Every time the thunder fell, it trembled with it.

Occasionally spit out blood.

After finally waiting for the thunder to stop for a while, it finally completed the formula completely, and then closed its eyes, as if it was planning something.Half a quarter of an hour later, it suddenly opened its eyes, and the slender fox's eyes were full of surprise and bitterness.

Look up at the sky again.

Angrily let out a fox cry: "Chi!"

What responded to it was a thunderclap.


It seemed that lightning had struck a mountain not far from the hurdle, and the sparks lasted for a while in the dark forest before being extinguished.

The hairless old fox trembled and climbed up the branch in a panic.Facing the direction of the farm house in the back mountain, he sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and muttered, and bit the tip of his tongue after a while.

Blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and dripped onto the fur on his chest, staining it a dark red.

The wind howled.

Thunder boomed.

The weather at night is like a roaring beast.

The hairless old fox just maintained his meditation posture, allowing the wind to blow its bald hair up, and even a couple of locks of hair were blown off its body.

Exposure to larger patches of alopecia areata.

In the area of ​​alopecia areata, there is wrinkled skin, loose and drooping, like a piece of rotten wood.

at the same time.

On the door of the farmhouse in Houshan, the Anzhai Talisman, which was shaken by the wind, suddenly ignited by itself, and burned into a cloud of ashes in a moment, and disappeared with the wind.

In the parasol greenhouse, Xiaoqing, who was sleeping soundly, quietly opened her eyes, shining brightly in the dark.

Facing another pair of slightly red eyes.

It's Xiaobai.

I don't know when Xiaobai climbed onto the dead tree and looked at Xiaoqing face to face.It didn't make a drum-like sound, but its throat trembled slightly, and it made a slight "cuckoo" sound.

Hearing this voice, Xiaoqing pondered for a moment with a human touch, and then responded with a slight cow cry: "Moo."

Then he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

Chapter 1

Early the next morning, April [-]th.

Ikehashi Song woke up from the bed and found that the outside was slightly damp. It was obvious that it rained last night, but the rain was not heavy, and the soil on the surface was only soaked.

Xiaoqing was plated on the roof of the tiled roof, breathing purple air into the drowsy east.

The second uncle hurried past the door with a shovel in hand: "Xiao Song, I didn't cook breakfast this morning, your little uncle went to the market to buy sesame seed cakes, but he didn't buy yours, let you go to the city to buy food yourself.

I have fed Xiaoqing, Xiaobai, and Axe, as well as Xiaojizai and Wudaomei.

I'll go down and plant trees first.

It is estimated that it will really rain today, so try to plant all the trees in a surprise attack. Don't forget to bring an umbrella when you go to work. "

"Oh good." Ikehashi Song replied in a daze.

Look at the sky, it's cloudy.

There was no wind, and the air was stuffy, like a moment of calm before a storm.

He fetched water to brush his teeth, and washed his face vigorously with cold water to wake himself up.

But the dream of last night always came to mind, thinking of the old fox who repeatedly entrusted him with dreams, and what he said in the dream.

"I was born to drink blood for five years. I started to seek relief in the muddle, and I visited the mountains to seek Zen. It took four years to meet the great sage. From then on, I suddenly realized.

Then I learned Taoism for 30 years, another 30 years, and another 30 years, and now it has been 99 years.

The deadline is approaching, and life is not long.

However, I want to overcome the catastrophe of the human womb, and fight for a chance of life. I will meet you, and I will know that I am destined, and my way will fall on you..."

In the dream, the old fox man used the crappy human language to drag half-white and half-literal sentences.

But don't wait for it to finish.

Suddenly there was a thunder, and the old fox seemed to be strangled by the neck. The sound and picture stopped abruptly in an instant, and the first dream ended here.

I don't know how long it has passed, but I had a second dream.

The old fox appeared again in the dream, but at this time, the old fox no longer looked like a man in a mandarin jacket, but a bald old fox with hair loss all over his body.

After the old fox fell into a dream, he screamed directly: "Save me, good man, save me quickly! At [-]:[-] noon tomorrow, there will be lightning striking the old locust tree, and I will definitely be chopped into coke. I only ask for a drop of blood, and I will be as good as a cow!" Ma Baoen!"

Then there was thunder again.

The bald old fox screamed and left the dreamland.

The two dreams before and after revealed a lot of information, which made Chi Hashimatsu ponder over and over again.

"I can be sure that from the beginning to the end, it was this old hairless fox who was making troubles... But according to what it means, it is going to go through a catastrophe, some kind of human calamity."

"And I seem to be able to help it survive the catastrophe!"

"Originally, it should have planned to fool me with some moths, and let me help it overcome the tribulation for nothing, but it may be that the thunder tribulation was ahead of schedule or for some other reason, so it didn't have time to fool me, so it asked for help instead?"

It seems to be such a logic.

It's just that the hairy old fox was talking about it before and hid a lot of information, which made it difficult for Chi Qiaosong to deduce the whole picture.

"However, if at [-]:[-] p.m. there really was a thunderbolt that struck the old pagoda tree, and there really was a fox that was chopped into charcoal, would I save it or not?" He grasped the key point of the whole incident.

The hairless old fox was going to cross the catastrophe, and seemed to expect that he would fail to cross the catastrophe.

So I begged him for help.

The choice is now in his hands.

