And He Yuzhu was also taken aback, he was also taken aback, why did someone come?

Hastily turned his head.

I saw a small black figure slowly creeping in through the crack of the door. It was a child.

As soon as he came in, he went straight to the table here and touched it.

Qin Huairu almost lost her mind immediately, she had already recognized this figure, she couldn't be more familiar with this figure.

It is none other than her eldest son, Jia Geng!

This bastard kid actually came to steal Sha Zhu's pig's trotters!

Qin Huairu was embarrassed at the moment, embarrassed and ashamed, and a little scared.

What would Bang Gon think if he saw that he was here too, and still staying here with Sha Zhu in such a posture?

If he said it again, wouldn't he be completely finished?

It's all my own fault, I'm obsessed with meat!At this moment, Qin Huairu could not wait to dig a hole in the ground and let herself jump into it.

At this time, He Yuzhu also recognized the stick, and he almost burst out laughing.

What's the matter!The two mothers came to him one after the other to steal pig's trotters to eat.

If I hadn't seen that the stick was coming towards the pig's trotters on the table, I would have thought it was a game set up by the two girls on purpose, and they were playing fairy dance.

But he didn't want Banggen to see Qin Huairu, otherwise the matter would become serious and it would be out of his control.

So, he quickly hugged Qin Huairu, and slowly moved to the side, to get out of the way of the stick.

But Bang Geng's eyesight was obviously not as good as He Yuzhu's, and he didn't even notice that there were two people standing on the ground.After he came in, he went straight to the table, and he was familiar with the road, and he touched the plate on the table smoothly.

Then he picked up the plate and poured the pig's trotters into a cloth bag that had been prepared earlier, then turned his head and walked away, and groped out along the way he came.

The whole process is sophisticated and skillful, and it looks like a habitual offender.

And the whole process went its own way, even the two people standing next to him didn't notice.

Don't forget to close the door carefully when you go out.

Qin Huairu stared dumbfounded, with mixed feelings in her heart, she didn't know what it was like.

But He Yuzhu suppressed a smile, and whispered in her ear: "Qin Huairu, you said, your son came to my house to steal things, didn't you wrong him?"

Qin Huairu was speechless, that's right, today it was catching a thief and stealing stolen goods, the stick stole the pig's trotters in front of himself and Shazhu, can you not admit it?

"Silly Zhu, BangJiao is still a child, you, please don't report to the police."

She was afraid that He Yuzhu would make a fuss like last time, and insisted on reporting to the police and sending Stick to prison.

He Yuzhu smiled: "That depends on how you behave."

This, I can't understand anymore.

Qin Huairu gritted her teeth: "Tomorrow night, I'll come over tomorrow night, you can do whatever you want."

He Yuzhu said: "Why tomorrow? Today?"

Qin Huairu quickly said: "Not tonight, Bang Jian stole the pig's trotters and went back. He must eat with Xiaodang. If I don't go back, my mother-in-law will definitely find out."

He Yuzhu thinks about the same thing, and it will definitely not work tonight.

"Can you please, silly Zhu, let no one know about this. If I know, I won't be able to stay in this courtyard any longer." Qin Huairu was almost crying, grabbed He Yuzhu's hand and begged in a low voice with.

He Yuzhu had already decided in his heart to let her go tonight, but he deliberately said, "Then what if you don't come tomorrow night?"

This is a threat, but Qin Huairu didn't dare to say anything at the moment: "Then what do you say?"

He Yuzhu thought for a while: "You have to leave something on your body."

Qin Huairu said in embarrassment: "But I don't have anything on me, how can I keep it for you?"

He Yuzhu smiled and stretched his hand in.

Qin Huairu's face changed, and he instinctively wanted to clamp his arms to stop him, but He Yuzhu said, "What? You don't want to go back?"

Qin Huairu's body froze immediately, and her arms loosened.

He Yuzhu easily pulled something out of it, and he didn't forget to pinch it when he came out.

Qin Huairu's face was pale and red, and he didn't dare to say anything.

