After entering the main road, Cartier whispered as he walked, "There are many services in the Killer Guild, such as money laundering, slave trading, various fighting qigong methods, and some wizards' meditation methods. If you have money, you can buy it, if you need something, you can buy it inside, but remember to be careful, your money will not be revealed.”

Dolly nodded.

Katya patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I like you very much. In fact, wherever I take you, there is an introduction fee, so you don't have to worry about what I will show you. In the future, when your strength improves, We can still form a team, I just train my teammates in advance."

Dole naturally didn't believe his words, but nodded slightly, and said, "Then thank you, Lord Katya."

The two soon parted ways.

Dole walked to the East End.

The street is very quiet, and few people come out at night. Walking along the way, there are almost no people to be seen, except for the occasional shadow of the security patrol.

Although Domon City is not chaotic, few people walk at night. In the dark corners and complex sewers, there may be several corpses lying there at any time, which is a terrible mess.

No one wants to die outside inexplicably.

Dole carefully walked back to his own alley, and when he turned a corner, he heard a team of security forces coming from a distance, as if they were about to meet.

His face remained unchanged, and he walked up to the patrol team.

He had already changed into a suit of ordinary clothes, with his head exposed. Not surprisingly, he was interrogated.

Chapter 48 Gathering Intelligence

Dole honestly answered where he lived, where he worked, and how old he was, and then the patrol team let him go.

Back in the courtyard, in the dark night, there was silence.

Baal's figure came from the door, his shadow looming in the dark night.

"I just found out that you went to the Killer Guild?"

Dole turned his head, looked at Barr and nodded, and said, "A man named Katia led me there."

Bal Gou tilted his head and thought about who this person is, so he smiled, "This person is the swordsman of the deputy city lord, known as the number one swordsman in Domon City, but he is actually a killer."

Dolle nodded, feeling heavy in his heart, "The water in this city is much deeper than I imagined. I accepted the mission to assassinate Feller, and I have obtained his information, and it will be carried out soon."

Barr shook his head and said, "You can figure it out." He slowly came to the door, swished up to the wall above the door, and then quickly disappeared into the night.

Watching Barr disappear, Dole slowly walked into the room, took out a bottle of strength potion and agility potion, and poured them into his mouth.

Waiting for the potion to slowly come out, he began to perform basic boxing in the yard.

Basic fencing.

Although there is no serious actual combat, but practice more, fix movements, and form a fixed frame of boxing and swordsmanship, which will be very beneficial to the future. What he is thinking now is whether he should buy it the next time he submits a mission. To learn a set of common martial arts, there is really nothing to learn about basic swordsmanship, and I don't have any serious swordsmanship or boxing skills at hand.

After practicing for two hours, until midnight, Duo Lai finally digested some of his strength, his muscles were bulging, his skin was tight, and the medicine was quite effective.

These two bottles of medicine were his last two bottles, and then they were gone.

One bottle of potion costs one gold coin, and these eight bottles of potion cost eight gold coins, which is quite luxurious.

However, feeling the power of improvement in himself, Dolle felt that it was worth the money.

Entering the room, he took out another bottle of primary spiritual potion, drank it, and began to meditate.

The effect of the primary mental power potion is not so obvious, but it is better than nothing. It is much better than simply cultivating by yourself. Now he has visualized about 30 coins. Maintaining a large number of hardness numbers is also a challenge.

The sea of ​​consciousness is huge and boundless, but 30 pieces of hardness exist in the sea of ​​consciousness. It is still very difficult to prevent it from collapsing. It is necessary to keep the shape of coins at all times. In fact, it has exercised his mental strength, willpower, and more Lai felt that he was getting more and more difficult, and once thought he had gone astray.

But Barr said it was okay, he could only continue to practice.

The night passed quickly.

In the daytime blacksmith shop, in the afternoon go out "hanging out".According to the information, Dole quickly determined the general whereabouts of Ferrer.This guy usually has three places to go at night, the military bar, a bar opened by the military department itself, the military camp, which also works as a part-time school, he will practice here for a while, and he will take the special carriage of the military department back at about twelve o'clock in the evening Family.

The place where they live is also very safe. It is in the Northwest District, where the nobles live. There are a lot of security patrols, and because of their status, they themselves have certain guards. Although Fei Le is not a noble, he is indeed a descendant of the nobles. A member, where there is a small nest.All around him are nobles, and the difficulty of lurking has been greatly increased.

It was only then that Dole remembered that most of the people on the assassination list were nobles, but they were still alive and well. The security conditions here are really good. If he had Barr's speed, he would sneak over and leave after killing someone. , it would be no trouble, but he is not Barr.

