Until now, he still felt the lack of realism.

Too fake!

Luo Yu smiled slightly, "You're welcome, come and share the spoils."

In fact, he wanted to say, I'll take care of Yamato's inheritance, and you can do whatever else you like.

However, Sun Hao and Captain Zhongnin waved their hands together.

"I'll just blow the water, and I'll beat you up. The spoils are fine. When the media interviews later, let me blow more."

"I also need to pinch Jiang Limei's VX more." Sun Hao scratched his head and said modestly.

If Shengyan's roots were allowed to occupy Yinlin Peak, it would definitely threaten Jiang Li's safety in the future.

The combination of the three of them fought against the roots of Shengyan, and it could be regarded as saving Jiang Li from a crisis.

Definitely going to be big news.

The Chunin captain also echoed, "You can temporarily burn the roots and eliminate my psychological shadow, which is my best trophy."

"After several years, I can finally sleep well."

With that said, the Zhongnin captain looked at Sun Hao again, "Why don't we go back to the camp first."

"There must still be a lot of wounded people who need help, and the main force of the alien beast army has been wiped out."

"But there are still some remnants, and the teleportation anchor still needs to be guarded."

"Luo Yu will take inventory of the spoils first."

Sun Hao nodded, "Agreed."

Then, under Luo Yu's watchful eye, the two left in Xiao Hei.

"These two people have become more polite to me." Luo Yu smiled lightly.

Seeing that no one was bothering him, Luo Yu shook his hand and took away Yamato's inheritance.

"System, give me a fierce upgrade of the inter-column cells!"

System: "Understood!"

The voice fell, and Yamato's inheritance disappeared.

Luo Yu deeply felt the changes in the intercolumnar cells in the body.

The first is to be more active.

Under the harmony, his body is full of vigorous vitality, and his self-healing ability has been qualitatively improved.

Luo Yu estimated that if his body was injured, he would definitely heal the wound at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course, more serious fatal injuries will not work.

However, what Luo Yu cares most about is the reserve of chakra and the improvement of physical strength.

In order to see the specific improvement, Luo Yu clicked on the details panel.

Talent: Intercolumn cells lv.3;

Effects: Ninjutsu power increased by 200%, Chakra reserves by 200%, physical strength by 100%, Chakra recovery speed greatly increased, wood escape attribute obtained, amazing self-healing ability, and the negative effects of kaleidoscope suppressed.

Luo Yu was terrified when he saw it.

The increase in the power of this ninjutsu is simply against the sky. In the future, one fireball will beat others three times.

The amount of chakra has also doubled from 100%, and the increase in physical strength will make Luo Yu hit all crits in the future.

Counting the eight-door Dunjia, under the superposition of layers of buffs, leapfrog killing is like drinking soup, and it is no longer a dream for a shadow-level powerhouse to kick a six-path powerhouse.

So cool!

Seeing such a huge increase in the cells between the columns, Luo Yu looked at the materials needed for the next level like a dream.

[Pillar Cell Upgrade Requirements: Thousand Hands Pillar Inheritance Fragment 0/1]

Like pouring a basin of cold water from head to ankle, Luo Yu became sober in an instant.

The inheritance of Qianshou Zhujian is the top-level orange that is so reddish orange.

And although Luo Yu is calling the wind and rain in his own circle, the highest quality inheritance he has seen is only blue.

As for the ninja who accepted the purple inheritance, he didn't even see a shadow, let alone find the orange inheritance fragments.

Still waiting for the day when the fragments of the thousand-handed pillars smashed into the face.

Shaking his head helplessly, Luo Yu collected the low-level inheritance fragments scattered all over the place.

There are 51 inheritance fragments of Yamashiro Aoba and 8 inheritance fragments of Mitarai Red Bean.

Luo Yu didn't bother to count the remaining hundreds of unnamed fragments that were good at fire escape, and directly used them to upgrade the Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique.

Afterwards, only 17 pieces of Fire Escape Nameless Fragments remained.

"Fire Escape - Phoenix Immortal Fire Art Level +2!"

A lot of ninjutsu skills about Fengxianhuo poured into Luo Yu's memory.

The ninjutsu level of Feng Xian Hu Zhi Ju has reached level 4, which is a great practice level.

The low-level Phoenix Fire is just that the caster spits out a few fireballs as small as the seeds of the Phoenix Fire, harassing the enemy in all directions.

Because it is scattered into multiple fireballs, the power cannot be seen at all.

Now that Luo Yu has upgraded the Fengxian fire to the Dacheng level, not only can he control the flow of the fireball through chakra, but also form a tracking effect to increase the hit rate.

And you can use chakra to detonate these small fireballs, causing amazing explosion damage.

This is similar to the explosive seeds of the holy fire roots.

