The sea of ​​consciousness is still dark, only copper coins are real and illusory, 170 eight copper coins, in a certain order, layer by layer, slowly rotate around the center, so that there will be no collisions.

The collision of mental power is very uncomfortable, as if you hit yourself, your mind is buzzing, and you can try to avoid this situation as much as possible.

This way of rotation is also based on the way of building spell nodes. Originally, he wanted to make polygons and build a super large frame, but you can make the copper coins rotate, and it is almost impossible to stop. Every A copper coin is equivalent to himself. Every copper coin is filled with different thoughts every second, and it is impossible to stop.

So he dropped the idea.

He didn't know how other people practiced, nor did he know what the advanced meditation method looked like. Barr didn't say anything, so he could only continue according to this method.

One hundred and seventy-eight copper coins were born slowly, and soon grew a little bit.

But this little bit is all for one night.

Soon, he felt that he couldn't continue, so he stopped and continued to meditate, but to consolidate the result, and at the same time, build the mana models of the Burning Hand and the Wizard's Hand in the sea of ​​consciousness.

There is also a light technique among the zero-level tricks. Dolle doesn't want to practice it at all. Not to mention the waste of materials, it is useless. Although it may be brighter than candles, can candles save money?Magic crystals are all money.

Quickly constructing a spell model is the key factor for wizards to fight against the enemy. Being able to launch a witchcraft instantly does not need to waste too much time singing. After all, in a serious battle, time is life.

Especially when facing assassins and archers, it is even more race against time.


Beach did not enter the city until the third day and stood in the morgue next to the police station.

The morgue opened, revealing a corpse covered with a white cloth. The corpse had no smell, and it was obvious that it had been disposed of.

Chapter 101 Archery

The white cloth was lifted by the police, revealing Diss' pale face, and soon, the wound on his neck appeared in Beach's eyes.

He just glanced at it, and he understood in his heart that this guy should have finally died in the hands of that man named Dole, but so far, no one knows the existence of that person, and the person involved is already dead. .

That is a pharmacist with a strong endurance ability, and his ability is very terrifying. Although he did not kill other people, but from the ability he has shown so far, I am afraid it is difficult to deal with.

Pharmacists, like necromancers, have always been synonymous with creating terror.But this guy should be fine, he almost only targets the person involved, not anyone else, otherwise, he wouldn't have planned for so long.

He stretched out his hand a little, and his mental power entered Diss' mind through his fingers. After a while, he withdrew his hand, raised his eyes, and said, "Where is Inspector Moreno?"

The policeman said respectfully, "Upstairs, he said you are here, please go over quickly after seeing the corpse."

Beach nodded, then left the morgue and headed for the top floor.

Moreno raised his head, watched Beachy come in, and greeted him with a serious expression.

Then he said in a low voice, "Mr. Beach, what do you think?"

Beach snorted, and sat in front of Moreno, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, "I have no opinion, my personal suggestion is to stop this matter, don't provoke that person, besides, our ability association will investigate secretly, and will That person was expelled."

Moreno heard the meaning of his words, it was expulsion, not killing.

He frowned and said, "Are you sure that person is a pharmacist?"

Beach nodded, and said with a slight smile, "In addition to the pharmacist from the Ability Society, there is now one more pharmacist outside. You are a police inspector, are you afraid?"

Moreno sighed, "I'm afraid, why not be afraid, if that person jumps over the wall in a hurry and releases a terrifying gas, killing dozens or even hundreds of people, then I, the police inspector, will be dismissed, and it will be bad for you adults."

Beach said, "Just know it." He then whispered, "Diss approached me before and told me about the matter. Their grievances are now the last one, so no one will die. Police Moreno Governor can rest assured."

Hearing this, Moreno's eyes widened immediately, "Really?"

Beach nodded, and said in a heavy voice, "Really." After saying this, he suddenly thought of someone, and his face darkened.

A wild pharmacist, he seems to know one, but that person is really difficult to deal with, and he is in the right place, but that person has no intention of killing, so he only got his life.

Thinking of that incident, Beech was actually quite scared, so he hasn't been to the black market recently.

I feel sorry for you.

"Is it really him? Among the wild wizards, the only one who is a pharmacist who can develop a second-level spiritual power potion is Dole? How long has he practiced? How could he be fooled by the idiots of Odo's family? Almost died?" A series of questions rushed into his mind.

Before the intermediate level, a wizard has no fighting power, and he can't even feel that he is a wizard apprentice. Without huge blood, agile skills and strong body, a wizard apprentice is scum.

But a wizard apprentice who knows potions is not so easy to mess with. The method he used that day is an example, unless he didn't have anything on him at the time?But how is it possible?He is at least a senior wizard apprentice now, able to use zero-level magic?

Beach was puzzled.