"That's right, it shows that you are sincere." He Yuzhu proudly shook the little dress in front of Qin Huairu's eyes, and then let go of his hand.

Qin Huairu bit her lips tightly with her white teeth, and didn't dare to say a word. She lowered her head and tiptoedly opened the door, and quickly walked out quietly.

Chapter 48

After Qin Huairu left, He Yuzhu looked at the little coat in his hand. It didn't have the sophistication and openness of the Bra of the later generations, but it had the restraint and simplicity of this era.

This also shows that it is far more difficult than those of later generations.

He leaned to his nose and smelled it, a faint milky scent.

I put it directly under the pillow, and then fell asleep with my head in my arms.

On the other side, Qin Huairu came out of the north room, and didn't dare to go back to the west wing, but went outside first, and went to the public toilet.

Sure enough, not long after, I heard the rustling footsteps of an old woman with little feet outside.

"Mother stick, are you in there?" Mrs. Jia Zhang called carefully in a low voice.

This dead old woman really came out to investigate.

Qin Huairu responded: "Who? Is it mother? Why are you here too?"

The Jia Zhang family outside was obviously relieved: "Oh, it's good that you are inside, I thought..."

"What do you think? Do you think I'm going to steal someone?" Qin Huairu said angrily.

Because of what happened last night, she was full of anger in her stomach, and now she met Jia Zhang who went to the public toilet to check the post, so she spoke badly.

Mrs. Jia Zhang sneered: "What are you talking about? I'm just afraid that you will meet bad guys when you go out alone at night. Come back quickly, everything is waiting for you."

Saying that, he twisted his little feet and walked away.

Qin Huairu waited for her to leave, then got up and went back slowly.

When I got back to the house, I saw a small oil lamp was lit in the room, and both Bang Gian and Xiao Dang were sitting in front of the dining table with excited faces.

Jia Zhang was also sitting there with a smile on his face.

Qin Huairu asked knowingly: "Why are you all up? Why don't you go to bed? Bang, go back to sleep, you have to get up early to go to school tomorrow."

Stick stem smiled, but didn't move, his face couldn't hide the smug expression.

Mrs. Jia Zhang said: "Bangjiao's mother, Bangjiao has something good for you to eat."

Saying that, he winked at BangGiao.

Seeing the unconcealed pride on the faces of the young and old, Qin Huairu suddenly felt very blocked.

When did my own child take pride in stealing other people's things?

If such a grandma is allowed to continue teaching, I am afraid that one day she will be sent to prison.

At this time, Bang Geng proudly took out the bag, and carefully poured all the pig's trotters in the bag onto the plate prepared by Mrs. Jia Zhang.

"Mom, this is the pig's trotter I stole from Sha Zhu. There was a big plate of pig's trotter left over from him, and I poured it all back for him." Banggan said proudly, his face full of invitations for credit, It seemed to be waiting for her compliment.

Qin Huairu's face turned dark all of a sudden.

You still have the heart to laugh!Also come to invite credit!

Do you know, it doesn't matter if you steal this plate of pig's trotters, your mother's innocence is covered!

For this innocence, how much suffering your mother and I have endured, how many men's pursuit and harassment I have resisted.

But today, you sold my old lady with a plate of pig's trotters!

Qin Huairu hated her so much that her teeth ached, but she couldn't say these words, she could only stare, and slapped Bang Geng's head with a slap: "I told you not to learn well, and told you to steal other people's things!"

The whole family was dumbfounded, and no one thought that Qin Huairu would suddenly turn his back on him and beat him up.

Especially Banggen, who was still waiting for Qin Huairu's praise with a proud face, but he didn't expect that the praise didn't come, but what he waited for was a violent beating, and he opened his mouth immediately and burst into tears.

Jia Zhang was anxious, and quickly hugged the stick in his arms: "What are you doing? Why are you beating the child?"

Qin Huairu blushed: "He's already stolen, shouldn't he hit him? Did you forget what happened a few days ago? Would you be happy if he was sent to jail that day?"

Jiazhang's face turns green and turns pale: "Isn't it just a plate of pig's trotters, what about it? Besides, Sha Zhu didn't find out this time, so he wouldn't know that it was stolen by the stick."