So this requires a lot of thinking.

bar, barracks, home.

Dole thought for several days before preparing to strike on the road to the bar.

Ferrer doesn't actually like drinking, he just likes the atmosphere. According to intelligence, the bar is for the entertainment of the people in the military department. It provides a lot of things, women, spirits, and some weird things, such as All kinds of drugs that make people intoxicated, and some drugs that enhance sexual performance.

As the team leader, Fei Le has a ban, so naturally he doesn't play with women very much, but occasionally drinks some wine, and then brings some small things back home, and has intense activities with several wives at home. hobbies.

Dole can start here.

Regarding food, water sources, etc., Dolle has also considered it, because they are all supplied by special personnel, and it is difficult to start unless he can lurk in the water bureau or lurk in his home.

These dolles have been considered, but in the end because they are easy to be exposed, they still die without a problem.

Military bar.

Dole ordered several glasses of wine, sat at a table and drank boredly, and passed several women beside him, but he refused them all.

Although he is 13 years old, and his physical growth is almost close to that of a normal person, he is not an adult after all, and there are some things he can't do at all.

As the saying goes, the hair is not fully grown, which refers to this stage.

But it does not prevent Dolle from drinking. Although soldiers are restricted from entering the military bar, Doley can come in with a little makeup, provided he has money.

He had the money, so he came in.

The bar in the Military Department is very chaotic, there are people who drink alcohol, people who get drunk and make trouble, all of them are their own well, as long as they don't kill people, it's fine, if things break, they break, anyway, someone will pay for it.

Dole only worked for a while, and two such things happened. One was drunk and made trouble, and the other was because of women.

The woman was actually quite beautiful, with very fair skin, obviously different from the locals, with a slender figure, protruding as she should have been, and a body tights that could better accentuate her beautiful figure. The two officers fought over it.

The woman has no will, even a marionette, and there is no life in her eyes, but this does not hinder her appearance.

This is a poor woman, Dolet defined.

He drank for a while, looked at the door inadvertently, then his eyes lit up slightly, then turned his head away, no longer paying attention.

Here comes Ferrer.

Feller and his colleagues got off work together, without changing their clothes, they came straight here, yelled a few times at the bar, ordered drinks for the brothers, and greeted a few acquaintances warmly, then led the people , found a table and started drinking.

Dole observed for a while, and soon found that he asked for something from a waiter, and put it in his breast pocket casually.

Dolle has a panoramic view of all this, even the location of the charge is clear.


Pharmacy of the future.

Lao Mi met Duo Lai in person, still in that very ordinary pharmacy.

Duo Lai didn't talk nonsense, and took out ten bottles of primary spiritual strength potions, and said with a faint smile, "I need four bottles of primary strength potions, four bottles of agility potions, and replace the rest with materials and money."

Lao Mi nodded. It was not the first time they had traded, and the transaction went smoothly. However, he found that there were a lot of strange ingredients mixed into Dole's medicinal materials this time.

But he didn't ask. There are many slightly taboo things in the wizard system. As long as it is medicinal materials, whether it is poison or ordinary medicinal materials, he can sell them.

Chapter 49 The Death of Feller

"The medicinal materials are ready, and there are four gold coins left." Lao Mi's deal was completed, with a happy expression on his face. This time, he could earn at least two gold coins. For wizards, two gold coins may not be a big deal, but for As far as he is concerned, two gold coins are also a trick.

Dole hummed, wrapped the things up, put them behind his back, and said, "I'll come here once a month from now on."

Hearing this, Lao Mi breathed a sigh of relief, and became more enthusiastic, "It's a great honor, your spiritual potion is very good and pure, and the customers like it very much."

Duo Lai shook his head, and said, "The potion of strength is also good, but the potion of agility is almost there. If I don't have the relevant formula, I don't need what they provide."

In fact, there are Dolles, just to hide clumsiness.

Lao Mi nodded, "Many apprentices are only proficient in one kind, and it is very difficult to learn the other kind, but it is good that they can be exchanged."

After the transaction was completed, Dolle left the pharmacy, quickly returned to his room, entered the alchemy room, and prepared to formulate an exclusive potion for Fei Le.

He also bought some of that medicine and planned to add some ingredients to it.

He settled down and looked thoughtful.He kept saying that now he still remembers the situation when Ferrer came here, aloof, life and death, that kind of eyes, as if looking at him like a dead person, Doré doesn't like that kind of eyes very much, it has become a nightmare for him to sleep at night.

