thousand Iron Armored Army!


Zhu Xiaobao is really researching his tank, but without the barrel, it can only be renamed as a mech tank. The first thing to solve is the power problem!It is impossible to have an engine, it can only rely on manpower!

But how can we maximize the role of manpower? Now we can only make full use of the pulley block. According to the principle of saving effort but not effort, as long as the design is scientific enough, only a few people can release powerful power in a short time.

Zhu Xiaobao is completely immersed in his own inventions and creations. I am afraid that it is difficult for others to experience this kind of fun. Only Zhu Xiaobao will be deeply involved in it. For a top student, overcoming one problem after another is the biggest pleasure!

Unexpectedly, Wu Yue broke in at this time, and said aggressively as soon as she came in: "I want your mecha chariot! Immediately! The more the better!"

"Ah? Sister, are you alright? My mecha chariot is still on the blueprint!" Zhu Xiaobao raised his head, looked at Wu Yue blankly and said.

Chapter 137 Mech Chariot

Zhu Xiaobao looked at Wu Yue with some doubts. He had followed Wu Yue and Tong Wuxin to watch the Iron Armored Army's battle formation a few days ago. Ways to cope!

The current design and research are entirely his interests.Because when he was studying, he liked the powerful weapon of the tank the most, especially the German Tiger tank, which can often fight three against one, which made him fascinated. Up to now, some statistics of the Tiger tank are still Remember clearly.

Now Wu Yue suddenly said that armored chariots would be used, how could this not surprise Zhu Xiaobao?But looking at Wu Yue's appearance, it didn't look like she was joking, and she was also a little anxious, so Zhu Xiaobao concluded that something unsolvable must have happened!

At this moment, Tong Wuxin, Wu Lijia and others also rushed over.They all saw Wu Yue rushing to Zhu Xiaobao's place as soon as he arrived on the mountain, with anxious expressions on their faces.This is still a delicious fragrance that has never been experienced before, so they rushed over here in a hurry.After all, they still care about Princess Nineteen very much!Now that she is confronting King Ming's men, there must be a very serious change, otherwise Wu Yue would not have returned to Dongtian Paradise at such a critical time.

"Tell me! What happened? Xiuxiu, bring Wu Yue a bowl of tea!" Zhu Xiaobao was very calm. Here, he is the real master, and this is the safest place.

"Ten days later, the princess will go to war with King Ming's Iron Armored Army!" Wu Yue drank a sip of tea, and then sat down to read the book in detail, but at this time Wu Yue's mood suddenly stabilized a lot, as if under Zhu Xiaobao It's as if there is a support around me all of a sudden, this feeling has become a habit unconsciously.

"Ha! Then fight, who is afraid of whom? He has the Iron Armored Army, and we have Xiaobao!" Wu Lijia was very happy, and cried out very excitedly.

"That's right! This time we also want to participate in the battle!" The little bosses among the guards behind Wu Lijia were also eager to try. They were a little unwilling to participate in the ambush of Aoyang last time, because the victory was so wonderful!Now these female guards have completely found a sense of belonging and have regarded this place as their own home.He was not so restrained in front of Zhu Xiaobao.

"Do you think it was so easy to deal with Ao Yang last time? That was the Iron Armored Army. Xia Zixiu's 3 horses were defeated in one encounter. Even Xia Zixiu was captured!" Wu Yue said angrily.

"Hmph! I don't believe in this evil! I only believe in Xiaobao. Didn't Xiaobao say that mechas are better than iron armors, let alone we are now four thousand against two thousand! Isn't it? Xiaobao?" Wu Lijia said to Zhu Xiaobao now Bao is absolutely convinced. She has a strong physique and high martial arts skills, so it will not be as complicated as Wu Yue thought!

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Unexpectedly, the opportunity for me to show my talents has come! Look, it is a bit insufficient to deal with tens of thousands of horses, but now there are only two thousand, so it is another matter! Unexpectedly, my design can really be put into practice. It's time to act!" Zhu Xiaobao exclaimed excitedly, waving his chubby body.

"Can it really work? Little Treasure?" Tong Wuxin asked expectantly. She didn't care about the situation of the nineteenth princess, but she was obsessed with Zhu Xiaobao's various whimsical ideas. You can feel a surprise every time, and you can learn a lot from it.So this time Tong Wuxin also wants to join the battle!

"Just look at it! By the way, Wu Yue, go and gather all the carpenters and blacksmiths. Sister Wuxin, go to General Zhao Meng's camp and borrow two heavy crossbows for me. If you use them well I need to borrow forty heavy crossbows in a few days! Let Du Ping and the others hurry up and make four hundred... no, six hundred clay pots. , let him go and find out the terrain of the battle in detail!..." Zhu Xiaobao said in the same way in an orderly manner, which made Wu Yue look a little crazy. I didn't expect this little fat man to be quite capable when he was doing things seriously. Charming, why didn't I notice it before?

After finishing the arrangement in one breath, Zhu Xiaobao stood up and said, "Now, you all go out, and no one is allowed to disturb me! Just leave Lu Tong to help me!"

Zhu Xiaobao's arrangements made everyone in the entire Dongtian Paradise run like a machine at high speed.Everyone's faces were full of passion and energy, and they really wanted to experience a hearty victory again!

Wu Yue also quickly went down the mountain to report to the princess. Princess Nineteen's eyes lit up immediately. She didn't expect Zhu Xiaobao to be so active this time, and with Zhu Xiaobao's shot, Princess Nineteen suddenly had more than half the chance of winning!

"Quick! Hand over all the human and material resources to Zhu Xiaobao, ask money for money, ask for people to give! Also, this matter must be kept absolutely confidential. I have already thought about it. For 4000 people, I will send two One thousand, two thousand left, I will use Zixiu's subordinates, and I will carefully select the most capable soldiers!" Princess Nineteen said excitedly.Thinking of Zhu Xiaobao's endless new gadgets, Princess Nineteen couldn't sit still. She even wanted to go to Dongtianfudi to have a look, but in order to keep the secret, she still had to stay in the City Lord's Mansion and stabilize the morale of the army first.

Tong Wuxin was the fastest. When he arrived at Zhao Meng's camp, he borrowed two heavy crossbows. Although Zhao Meng didn't know what Tong Wuxin wanted the opportunity to do with heavy crossbows, he had a very close relationship with Duanmu Shishilang, so he asked He agreed without asking, and as for the forty heavy crossbows in the future, Zhao Meng also readily agreed!

And what is surprising is that Tong Wuxin also found a war horse eliminated by the Iron Armored Army from Zhao Meng's camp, an old horse that has passed its peak, as well as armor and weapons from the Iron Armored Army. It's all here.He has also done some in-depth research. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in all battles!

After a whole night of design and thinking, Zhu Xiaobao came up with a preliminary design plan at dawn, anxiously those craftsmen started to make it.The requirements for the shape are not high, and a test product is created first.

To Zhu Xiaobao's surprise, there are now more than 100 blacksmiths and carpenters gathered in the Paradise of Paradise. It seems that there are not so many craftsmen in Paradise of Paradise?It turned out that the Nineteenth Princess had transferred here temporarily, for fear that there would not be enough time.Therefore, at critical moments, the assistance of the Nineteenth Princess is the most powerful.

The shape of the mecha chariot is very easy to make. The more time-consuming parts are the transmission gears and the wheels of the chariot. One needs to be more precise, and the other needs to be able to bear weight and be strong.Fortunately, Zhu Xiaobao has clearly calculated the data of the gears on the blueprint, and according to his design, they can be very well integrated with each other.

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