Don't know yet?Everyone saw it with their own eyes!

Qin Huairu turned pale with anger: "Mom, why are you spoiling him? Do you have to let him go to prison to be happy?"

When she became anxious, her voice became louder, which frightened Jia Zhang, and she hurriedly wanted to cover her mouth: "My aunt, what are you doing with such a loud voice? I'm afraid that others will not know, so you have to tell me Are you satisfied with sending your son in?"

Qin Huairu stopped talking, but her expression was very ugly.

Stick stem didn't dare to cry anymore, and looked at her eagerly.

Xiao Dang also came over timidly, and grabbed her skirt: "Mom, don't be angry, isn't it okay for Xiao Dang not to eat meat in the future?"

In a word, Qin Huairu burst into tears as he hugged her directly.

Jia Zhang quickly stabbed the stick.

Sticking out his words, he immediately came over and said, "Mom, actually, I actually wanted to steal the pig's trotters for you because I saw that Sister Huaihua had no milk to eat."

Qin Huairu: ...

This meal of pig's trotters made the whole family burst into tears.

When he woke up the next day, He Yuzhu went to the space to take a look. Those little piglets hadn't grown up yet, and each weighed about a hundred catties. It seemed that it would take a day to get out of the circle.

Fortunately, there are chickens and fish, so He Yuzhu is not worried.

When he came to the canteen, he took out the remaining pork in the space and gave it to the canteen of the steel factory. It was 180 catties in total, and 140 yuan was put into his pocket.

Then, fifty chickens and fifty fish were taken out from the space. The chefs were amazed when they saw it: "Director He, you have such a wide range of connections. You can even get chicken and fish? Now Our workers and masters are blessed."

He Yuzhu smiled and nodded: "Today, I'll give you a change of taste. I'll make a braised fish nugget, another spicy chicken diced, and two vegetarian dishes."

Four dishes are standard in the canteen of the factory, but in the past, because meat was hard to find, there were usually four vegetarian dishes, and occasionally there was only one meat dish, and they were all mixed dishes with a little meat added.But now, these four dishes include chicken and fish, and the treatment has improved a lot.

While he was busy cleaning here, Ma Hua ran over: "Master, there is a big beauty looking for you."


He Yuzhu was a little puzzled, which big beauty would come to him?

The people in the cafeteria also followed curiously, wanting to see who the beautiful woman who came to see Director He was.

When we came outside to see it, everyone was stunned.

"Hey, isn't this our factory flower, the big beauty Yu Haitang from our factory studio?"

"Tsk, tsk, I have to say that Director He is so charming that he even attracted the beautiful woman Yu."

"That's right, this announcer is usually very proud. She doesn't even look at so many people chasing her. Today, she actually took the initiative to find our Director He."

Seeing Yu Dachanghua with a beautiful smile and a shy face, He Yuzhu asked in surprise: "Haitang, why don't you stay in the broadcasting room well, what are you doing in my cafeteria?"

Yu Haitang blushed, and took out the hand that was behind her back all the time: "Brother Zhuzi, this is my dad's favorite jasmine tea. I stole a box for you to taste."

Chapter 49 Improving Your Life Today

"Wow!" The people present became more and more amazed, Yu Dachanghua obviously took a fancy to Director He!Not only ran to the cafeteria to see him, but also brought him tea to drink.

Moreover, this tea was stolen from my father!

It can be seen how much Yu Dachanghua loves Director He!

"Tsk, Director He is really charming! Even our Yu Dachanghua is obsessed with him."

"That's right, you should know that Yu Dachanghua is not yet 20 years old, and our director He is 26 years old, a full six years older!"

"Well, it's so rare, what's wrong with being six years older? Our director He is so capable, he became the director of the canteen at a young age, and his salary is 60 yuan a month. The leaders all like him, and his future is boundless, so Yu Dachanghua must have taken a fancy to Director He's future."

"That's right, Director He wants people, money, and a future. To put it bluntly, it's better to be in the big factory."


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