"Really." Li Shiqing hugged Yu Huanshui's arm and said, "That's great bro, why didn't you say it earlier, I thought I was going to do some business, and I didn't even bring a few clothes."

"It's okay, just buy it when the time comes. Your brother can still afford a few clothes."

"Long live my brother."

Just like that, talking and laughing, the two got on the bullet train to the capital.

"By the way, brother, do you think the new accountant of our company is a bit strange?" Li Shiqing asked suddenly.


"I can't tell, but every time, no matter where the account is reported, no matter where it is, she will find a way to look at it, as if she is the chief financial officer."

"What did you say, Sister Annie?" Yu Huanshui asked casually.

"Sister Annie just let her see it. Sometimes Sister Annie will find a chance to show her what she obviously has no chance to see. Do you think there will be any problems, bro." Li Shiqing asked with a confused expression.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." Yu Huanshui remained calm.

"Oh, well, maybe it's my illusion, after all, Sister Anne likes you so much." Li Shiqing shook her head and replied.

"By the way, what do you think of the current front desk?"

"The front desk?" Li Shiqing didn't quite understand what he meant: "It's pretty nice."

"I said her ability to handle affairs?" Yu Huanshui tapped her little head.

"Don't hit me, I was fooled by you." Li Shiqing quickly covered her head with her hands. "You're talking about the ability to do things, right? I think it's pretty good. Sister Anne teaches very well."

"Yeah." Yu Huanshui nodded, hoping he just thought too much.


At the same time, Jialin City, an underground bank.

"Brother Hu, give me another chance. Believe me, I will pay you back tomorrow." Wang Ze said with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, curled up on the floor, and said weakly.

"Repay, what do you have to pay back. Fuck" Brother Hu spat thick phlegm on his face: "It's really bad luck."

"Brother Hu, my father-in-law is the director of the housing management bureau, and he is rich." Wang Ze said quickly, he was afraid that if he continued like this, he would really be beaten to death.

"Hahahahaha." Hearing his words, a group of people around laughed, and Wang Ze didn't know why, so he laughed along with him.

"Are you playing with me on horseback? The house management chief who was arrested, let me go in and ask him for money?" Brother Hu stared wide-eyed.

"Don't dare." Wang Ze trembled in fright, and quickly explained: "I really don't know, Brother Hu."

"Come on, chop off his hand for me." Brother Hu ordered to his subordinates, and made a gesture with his fingers lightly behind him.

"Don't be Brother Hu, please spare me, Brother Hu, I will pay it back, Brother Hu." Wang Ze was dragged towards the basement, his voice getting softer and shriller. .

"By the way, I still have Brother Fang Hu, and I have a house."

"Hey, bring him here and listen to what he has to say." Brother Hu ordered.

Wang Ze, who was dragged over, left a water mark on the floor under his body.

"It's fucking unlucky." Brother Hu pinched his nose and fanned the air next to him and asked, "Where did you get the house?"

"My father-in-law is looking for a relationship, and he wants to get my wife's ex-husband's house. He can get it in a few days, and then he will have money." Wang Ze was already scared to death.

"Bah." Brother Hu sneered, "wasting my time, your father-in-law has already gone in, can he do things for you? Drag it down, chop it up."

"Don't, don't, Brother Hu, and more." Wang Ze shouted as he broke free.

"What else?" Brother Hu waved his hand.

"My father-in-law still has a house, a villa, which is definitely enough to pay back the money."

"What does your father-in-law's villa have to do with you?" Brother Hu didn't care.

"It has something to do with my wife. I'll go back and tell my wife that she's easy to cheat." Wang Ze stared at Brother Hu with tears in his eyes.

"Hmm..." Brother Hu rubbed his chin, looked at the younger brother next to him, "It seems that what he said really makes sense."

"Brother, this kid's wife has a younger brother, even if his father-in-law is arrested, it won't be his wife's turn." The younger brother said immediately.

At this time, a younger brother behind him walked up to Brother Hu and whispered something in Brother Hu's ear, Brother Hu nodded.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll give you another day. If you still pay back the money within one day, your offal is still worth a lot of money." Brother Hu said grimly.

"Don't worry, Brother Hu, absolutely not." Wang Ze swore hastily.

"That's good, get out." Brother Hu waved his hand, Wang Ze saved his dog's life, and naturally he ran out with a scramble.

"Brother Hu, just let him go like this?" The younger brother didn't quite understand: "It's impossible for him to get the house no matter how you look at it."

"What are you afraid of? It's the best if you can get it. If you can't get it, there will be someone who will tell us the truth. Besides, we are asking for money, so don't talk about killing and killing all day long." Brother Hu taught earnestly. .