This month, he is planning to go to a market to try to buy a second-level mental power potion, and at the same time sell some primary spiritual power potions. This thing is too difficult to refine. He practiced several times and failed a few times. This only shows that he does not have this talent, but he is more proficient in materials than anyone else.

Among the eight senior wizard apprentices in Dormont City, almost no one is good at potions, so he is very greedy for that wild master of potions.

Level [-] spiritual potion!

However, if he were a pharmacist, his mental strength would probably be at the limit now. Thinking of this, he felt a chill in his heart. If he could quickly enter the extraordinary realm, wouldn't there be another boss in Domon City?

This is not a good thing. If the other party wants to scramble for the magic crystal mine, wouldn't Domon City be in chaos? The destructive power of a level-up extraordinary wizard is no joke.

However, although this news is a bit scary, he does not intend to share it with the people of the Ability Association. Anyway, it will destroy the interests of the nobles at that time, and has nothing to do with him. He is thinking about leaving here and going to Chris County, the layout here is still too small.


When Dole was about to make a detour to attack the extraordinary, he made up his mind to exercise his body.

After reaching the advanced level, when the practice of Tibet is about to end, you can start to practice a thing called Yuanli breathing method. This is the ultimate path for all fighters. Breathing method can adjust the body up and down, open the internal and external circulation, and attract the energy between heaven and earth into the body. Form a fighting spirit vortex, making people truly possess fighting spirit.

But this also requires a process. After the energy enters the body, it will not directly form fighting energy, but let the body adapt to fighting energy first. Otherwise, the violent energy entering the body in an instant will tear the human body apart.

The breathing method is divided into two parts. The first part is to strengthen the body again, and the second part is to condense the fighting energy vortex.

Duo Lai entered the practice zone when he was in the blacksmith shop, and now he is almost at the end of the practice zone, and he can easily perceive it with a sweep of mental power.

After the decision was made, early the next morning, he came to the river beach with his bow on his back and practiced arrows with everyone.

Victor was surprised by Doll's arrival. He asked the others to continue practicing, came to Dole's side, and said with a smile, "Why, you also want to train as an archer?"

Duo Lai shook his head and said, "I've reached a bottleneck right now, and there's no way to improve through normal cultivation, so I want to improve my warrior profession. I went hunting in the mountains a few days ago and found that I couldn't even shoot a rabbit. No, Just come and practice."

Victor couldn't help laughing suddenly, he laughed loudly, and the people around him also laughed.

Dole was a little ashamed.

The old God Victor said, "Do you want me to guide you?"

Dolle shrugged, "It's an honor to be guided by a super-level master."

Victor laughed, and then yelled at those around him, "Come on, come on, come on, Dr. Lin Rui is about to start training with you, if you little bastards can't compare to Dr. You can go eat shit."

With this yelling, people from farther around looked over one after another.

Dolly is a little ashamed, this guy.

For a while, the river beach became lively.

Ko Ni was also in the crowd. She was still in the stage of strength training, and she was playing stone locks with others. When she saw Dole coming, she waved desperately, and then was spanked by the young elders who trained them, grinning her teeth in pain.

Dale waved in all directions, and then followed Victor to the archer's place.

Someone quickly freed him a target and a bunch of arrows.

Dolai glanced at their archery postures. It was far from what was written in the book. Naruye's biography was full of pictures and texts, with various continuous graphics. It was easy to understand at a glance, so Dolai was no stranger to archery.

Chapter 102

Victor said, "Are you practicing by yourself, or am I guiding you?"

Dole thought for a while, and said, "I'll practice by myself, I have relevant inheritance."

Victor said leisurely, "It's one thing to have an inheritance, it's another thing to be able to shoot, are you sure?"

Duo Lai bit the bullet and said, "I'm sure, if it doesn't work, I can come back to you again."

Victor smiled and said, "Then you can use the arrows as you like." After speaking, he went to the side and urged the others to go.

With Dole's level of effort, he doesn't care at all.

Seeing Victor walk away, Dole took a deep breath, and then took off the bow on his back.

His bow is different from the wooden bows used by other villagers. It is a complete iron bow. The bow body is made of spring steel. It is 1.5 meters high and high. It is high-end goods.The pulling force of an ordinary wooden bow is about 100 to [-] kilograms, and the speed of driving a wooden arrow is also extremely fast, but his bow has a pulling force of more than [-] kilograms. Penetration is stronger.

Seeing him take out this bow, the people around were envious.

Dole didn't care about their eyes, but practiced seriously by himself.

Take out an arrow from the quiver next to it, and then carefully recall the essence of archery, take a bow, and shoot an arrow.

The archery target was only 30 meters away from them. Although Dole's arrow was crooked, it still hit the target. This made the surrounding people look at it differently. Is this still the doctor?And as soon as Duo Lai made a shot, the arrow shot out, tearing the atmosphere and making a strong burst of breath, which made the surrounding people extremely envious.