"These basic ninjutsu have been cultivated to the extreme, and the strategic value is not at the same level as when it was low-level."

Luo Yu was ecstatic when he learned of Fengxianhuo's sublimated ability.

Harassing the enemy with infinite explosions is simply too cool!

Suddenly remembered a sentence, there is no ninjutsu of chicken, only ninja of chicken.

Soon, Luo Yu turned his attention to the two-star fire escape and the extinguishment of the fire.

This ninjutsu was given by him when he ordered Manhao Fireball.

And it was directly sent to the third level.

Same as the two-star wood escape technique, it needs to be upgraded with white inheritance related to fire escape.

[Required for the upgrade of the great fire extinguishing: the inheritance of Yamashiro Aoba 0/5 or the scroll of ninja 0/5]

Chapter 85 The Mysterious Lord of the Rings Man

"By the way, why is it Yamashiro Aoba and Red Bean?"

Luo Yu was a little puzzled.

The inheritance of Yamato can also be explained as the roots of the holy fire are related to plants.

Is it just because these two inheritances are still related to Fire Escape in terms of white and green qualities?

Wouldn't it be necessary to upgrade Gao Xinghuodun in the future with Uchiha Itachi's inheritance fragments?

Oh, Huo Dun doesn't have high-star ninjutsu, so it's fine.

After thinking wildly, Luo Yu immediately escalated and extinguished the fire.

"Great fire extinguishing level +1!"

Of the 51 pieces of inheritance of the mountain city green leaves, only one piece remained in an instant.

Hao Huo Mie didn't say anything, and spit out a sea of ​​flames in a very wide range.

After increasing the training level, the range of the sea of ​​fire is doubled, and the consumption is reduced.

Even after upgrading to level 4, these abilities are still improved, which can be said to be simple and rude.

Then, Luo Yu checked the attribute points harvested just now.

Unassigned attribute points: 154;

There are so many sacred fire roots and several flame flowers.

After Xia Ji's eight random assignments.

Physical strength: 323 (+100%);

Chakra: 527 (+200%);

Counting the physical strength of the third-level intercolumn cells, it is just over 600 points, and the chakra is directly 1500 points.

As for the Chunin's value standard of 500/750/1000, Luo Yu's stamina is less than the second level of the Chunin, and his chakra is already approaching the 2500 points of the Ninja.

If Sister Qingqing knew that he was so partial to subjects, she would definitely say that he was not young enough.

Luo Yu smiled, not pure enough but almost.

After cleaning up the booty, he also got out of the pit and returned to the ruined camp.

In the camp, there were bandaged wounded everywhere, as well as reinforcements sent by the thunder formation.

There are some medical ninjas, as well as the senior leaders of the Jiangli Association headed by President Bai.

The Chunin of the major families also came to help.

After all, when Yinlin Peak fell, Jiang Li was the first to be invaded by alien beasts.

Fortunately, the reinforcements arrived in time to help resist the flames, so that the survivors did not experience more attrition.

However, about half of the survivors have already fallen into the sea of ​​fire and completely lost their lives.

War is so cruel.

Walking among the ruins, whether it was the wounded or the reinforcements, they all wanted to cast respectful gazes at Luo Yu.

"Look! He is Luo Yu who decisively beheaded the leader of the enemy when the battle situation was decadent!"

"I heard that he dared to face the roots of the sacred fire just by bringing two people to release the water."

"The most outrageous thing is that it really made him log successfully!"

"Looking at his young age, is it Jnin?"

"Impossible! I know this person. He just passed the Ninja certification a few days ago. How could his strength improve so quickly!"

"I'm super! Chunin killed Dashu alone? This is also outrageous!"

Hearing everyone's praise, Luo Yu pressed his temple helplessly.

Needless to say, it must have been passed on by Sun Hao and Captain Zhongnin.

Why don't you just take a sip of salt soda to cool down your fiery heart.

Is it necessary to mobilize so many teachers?

Walking along the way, Luo Yu saw Sun Hao proudly bragging to the reporter, "I put out water for Luo Yu to put out the fire!"

"A third of the credit goes to me for the military medal."

Slip away, if the reporter catches him, he will be on TV.

With his good looks, it's not like being blocked by girls all over the river every minute.

What would happen if my sister was stimulated by seeing her and turned into a furious sister.

Luo Yu didn't dare to think further.

At this time, Chairman Bai came towards him, and held Luo Yu's hand tightly, "Huh? Luo Yu!"

"I saw you right at the beginning, I didn't expect you to save Jiang Li so quickly!"

"The reporter is waiting to interview you!"

"Go, after today you will become the fantasy of all girls in Jiangli."

"Seize the opportunity and strive to get out of singleness."

Luo Yu quickly waved his hand, "Don't! I like to keep a low profile, and I'm used to being alone."

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