"And you." Brother Hu looked around the younger brothers and said loudly: "How many times have I said that we are in the service industry, we must be polite to customers. Let's build a harmonious society together. Look at you, all day long! Dressed like a gangster."

Wang Ze dragged his wounded body, and he would feel extremely wronged if he heard Brother Hu's words. It is polite to co-author now.

But at this moment, he is naturally not in the mood to pay attention to these things. There is only one thing in his mind, how to trick Gan Hong into stealing the house book and selling the house.Although he said it lightly, he is still very clear about Gan Hong's personality.

There is only one word to describe Gan Hong, greedy for money.It might not be so easy to get a house from her.

After thinking about it, Wang Ze had already reached the door of the house. Hearing the sound of things crackling and falling in the room, Wang Ze gritted his teeth, pushed the door open and walked in.

Chapter 92 Regret

"Where did you go?" Gan Hong rushed forward when she saw Wang Ze enter the door, grabbed his collar and asked, "Do you know that they want to investigate my breach of contract. Do you know that I will lose money? "

Gan Hong was hysterical.

"What's the matter?" Wang Ze still doesn't quite understand what happened. For the past two days, Wang Ze has only been obsessed with researching skills in his own world.

"You also asked me what happened. How did you show me the contract? Do you know how much we have to pay? Two hundred million."

"How much?" Wang Ze grabbed Gan Hong's arm tightly with both hands, with an expression of disbelief.

"Two hundred million." Gan Hong's tears flowed down as if she didn't want money.

"How could it be so much?" Wang Ze was dumbfounded. In comparison, the millions he owed didn't seem like much.

"You still have the face to ask me?" Gan Hong wiped away tears, took out the contract and threw it on Wang Ze's face and asked, "Look for yourself, how did you choose the contract."

"Is there any problem with the contract?" Wang Ze asked with a guilty conscience.

"Is there any problem? Look at it yourself. There is only [-] living allowances per month, and nothing else. And you have to pay back the virtual resources, public opinion resources, etc. paid by the company. These are of no value at all. Isn't it what they said As much as you want."

"That's not all, there's more from above. All negative news that happened during the working period, and those that affect the company, will be double compensated. You can calculate how much you will pay for it."

"How is it possible?" Wang Ze held the contract in his hand, his hands trembling, and he couldn't open it for a long time.

"How can I afford to pay for this money?" Gan Hong burst into tears.

"Don't worry, there must be a way." Wang Ze could only offer a few comforting words, but he was thinking about how to get rid of his relationship, otherwise, he might really have to jump off the building.

"By the way, gold, and gold." Gan Hong suddenly raised her head, stared straight at Wang Ze and asked, "Where's my gold? Where's the gold my dad gave me?"

"Gold,,," Wang Ze hesitated and couldn't speak. He never thought that Gan Hong would suddenly think of gold.

"The gold is not found, otherwise let's call the police." But since Gan Hong's father has been arrested, Wang Ze naturally has nothing to fear. The gold must also be embezzled money, so she probably wouldn't dare to go to the police.

"I can't find it, why can't I find it." Gan Hong sat on the sofa blankly as if her energy had been taken away.

"Why don't we sell your parents' house, and I'll keep the money when the time comes. Anyway, you don't have any property, so they can't enforce it even if it is enforced." Seeing this, Wang Ze felt that the time had come, and said hastily.

"Sell the house? Impossible." Gan Hong stared at the man in front of him like a ghost, "It belongs to my siblings and my nephew. Don't think about the house anymore."

"Then what do you say?" Wang Ze suppressed the anger in his heart. After all, the house without her really has nothing to do with him. "Are you really going to wait to die?"

"What to do, what to do?" Gan Hong secretly regretted that she shouldn't have chosen to divorce Yu Huanshui in the first place. If she hadn't divorced, so many things wouldn't have happened, and she was still a good wife and mother in the eyes of others.

How is it like now, not only owed more than [-] million yuan, but now when people see me on the road, they will spit a few times, and almost everyone shouts and beats them.

"If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your children. Could it be that you let our son bear the name of the child of a dishonest person in the future, and then he can't even join the army? Wang Ze questioned his soul.

"So what, it's useless to say anything now, even if you sell the house, how much can you sell it for?" Gan Hong smiled coldly, her eyes were full of dead silence.

"How about we get a divorce." Wang Ze said cautiously.

"Divorce." Gan Hong didn't even turn her head, "It's up to you."

"I mean fake divorce." Wang Ze quickly explained. "I'm also doing it for our children."

"What do you mean?" Gan Hong's eyes lit up again when he heard the child.

"Think about it, now that you have carried so much money, we must not be able to pay it back, and you will definitely become a dishonest person."

"so what?"