"Don't be in a hurry, wait until I go to the martial arts hall to make an appointment and ask Mr. Han for something before making a decision." He sorted out his thoughts and looked up unconsciously.

I saw that the Anzhai symbol on the door had disappeared.

I don't know if it was blown away by the strong wind last night, or torn off by the hair-shedding old fox.

I thought about it.

Ikehashisong took out three Anzhai Talismans from the room, glued them carefully to the door, and then pasted an Anzhai Talisman on each door of the five greenhouses.

After finishing these, he waved to Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing jumped directly onto his shoulder.

"Help me take care of my house. Don't run outside. If you encounter some vixen or the like, hide if you can't beat it."


"Very good, Xiaoqing has grown up." Ike Hashimatsu patted Xiaoqing on the head.

Xiaoqing immediately raised her head triumphantly: "Moo!"




Talk about martial arts.

After Chihashisong wolfed down the buns, he went to knock on teacher Han Cuifen's door.

"Is there something wrong?" Han Cuifen's tone was still indifferent. She wore a loose Taoist robe every day, very low-key, and rarely went out of the dormitory except for class.

"Well, ask Mr. Han about something."

"Please say."

"In the past two days, I've heard other people talk about how a vixen will survive the catastrophe of a human fetus. I checked the information but couldn't find it, so I wanted to ask Mr. Han if you know."

Han Cuifen comes from the Temple of Auspicious Clouds. Although the Temple of Auspicious Clouds is not responsible for subjugating demons, these methods are originally the category of martial arts internal skills.

She nodded: "There is such a saying."

"Please ask the teacher to clarify."

"Taoism believes that after death, people will be reincarnated and become human again. After reincarnation, they will forget the past.

Han Cuifen said eloquently: "Therefore, there is a saying among practitioners that once the mystery in the womb is broken, one can obtain all the cultivation in the previous life.

But no one has confirmed whether there is really a mystery in the womb.

Even if there are some so-called enlightenment and Su Hui wizards, they are all gimmicks made by evil cultivators.

As for evil spirits like vixen, they are often full of evil spirits, and after a long period of practice, they will inevitably send thunder from heaven to destroy the evil spirits.If the evil spirit is strong, a thunderbolt will smash it into fly ash.

If the evil spirit is superficial, you can use the thunder to wash away the evil spirit and regenerate yourself.It can even take the opportunity to transform into a human form, which is the so-called calamity of the human fetus. "

Ikehashi Song nodded: "I see."

Han Cuifen added: "That's what I said, but it's too rare for goblins to take human form. In some news reports, there are records of vixens making peace with people, but it's hard to tell whether it's true or not, so whether there is a human calamity or not, can not say it clearly."

"I see. Thank you teacher for clarifying the confusion. By the way, teacher, have you finished your vegetables? I'll bring you some later."

"The food at home is not finished yet, if you send it again, it will rot."

"Okay, tell me after you finish eating, and I'll bring some over."

After inquiring the secret of the catastrophe of the human fetus, Chi Qiaosong left the martial arts hall.

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be falling.

When he hurried back to the farmhouse, there was a rumbling thunder, and big raindrops fell down.It hit the plastic skin of the greenhouse, making a crackling sound.

The axe was lying under the eaves, and its body was just inside the boundary line of the eaves dripping water, but it stretched out its tail outside, using it to sweep the water in a boring way.

Xiaoqing hides in the sycamore shed and cannot come out. She doesn't like water, and neither does she like rain.

"Old hairy fox, are you ready to start crossing the catastrophe?" Chi Qiaosong held a book and waited patiently, always paying attention to whether lightning struck a hurdle.

Or several hills around a ridge.

At that time, the hairless old fox didn't explain clearly in his dream. He only said that lightning fell on the old locust tree at three o'clock in the afternoon, but he didn't tell him which old locust tree it struck.

Time passed, and the second uncle brought lunch.

Ikehashi Matsu finished the meal indiscriminately, and looked at the wall clock on the wall, the time had reached 12:30.

"Three quarters in the afternoon is 45:[-], the thunder should be coming soon." He put on his rain cape, took out the ghost-headed sword from the red gourd, and stared at the sky quietly.

Chapter 1 Lightning Strikes Wood


The thunder is in the sky, and the rain is pouring.

"Xiaoqing, come here!" Chi Qiaosong, who was wearing a poncho, walked into the sycamore shed, and waved to Xiaoqing who was staring at Xiaobai, "Come under my poncho and go out with me."


Xiaoqing shot over quickly, then got into the poncho, coiled up around Chi Qiaosong's shoulders.

Its size is already not small, as if two high shoulder pads were added to Ikehashi-matsu, making the poncho seem to stretch out a circle, with an obvious three-dimensional effect.

Three quarters in the afternoon is approaching, Ikehashi-matsu has to make all preparations.

So he decided to bring Xiaoqing with him. Although Xiaoqing is only a young dragon, his swordsmanship has already achieved three points of truth, and his strength is comparable to that of a wrestler.

In case the hair-loss old fox plays any tricks, Xiaoqing will be a very good hole card.


Chi Qiaosong looked down at the Baiyu Palace lying under the dead phoenix tree again, hesitated a little, and then said, "Xiaobai, stay at home, I hope you are really auspicious."

He kept Xiao Bai because of the mascot saying of the big white toad.

If it brings danger instead of auspiciousness, then the only way to vent your anger is to kill the fat field.

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