For a magician, mental power is very important, but Fei Le, Carmen, and Diss are like mountains, lying in front of him, making him feel resentful and angry, resulting in slow improvement of mental power.

Therefore, they must die.

Odo and his son are already dead, and Dolly's mental power has been cleared once. That night, he got two more copper coins. If these three people die, Dolly's strength should be greatly improved.Whether it's because of the nightmare or because of the understanding of the mind, these three scumbags must die.

When they treat themselves as ants, don't blame yourself for treating them as ants.

It took a little while to incorporate the poison into the drug and it was all set.He didn't panic at all, but was very calm.

The time came to the fourth night, and Dole changed his face this time, and came to the tavern of the Military Department to drink while Fei Le was on duty.

After ten o'clock in the evening, he still didn't see Fei Le coming. Dole secretly thought of luck. He quietly came to the North District and found that this guy was not at home?

Where did you go?Dolle decided to stay a while,

The density of security patrols in the North District is quite high. Dole spent most of his belongings and bought a suit of expensive clothes so that he would not be questioned when walking on the street. When it comes to interrogation, or they are arrested and beaten severely.

He is now a bit shadowy over the police station.

At night, he hid on a tree outside, motionless, and even the circulation of Qi and blood was completely reduced.

At ten o'clock in the evening, a sound of horseshoes came from a distance, and soon reached the entrance of the alley.

In this alley, there are actually many people living in it, and Dole doesn't know who came back.

Soon, he saw an exquisite carriage parked at the entrance of the alley, and two people came down from it. They came down first, and then dragged a drunken figure down.

In the dark night, I couldn't tell who it was, but the man was drunk and was talking nonsense all the way. Dolle heard from the voice that this was the person he was waiting for, Fei Le, and glanced at the three of them. Sad but not happy, it seems that there is no drama tonight.

He remained motionless, staring at the three of them coming from the alley.

The two walked, chatted and laughed, dragged Fei Le, and soon arrived at the door of Fei Le's house.

They randomly placed people at the door, knocked lightly on the door, then turned and left, as if unwilling to stay.

As they walked, they discussed whose daughter was beautiful, whose woman had a big butt, and whose daughter-in-law had big breasts, without a serious word in their mouths, with a lewd expression on their faces.

Dolle watched the two leave, looking at Fei Le lying in front of the house, a little confused.

Soon, the two got into the carriage and disappeared at the entrance of the alley.

At this time, Feller's house was still in darkness, and no one seemed to hear someone open the door.

Dole's eyes slowly lit up, and his heart beat fast, "Is this the chance God gave me?"

Deeply aware of the importance of opportunities, he quietly slipped down from the tree, touched the door, pricked up his ears, and waited quietly for a few seconds.

There was no movement inside the door.

Dole lowered his head and took a deep look at Feller under his feet. He fell to the ground like a puddle of mud. In the dark night, he couldn't see his face clearly.

The moth of this empire.

Dole almost didn't think about it, put on his gloves, turned Ferrer over, took out the medicine from his arms, unscrewed the bottle, and put the cork in his pocket.

After some effort, he pried Fei Le's mouth open, and Dole poured all the medicine into it with a blank expression. Fei Le didn't leave a drop, and took it all.

Dole sneered, his eyes were full of pleasure, and he thought, there is no more drink.Gently put down Fei Le, then knocked on the door vigorously, left quickly, and stood in the darkness far away.

A moment later, the inside was lit up, the door opened, and a beautiful woman came out in disheveled clothes, and brought Fei Le in. Seeing here, Dole quietly walked away. He felt that his mind had changed again, and his spirit was much more active. .

Leaving the entrance of the alley, Dorai breathed a sigh of relief. He straightened his clothes, then pretended to be nonchalant, and slowly left the North District.

Next came Carmen and Diss, and there were only these two left.


Diss sat in the director's office, listening to the report from the military department, with a helpless expression on his face.

A small captain of the city guard died on his wife's belly. What is there to investigate?Aren't those damn corrupt guards all the same thing!

"I hope the police department can take over this matter. After all, solving cases is not within the scope of our military department. Although Fei Le's death is not very glorious, the police station also needs to investigate." The taller the person, the more rigid the person's speech will be.

Feller's death was too dishonorable, so the Military Administration decided to use a decent way to end Feller's crime.

Inspector Moreno of the police station nodded and said, "Don't worry, Gray, we will do a good job in this matter."

Gray shrugged and nodded, and said, "Then I will trouble you, happy cooperation."

"Pleasant to work with."

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