"So, if we get divorced, the child will stay with me, and the money will be with me, at least our basic quality of life will not be affected." Wang Ze performed emotionally, "And it's not really a divorce, besides, Is there any marriage certificate between the two of us that is not the same?"

"Hehe." Gan Hong looked at him, and suddenly remembered what she said when she saw her mother for the last time, and murmured: "Dad, Mom, I really regret not listening to you."

"What?" Wang Ze pricked up his ears, but he still couldn't hear clearly. "Think about it, if you are really executed, our child may not even be able to drink a sip of milk in the future. It's okay for the two of us to be wronged by this, but do you have the heart to let Chenchen suffer with you?"


"What did you say?" Wang Ze was stunned for a moment.

"I told you to get lost." Gan Hong stared at him and said word by word.

"Okay, don't regret it." Wang Ze couldn't suppress the anger in his heart anymore, kicked the coffee table over, as if he was not relieved, he cursed at Gan Hong: "Stinky bitch, I tell you, gold is me Take it, what can you do, you will never get it back in this life."

"Also, I haven't actually read your contract, but it doesn't matter if I read it. Who will let people pay more money? I'm as chic as I am without you. As for you, just bring your children and wait for death together." .”

Gan Hong just felt cold for a while, the sincerity she had given for so many years, the affection she would never forget even after she got married, the sincerity of giving birth to a child for him regardless of her parents' objections, and regardless of the worldly perspective, all she got back was such a result.

"Get lost." Gan Hong was hysterical like a wounded tigress.

"Bang bang bang." There was a knock on the door.

"Who, what the hell are you looking for?" Wang Ze opened the door angrily, and suddenly became groveling: "Brother Hu, why are you here?"

"I'll come and see you." Brother Hu looked at him with a half-smile, and the younger brothers behind him rushed up and pushed him back into the room and pressed him to the ground.

"Who are you?" Gan Hong stood up and reprimanded loudly: "What are you trying to do, get out quickly, or I will call the police."

"Hey, Miss Gan, don't be so excited." Brother Hu said to Gan Hong with a smile, then turned sideways and motioned: "Miss Liang, please come in."

"It's you?" Looking at the woman who walked in from the door, Gan Hong was taken aback.

"Long time no see, Miss Gan." Liang Anni greeted Gan Hong with a smile, but her eyes were full of madness.

"What are you doing here?" Gan Hong asked warily.

Liang Anni found a clean chair on her own, wiped her hands and sat down. "Miss Gan is so forgetful. Have you forgotten what happened just now? You owe our company [-] million yuan."

"What? Your company?" Gan Hong looked incredulously at the woman in front of her who was very beautifully dressed, as if she was going to a banquet.

"Yes." Liang Anni nodded, admitting generously. "Now, do you understand what I'm here for?"

"I don't have any money." Gan Hong crossed her arms, as if she could do whatever you want.

"It's okay, I still have time anyway, I'll play with Miss Gan." A trace of madness flashed in Liang Anni's eyes, "Let's go, let's invite Miss Gan to my place for a chat."

(Some friends may feel that there are some problems with the length of the previous description. In this regard, I can only say that every person with a name has his own meaning of appearance. Remember, it is each.)

Chapter 93 Do You Regret?

"Old Zhao, I can't, I really can't run anymore." Wei Guangjun tightly held Zhao Juemin who was running ahead.

"Let's go now. The gangsters in this city are chasing us now. We don't even have an ID card. If someone finds out, just wait and feed the sharks." Zhao Juemin slapped Wei Guangjun away who was holding on to his clothes. hand.

If someone he knew was around, he wouldn't believe that these two men in ragged clothes were Zhao and Wei, who had a great reputation in Jialin.

"I can't do it, I really can't do it." Wei Guangjun grabbed Zhao Juemin's arm and sat down on the ground. "Yesterday I picked up the leftover two pieces of sweet potatoes, and today I didn't eat anything. Hard-boiled people can't stand it."

"My Boss Wei, what time is it?" Zhao Juemin turned around in a hurry, trying to tear Wei Guangjun's grip on his hand, but this guy didn't have the strength to run, but he was quite strong in grabbing his clothes.

"Take a break, take a break." Wei Guangjun panted and said, "Just 10 minutes."

"Okay." Zhao Juemin had no choice but to cut off his arm.

"Old Zhao, do you think we can still run out?" Wei Guangjun asked Zhao Juemin who was also sitting on the side.

"Yes, definitely." Zhao Juemin said firmly, with the flames of revenge burning in his eyes: "She Liang Anni wants to kill me, it's not that simple."

"Old Zhao, do you regret it?" Wei Guangjun asked the same question again.

"What are you regretting? You and I are different from you, Old Wei. For me, this is my only chance to stand up. This kind of opportunity may only come once in a lifetime." A hint of ambition flashed in Zhao Juemin's eyes.

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