Especially the few middle-aged people who taught the young and young bow skills, the corners of their mouths were almost drooling.

Dolei looked at the target, and the corner of his mouth twitched. The shot was a hit, but it was a thousand miles away from the center point. His meow was the center point.

However, he carefully recalled the actions just now, determined the direction of adjustment, and started to shoot the second arrow. After his mental power became stronger, the most obvious ones were perception, control, and extreme control over his body. He could easily remember everything about himself. Behavior.

Second arrow.

Whoosh, he still hit the target, but he was still a little away from the center point, missing by a palm.

The people around immediately did not dare to underestimate the doctor.

Dolei shot up with one arrow, each time he was a little closer to the center point, and the speed of each arrow was faster. Soon, he could basically hit the center of the target, which made the surrounding archers They were dumbfounded.

Dole's arm strength is astonishing. It's an iron tire bow, weighing more than 100 kilograms. He shot all the arrows in the quiver in one breath, and he still didn't blush or breathe.

This is a monster.

In the distance, Victor was a little shocked. Dole's strength was still higher than he expected. Isn't this guy a wizard?How come you still have so much strength?

After Dolei hit the center of the circle, he went over and pulled out all the arrows from the archery target, put them back into the quiver, and stepped back twenty steps.

This distance is already the distance that those slightly older archers can contact, and the accurate range of most wooden bows is about 50 meters.

Seeing Dole back, those people unconsciously turned their gazes over to see how much strength this guy had.

Dole has already adapted to the arrow speed of the iron tire bow. When the arrow is shot, how long it will fly in the air and how much it will fall. After aiming at the target, he shot an arrow again.

This time, he still hit the target, just a little short of the target.

Seeing this, the people around were shocked.

Dole himself was dissatisfied, obviously calculated very clearly, he calmed down and thought about it carefully, and then felt the romance around him.

The wind also has a great effect on the arrow. After flying in the air for a few tenths of a second, the wind will act on it for a few tenths of a second, and the deflection seems normal.

He adjusted his crosshair again, felt the speed of Fengliu, and shot the arrow again.

Ah, crooked again.

Dole was not discouraged, and continued to shoot.

He uses the traditional archery method, a small standing frame, suitable for close range, fast bow and high speed.His iron tire bow is actually more suitable for ultra-long-distance flat shooting. After all, it is powerful and can shoot faster and farther.

But in the jungle, this method is not suitable. Although the big bow also has advantages, as long as the eyes are good enough and the prey can be found far enough, the big bow can fully play its role. This point can be understood by referring to the elf archer of the elves .But for ordinary people, a small bow, with a distance of 50 meters, is actually more suitable for rapid archery from the forest.

Dole is holding a magic weapon as a small sword. It is no wonder that the people around him have opinions, but after practicing for a while, they have no objections. This guy, speaking of a doctor, is stronger than them. ashamed.

Dole practiced all morning in one breath, and the distance was changed to 70 meters, which has almost reached the maximum distance for adult shooters in Sanhekou Town.

The achievements of the morning were more ferocious than they have been for several years. Everyone has a new understanding of Dole's ferocity.

This guy is not a doctor, but a professional expert.

Of course, archery is not the goal, and stimulating the body's qi and blood with the help of archery is Dole's ultimate goal.

Qi and blood flow slowly, flow throughout the whole body, stimulate bones, muscles, enter the five internal organs, strengthen them, and Duo Lai can feel even a little bit of subtle feeling.

"Doctor Lin Rui, you are simply archery, you are an art!" The villager who taught archery is the captain of the village guard, known as Robert the Hawkeye. In just one morning, Dole basically caught up with him. This had to amaze him.

When it was almost time to eat, he saw Dolei stop, so he came up to say a few words.

Hearing the voice, Duo Lai turned around and smiled, "I am a senior apprentice myself, and I have a strong bow. It's okay to be stronger than ordinary people."

Hearing this, Robert was a little surprised. Dr. Lin Rui is actually of advanced strength, which is too surprising.

At this moment, Victor came from a distance, and before he came to him, he shouted, "Doctor Lin Rui, come to my house for dinner today?"

Dole was not pretentious, and turned around and shouted, "Okay, come here."

After bidding farewell to Robert, Doré put away his bow, brought the quiver to the target, and was about to clean it up. A few children nearby immediately rushed over and snatched everything from him with a smile.

Seeing this, Dolly smiled.

In fact, it feels good to be in Sanhekou Town. This is a small mountain village, with no concept of territory, no manors, no nobles. It is very happy to live with everyone.

Soon, the two of them came to Victor's house with Connie. At this time, the meal was ready and waiting for them to be served.

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